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Google warehouse models into gmax

Started by bjamessuchy2, August 02, 2009, 12:52:17 PM

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Hi all.  I'm trying to get into modelling and thought I'd start easily by using some premade sketchup models i got at the google 3d warehouse.  Mind you, it's taken me several hours just to figure out how to convert the sketchup file to a readable gmax file (i finally just used trial sketchup pro to export it as a 3ds file).  Now from what I've read, and I've looked in many places, gmax is supposed to be able to import 3ds files.  I downloaded the proper scripts and have the ability to import 3ds files, but when I try doing it by clicking hammer->maxscript->utilities->3ds import, I get an error:  "Runtime error:  NODE_HDR:  Cannot find object!".  As well, when I try importing the 3ds file by hitting file->import, i get the error:  "An error has occurred and the application will now close.  No scene changes have occurred since your last save" and the program shuts itself down.  Is it the 3ds file itself that's causing the problem, or is it possible that I'm not using the right scripts?

I'm not new to modelling but i'm new to gmax/bat.  Why will this file not import?  Any help would be appreciated!


oh wait, i found a tutorial for su to gmax...let me follow it and see if it fixes my problem


I followed this tutorial:  http://sc4devotion.com/forums/index.php?topic=6958.0
and my results have not changed.  I'm getting the same error messages as earlier.  Is there anything else I should do to properly import it?


moin bjamessuchy2,

... if you have followed the tutorial, than gmax should import your exported 3ds file without any problems. i do it all the time! ( ;) i know, that is nothing you're interested in)
maybe the scripts you installed additionally cause the problem ...



the only script i've put in the startup file was something like "import3ds.ms."  I'm not entirely sure if it's the right one or if its outdated or anything, but i came across it on another website and thought it was necessary.  is this what you use?



Quoteis this what you use?
actually, no! you just install gmax and the ability to import 3ds files comes with it!  :P so, i'm sure the plugin is not nessessary ... try to reinstall gmax or deinstall the plugin (which might cause the conflict) and have a look afterwards ...
good luck and let us know!



Ok i deleted that script.  i also tried deleting all the materials off the google sketchup model and it worked when i imported it into gmax.  however, the model with materials still will not import.  this must be a problem with the materials, so apart from them all being bmps and all having filenames of 8 characters or less, what do i need to do to be able to import the materials with it?  thanks for all your help so far btw


moin bjamessuchy2,

there should'nt be a problem with that either ...  &mmm
you can send me the file and i have a look on it, if you like ...
