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SC4 Picture Competition

Started by Masochist, March 26, 2007, 01:44:04 PM

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Patricius Maximus

Hey, if you looked a little closer you'll see it is variegated. I appreciate your votes for me, but I also understand your preferences (it got good reviews in the interchanges thread  ;))

I cast my vote for Q-Tips.



My vote is for Q-Tips

Penguin: 1
Q-Tips: 2
First things first, but not necessarily in that order.


3-1 q tips, ghast he beat me to the post by 15 seconds. didnt realise till i got back here.... my bad...
NAM + CAM + RAM + SAM, that's how I roll....


Q-Tips picture is very original, love the real life scene effect, now,if only you could have BATted some smashed coke bottles all over the road  ;)

Penguin's rural scene is really good, but for me too much on the photo effects.

So my vote to Q-Tips

Q-Tips  4-1  Penguin007


My vote goes to Q-Tips

5-1 in Q-Tips' favour

Bringing over the pictures:



Q-Tips pic is great! So he gets my vote.

6-1 Q-Tip
~ NAM Team Member


Somebody Challenge This, If they want  :)

Come visit My (SLR) Project Thread. Located in the Nam Creations Forum.


-Simsreporter: Unfortunately you can only enter a picture at the end of the round (when someone has received 10 votes or 24 hours have passed). You're welcome to try it again then however.

Penguin's pic is nice. I like the 'land bridges' over the plop water, and the flora shows a nice variety. However, it feels like something is missing, though I'm not sure what, Q-Tips' coke truck accident is a clean pic, with a specific focus to it. My vote this round goes to Q-Tips.

Q-Tips: 7
Penguin007: 1


I vote for Q-Tips picture, too:

8 - Q-Tips
1 - penguin007


Q tips for me as his pic has more life

9/1 Q-tips leading

Kettle's on. Milk? Sugars?    ps I don't like Earl Grey  $%Grinno$%
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"Never knock on Death's door: Ring the bell and run away! Death really hates that!"
Tales at TeaTime      Now A proper NUT      TTC plays GRV II


Now, we almost never have a pic like Q-Tips'!  That definitely gets my vote, which ENDS this round, and we need a challenger!

Q-Tips - 10
Penguin007 - 1
My days here are numbered. It's been great and I've had a lot of fun, but I've moved on to bigger and better things.
Glory be unto the modder and unto the fun and unto the city game!


Ok, I'll challenge:

From: Nieuwlanderveen, Imaginia
Lurk mode: ACTIVE


...versus Q-Tips:

I vote for Q-Tips again.  Mrtnrln's interchange is just one of many highway images in this thread, and I see very few car accident images.

Q-Tips - 1
Mrtnrln - 0
My days here are numbered. It's been great and I've had a lot of fun, but I've moved on to bigger and better things.
Glory be unto the modder and unto the fun and unto the city game!


Somebody Challenge This, If they want   :P :thumbsup:

[Votkinsk] --- Magadan --- Woodcutter's Camp

Find Votkinsk in SC4 Devotion , Simland andTSC.


Thanks for the votes everyone!  Now for this round:

Nikolai:  Sorry, but there are only two challengers at a time.  But as threestooges told Simsreporter, you're welcome to try again at the end of a round when there is a spot open.  If you haven't looked at them, I'd suggest taking a quick peek at the rules for the competition to make sure you know how that all works.

Mrtnrin:  It's a nice enough diagonal overpass, but there is little besides that really catches the attention.

Q-tips:  A clean pic as stated before, with some action going on.  I feel like something more could have been done with it to make it more unique however, whether in game or out of it.  In particular I think it would have benefited from bringing out the shadows more.  In this case however it does get my vote.

Q-tips - 1
Mrtnrin - 0

edit:  Thanks Adam, missed that.

Sam Johnson

Q-tips -2

On Mrtnriin I miss anything special so  Nerdly_dood-2 get my vote.

(sorry my english is very bad, I hope you understand me  &mmm)


Chris, you explained Nikolai competition rules, but you didn't noticed that nerdly_dood only quoted Q-Tips picture. I understand you voted for Q-Tips (the picture with the traffic accident) and you was thinking it was Nerdly_dood's pic. But at that moment the score was 1-0 for Q-Tips, and after adding your vote we have

Q-Tips 2
Mrtnrln - 0

Am I right?


Edit: Sam Johnson sent his vote a second before I sent mine. So the score is now:
Q-Tips 3
Mrtnrln 0
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Sorry for my bad english....


Q-Tips gets my vote

5-0 in Q-Tips' favour

gobo77 you did vote for Q-Tips picture right, the picture in Nerdly_dood's post ?

Bringing down the pictures:


the Challenger, mrtnrln:


mrtnrln: That's one nice interchange!  However, a closer picture and some traffic would've made it look much nicer.  Having no traffic traveling on a pretty complex intersection really spoils the whole thing.

Q-Tips: A very cool accident scene!  I really like how you even made custom lots for it.  The industrial areas around are also very nicely done, with fences and grass lots to add to the realism.

Q-Tips - 6

Mrtnrln - 0