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Atrubia - Update 71: A Few Progress Pics

Started by KoV Liberty, June 14, 2009, 08:10:42 PM

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KoV Liberty

Update 64 - Humble Beginnings

Cyclone1001: Thanks!

RickD: Thankyou!

Canyonjumper: Why thankyou!

Scott: Thanks! Search "construction site set" on the STEX or something similar and it should come up. ;)

Marsh: Thanks! The rocks are by Jeronij on the LEX. ;)

Zack: Thanks! Yes, it is similar, but I sould only follow in yours and Fred's awesome footsteps!

Nedalezz: Thanks! And yes, it is massive. :P


I got up very early in the morning to get Argo to go to work.

"Your not much of a morning person eh? ... Me neither. But we need to get to work. ... Okay, I'll pick you up in 20 minutes. ... Okay, Bye." - I said to Argo.

"C'mon! We need to go!" - I said when I got to Argo's place.

"Why at 6:30?"

"Because it takes a half hour to get there and we need gas."

"Well then we better get going." - Argo said.

"Okay." - I said."

We stopped for gas at the nearest station. My '69 Charger doesn't have the greatest mpg.

"What song is this?" - Argo said.

"It's Na De Na. You don't like latin music?" - I said.

"Well, aren't we American?"


"Good point. Where did you say you were from in the US I mean?" - He said.

"I'm from the Florida Keys. You?"

"Chicago, man. Moved there when I was, I think, sixteen."

"Cool. Oh, were here." - I said.

During the week the runway was started and our trucks moved in for excavation. Etc.

Rocks had been moved in. River boats were used due to shallow-water areas.

More construction was moved in as the runway got longer. A blast pad was formed at the end of the water-landing area.

"You sure the runway is large enough? Seems a bit small for the landing area down by the water." -  I said to Argo.

"Its that large because aircraft can land safely and have room for error. Plus, we gotta wait for s'more concrete for a larger runway, so, we use asphalt for now."

"Okay." - I said.

The runway is temporarily ended here until more land-clearing trucks move in.

"Hey, I'm gonna take a ride up the road to the base's new entrance." - I said.

"Alright. I'll man down the fort here." - Argo responded.

I took a ride up the road so new construction could begin.

A four-lane highway was built because of open area. And an pverpass for a road was built as well. Presntly, it leads nowhere. But the base's entrance will be located here.

This is where some of those river boats were going.

I got back late and Argo was a little upset. So, we decided to stay there for the night. They weren't perfect accomodations, but decent enough. A TV, two beds and a bathroom.


My new MD. Check it out if you wish.

Adrian, I miss you man.



Great Update. Love the diolog and how you making the airport  :thumbsup: Its realy looking great and I cant wait to see more

,marsh :thumbsup:


Great update Alex! I like that tenth pic with the bridge! Very nice!

                     -Jordan :thumbsup:
I'm the one who jumped across the Grand Canyon... and lived.


Heey , I'm back , going back to school tomorrow. . .
Anyways I thought I should drop to see how everything going.....
I LOVE the storyline , and the characters  &apls
Good Job &apls ;D
Plus ; Loved Santorini , very BEAUTIFULL and very nice people

Yes, I love aviation
Yes, I'm interested in the former CIS
Yes, I'm half Dutch-half American
Yes, I'm learning Russian


That region view of the islands a couple of updates back looked great!   :thumbsup:  The area in the current update is more forested than I was expecting, and the mix of trees is an interesting pick (jeronij + coconut).

The City & County of Honolulu, a Mayor Diary based on Honolulu, Hawai'i.

mark's memory address - I've created a blog!

[Delta ²k5]

Really nice region, Alex! I hope to see the small Bells.... erm Bees I gave you on the heliport :thumbsup: maybe I've some more for you, if you are making a good pack with them sometimes $%Grinno$% cheers.

KoV Liberty

My new MD. Check it out if you wish.

Adrian, I miss you man.


You must really like airports, since your past posts include alot of airports, plus your story has an airport too. I like that  :thumbsup:
I love airplanes.

KoV Liberty

So sorry for the lack of updates here guys. I have been swamped with work. Trying to get a job, working with my Dad on yardwork, etc. Been hard so far this summer. I'm gonna try to get an update on the 14th. But no promises. I would really like to get an update in the Anniversiary of Atrubia's making but stuff needs to be done here. Anyways. Here is an update of something to swamp the Alunad region...

