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Whitefall, Iridar - update 3 is now up. 16-12-09; p20.

Started by Shadow Assassin, March 30, 2007, 11:38:20 PM

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Shadow, you achieved to get my full attention *again*  The rain and the fog, that I normally do not appreciate, give the island it a charm that is very appealing and attractive!  :satisfied:   I would even book a ticket to Dom Perivor immediately, and book a room in that B&B, if the story would not be so awfull scary.... I am anxiously awaiting what comes out of your pen next time...  &hlp
Check my MD:               


Fantastic as always. Love the fog surrounding the perfectly planned islands and landscapes.
I want more! :)


As usual Daniel you're a master for "Hitchcockian" ambiances!....
The foggy pictures are superbly done!
Loving it!

If you have a closed mind, do the same with your mouth

Shadow Assassin

Hello, all. :P

Won't do replies in this post, but I've got something. A map of the Hazaria Archipelago. ;D

It is really, really, really big (but it'll load quickly, only 260kb!). Click on the thumbnail to enlarge it.

Or click here if you can't see the thumbnail.

Have fun, all.

New Horizons Productions
Berethor ♦ beskhu3epnm ♦ blade2k5 ♦ dedgren ♦ dmscopio ♦ Ennedi
emilin ♦ Heblem ♦ jplumbley ♦ moganite ♦ M4346 ♦ papab2000
Shadow Assassin ♦ Tarkus ♦ wouanagaine
See my uploads on the LEX!


That's a very big map, SA! But it looks wonderful! :thumbsup:

Shadow Assassin

First, some replies:
Owen: Why, thank you. :P The T-Way system in Sydney is quite good, well, it's a case of forward planning. But in the case of the north-west, it's not looking too good, because who in their right minds would go to Parramatta when there's a direct service to the city from there? :P
bat (x2): Thanks! :P
Yoder: Indeed, using Photoshop CS2 (well, I have CS3 now :P), but of course, I use SC4 :P
Badsim: Thanks! Well, this might be the last "picture" thing for the next few weeks, then a few more weeks after my holidays, because of exams...
Thundercrack: Thanks! :P I like maps, too. :P
sebes: Thanks! :P As for rooms in Dom Perivor, visit the island at a less-scary time. :P
bigberta: Thanks! You'll get more. :P
Darmok: Thanks! Considering I've never read Hitchcock... :P

Anyways, a day of boredom and wet weather led to this:

The pictures below are part of the biggest port in Ensenada, Port Mordicar. Located just down the road *cough* from Ensenada and Mordicar, it is located approximately halfway between the two cities. Like the port in Hazaria, Mordicar deals with a variety of industrial things. Unlike Hazaria, though, the Port is the main er, port of entry for items and possibly furniture. Also unlike Hazaria, Port Mordicar is purely commercial. The Naval Base for Ensenada is located down at Hazaria. (will go into more detail when I finish Port Hazaria)

Unfortunately for Port Mordicar, it is not located close to Ensenada International Airport, so trucks and heavy vehicles (being prohibited from heading through the CBD - they must go around or take the freeway through to the airport) either must head north past North Bay, or south to Ensenada. Alternatively, they use the train to transport goods directly to either airport (Ensenada [ENS] or Greater Midlands [GMI]).

A lot of lots were made just for this update.

An overview of part of the seaport.

The infamous Olympia Bridge. Built in 3019, the bridge is already suffering from congestion heading into Ensenada, and is expected to worsen as development opens up in North Bay, north of Mordicar. The Mordicar Bypass is a limited-access dual carriageway, providing a link with the M5 to the north. Discussions are underway about whether to build the M40-M5 link. It would most likely be built in two stages: stage one bypassing the bypass of Mordicar, heading out towards the Lakes and joining with the M40. Stage two: It would link the M40 and M1, joining up with the existing M3. Land is already reserved for the freeway, it is yet to be seen if residents would be willing to put up with the freeway going through. Maybe I'll put a map up of the freeway plan. The SS Behemoth is currently going under the Olympia Bridge.

One of the major products that enter (and also exit) Mordicar are cars and other vehicles. SMW (Savannah Motor Works) and Zaibatsu Motors are two major manufacturers in Savannah. SPAM (Savannah Ports Authority, Mordicar) oversees the Port from the control tower in the left of the shot. Right now the Freight Yard is empty, but will hopefully be sorted before long...

