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Started by Yoder7652, March 31, 2007, 12:01:33 PM

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I'm so impressed that all I can say is bravo!  &apls


Well everyone...at last I've come been able to get online long enough to bring you an update! It isn't very special, just a selection of some pictures of some of the residential areas around the Government District in Payens. I have been doing some batting lately and haven't played too much with Osturland. I'm finishing up some bats that I've had on my plate for awhile and I'm working on an upcoming Simlympics Bid for Payens. Anyways, I'll reply to your comments and show some residential shots around Payens GD.

Responding to your replies....

@Bengt - Well I'm glad you liked the second installment of the festivities! I hope by being called a beast, you mean something good  :D ;D Thanks!

@Snorrelli - I'm glad you like the plaza...(Thanks Badsim!)...I think it fits perfectly with this important location in Osturland...it really captures the essence of the city. I appreciate the reference to Chaumont...that is a CJ that I hold in very high esteem (I'm sad to see it now officially finished). I'm honored that you find my attempts worthy of the comparison!

@Strechnitz - I'm glad you liked the plane. When I get home from my travels I will prepare a little prop pack for you so you can use the plane if you want (I left the model at home on my computer). I'm glad to hear you like the update, I had so much fun working on both the first and second updates and the collaboration with yourself and Badsim was priceless. I love your embassy and I must say that initial reports coming from the after-party is that the Stropon party was quite wild...many public officials have found their place in the society pages for their outrageous actions in the streets following the party  :D. OBN has an official response to the broadcasting debacle below  ;D :D :D :D As always...thanks for you comments!

@Kimcar - Thanks for stopping by and leaving a comment! I'm glad that you liked the little army demonstration for the arrival of the delegation, we in Osturland try to muster as much pomp as possible for such events! Again, thanks for your comment.

@Sebes - Thanks! Well you know we don't have such national secrets in Osturland...everyone in our political sphere is above board and proper at all times  $%Grinno$% :D Well, OBN will do there best to remedy the situaiton  ;D

@Bat - Thanks...I'm glad you liked the update! I aim to please  ;D

@Snaper -  :DI'm glad that you like the pictures! Thanks for stopping by and leaving some encouragement...it is always appreciated as are your comments!

@Pipishere - Thanks Pip, I'm glad that you liked the second installment of the festivities and the coverage by our crackerjack squad of television personel  :D Thanks for your comment!

@Thundercrack83 - Well I'm glad that I'm leaving such an impression!  :D Thanks for stopping by and leaving a comment...and for all your work on the MD statistics. I was pleased to see the response that the two Jubilee updates had.

@Yoman - Yes, I believe that was what eventually happend...oh well, Jubilee was meant to be a good time for everyone  ;D :satisfied: Thanks for stopping by!

@JanYpe - You can thank Badsim for that! I think it looks great, especially from the air! Thanks for stopping by and leaving a comment!

@Belfastuniguy - Well I'm glad that you enjoyed the update and the party! The festivities brought good food, music, and the enjoyment of the company of friends (both old and new)! As always, thanks for commenting!

@Badsim - Well...I'm back too!  :D Although, I'll be gone again shortly...but only a couple weeks left before I'm home again. Sorry to hear about troubles with your computer, hopefully all is sorted out now! Thanks again for the Templar Plaza, it looks wonderful in front of the Osturland Parliament...a very good addition to the Government District in Payens. I forsee many officials enjoying lunch outdoors on the plaza. Yes, it did take alot of lots to get the updates ready...I've since removed them from my plugins folder and can't believe how many I actually made, luckily they were all small and didn't take very long to render. I've finally been successful with rendering the parade grounds, but I'm saving it for the King's upcoming birthday. Thanks for commenting on Snorelli's reference to Chaumont...as I said above, that has always been a favorite of mine and a source of inspiration for Osturland. To me, the reference is an honor. Thanks! Travel has been good so far, but I am already ready to return home...two more weeks left....Thanks for everything!

@Patfirefghtr - Thanks for stopping by Pat! I'm glad you liked the updates, no need to wait any further...I've got a short update!

@Kwakelaar - I'm glad you enjoyed reading the script, I had a fun time writing it...Strech wrote the interview and I think his character for the ambasador was perfect (he has a talent for writing characters). Yes, both delegations brought out the best they had to offer to pay tribute to King Gardannes...His Highness was most pleased with the turnout and program for his Jubilee Celebration. As always, thanks for your thoughtful comments...they are always a pleasure to read!

