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dobdriver's maps

Started by dobdriver, November 16, 2009, 05:43:50 AM

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Another great set, dobs. Motown will sure be interesting to build on, although a recreation would be tough, given that there are two rotations of a grid going on there. I'm not sure if a rotated map would be useful; this one is surely pretty enough.



thank you so much for the map $%Grinno$%, going to get it now and start on it, will keep you posted on how it goes maybe even start my own MD

Again thank you so much ;D

Ok sorry to sound thick but i can get the map to work, I load up SC4M  find co down file but Sc4M crashes ever time for me ;( i can get other maps to work on SC4M just not co down, any advice??

I can get any of the latest maps to work for me, eg co down, detroit, peru and spain, but the ones before them work fine.

many thanks wayne

Ok i have tried the 4gb patch and i still cant get this to work, im starting to think that this pc is to old and duff to handle these maps...


Here's a simple request if you ever get the time; if possible, the area enclosed in red would be perfect!  While NHP released a good map of Columbus, Ohio a while back, a larger version would be nice:


Hello dobb!

Sorry to bother you with a trivial matter such as this, but specifically in you Detroit readme you say (and i quote)

" *Note* If using terraformer one must have a 64bit system with 4GB modules of ram and terraformer must be patched with the 4GB patch. Download and follow the instructions. "

Unfortunately, the download link you have there is dead. do you know the specific location of this file?

Edit: i found the file, the link wasnt dead, but im not sure what to do with the file  &ops :-[


Quote from: rstarks on December 08, 2012, 01:22:19 AM
Edit: i found the file, the link wasnt dead, but im not sure what to do with the file  &ops :-[

Run the file, then a popup will ask which program to patch. Browse to the mapper folder, select the exe. That should do it.



Quote from: dobdriver on December 02, 2012, 03:44:09 AM

Unfortunately high sloping plateaus are not conducive to making water maps.

Hi Dob',

Actually, this is the main drawback of SC4 mapping IMO !




G'day devotees,

Another couple of turns on the globe and another lap is almost complete for our beautiful Earth.

This soggy weather of ours is wreaking havoc on my keyboard. Grrrrr.
Also unfortunately I am out of bandwith for the month and cannot even load simtrop so today's grab bag will have to wait a week to upload.

Thanks Matt, it's coming along quite nicely.

Thanks Tvcars, You're welcome, glad you have it sorted out now.

G'Day and welcome Houston_Fan, I have a map of Columbus cooking for you. Thanks mate.

Thanks Mr Rstarks and you will be happy to know Riga is finished.

Thanks Willy for the instructions, cheers.

G'Day Izi, that it is. There is  so much countryside with sloping ground and water courses around that just doesn't fit the SC4 mold.

And now for some show and tell. Places please.

What will be the first one!

Some time ago Samerton and the Bat Fiends requested the Hawaiin Chain of Islands and well the Big Island had to be cut up into four. Not any more. Thanks Guys.

Hawai'i is 135.168km x 151.552km.

The big kahuna!

Next up I received a request courtesy Ez_money412, Thanks mate.

Erie is 57.344km x 49.152km.

Where else but on the shores of Lake Erie.

Along with Detroit from last week, Portie also requested this. Thanks mate.

Houston is 81.92km x 61.44km.

Houston, oil son.

And last for now is courtesy of Rstarks, thanks mate.

Riga is 73.728km x 69.632km.

Riga will be next year's Cultural Capital.

And that is I'm afraid your lot for today.
Thanks for looking and have a great day.



Pretty lot!

Would it take a lot of work to rotate the Erie map some 26.5°?



Quote from: dobdriver on December 16, 2012, 12:15:44 AM
...the Big Island had to be cut up into four. Not any more. Thanks Guys.

That is just awesome.   :thumbsup:


G'Day Devotees,

Ho Ho Ho, Merry Christmas,

Not much has been happening in the map room lately. I have finished a couple but not quite ready yet. All of last weeks maps have now been uploaded.

I have found with greyscale maps ie. normal maps that SC4 renders in-game that the closer to white the highest point is and a custom height plug made to suit the smoother the map will render. This includes maps whose highest elevations are lower than the standard 3m steps.

G'day Willy,
checking out the requester mail and I found he wanted it rotated ;<) so I duly did and it is now uploaded to the stex. An un-rotated version is on the lex. Thanks mate, have yourself a great christmas.

G'Day Epic,
Thanks mate, That certainly is a monster map. Merry Christmas to you and yours. Cheers

Small show for christmas.

First is the rotated version of Erie courtesy of Ez_money412, thanks mate

Erie is 49.152km x 28.672km.

Rotated 26.5°

Next is a map requested courtesy of Mtt9, thanks mate.

Cornwall & Devon is 210.944km x 152.576km.

There is no top down image because mapper cannot open it.

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "SC4MapApp.pyo", line 331, in CreateRgn
  File "SC4MapApp.pyo", line 522, in CreateRgnFromGrey
  File "D:\SC4\Code\SC4Mapper\rgnReader.py", line 709, in show
  File "D:\SC4\Code\SC4Mapper\rgnReader.py", line 64, in ComputeOneRGB
MemoryError: can't allocate memory for array

This is all for today.

Thanks for looking and especially today, Have a great day.

Merry Christmas and cheers


Thank you Dobs, that is wonderful. Merry Christmas to you as well!



Thanks so much Dobs! Never realized how big it was till i tried to open it. Had to make some cuts here and there, but i'm really happy with how it turned out. Now its time to work! Once again thanks for the map :)
You can call me Matt


Hello mate,

First to all, Merry Christmas my friend  :) !!

Well I am here because I need your help my friend, as may you know I love your maps, it has a lot of details and I love it ! A few days ago I was watching a TV program about the Mt. Fuji and I was thinking in a map of this huge zone, It is possible ? I would like to do a Japanese region in that map and for that reason I've made two pictures...

This would be the perfect map, but I am not sure if this map is possible because is really huge !! You are the master here, so if you think that you can make a map of this zone, please do it, I would be eternally grateful !!

In this picture you can see the same zone, but this time with a more closer zoom, to reduce the size. As I told you I prefer the first picture, the big size but if it is not possible maybe you can make this zone...

# Try to search for yourself in Google Earth, Just put Mt Fuji and take a look  :thumbsup:

Bye my friend and thank you so much for all your work doing maps for us !!!


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Hey Dobs,

Thanks so much for the Houston and Detroit maps!  I finally got a chance to load them up in-game today, they look great!

Hope you're having a wonderful holidays!!!


great maps as usual, congrats :)


Happy new year to you, dob!  :)

I've decided to start off the new year with a new project that will hopefully develop into something worthwhile and have another small request for you.

This time I was wondering if you could whip up a small map of the island of Mykonos for me. As you know I'm not a big map type of guy in general; I was thinking that the map would still be pretty small at scale, but I'm not really sure. If it could be scaled down (if necessary) to be maybe no more than 4 large tiles wide that would be lovely.

Thank you in advance, and I hope you have had a lovely holiday season!



Yay! you're back, ecoba!

The maps look great, dobs. Happy new year. :)
Provo, a city apart Updated July 4.


@ecoba: that entire map would fit on a 7tile x 4tile map without needing to be scaled down.  Are you sure you want it scaled down?


Happy new year and thanks for some excellent maps in the past, dobbie. Can I also ask how it's going with Kristiansand?


hi dob, happy new year! i was just browsing through your great maps again and i noticed your amazing macau map posted on November 16, 2012. im just curious, is it possible to rotate it to align it more to the grid? ie, have the main river flowing north to south. i love the map, the size and canals but the diagonals would drive me crazy.

it would be much appreciated. let me know if its possible.  :)