(copyrighted design)

Development on this soon.....


My new MD. Check it out if you wish.

Adrian, I miss you man.

KoV Liberty

Hey guys, Atrubia will be coming back very shortly. the storyline will continue as I have newfound confidence and the drive to update in the new union I am joining. Anyways, here is a little preview of Atrubia. We are going green! (literally) The second pic was taken before the terrain mod was installed. Anyways, Atrubia is moving to a more tropical, fun location that fits better with the scenery. Land deletion and adding has already begun. The area you see to the left of the first pic will be revamped once the general outline is finished.

This pic was taken after I fixed my plugin problem as well. As you may guess, I had to redo the island. To my delight. :D This is more of a rural setting. Much much better than the tiny city that was previously here. Really bad. This is much more to true life.

~ Alex

My new MD. Check it out if you wish.

Adrian, I miss you man.


Nice to see that you're back on KoV Liberty  ;)


Yes, I love aviation
Yes, I'm interested in the former CIS
Yes, I'm half Dutch-half American
Yes, I'm learning Russian


Very cool!  &apls But, on the little islands the desert texture seems to fit in. :P

,marsh  :thumbsup:


I am glad you are continuing your MD. Looking forward for more from the new Atrubia.
My name is Raphael.
Visit my MD: Empire Bay (My old MD: Santa Barbara County)

KoV Liberty


Update 65 - Key West NAS (Naval Air Station)

Peter007: Thanks. :)

Ricky: Yep! I'm back!

Marsh: Hehe, thanks. The islands in RL are very lush though. ;)

RickD: Here is more!


We woke up the next morning.

The base was cleared more and more each day.

The entrance, flanked by decommissioned military aircraft, was completed early on.

Over the next year, Argo and I worked day and night at the AFB. In October, it was finally finished.

Our project leader, Adrian, told us it would need expansion in the future. Including barracks, and a small harbor. We told him we would be able to get it done soon after our next project.

So far, this is the entrance.

The two runways looked awesome from a helicopter.

One of the runways, 09 R runs very close to the ocean.

C17 Globemasters transport Atrubian Troops all around the world.

The base has several types of aircraft.

A10 Thunderbolts, MiGs, and (what I believe) is an F/A 18.

The base also has an AN-124 Myra (Dream) for transporting military products aound the world.

Key West (formerly Hukmann Alunad) was hit by a severe hurricane (A.K.A. a plugin problem ;)) and had to be rebuilt from the ground up.

Argo's place withstood the damage, but mine and many other tall buildings did not. Frankly, it looks much like the real Key West in RL because there is a height limit in the Florida Keys. Atrubia will have a height limit here too, except in Key West, where it is omitted in some cases.

My new home. Its the one with the red roof and blue Jeep.

The airport had to be rebuilt as well. Here are the pics.

And the final revision of Atrubia's Airline has been finalized.

Please comment, ask questions, etc. And please pray for my grandfather. He isn't doing so good. He has several broken bones, and he is 80 years old. It is not looking good.


My new MD. Check it out if you wish.

Adrian, I miss you man.


Quote from: KoV Liberty on October 13, 2010, 07:26:39 PM
The base also has an AN-225 Myra (Dream) for transporting military products aound the world.

Sorry, but no, this is not a AN-225, its a AN-124-100. The difference is pretty obvious and any aviation enthusiast would be able to tell the difference.



Keep up the work on the CJ.
______ F L Y  S C A G J E T S ______
The Most Reliable, Helpful, Diverse SimCity Aerospace Group LOTs BATs and MODs


Kumba: maybe he got mixed up because they both look like giant bloated flying whales!  %wrd

KoV_Liberty: Looks awesome! Florida is a good place for your MD. The buildings and architechture you chose looks great in the setting! Also it will be interesting, because I don't think anyone has ever made an MD there before. ;D
Can't wait for moar!  ;)

,marsh :thumbsup:


good job done KoV

It's looking really nice as always  :P


Great airport. Love the idea with the decomissioned planes.
How did you get the planes on the taxiway in the third last pic? Mine are empty.  :(
My name is Raphael.
Visit my MD: Empire Bay (My old MD: Santa Barbara County)