@Russell - Thanks, I'm glad you liked the update! I had a lot of fun with both.

@Emilin - I'm glad you liked the update...I was hoping that the planes would be a good touch and they seemed to have been well received...Thanks for stopping by and commenting!

Ok...now on to the update...

Please stand by for an important message from the managing editor of the Osturland Broadcasting Network....

***cue theme music***

Welcome and good night. You are watching a special edition of the Osturland Broadcasting Network News. I'm the managing editor of the news desk....Jeter Pennings. Tonight, we here at the news desk wanted to officially respond to an incident that occured the other day during the ongoing coverage of the Jubilee Celebration for HRH King Gardannes. One of our correspondents on the ground, Latt Mauer, while talking with lead anchor, Catie Kouric, mistankingly made a reference to one of the members of the Stropon delegation. Specifically, he made reference to Lady Caroline von Steuben as the mistress of Emperor Jerome Victor IV. Latt made this reference of his own accord and was not directed by our news team to refer to the Lady as anything other than her title, Marchioness of Listerfeldt. An internal investigation by OBN has revealed that Latt was paid a lucrative fee by the Stropon Times to make the reference and implicate the Emperor. Upon receiving this news, I immediately terminated Latt's employment with OBN.

Since the incident, tensions have been somewhat strained between the two nations. On behalf of the Osturland government, King Gardannes has both publicly and privately apologized to Emperor Jerome. At this time we would also like to extend our apologies to the Emperor. We here at OBN respect the journalistic license of our correspondents and journalists, but we do draw the line between fact and fabrication. The claims by Latt are unsubstantiated and should not have been spoken on our airways. We also want to apologize to the public, in the future we will only report the facts of the stories we cover, you have my word as managing editor. Thanks for tuning into this important message. Goodnight!

***cue theme music***

Well, I'll leave everyone with some pictures of the residential areas around Payens Government District...enjoy!

Till the next time....Cheers!


Yoder that was great to see someone get spanked whooopsie LoL... The pics are stunning. 
see you next update - pat

Don't forget the SC4D Podcast is back and live on Saturdays @ 12 noon CST!! -- The Podcast soon to Return Here Linkie

nova vesfalo

what a nice update, the urban layout is really well done. The public space between avenues is a nice touch. And the choise of building is overwelming


Great update Yoder! :thumbsup:

If my delegates end up on the society pages it is less relevant how outragious they behaved. as long as their hairdo is in fine shape all is well :D
I knew there was something rotten in my empire. But that my newspaper was so corrupt is a shocking eyeopener.
I love it! :D

heads will roll over this in Stropon my friend, heads will roll.  $%#Ninj2



Again and always so beautiful  &apls

I love your city and your work this the LE, in a word Bravo my friend  :thumbsup:


A very good update!! Very funny announcement about Latt...tut tut tut! lol A beautiful Government district....nicely laid out. :)


Hello Ryan ,

Great mix of different styles of residential BATs , I don't know if you  already travelled to Europe but the result is truely convincing .
Not only about models but also with colors ... nothing too flashy , just a delightful atmosphere everywhere . :thumbsup:

May I ask which BAT is on the third picture ( the grey one with orange canopies ...) ?

Which street mod(s) d'you use ? I ask that because I have noticed since the begining that your avenues have a grassy border between the lanes and the walksides ... I'm using sap23 mod too and haven't them so I'm assuming that their presence (or absence for me ) is due to another mod .Just a detail , but I'm preferring without ... ;)

Oh , so you're achieving several new BATs ? Hum hum ... suspense... I enjoy to follow BAT threads , but I need surprises too . ::)

°   °   °   °   °   °   °   °   °   °   °   °   °   °   °   °   °   °   °   °   °   °   °


What can I say? An update in Osturland always brightens my day! The government center looks fabulous, my friend, but the same can be said of all your work. Keep it up!


 &apls Great update and great use of different Euro building.  :thumbsup: Keep it up


Stropon has just opened to the world and see what happens, a big oopise. :D

The grandeur that can only be Payens, it looks wonderful and again I see a lot of these small details around that is really making these city into something special.
The big square in the last picture looks like a real gem, I like these kind of big open spaces in the midle of a big city, hope to see more of that one later.


So I thought I should make a visit the eastern provinces of my CJ  ...

