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dobdriver's maps

Started by dobdriver, November 16, 2009, 05:43:50 AM

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G'Day Devotees,

Our beautiful Earth has had another birthday, I wonder how old she is now! Probably older than Father Time himself.

Three hearty cheers for our beautiful Earth. Hip hip hooray, hip hip hooray, hip hip hooray!!!

Let's hope she keeps getting older!!!

Unfortunately I had no New Years map because I had to work, but I have some smashers to make up for it.

Thanks Willy, I hope you had a rousing New Year.

Thanks Matt, it is quite large! Don't forget we all wanna see pics.

Thanks Kelis, That mate is no prob, the larger map. Oops she's done ;<). I hope had a great New Year.

Thanks Portie,  I had a great Christmas, quiet at home. I hope you enjoyed yours.

Thanks Gn.

Thanks Ethan, Happy New Year. I have a map of Mikanos cooking for you.

Thanks Sunv123, I trust yours was bountiful.

Thanks Epic, How was your New Year mate?

Thanks Krbe, and Happy New Year to you. Kristiansand is coming along beautifully.

Thanks JM, Happy New Year. I can rotate Macau without a drama.

Ooh, ooh, ooh. A belated New Year's Show.

Out first and requested courtesy of Kelis Thanks mate.

Fuji is 69.632km x 53.248km.

Fuji below Mt Fuji.

This next request is courtesy of Albertkuna, Thanks mate.

Gdańsk is 57.344km x 57.344km.

An old Hanseatic trading city.

Last for today is courtesy of a request from Hazani Pratama, Thanks mate.

Palestine - The West Bank is 65.538km x 135.168km.

Plum the depths of the Dead Sea.

And there again is the finish to this week's show.
Thanks for looking and have a great day.



Thanks again Dob, much appreciated. I've already been planning things out on the original map and it has a lot of potential. All of those canals are great to work with.

Nice Palestine map too, that's huge. Somebody could work on that for another 10 years.

Have a good one. :thumbsup:


WOW  MY FRIEND, It's an amazing and big map, I love it !! I just can say Thanks and wish you a Happy New Year !!
I hope that in 2013 you continue making maps, your maps are the best !!

Greetings and thanks again Dob  :thumbsup:

                                                                                     || Benelux Team || Windows on the World || My Photos on Flickr || Kelis BNL Projects ||


Your maps, as usual, are superb! Just a pity I'm currently trying to develop Jacksonville, otherwise I would have grabbed Danzig / Gdańsk in a flash! It looks great! :thumbsup:
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These maps are incredible!  I could probably play that map of Palestine for the rest of my life!

May I ask how the Columbus map is coming along?  I will have more important things to do soon (college), but I had plans to start work on a CJ/MD whenever I get some free time.


Hi dob

I really love your maps are my favorites!
I have a little request:

Mexico City

I wish you could create this map.


G'Day Devotees,

Yes it is that time again. I have recently changed my work shifts and now I find myself home every weekend. Prior I was home for 6 or 7 days at a stretch which seemed a bit easier to deal with maps, Now I only have a couple of days so the map-o-matic gets smokin' hot.

This week finds a good selection from all over.

Thanks JM, the rotated version will be finished soon.

Kelis, thanks mate and you're welcome. Don't forget a few pics would be lovely, cheers.

G'Day and welcome M4346, Thank you very much. About Danzig, you still can ;<)

G'Day Houey, oops I'm sorry I forgot about Columbus for a bit. When I saw your post I had a look at it and found there wasn't much left to do to complete it. So good news, it's finished. Cheers

G'Day and welcome Jimmy, thanks and a map of Mexico city will be no probs. But wait, there's more, it's done. Thanks mate.

I do believe there is an old map box kicking around here somewhere! Yeah here it is.

And out of the box and into the lead is this request courtesy of Houey, Thanks mate.

Columbus is 73.728km x 57.344km.

It's a long way to the sea to be named after a sailor.

And close on his heels is this map requested courtesy of Jimmy, thanks mate.

Mexico City is 40.96km x 45.056km.

Once there was a large lake here.

Next to see the light of day is this request courtesy of Ethan, Thanks mate.

Mykonos is 28.672km x 16.384km.

A little bit of Greek Island magic.

This Request comes courtesy of  Gerrgely0, thanks mate.

Budapest is 57.344km x 57.344km.

One of the most beautiful cities in the world.

And lucky last for today is a request courtesy of  Hazani Pratama, thanks mate.

Kingdom of Bahrain is 45.056km x 86.016km.

Plenty of oil, not much water.

And there you have it for another week,

Thanks for looking and have a great day.



