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Underground LOD problem

Started by z, September 19, 2009, 03:40:29 AM

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Disclaimer:  I am not a BATter, and simply knowing what "LOD" stands for constitutes a major portion of my total knowledge of BATting.

However, I am responsible for getting a TE lot out the door, and I need some help beyond what I've been able to find so far.

The problem has to do with a couple of el rail to subway transitions that Xyloxadoria has created.  I've needed to do some finishing up work on them.  For the road transition, raising the model .24 m and placing it on level ground is sufficient to get them to display properly in all situations.  The avenue transitions are much more difficult, though.  Here are a couple of pictures illustrating my dilemma:

The transition models are raised to a height of .3 m.  As has been noted in a previous thread here, this is not always high enough to make the models display cleanly, and you can see the problems that sometimes occur at this height in the first picture.  Sometimes they're slightly worse - and this is on level ground.  Sometimes they don't exist at all, as in the second picture.  But the second picture shows why I can't raise the model higher than .3 m - even at this height, the tracks in the model are noticeably higher than the tracks in the adjoining texture.  (They even cast shadows.  ::) )  So even .3 m is too high, while at the same time, it's not high enough.  Is there anything that can be done to get these transition models to always display properly without having to raise them significantly?


I am assuming that these have very tight LODs (to the model) so that automata can travel on the?  Is the automata able to go below ground level?

My only suggestion is to try a render of the model with slightly looser LODs. I have used an LOD as much as a meter above the surface, and still had the appearance that a prop was on top of it; that may work with automata as well. Can't hurt to try...  IF the automata is going down and throught the tunnel, it will probably happen relatively quickly, in which case the slight visual distortion will be brief and hardly noticed, vs the current glitch which is visible all the time...
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