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RHW (RealHighway) - Development and Support

Started by Tarkus, April 13, 2007, 09:10:49 PM

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Well, there is a small chance for that. Maybe I can make those later. I'm now concentrating on my LRP again.
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Mrtnrln and Alex wonderful job to the both of ya's!!!!

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@ Tarkus and Mrtnlrn:  Excellent, thanks!  Now I can keep my sims from driving off the road, and not have to change my RHW into an avenue whenever it goes under a rail overpass... ;D
My days here are numbered. It's been great and I've had a lot of fun, but I've moved on to bigger and better things.
Glory be unto the modder and unto the fun and unto the city game!


Quote from: Tarkus on May 12, 2008, 12:44:23 AM

I have a little announcement to make--attached below is a much-anticipated fix for the Rail-over-RHW-4 pathing. :)

-Alex (Tarkus)

Thanks for the fix there, Alex! Much appreciated, my friend.



Thanks for the fix Tarkus!  Now my Sims can use the actual highway and not the MIS to bypass the rail overpass! :D

Doctor Soul

Hello, I'm new here. I have a question/suggestion. Is it possible that someone can make a texture mod for the standard maxis highways in order to blend it better with the RHW?

EDIT: Also, the edges of the RHW seem a little sharp. The highways in rural areas that I know have broken shoulders and grass growing through the asphalt on the shoulders. And the highways usually have a sight slope so the rain can flow off  to the sides more easily. Maybe that's an idea for a future texture update?


im curious where that is Doctor Soul ;)

anyways, thanks for the heads up, much appreciated ;)
Friend of the Certified Drama Queen :)


Can I have that link to the new RHW? cause I had to resintall the game again a while go ago and lost everything :D.
Your Friend;
Mayor Of Steven's Point & Maxiston
(Proud To Be Cities Of Sim Nation!)


Quote from: Starmanw402007 on May 13, 2008, 11:09:51 AM
Can I have that link to the new RHW? cause I had to resintall the game again a while go ago and lost everything :D.

lol...check the stickied thread at the top, it has the link to the current version of the RHW, as well as dependencies and recommended add-ons. ;)


Thank a bunch yoshiisland2, My game itself was acting up. thats why I had to reinstall it.
Your Friend;
Mayor Of Steven's Point & Maxiston
(Proud To Be Cities Of Sim Nation!)


Hey Tarkus nice work. :thumbsup: I can't wait for the new RHW.  ::). On another note will future RHW versions include wider elevated sections besides the proposed elevated MIS and RHW-2?


Doctor Soul, to answer your questions, as far as getting the Maxis Highways re-textured to blend in with the RHW better, Shadow Assassin actually did a prototype several months ago where he applied his RHW textures to the Maxis highways--there are pics way back on page 23 of this thread.

As far as your texturing idea goes, it sounds like really cool idea, but it also sounds like it may be rather difficult to do.

godjcjk12, thanks, and to answer your question . . . ;)  I can say that there could be some very interesting stuff coming to the RHW project . . . or not . . .  ::)

We like to surprise people. ;)

-Alex (Tarkus)

Shadow Assassin

As far as your texturing idea goes, it sounds like really cool idea, but it also sounds like it may be rather difficult to do.

It's not difficult to do at all. It just involves mucking around with the grass textures on the shoulder. ;) The slight slope's another matter entirely, though...
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Quote from: mrtnrln on May 10, 2008, 07:39:52 AM
@OJ: Bring pics over (one picture says more than a thousand words)

Smooth guard rails at the corners

I've attached a Alpha Version of the guard rails (Place the .dat file in the RHW Folder).


Thanks for the guard rails!Its so realistic!I need them! :thumbsup: its a piece or its include in the rhw road?
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Doctor Soul

Quote from: Tarkus on May 14, 2008, 12:00:47 AM
Doctor Soul, to answer your questions, as far as getting the Maxis Highways re-textured to blend in with the RHW better, Shadow Assassin actually did a prototype several months ago where he applied his RHW textures to the Maxis highways--there are pics way back on page 23 of this thread.

I have seen those. It's not exactly what I call "blending with" though. Don't get me wrong; at the same time I have much respect for SA's excellent work. It's just that I meant more along the lines of road markings, seperation lines and whatnot to be more uniform. Also it might be worth exploring the possibility of a transition piece between RHW and Maxis Highway, to make the transition smoother between highway with concrete walls and  highway with grass on the center and sides.

Again: I am new here and my suggestions are meant to be the most humble of constructive criticisms. On the whole I think you guys are doing a spectacular job!  :thumbsup:


I'm wondering how difficult it would be to have an MIS to RHW4 piece, basically an "end of route" transition to convert the lanes into a single-lane  onramp.



Quote from: TEG24601 on May 14, 2008, 02:00:19 PM
I'm wondering how difficult it would be to have an MIS to RHW4 piece, basically an "end of route" transition to convert the lanes into a single-lane  onramp.

Not at all difficult.  In fact, RHW Version 21 will have that functionality. ;)

-Alex (Tarkus)


Quote from: Tarkus on May 14, 2008, 04:25:19 PM
Not at all difficult.  In fact, RHW Version 21 will have that functionality. ;)

-Alex (Tarkus)

sweet  &apls  :thumbsup:. and when will be able to put residential commercial on the RHW Road Piece (not highway, the one that acts like a regular road, forgot name)

P.S: are you having a master plan to link everything together, that would be  :o breathtaking
Come visit My (SLR) Project Thread. Located in the Nam Creations Forum.


Quote from: SimsReporter on May 14, 2008, 05:15:38 PM
when will be able to put residential commercial on the RHW Road Piece (not highway, the one that acts like a regular road, forgot name)

The RHW-2?  Well, it's not possible to change that, as it's hardcoded.  It would be nice to be able to control that sort of thing, but it actually does work out nicely for a realistic highway-type network.

P.S: are you having a master plan to link everything together, that would be  :o breathtaking

I guess I do have a vague "master plan" of sorts, which will be more apparent here soon.  If you're wondering about interfacing the MIS with the NWM networks, I can confirm that will be possible with the initial NWM release. ;)

-Alex (Tarkus)


Quote from: Tarkus on May 14, 2008, 05:26:46 PM
The RHW-2?  Well, it's not possible to change that, as it's hardcoded.  It would be nice to be able to control that sort of thing, but it actually does work out nicely for a realistic highway-type network.

I guess I do have a vague "master plan" of sorts, which will be more apparent here soon.  If you're wondering about interfacing the MIS with the NWM networks, I can confirm that will be possible with the initial NWM release. ;)

-Alex (Tarkus)

&cry2 It brings a tear to my eye Im hoppin up and down right now  ;D
Come visit My (SLR) Project Thread. Located in the Nam Creations Forum.