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Urland - a (mostly) rural Coastline

Started by Nardo69, March 24, 2007, 12:01:44 PM

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I never tried those bridges, however,  after reading this tutorial I might just give them a try. Thanks for sharing!

Oh, and Frohe Weihnachten vom Schweden ( I hope that came out somewhat right :P )


Very cool creations and very interesting tutorial

Merry Christmas :)
ÊáëÜ ×ñéóôïýãåííá
"The wisest men follow their own direction" Euripides
The Choice is Ours
Simtropolis Moderator here. Can I help? Oh, and you can call me Elias (my real name) if you wish.


Great update with nice night shots and great rail and tram networks  &apls    26.8 is my favorite! I really enjoy the rail viaduct bridges as well and hope the concept gets extended to more networks at some point (unfortunately probably not by Choco  :'( )   Merry Christmas!


Nice tutorial and the update no. 26 is also great!
Your city looks really beautiful!

And Happy New Year! ;)


Thanks for the tutorial. I didn't even know those kind of bridges existed.  &ops
My name is Raphael.
Visit my MD: Empire Bay (My old MD: Santa Barbara County)


Bernhard, you now owe me for jaw repair surgery.  I think I broke it when it hit the floor on seeing your viaduct pics.

I don't know what you offered Ryan (choco) to persuade him to do the MODding, but I wish I had a whole bunch of it.  There's a couple of other bridges I'd like to see subjected to the same treatment.

Anyway, Happy New Year, my great friend.  Urland never ceases to amaze, and has developed a depth and scope over the years that makes it almost reference-like in quality.

Oh, and before I forget about the truly important stuff, congratulations to you, your wife and family on the birth of Sinan Josef.  Your boys have an awesome dad!


D. Edgren

Please call me David...

Three Rivers Region- A collaborative development of the SC4 community
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I aten't dead.  —  R.I.P. Granny Weatherwax

Skype: davidredgren


Very cool tutorial there!  Great to know the viaduct pieces can be used in that manner! 


Quote from: Nardo69 on December 15, 2010, 12:12:33 PM
This time I do have a good reason for not having prepared an update (as I already wrote in the New Baby Thread):

Yesterday my wife gave birth to my 2nd son Sinan Josef:

Mother and child are doing fine and my older son did appreciate his little brother, too!  :)
Congrats  :)


Awesome Bernhard! I never thought of using Buddybud's walls like that. Very useful tutorial, I'll make use of it ;D

               Your friend,
                              Jordan :thumbsup:
I'm the one who jumped across the Grand Canyon... and lived.


so thats what u wanted them for..... :thumbsup:

looks great my friend  :thumbsup:


As I am slowly catching up on things around here, of course I had to stop by Urland to see whats been going on the past year. I see beautiful , tranquil scenery and of course, plenty of rail done in a way that blends very nicely among that beautiful scenery! (...and the city pics aren't too shabby either! :) )And then, I see that you just had an addition to your family..congrats Bernhard! Hoping to keep R/L at bey for a while so I can continue seeing this area come to life!



Hello to All!

Again it took some for me to update and this time I do have some bad news. It seems I lost my joy playing the game but my RL is such a mess at the moment that even in these rare moments when I could fire up the game the inspiration, the joy was gone. I hope it comes back, it gave so much to me the last eight years. Anyway  I promised you a tutorial and after that I guess I'll find some stuff for a construction site report.

But before we start the same procedure as every time:

@Tomas Neto: Thank You Very Much my friend! :)

@ io_bg: Thank You Very Much my friend! :)

@metasmurf Thank You Very Much my friend! :)
That's why I made the turorial! ;)

@Terring7: T bat

@noahclem: Glad you liked it, :) According to Ryan (choco) the modding was not so difficult. With my very limited modding knowledge I'd say other elevated networks would be possible as soon as you can plop them on the standard Maxis networks. Railway is possible because ArckenbergJoe was changing something in the scripting for his railway viaducts.

