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Brown Box problem with CSXServices-Davids Serv0

Started by High5Tower, March 24, 2007, 11:28:55 PM

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I need help finding the missing link to make Davids Servo not have a brn bx. I have a full prop pack file system and just about every prop and essential that is available so it most be a building that is missing. Recently I had this problem with Sweet Lalanie and I just happen to be cruising the Lex and spotted the missing residence in  the Rosenbarb farm. I downloaded CSX Farm-Rosenbarb and it had listed under the needed dependents RLS Homes-The highgrave. After I downloaded it then Sweet Lelanie became a complete product. Now under Sweet Lalanie dependency list this house set was not listed. So I am wondering if maybe the same thing is possible with Davids Servo. Any clues would be appreciated. thank youl


As far as I can remember the props on that lot are mostly Deadwoods stuff. So if you have all his Props then the lot should work ... post a picture so we can see what is missing.
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At a rough guess I would imagine the model you are missing is from the BSC Pansarkatt Retail Shops here: http://www.simtropolis.com/stex/index.cfm?id=4199
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that was it barbyw, now its complete.  Now about the missing listing to this building in the CSX Serive-Davids Servo, does everybody who downloads this a item incounter this problem and if so can this be entered into the  product so all future people will not have this problem. By the way I love your creations. I need to get busy and enter some of my cities so you can see how I have made use of all these fine creations. Thank You for your help