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Vale Paulista - Coroados

Started by Tomas Neto, June 04, 2009, 12:34:48 PM

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Welcome to page 86!
Also congrats on 1700 replies!!! &apls &apls

Nice work on this second update of that district!
Great new pictures. :thumbsup:


Amazing teaser! Congratulations on 1700 replies!  :thumbsup:



Very nice work again, the two towers have got a very prominent spot in that area.


Tomas Neto

The overview of this district is really beautiful!
Another wonderful set of pictures of this part of your region.
Looking forward to more...
Hi bat, many many thanks my friend!!!

Awesome update.
Just wonderful how you made those pics.
Ernst, thank you very much my friend!!!

Beautiful! Great mosaics Tomas!
Thanks a lot Sam, thank you my friend!!!

Tomas fantastic upgrade, really nice city of Guaruja. I liked the high fence of the first tile, remember where you found it?
Thank you Ricardo!!! My friend, I keep searching the links!!! If I find it, I'll put here for you!!!

OMG Tomas. I don't have words to comment this update. I'm impressed.
My friend, thanks a lot!!! Obrigadão de verdade!!!

It has been quite some time since my last post... (Hi, My name is Tamara, I am a chronic lurker...)
I am really enjoying the new street mod! I love the added detail....the white fences and hedges are such a perfect feature in your showcase!
Always looking forward to more...
Tamara, is always great see you in my MD!!! I love your comments!!! Yeah..., this street mod is fantastic!!! Thank you my friend!!!

I missed many updates. It is great you are doing those small overview pictures now.
Oh yeah..., those small overview pictures help me a lot to show as is the city!!! Thanks a lot my friend!!!

Welcome to page 86!
Also congrats on 1700 replies!!! 
Nice work on this second update of that district!
Great new pictures.
Wow bat, thanks a lot my friend!!! And many thanks to all friends that help me to do this MD!!!

Amazing teaser! Congratulations on 1700 replies!
Yeah Sam..., thank you very much, thank you my friend!!!

Fantastic updates and teasers!
Many thanks my friend!!!

Very nice work again, the two towers have got a very prominent spot in that area.
My friend, thanks a lot!!!

Cool teaser. Congrats on 1700 replies.
Hi Calisto, thank you again my friend!!!

Two towers, for being a recent neighborhood, only possesses residences and widespread trade in the proximities of the marinas. The main part of the neighborhood is occupied by the resort and the local club, that are one of the most famous seaside resort of the Vale Paulista.



First of all congratulations on your excellent work in the construction of images. Your search for the lots included some long ago forgotten to take invaluable part of your time!

I live in Guaruja and would very much appreciate our pearl of the Atlantic was so well cared for as your MD which unfortunately does not happen. Again congratulations is an amazing work!

Tomas has asked me to get rid of the large red letters, and I agree that it was a little excessive.  ;) -Robin - Global Moderator.



Brilliant! This is so good..! I'm now inspired to make a golf course of my own...


 It's no surprise why this MD has over 1700 replies and 81250 views.....with fantastic pics and all the great mosaics, it's a great pass time to stop by here.  I haven't stopped by here and dropped a line as often as I should, so I'll try to make up for that today.  :P
Hmmmm......I went back a few pages to just remind myself.  I really like what I see and I can tell that you have taken a lot of time to get everything just right, fill every tile with some kind of detail and went for a sense of realism.  That golf course look perfectly done and I think I would love to spend the day there.  The marina looks great as well, PEG did do a very good job on that one.
Now here is my only beef with the whole thing......it's so damn pretty looking.  Now this is no fault to your MD or yourself, it's just my opinion and my style.  I add garbage here and there in my city, you and many others add more parks.  I add dirty industrial, you and many others add my commercial buildings.  In the end, to each their own. ;)  Do I like it?  Of course I do, but it seems to be more of a uptopia rather than a realistic looking city.  Can someone find some pics of places like this in the real world?  Most likely. ;)
The only other thing that I would like to add....try to add some irregularities to your shore line.  Right now it looks too uniform.  The shoreline is almost the same width around the entire island.  Add more widths to what's above shore but also what's below the water line.  Maybe even mix up the tress a little more as well.
I hope that I have given a few good pointers and one day I would love to see your ingame perspective on a dirty over crowded city. ;)
Here's to another 1700 replies in this fabulous MD!!

Robin  :thumbsup:
Call me Robin, please.


That's a fantastic mega update there.
Great work on this district and on the pictures!
All is looking beautiful.
Looking forward to more... ;)
btw, my 8100th post


Wow, nice update. What is the big building with the red sandstone drive way?  $%Grinno$% :P


Another update Tomas marvelous, every detail is well worked, it seems you're so fond of SC4 as I do!


It's my impression or the number of brazilians here is increasing?
I don't have much to say unless wonderful work again.


Fantastic mosaics! I particularly like the overview pic :thumbsup:
Visit my MD, The region of Pirgos!
Last updated: 28 November


-klick-1st Anniversary Video-klick-
Part of SFBT and RFR Team

Tomas Neto


Thank you for the comments!!!
I'll put here the replies in the next update!!!  :thumbsup: 



Looks good Tomas! I like the streets and gardens  :thumbsup:


Nice two new shots there.
Looking forward to more... ;)