@bat: Thank You Very Much my friend! :)

@RickD: Don't worry my friend, I'd say you weren't the only one who felt like this when seeing the tutorial. ;)

@dedgren: Oh boy  :shocked2: - do I need a lawyer now? That'll cost  :'(
Well, I just had the idea because there are so much bridges with viaducts over German rivers and because I laid out some GLR bridges at that time. Then I almost nuked ( ;D) choco's mail box with my PMs ...  ;) :D
Thanks for the wishes, I do hope RL will take me out of these stormy waters in order to be a great dad as well as getting the joy back ...

@Battlecat: Oh Nooooooooo!  :'( Another secret Nardo tricks went public!
Hehe, glad you find it useful! ;)

@scott1964: Thanks! After weeks of being in intensive care in the hopsital he finally came back home. :)

@canyonjumper: That's why I made it, my friend! :)

@choco: The initial reason - yes. :) Thank You Very Much again for modding them (and for being so patient when I almost nuked your PM box ;) )

@sithlrd98: Welcome back Jason! :)
Unfortunately RL is rather stormy at the moment, one reason my second who had been in the hopstial almost the whole january because of a bad flu and heart problems. Together with a lot of other bad things that happened (but don't belong here) I really feel a bit burn out concerning SC4 ...  /wrrd%&

Turorial: Going Down The Creek

Something that I never understood where all these hundreds and thousands of really huge waterfalls in SC4. Honestly, how many of them do you know IRL? Niagara falls of course, Victoria falls, Rhine falls at Schaffhausen ... and then I have to pass. And in SC4? Oh well ...

But how is a creek going down a valley? Well, mostly over small steps and rapids. Between them you can find larges sections with almost no slope at all. And how I set up a creek like this is the topic of today's tutorial!

The rough terraforming. For my taste the combination of ElRail and BRF TunnelAndSlope works fine here. The slope-free sections are laid out with patches of grey streets.

In this ...

... and this perspective you can clearly see the slope in the elRail sections.

Since all better alternatives are under construction at the moment I chose Edmonton rapids for the slope sections. I do not remove the patches ...

... before all rapids are on their place!

Now it's time for the PW. In this case I've chosen PEG's Tahoe PW.

Streets along such creeks have been secured by retaining walls against sliding and washing out rather early. The rather moist air along such walls next to creeks is an ideal place for fern, moss etc. ;)

To Rock Or Not To Rock,
This Is Now The Question ...

If you really want that much big rocks along your creeks you need the suitable topography with steep flanges in the middle of hills and montain. You will NOT see so much rocks somewhere in the Great Plains because there isn't enough energy to move them there!

Some weed between and next to the rocks ...

makes a nice transition to the adjacent forrest.

Here you can see a bigger step in a partially straightened creek (retaining wall!). Steps like this ar some times necessary to destroy the kinetic energy of the water!

Again PEG's tahoe PW, different perspective though.

After some detailing we get this.

That's it for today, some day you'll hopefully see more of this map.

Have fun!



Hey Bernhard

Still building on hilly terrain I see. I enjoyed reading about how you construct a creek.

Take care

- Jim

Jim Myers  (5th member of SC4 Devotion)


 I always admire your rural scenes and now I know how you do it.  Great work on the tutorial, I loved it.

Robin  &apls
Call me Robin, please.


Fantastic, I love how that river turned out.  Good points all around about how rivers are structured in hilly terrain.  You've really put those rapids pieces to good use. 


Very good region
Nice river detailing.
I like your tutorials; we can learn of that :)



Very nice way to know how your detailing works, thanks for showing that =)
The Dragon Island Cities journal at SC4Devotion

For a Dragon Islands video click here


Great tutorial there!
And the river looks really nice.
Looking forward to more...


Another fine Tutorial! Sorry to hear about the complications your little one is having :( Not the best feeling in the world because it makes you feel totally helpless to make things better! I feel that way when either of my kids get just a minor cold. I hope things in your R/L get better :) I'm not in your exact same situation here..but R/L can sometimes take all the fun out of everything!



Looks great!  &apls

I've wondered what all those waterfall pieces have been doing clogging up my parks menus for so long!! Actually there have been some pretty nice displays here though Robin's several months ago is the last one I remember coming across. I'm also quite fond of the el-rail/street tile plop for terraforming with BRF slope mod, though never for waterfalls (yet).

We'll see how the elevated network bridge stuff goes--I'm certainly not up to the task at this point though it seems some things are in the works.

I wish you and your family the best of health  :)