Savannah Ports Authority is an organisation run by the Savannah Government that oversees all major ports in Savannah. It is divided into different branches, depending on where it is located.

Using Imageshack is a lot like playing Russian Roulette. You never know if the server selected's gonna be down, up or just slow.
New Horizons Productions
Berethor ♦ beskhu3epnm ♦ blade2k5 ♦ dedgren ♦ dmscopio ♦ Ennedi
emilin ♦ Heblem ♦ jplumbley ♦ moganite ♦ M4346 ♦ papab2000
Shadow Assassin ♦ Tarkus ♦ wouanagaine
See my uploads on the LEX!


Awesome seaport. I love the bridge  &apls


Yes, a really wonderful seaport, SA! :thumbsup:

Owen Luby

Nice work! Love the vastness of it all. I kind of lost you with all the freeways and bypasses but I'd love to see a map... Knowing you, it'll be awesome ;D

Also, you're lucky you live in a city where Public Transport projects actually go ahead... down here, there's no T-ways or underground trains tunnels... it's all about the CAR!

Yeah have a good remainder-of-weekend.
I want SC4 back!!


AMAZING  :o !!!!!

Lol ensenada is likw Ensalada  in spanish  :D .


That is really nice stuff.  I really wish I could afford photoshop.  What does CS3 stand for?
If girls quoted Winston Churchill and Aristotle in their AIM profiles instead of "Rent," we'd all be so much more erudite. That means "knowledgeable," but you didn't know that because girls quote "Rent" in their AIM profiles.
- Dan Gurewitch


This harbour is splendid  :thumbsup:

I find it very roomy, very realistic, with a network excellent ferrovier and the overview is wonderful  &apls, it's my favourite  :P

It's absolutety super !  &apls


That seaport is simply stunning, SA. I'd love to see a zoomed-out view to get an idea of the size of it! Also, I have a question for you, though: Which seawalls are you using there? I don't think I've ever seen them before.


Quote from: thundercrack83 on June 17, 2007, 10:02:16 AM
That seaport is simply stunning, SA. I'd love to see a zoomed-out view to get an idea of the size of it! Also, I have a question for you, though: Which seawalls are you using there? I don't think I've ever seen them before.

I'm wondering the same thing...


Holy crap SA, that is quite possibly the best seaport i've ever seen. I think i hate you. but, ya know, in a good way.

and BB and TC83, those seawalls are from a japanese site, but unfortunately when you download it the file doesn't unzip, as it's either corrupted or empty.
Yarbles! Great bolshy yarblockos to you sir!


Amazing Seaport.  Very nicely laidout.  I really like the Olympia Bridge.  The gradual slope to get it at the right hieght for ships to pass looks very realistic.  And your lots look amazing as well.  It must have taken you a while to develope this area.

Great work!! &apls

Robin   :thumbsup:
Call me Robin, please.


Quote from: spartanB292 on June 17, 2007, 04:17:48 PM
Holy crap SA, that is quite possibly the best seaport i've ever seen. I think i hate you. but, ya know, in a good way.

and BB and TC83, those seawalls are from a japanese site, but unfortunately when you download it the file doesn't unzip, as it's either corrupted or empty.

That's a shame, they look really good. Thanks for the heads-up, though, spartanB292! I appreciate it!


Some amazing updates, the map is again ...big, yeah I know by now, big is better. :D

The port, also big, and very well made, the bridge fits well there and these big spaces reserved for different goods makes this look like a real port.


that's 1 of the nicest updates I've ever seen some-one posting on SC4

it's just stunning!! the seawalls with cranes, car on concrete, warehouses.. all custom & so perfect (home-made by yourself??)

and the bridge with warehouses underneath it.. just unbelievable detail!

you should get a "trixie" for best update &apls


SA, that is one awesome setup you have there.  Looks like a thriving seaport, and that bridge seems to be getting a lot of traffic.  Just fantastic, as always. ;)

The map of the archipelago is very nice as well--I'm a total map geek, so it's fun stuff.

-Alex (Tarkus)