Thanks Dobs, great work. You're getting quite the collection now.



Once again, Fantastic maps Dob !!

                                                                                     || Benelux Team || Windows on the World || My Photos on Flickr || Kelis BNL Projects ||


Great maps as always! Your large colection is amazing!

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Thank you, Dob! It looks wonderful; hopefully I'll be able to get a good start on it soon.  :)



Could you do one of the Raleigh Metro area, including Falls and Jordan Lake? (Just search up Raleigh, NC in Google maps and you'll find it. Plus, I don't really know how to make a screen capture. :P)

It would be good for a recreation. It's not hilly, but not flat either.

Provo, a city apart Updated July 4.


Great maps again, thanks! Be careful that map-o-matic doesn't overheat and break  :D


G'Day Devotees,

Gee that time again, it seems to come around double quick these days ;<) Just when I think I have the old register under control, off it goes again. so another eclectic band of warriors to do service this week.

With a new version of SC4Mapper out and Wouanagaine able to do bugfixes, revisions, wishlists and optimisations before he loses his computer.
It has some nifty features, My favourite is the ability to export the png out of the SC4M file rather than the hoop jumping saving, loading then exporting that was required with the old version. There is a config editor, not only easily changing the tiles sizes on the fly but also deleting them. He is currently optimising memory usage and has reported he can load the full Hawai'i map with it unpatched. You know what this means? Even bigger maps with it patched!!! Cue that maniacal laughter.

G'day Willy and thanks, I must have nearly 400 of the little buggers by now. I once thought about 500 and then thought: Nah, I'll never make 500 of 'em. Who knows, stranger things have happened.

G'day Kelis, Thanks mate.

G'Day Ethan, Thanks and you're welcome mate. Don't forget a couple of pics of construction would be nice. Cheers.

G'Day and welcome Sunv123, Raleigh will be no probs, hang on whats this? In the box, come here ya little bugger. Oh, it's a Raleigh. Seems like your lucky day.

Thanks Noah, I look after her real purty, regularly grease and oil her ;<)

I got the box with the dots!!! And what's inside today I wonder.

Scrimmaging around and no peeking this map is courtesy of Sunv123, Thanks mate.

Raleigh is 61.44km x 57.344km.

This is really pushing the limits of water inclusion in SC4, I had to chop off 1 tile on the east side to lower it another 3m.

Next find is courtesy of a request from Hazani Pratama, thanks mate.

Cocos (Keeling) Islands is 16.348km x 45.056km.

Two small atolls in the Indian Ocean belonging to Australia.

Hmmm, next, next, next, Just who is next. Here we go Originally requested by Portie and a rotation request from JM, Thanks guys.

Macau is 45.056km x 49.152km.

Rotated 29.9° clockwise and the Xi River aligns mostly north-south.

Okay, bottom of the barrel and courtesy of Albertkuna, thanks mate.

Kraków is 65.536km x 65.536km.

Pretty old and very beautiful.

And there we have it for another week.
'Til next tiime, thanks for looking and have a great day.



Quote from: dobdriver on January 20, 2013, 02:17:24 AM
G'day Willy and thanks, I must have nearly 400 of the little buggers by now. I once thought about 500 and then thought: Nah, I'll never make 500 of 'em. Who knows, stranger things have happened.

Oh, I'm counting 290 in here. Looks like I'm missing a good bit!

Good job with Raleigh, looks near perfect to me. And I predict that Macau map will be quite popular as well!



Oh, this is great, I'm going to use this in my MD for sure. Thanks so much dobs. :thumbsup:

The Lakes look great, perfect in detail.

It sure is my lucky day. :D
Provo, a city apart Updated July 4.


Wow, another map of Kraków? Nice to see the map of my city in SimCity  ;)
Thank you for visiting Kolbrów, and for being for last ten years!


Hey dobs, if it's not too much trouble, I'd like to request the following map of Washington, DC.  I've been looking for a map that includes both DC proper, Dulles Airport and Andrews AFB.  Unfortunately, there aren't any around that have the entire area included.  If possible, it would be nice to have the rivers mostly reside in the same city tile(s) so that the real-life bridges across the Potomac could be easily built, if that makes sense.

Thanks a bunch! 


Washington DC  :thumbsup: I second that...


A lot of lovely new maps you've uploaded here! ;) It does seem like I'm having an error with one of them, being the Macau map :/
Installed it perfectly, open a city, worked fine, opened another (to get rid of them SC4Mapper textures), crashed... :s Tried again and it just keeps on crashing (even when running vanilla)... What to do?

Its this tile (LINK to image): http://img13.imageshack.us/img13/3532/macaurotated1.jpg

Thx ;)