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dobdriver's maps

Started by dobdriver, November 16, 2009, 05:43:50 AM

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G'Day Devotees,

Just checked in with some maps and other things, I'm off again shortly.

Thanks LG, a little bit of SE Asia to enjoy.

Yes these giants are great but rendering is a bugger. Thanks Noahclem.

Thanks Izi, press f8 as your tile is loading and the save and exit to region dialogue will be also available.

G'Day Eldaldo, I have uploaded both of the rendered regions Mayo and Galway. Pop the folders into your region directory and enjoy a little bit of Ireland.

Now a couple of maps I have squished in whilst flitting about.

These were a couple of requests made and then the requestees went elsewhere. They ended up with no homes.

Manchester is 45.056km x 49.152km.

Kalispell is 65.536km x 61.44km.

I'll be home again next week and back into my normal routine along with a big grab bag of completed requests and something a little extra ;<)

That's all she cried.
Thanks for looking and have a great day.



Quote from: dobdriver on October 21, 2012, 06:39:57 PM

Kalispell is 65.536km x 61.44km.

Hello Dob'

I find interesting that you mapped the same spot I did recently !

I noticed that river goes more northward that on my map, how did you do that ? In fact, elevation difference between the lake and the middle of the river is more than 15 meters, making it sunken into the ground... Did you "compress" a little the elevations ?

I think requester are posting both to you and me, as I recently created a folder called "Manchester UK" !

No problem !



Dobdriver!  I cannot thank you enough.  You are the greatest!  I need to figure out how to render your large maps on my own, because there are so many good ones including those you just released!  However, these two should hold me over for some time!  Thanks again, A city named dobdriver will be founded in the first one I develop!


These are amazing. Had a lot of fun with a few of these. Anyhow, can I please request a map of Kristiansand? I would be grateful if the map could be rotated about 45 degrees so that the streets in downtown Kristiansand runs N-S and E-W (also the airport could be built then. Thanks!


I second that.
@krbe: you're a Kristian, too?


Hi dobs

You perchance do not have an index of links to your maps? They're all over the STEX, LEX, your PLAN B. . . Thought it would be useful to have an overview of them.

Just a thought.



Hey dob how's my map going? -.-


Hey dobs,

I know you're a busy man, but when you have some free time, do you think you can make the following maps for me?

Houston-Sugar Land Texas

Looking for the area within the yellow box:

Detroit-Ann Arbor-Windsor, MI

Looking for the area within the yellow box:



G'Day Devotees,

What a big month for SC4D, First off happy birthday and three hearty cheers!

Hip Hip Hooray, Hip Hip Hooray, Hip Hip Hooray!

Why was she born so... Merrily staggers off drunk as a skunk singing birthday ditties.,

Although I have been a bit quiet I have not been un-busy (now there is a strange word) and have a hearty bag of goodies to share.

And for some mail.

G'Day Izi,
I think some requestees are hedging their bets, although I take a slightly dimmer view as to asking two capable mapmakers to make the same map. The map isn't compressed, I have other techniques to extend rivers to about 40m asl without producing chasms.

G'Day Eldaldo,
You're welcome mate and I hope you enjoy them. I shall soon have a third County completed.

G'Day and welcome Krbe.
I have started a map of Kristiansand for you, it is very detailed and will take a little time to complete, Thanks mate.

And welcome also to you Flatron, Thanks.

G'Day Willy,
I have an index of Team Downunder maps (Aussie and Kiwi) in the TD Catalogue but nothing fpr the SCBC maps (all the rest). I have thought of making one in a thread but it would only get lost in the mists of time. Thanks mate.

G'Day Stan,
It's your lucky day.

G'Day Portie,
Sure mate I can make those for you, I'll have to wait until Sunday to download the dem as my bandwidth is almost shot.

Now for a little Map-o-matic madness!

Out of the box in no particular order rustle, rustle, rustle is courtesy of a request from Stan, Thanks mate.

Sitka is 53.248km x 49.152km.

I think I caught some ice.

Next up is courtesy of an upcoming mapmaker himself, keep up that good work Epic. Thanks mate.

Yakutat Bay is 61.44km x 65.536km.

The map has been rotated 55 clockwise.

Yakutat Bay is 61.44km x 77.824km.

This is the un-rotated version.

On their heels is courtesy of a request by Portie, Thanks mate.

Macau is 45.056km x 49.152km.

The last foreign colony in China.

Just out of the pot is this request courtesy of Bayboy2011, Thanks mate.

Duluth is 57.344km x 53.248km.

Some freshwater follies.

The Penultimate request is courtesy of Smithers, Thanks mate and seconded by Mr Rstarks

Kiev is 45.056km x 36.864km.

Sailing down the Dnieper.

This last map has been requested by several including Marsh, Legooman and Portie. Thanks guys.

Denver is 57.344km x 57.344km.

It's snowing and the river has frozen over.

But wait some late breaking stuff. Some time ago Cloud92 requested Hokkaido. I made a map of Sapporo instead as Hokkaido is quite large, anyhow one way or the other (s)he did not return to either thank or heap vitriol on the creation so who knows. I recently found a thread by Cloud92 about Hokkaido and so I made a large scale version at 6.05:1.

Hokkaido is 81.92km x 77.824km.

As it will not be published one can download a copy here

And that as they say is it for today.
Thanks for looking and have a great day.



Great maps as usual Dob!

I like the Hokkaido one. Too bad Hakodate is cut in half though.  :satisfied:
I'll take a quiet life... A handshake of carbon monoxide.

Props & Texture Catalog


Great work, Dobs! Yakutat Bay is perfectly rotated, very suitable for multiple purposes.



Thanks Dobs!!!  What a great batch of new maps!!!   :thumbsup:


Sweet! That Yakutat map is just perfect, dobs!  Thanks a lot!   ;D

Also, i really like the sitka map too.  Now that i've figured out how to get good alaska data from the usgs' new mapping system i think i'm going to have to take a look at trying some alaska maps, there's some real good terrain there.


Last week I installed and started up the game for the first time in 5 years. After some "getting used to it" again I installed the Kiev region. A beautiful map with great gameplay opportunities. Thanks Dobdriver!


Wow!!! Thanks dob, I knew you'd make it epic! You're a life saver. ;) Great maps and I love the one I requested! :D


Hi Dob!
you think you can make a map of this area https://maps.google.com/?ll=50.268277,-5.07019&spn=0.891848,1.760559&t=h&z=9
But as a greyscale? Cause i want to change a little thing and can't find an elevation map...
Thanks in advance,
You can call me Matt


Another time, it's not cool for me to say at every time the same sentence  :D
So...Very good maps  :thumbsup:
Click on the banner to see my BATs


loving the last few maps esp Macau map looks fantastic  &apls, just wondering how is Co down coming along?

many thanks wayne


G'Day Devotees,

Well as always I have been beavering away down in the map shack and there are a couple of beauties ready ;<)

Thanks Art, I had to stop somewhere.

Thanks Willy, I hope ypu've got a copy. Congratulations on your button, it was easily the pick of the bunch!

Thanks Portie I have one of yours ready also.

G'Day and welcome Serkanner, Thankyou for the compliments.

Thanks Stan you're welcome, I hope you are enjoying it.

G'Day and welcome Mtt9, I'm not sure if that is a trick question or rhetoric. Anyhow Sure I can make that no probs.

Welcome back old mate, Thanks for your compliments. I'm glad you're enjoying them.

Tvcars, Thanks it sort of reminded me of making Shanghai all those little paddy canals. You are in luck. I finished Co Down a couple of days ago.

And now for something completely, well not so completely different. Yep it's showtime!!

This first map is courtesy of a request from SimCityFuturist, Thanks mate.

Arequipa is 57.344km x 32.768km.

This was the first image he posted to me.

This was the next, I made one of each

Arequipa is 98.304km x 65.536km.

This map has been rotated 45° clockwise.

This map is courtesy of a request from Tvcars, Thanks mate.

Co. Down is 69.632km x 77.824km.

The third county of Ireland, only 29 to go.

Next is and old request courtesy of Ctrl+Z, Thanks mate.

Madrid is 57.344km x 57.344km.

Unfortunately high sloping plateaus are not conducive to making water maps.

and the last for today is courtesy of Portie, Thanks mate.

Detroit is 90.112km x 81.92km.


That is I'm afraid your lot for today.

Thanks for looking and have a great day.



Quote from: dobdriver on December 02, 2012, 03:44:09 AM
G'Day and welcome Mtt9, I'm not sure if that is a trick question or rhetoric. Anyhow Sure I can make that no probs.

Haha, great to hear that. I'll just have to be patient :D
You can call me Matt