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RHW (RealHighway) - Development and Support

Started by Tarkus, April 13, 2007, 09:10:49 PM

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With every release of any part of NAM, it is like a whole new game.  So, we don't need SC5, or 6, or 7, or 8, we got them already :)

Look for me at ... Becca At Bat


Hello. First, I just want to say that the RHW mod is absolutly AWSOME!!! Thanks for taking the time to make such a good addon for SC4.

I am currently having a problem with the newest version of the RHW mod and the NAM. I deleted all my old NAM and RHW files and downloaded the new versions. In the game, I cant plop the RHW (all I get is a red arrow) and I have double of everything from the NAM (two roundabouts, elevated rail, etc...). Before you tell me that I may have outdated files, I took everything out of my plugins folder and just left the June 2007 NAM, December 2007 NAM update, the the January 2008 RHW mod. What can I do to fix this problem?


If you have doubled icons, you have doubled and/or outdated files in your plugins folder. Please make sure that the NAM update and the new RHW version were installed into the same folder (Plugins\Network Addon Mod). Maybe there's an old version of the NAM (or another transit-reladed mod) in the plugins folder in SimCity's installation folder, so be sure to remove that one as well. Also, there is no December 2007 NAM Update, but it's labeled "Network Addon Mod January 2008 Update". Please check if you didn't accidentially install the December 2006 NAM.


Andreas, I think you have solved my problem. I had the NAM and RHW in two seperate folders.

Also, I just mistyped the December 2007 NAM. Whatever is the newest NAM is the one I have. Thanks. ;)


Quote from: Haljackey on January 23, 2008, 09:22:59 PM
This post is directed towards all RHW team members, past and present.

I don't think I've had the honor in this crazy day and age to express my gratitude for your work.  Over the years, I have seen this idea start out as a simple ANT that was just a wall-less ground highway turn out to what it is today.  Now, I have no idea how you managed to create a fully modular highway and interchange system with the dirt road ANT, so all I can say is wow.  Wow to the fact that you stepped up to the challenge, not for money and fame, but because you wanted to.  No one made you make this, and no one should have the right to push you around because you work for no-one!

I commend you for all the hard work, year-after year.  You managed to stay focused throughout the entire journey up to now, both during the good times and the bad.  There have been some bumps here-and-there, but yet you remained committed.  What started out essentially "Rural" has become anything but, a new highway network even better than what Maxis could come up with.  I think its really impressive that a small number of you have done something better than a major international cooperation; and what stuns me the most is that you worked on it at your leisure, while the people at Maxis/EA were being payed a full-time salary. 

Who would have known?  Not them, not I, maybe not even you.  Did you think that when you were first acquainted with the RHW and all its inner-workings, that such a feat could be accomplished?  I think you had some hope that it could be done, but you knew that you were just one person and really couldn't do it by yourself without teammates.

Look at this site.  Now, take a closer look.  Look at the members at this site.  Look at your teammates.  Would you be able to call them your friends even if you never met them in person? 
Now take a broader look.  Look at the whole community.  Look at their appreciation for all that you have done.  Look at what they have done with what you have provided them with.  Look into the past.  Look at the beginnings, the midpoints, the present, and now, look to the future.  Look at all the members' posts, questions, and comments.  Look at the responses to these.  Look at yourself... what you were back then and what you are now.

There's a lot of history to this project, eh?  Something like this really deserves admiration, and respect.  None of this would have been possible without your contributions, and for that I thank you.  Your work will be looked at and admired for many years to come.  Every post includes a little bit of this project's history, a history that is unique as the members who made it. 

Anyways, there you have it.  I hope this means something you, and that it gives you a chance to reflect on all the effort put into this project.  I wish you the best as you continue to make this project better and better, and to all the members who have worked on this in the past.


I have to echo those comments.  This team has taken a game I've dearly loved and made it like a new game for me many times over.  When did sim city 4 come out?  2002 or 2003 something like that.  Well here we are in 2008 and I still play this game atleast a couple times a week if not more. 

I don't post much on the boards as I don't have a lot to contribute really and I know next to nothing about computers and programming so the things you all do is so far beyond my comprehension I can't even think of where you start. 

So with all that said, thank you for all your hard work.  It's greatly appreciated. 



Look for me at ... Becca At Bat


Did you plan to make RHW-8 or RHW-10 someday? It can be useful for my cities traffic flow.


ma360, yes, most definitely--if you had read my opening post (which is stickied at the top of every page of this thread), there's a "Frequently Asked Questions" section, which mentions the further wider RHWs being included as part of the next version.