Just joking.

You really do have a hand for well developed urban environments (with the exception of a railway crossing on an avenue - you did not really think that wouldn't see these faux-pas, did you?)

Great work with oppie's kanals - it must have been at least 2 1/2 years that I plopped them ....

Take care and make backups!

Bernhard  :thumbsup:


Yoder, this is one of my most favourite Mayor's Diaries/City Journals!   :thumbsup:
In my opinion your government buildings actually are - besides creations made by porkissimo, Debussyman, ... - the best BATs that I've ever seen.

Meine Region E Pluribus Unum


Hi Yoder,

You were right about the Stropon Times connection. The perpetrator is caught!
You can read all about in the International edition of the STRECHNITZ HERALD




my jaw just drops to the floor when i look at your cities, the buildings you choose and create are so carefully crafted, there are so many small details that just make it look great, there's always something new to look at. keep up the great work yoder!


I have managed to get online long enough to make a post!  ;D So I'm going to reply to some comments first and then I'll introduce everyone to the Payens International Airport (PIA)...enjoy! Oh, by the way...this is my last week out of town and I'll return home this weekend. I'm planning on cooking something up for mid- next week, so stay tuned...I will also finally get to catch up with my comments on all the MDs that I follow  ;D

@Patfirefghtr - Thanks for stopping by and commenting...yes, Justice Will Prevail! OBN was definately "inspired" to find out what had happened (our own King Gardannes was most displeased witht the report). I think the turn of events was most interesting....

@Nova Vesfalo - I'm glad you like the selection of buildings in the government district. It is definately one of the older parts of the city. In other Wards, buildings are more modern...we'll get to some of them in the future. I didn't really choose many of the buildings. I let just about everything grow on its own...although it does take an awful lot of demolition to get it to look right...it tends to get quite frustrating after awhile, but I usually like what I'm dealt after awhile. Thanks for stopping by and leaving a comment!

@Strechnitz -  :D what finds itself in the societies pages is only gossip! nothing more...After such a formal night, I'm sure everyone's captured image will be fine  ;D I love what you've done with the newspaper piece...great stuff...as always, thanks for stopping by!

@Snaper - Thanks friend, I'm glad that you liked the post. This is a part of the city that many government officials live in so it must be well maintained. I hope that you enjoy today's update.

@Pipishere - Hey Pip, thanks for your comment...yes an interesting turn of events with Latt...who would've known? I'm glad you like the center of the city.

@Badsim - Thanks for commenting! I've never been to Europe...I've only traversed much of the US and several parts of the carribean. My wife has traveled to Europe on several occassions so I have some pictures to work off of...and I'm an avid fan of the Travel Channel  :D I believe that the bat in question is one from Simtropolis and is done by haarlemmergold...I'd do the search for you, but I'm working off a rather slow internet connection with a limited amount of time  ()sad() I use the sap23 mod as you've noted and I use the side street mod by Jeronij, but I didn't think that it would effect the avenues. I'm going to have to check further into anything else in my plugins that might be messing with the sidewalk...I hadn't really noticed the sidewalks with grass until you mentioned it...I don't really like the effect either. Luckily I have a very organized plugins folder so I'll let you know what I find. I do have several new BATs in the pipeline...most have to do with athletics as I'm planning an Osturland bid to the simlympics. I've also been finishing some old BATs too...like a certain St. Peters...I need to update my bat thread...maybe next week when I'm home  ;) As always, thanks for stopping by!

@Thundercrack83 - I'm glad that my updates brighten your day...I got anotherone in store for everyone today! I'm glad you like the Government District...As I mentioned to Badsim, I am working on a bid for the Simlympics where many of the other Wards around the city will be revealed, so stay tuned! Thanks for commenting...

@Kimcar - Thanks for keeping up with Osturland and for leaving some kind words...Thanks....

@Kwakelaar - Yes, yes, but it was a conspiracy I tell you!  :D Thanks for your comments about Payens. I hope to have some whole-city shots in the future so that everyone can see where everything is placed in relation to everything else. There are many large green spaces in Payens...the people love the park system! As always, thanks for stopping by.

@Nardo69 - I'm glad you like my achievement...don't worry, I always make regular backups of my plugins folder and my regions...I've been burned on that one already and learned my lesson. The first Osturland, begun over a year and a half ago, was lost shortly after the government district was finished. I decided to start again and build some custom BATs to go with it...of course this made it take along time to get the new government center finished...at any rate, I'm glad you liked it...even with a few faux pas... :D :D :D

@N1_2888 - Well, thankyou for the honor! I'm glad you like Osturland! I take compliment on your comments about my Bats as well...you'ved named two individuals for whose work I find exceptional...so thanks...keep coming back and commenting!

@Strechnitz (#2) - Thanks for posting the connection...excellent story!

@Iamgoingtoeatyou - Thanks for the compliments, I'm glad that you like the Government District...hopefully you'll like the Payens International Airport, too! As always, thanks for stopping by and leaving your thoughts.

OK.....now that the replies are done, I'd like to introduce everyone to the Payens International Airport...but first here is a look at the number one aircarrier out of PIA.....Osturland Airlines

Osturland Airlines is the largest aircarrier in all of Osturland. At three of Osturland's leading airports, the airline has its own dedicated terminal. The official marketing tagline of the airline is "Fly on the wings of Osturland Airlines." While there are other airlines owned and operated within Osturland, Osturland Airlines is the official aircarrier of the Osturland Government and its officials...including the Parliament and HRH King Gardannes. The aircarrier operates a myriad of aircraft for local and international flights, including private jets for smaller intimate parties. HRH King Gardannes has a 747 provided at his disposal by Osturland Airlines.

Osturland Airlines also offers many non-stop flights to many international destinations from Payens. These destinations include: Los Angeles, Chicago, New York, Sau Paulo, London, Paris, Madrid, Rome, Cairo, Moscow, Cape Town, and Sydney. Future destinations currently under negotiation include: Tokyo, Miami, Bombay, Antigone, and Stropon. Of course, with connecting flights, Osturland Airlines can get any traveler anywhere in the world.

Alright, above is a map of the Payens International Airport. The airport is located at the end of the M401 in the Payens 5th Ward. There are two main terminals at the airport. The first and largest terminal services most major aircarriers while the second, smaller terminal services only Osturland Airline flights. There is also a myriad of parking opportunities for PIA travelers. There is short-term parking in the airport parking garage and long-term parking in the blue, yellow, and green lots. Also, a convienient AirTram makes stops at each parking area as well as the hotel area and both terminals. The AirTram service is also connected to the Payens Metro system making it easy for travelers to utilize the excellent mass transit system in Payens.

Here is a picture of the main terminal. Across from the main terminal is a building complex housing the offices of many areospace companies. Directly behind these buildings is the blue parking lot.

Pictured above is the Osturland Airlines terminal at PIA. Also, you can see the green parking lot. While this lot is the largest of the parking lots, it is also the cheapest. Accordingly, there is only one AirTram stop for the lot. Travelers have to transfer from the AirTram to a bus to get to and from their automobiles parked in the lot.

Another picture of the main terminal from the other side.

Another picture of the Osturland Airlines terminal from the other side.

Here you can see the three hotels offering overnight stays at Payens International Airport. These hotels include: the Omni, Marriott, and Sheraton. Each hotel offers first class accommadations for Payens business traverlers and tourists. Of course, if you travel into the heart of Payens you'll find many world-class as well as affordable places to stay as well....just take a trip on the Payens Metro!

The main airport control tower.

Airplane hangers and a refueling station.

The end of the two runways...and the end of our tour...I hope you enjoyed the Payens International Airport!


I love this airport - absolutely! It's all so realistic (except that the numbers on the parallel runways cannot be different... but it takes a geek to know that   ;) )

The terminal and the the parking lots, connected with the airport tram and busses are placed very nicely, as are the hotels between the two terminal buildings.
Check my MD:               


I always feel a little burst of excitement when I see an update to Osturland in the recent replies list. Your last update doesn't disappoint. The airport looks great!
Have you ever had the Prop Pox? Join us to help find a vaccine or a cure.

Totuna e dac-ai murit flăcău ori moş îngârbovit;
Dar nu-i totuna leu să mori ori câine-nlănţuit.


I think airports are very difficult to make them realistic and that's why we don't see so many in people's MD's.  You on the other hand have made one hellava airport my friend.  Very realsitic and you remembered the fence around the airport, perfect.  The parking and the connected tram line, I love it.  Awesome pictures and super work.

&apls &apls

Robin   :thumbsup:
Call me Robin, please.


You have there a fantastic airport, Yoder7652!
Great updates! :thumbsup: