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Andau - 2000 years of history

Started by kwakelaar, September 06, 2009, 06:00:40 AM

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Very nice teaser, and congrats on a very, very well deserved Of Special Interest. Great Job!
SimCity Aviation Group
I miss you, Adrian


Very nicely done Kwakelaar, I really appreciate these MD's with a twist.

I can't help thinking you should've entered the village competition with this one... Quality.


This is fantastic work, Kwakelaar... You're historic scenes are second to none  ;)

I loved the shot of the Romans marching through town, we just don't see enough of that sorta thing in SimCity  :thumbsup:

Havva good one,
737s, Air Force, Australia... what next?


Hello Gjermund

Nice idea and a very entertaining read. The Roman soldiers didn't pillage and burn? You must have something up your sleeve then. Good Luck with the Diary.

Jim Myers  (5th member of SC4 Devotion)

Tomas Neto

Congratulations on your OSITM!!!  :thumbsup:


Barbarossa – Glad you liked the teaser. Romans are up to no good of course, at least that is what the  Andicans would tell you

Earthquake – Well the Roman army is something quite new in this part of the world. I think the locals would be rather impressed by them.

Battlecat – Lots more to come when it concerns the army.

Fabian – Actually I have used a model by Simgoober and changed the clothing and added the shields and spears. Thanks for stopping by.

Thomas Neto - Thanks a lot.

Joelyboy911 – There have been quite a few historic MD's, but I don't think anybody has taken it quite as far as this. I can imagine because it is so much work. There are just not that many bats that can be used. You need to make a lot of the models yourself.

Calibanx – Thanks, it is the first Roman army I have seen in Simcity, but there might be one that I don't know about.

Djvandrake – Yes, indeed legions. For now they have just dug in awaiting their orders from  Julius himself.

Metasmurf – Takk for det.

Knapp – Unfortunately for the Andicans, I don't think they have any power drinks.

Battlecat – Again thanks for stopping by, and now there is an update.

Earthquake – Well, I hope you will enjoy this update.

Albus of Garaway – He,he. What would we all be without them?

Djvandrake – Chariot? It is actually just a simple wooden wagon, but I might make something more chariot-like.

Barbarossa – The camp is finally finished. I had to make  few more things than I had planned. But that is how it always seems to work. Actually making the models are not that time consuming, they are really quite simple both in modelling and texturing. It is making the lots and testing them in game that is ruining my time schedule. I do hope you like it though.

Thomas Neto – Thanks again.

Robin – I am of course very pleased with the OSITM for December. Thanks for the honour.

Bobbi – Thanks for your comment.

Schulmanator – The soldiers are of my making, the horses are props from Ripptides excellent packs.

Geoff – For now they are doing what the Romans do best, building and preparing.

Joelyboy911 -  Thanks for taking the time to comment, it is much appreciated.

Thingfish – Hi, and nice to see you here. The competition has rather strict rules and this village would not stand a chance passing, also I have seen a few of the entries already. They are really very good so I will keep my pride intact and stick with the MD for now. But I do appreciate the compliment.

Adroman – That is a great compliment for Andau. More historic scenes to come of course, and I hope you will enjoy those as well.

Jim – What a nice surprise to see you here. Pillage and burn....oh but we have just started.

Thomas Neto – Thank you, you are a very loyal visitor.

Update 4
It is 58 BC and Julius Caesar has been marching north with is armies. Some of his generals has met quite some resistance from the tribes further south in the valley of the Meuse. The Tungeri (also on the Meuse) however are settling for an alliance with the Romans. Caesar gives the order to set up a camp in their area before they advance to the northern parts of the Rhine, this also gives the ships waiting at the mouth of the river time to prepare for the invasion. Julius Caesar himself is going north along the Rhine and will set up camp on the west bank of the river. They will wait in these positions during winter.
But the Romans are not the only ones preparing for battle. The Usipetes and the Tencteri from north of the Rhine have just invaded the area of the Andicans and taken the fortress at Hira. They have more or less forced the Andicans to join them in resisting the advancing forces.

Here is a map with an overview of the situation at this time.

Now before we continue with the Roman invasion we will take a look at the Roman camp at Estuarium. This is a marching camp, meaning it is only to be used temporarily. Still the basic principle of how it is set up is no different to any other camp or city for that matter. The Romans are very consistent with their planning and their camps and cities are often recognizable from all over the empire.

First an overview of the camp. This one houses one legion, that is 5600 men. The first cohort of 800 and ten more each with 480 infantry. There are two main streets ending at the four gates.

Here is the Porta Praetoria seen from outside the fortress.

At the crossing of the two main streets is the Principia where the standards of the legion is kept.

In front of the Principia is the Parade Ground

Each cohort is made up of 6 Centuriae of 80 men and 6 Centurions (their officers). Normally the Centuriae would live together in one barrack, but for now they live in 10 tents for the ordinary soldiers and 4 tents for the officers.

One of the most important aspects of the Roman warfare is the ability to supply their armies. An hungry army will not fight very well. Therefore the only other buildings that have been set up in this camp are the granaries and behind these a few workshops for the necessary repairs.

At a later stage we will go a into more detail of the Roman Castra. In the next update we will see how the situation around Hira will develop.



2010.8.4 - I get on SC4D with PSP. So cool.:D
2010.8.14 - I can get on the Internet at home.:)


A true delight. This is a wonderful look at an ancient Sim City. I am impressed.  &apls
See the all-new National Capital Region!:http://sc4devotion.com/forums/index.php?topic=15118.0


 &apls &apls Very nice story and great to see something new. Congrats for your OSITM too  :thumbsup:


Congratulations to that award :thumbsup: &apls
It's truly unbelievable work you've been showing here so far  &apls &apls

Keep up the fantastic work :thumbsup:

Earth quake

It's just fantastic and awesome. &apls
Your roman camp is beautiful.

Tomas Neto


nice one kwakelaar,
great work there, look forward to more. It's really nice to have some dramatic development, adds a lot to an MD. I love the texture on those red/brown roofs in your last shot.
(btw in regards to the village comment I wasn't actually being serious, the competition was all but over when I said it, but your shot was of such a nice natural understated place that I thought the comparison was worth drawing-guess I should have added one of these  ;))

Albus of Garaway

Those Romans...so mischievous! Just their camp alone looks like the site of many a troublemaker.

I hope our friends at Hira are fending well.


Very, Very impressive!  What an original and creative approach to using Sim City to explore history in this way.  I'm actually an amateur student of classic history and as coincidence would have it, am in the process of reading a biography of Julius Caesar.  This is fascinating.  &apls :thumbsup:


Brilliant!  This is very cool, and very well written.  The scenes look excellent!

Is most of this your own custom work? 


You definitely don't dissapoint! The Roman camp is splendid!



Jesus Gjermund.

You know you are crazy, don't you? From all CJs/MDs with a timeline this one goes back the most of all. And if I see all that stuff you made - boah ...

Great castellum, all there for a provisoric camp. This will be very interesting to follow when the first seddlements will pop up!

Take care my friend

Bernhard  :thumbsup:


kwakelaar: spectacular recreation,
I have been reading some texts about Julius Caesar and I will keep an eye on this too. JB  &apls


Fantastic Gjermund! I can't wait until they plunder and pillage. They are going to plunder and pillage aren't they?  :thumbsup:

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