And everyone who posted comments in support of this project (Haljackey, mightygoose, Crissa, blunderclod, JGCarter, rooker1, Lollo, RebaLynnTS, Metropolis, IMADreamer), we all really appreciate it, so thank you. :)  It really is good to know that people out there are enjoying what we've produced.  I'm just glad to have been able to be a part of this project, and the NAM Team, and that I've at least been able to do something to further the game's transit options. :)

So, to everyone who has supported and followed this project, I offer my most sincere gratitude. :thumbsup: 

-Alex (Tarkus)


how wide can we expect the 8 and 10 lane RHW's to be? I need to plaan my ROW for this....  ;D


Quote from: dragonshardz on January 27, 2008, 09:45:31 AM
how wide can we expect the 8 and 10 lane RHW's to be? I need to plaan my ROW for this....  ;D

In October Alex provided a table for the various RHWs and how many tiles wide they will take up, as a response to this same question. Click here for the table. (I actually have the table bookmarked for a reference :D).

And Alex, it would be great if you put that table up on the post that's stickied at the top of the thread so it's easier for everyone to find. :)

-- John
After a long absence, I'm back! And I will be starting a new MD soon.


Quote from: DFire870 on January 27, 2008, 09:50:19 AM
And Alex, it would be great if you put that table up on the post that's stickied at the top of the thread so it's easier for everyone to find. :)

That's a fantastic suggestion, John.  Consider it done, as well as another table explaining capacity. ;)

-Alex (Tarkus)


All this talk of 8 and 10 lane mega highways got me thinking;

Why go wider when you can go faster with 6 lanes, AUTOBAHN

Unlimited speed down the famous german motorways, now I am sure that will cut commute time in 1/2 and make for some pretty spectular crashes.

The point being, is there a way RHW can increase her speeds to allow an autobahn type highway?
Now Idle
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No that won't work.  The speeds have to be thesame for all networks based on the basic networks which are road street avenue ground/elevated highway rail monorail elevated rail one way road and ANT.

Also, why exactly do the diagonal rail over one way road puzzle pieces have paths going both ways?

(i say this because there is no diagonal rail over RHW or avenue so OWR is the alternative)
My days here are numbered. It's been great and I've had a lot of fun, but I've moved on to bigger and better things.
Glory be unto the modder and unto the fun and unto the city game!

Shadow Assassin

QuoteThe speeds have to be thesame for all networks based on the basic networks which are road street avenue ground/elevated highway rail monorail elevated rail one way road and ANT.

I'd suggest you look up your info, because each network can have different speed limits from each other. The ANT is currently set to the same speed as the highway network to fit in, as it is basically a highway network.
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Quote from: nerdly_dood on January 27, 2008, 04:39:28 PM
Also, why exactly do the diagonal rail over one way road puzzle pieces have paths going both ways?

It's primarily to prevent complications in Left-Hand Drive mode, and to reduce the number of puzzle pieces, if I'm not mistaken.  It won't cause any weird issues, however, as the road connecting up to the OWR puzzle piece is going to be going one way, so there's only one way that traffic can get on and off the puzzle piece. ;)

-Alex (Tarkus)


Shadow ...that is pretty much what Nerdy was saying, only in different words. Could have been a bit more clear though :)

Look for me at ... Becca At Bat


@Shadow Assassin:  That's what I meant.  But all networks based on, say, the ANT, MUST have the same speed limit--no way to have different speeds for RHW2 and RHW4+.

@Tarkus:  Thanks for the enlightenment, I was wondering what that was for.
My days here are numbered. It's been great and I've had a lot of fun, but I've moved on to bigger and better things.
Glory be unto the modder and unto the fun and unto the city game!


Quote from: Tarkus on January 27, 2008, 03:31:44 PM
Consider it done, as well as another table explaining capacity. ;
Thank you for putting up the capacities table. That is very useful for the current release of RHW and, together with the table about width in tiles, for trying to build in flexibility for future, much anticipated, releases.


Life is like a butterfly, ephemeral, yet beautiful beyond belief. -Me


 :angrymore: I AM FRUSTRATED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   I've been looking for a fix to the "Grey Mouse Cursor"  I can place the local 1 lane rural road, but i can't get the interstates that ive been soooo longing for and now ive gotten tired of looking through 81 or 82 pages OF 1 POST!!!  (i only got to 5 before i gave up....)  can anyone help me, like soon, im bored ()what() :-\ &sly :bomb: