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RHW (RealHighway) - Development and Support

Started by Tarkus, April 13, 2007, 09:10:49 PM

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@ smoncrie:
well... we could yes do the same thing as what happened to the GLR bridge (puzzle pieces at ends). ;)

@ swamper77: I wonder if you can change your viaducts slightly so that they become a modern bridge that I could use for multiple networks... hmm... (looks at the possibilities) ;D

@ Choco:
Duoble-deck multiple-network bridges been done before... but in the end the game simulator didn't treat the bridges really well (over capacity) so that project was closed.
Technically if we were supposed to stay real on capacity your bridge would have to be one-track per deck which then turns into normal two-track at the ends. :'(

- Allan Kuan


@smoncrie: half capacity per line....i know.   :thumbsdown:  however, there's flexibility in that bridge.....you wouldn't need to hook up both lines....but it would work with ground and elevated rail.  i had an idea to correct this that i have yet to try...

suspension bridge sounds good as well......could probly port the cable-bridge over too....i had heard you got 100b workin?

@allan kuan: i've been thru the entire thread at ST.  however, i wasn't exactly proposing a multi-network bridge (ped paths dont count), but a single network DD bridge.  they also said that 3 networks on a tile was impossible...... :thumbsup:  maybe im just being hopeful, but that is a frontier i really wanna cross. 


Quote from: choco on January 06, 2009, 04:44:36 AM
i had an idea to correct this that i have yet to try...

maybe im just being hopeful, but that is a frontier i really wanna cross. 

I don't bud in here very often, but it's thinking like this that has got us to where we are today with the game.  I am begining to think nothing is impossible....

Robin  ()stsfd()
Call me Robin, please.


So the whole bridge and the ends is 100% RHW-4, with the end puzzle piece?

How about making a El-Rhw4 bridge based off elevated maxis highway bridge?

And more bridge styles would be awesome ;D

Leoland coming Spring 2009


It just that even though avenue bridges are lower capacity, I have been using this one Maxis avenue suspension bridge, because it looked like the RHW almost with the yellow line down the center of the median, and not the avenue texture. (maybe originally avenues were going to have a yellow center line, but the developers didn't get to it, since the avenue tunnel and some bridges both have yellow lines down the center)




Quote from: A200 on January 07, 2009, 01:29:27 PM
What is taking so long?  ::) $%Grinno$% :D :-\ &hlp

Quote from: gn_leugim on January 07, 2009, 01:32:12 PM
come on  &hlp &hlp

Do you have any idea how much content is going to be added in 3.0?  Transit modding takes a lot of time, trial and error, and extensive testing.

RHW 3.0 is being tested for bugs and completeness more than any other version. We want to make sure what's released is as bug-free as possible.  With all the additions, numerous "stress-tests" are necessary.

If a bug is found, sometimes it can cause other bugs if fixed.  Thus numerous attempts must be made which is time-consuming. 

What you see in these public teasers are the exceptions.  Behind the scenes, things are much more complicated than you think.

But trust me when I say it, RHW 3.0 is as imminent as ever.  Just be patient for a little bit longer...  ;)



We probably need to be patient, because Tarkus probably won't release it with us worrying about it. Or will he? $%Grinno$%
I think I've been here long enough, call me Kenneth/Kenny.

The Commonwealth of Paradise at ST

The Commonwealth of Paradise at SC4 Wiki


Kj3400 I think you have the right Idea right there!!! Patience is a virtue here!!!! Remember the old saying that good things come to all that who wait!!!!

Don't forget the SC4D Podcast is back and live on Saturdays @ 12 noon CST!! -- The Podcast soon to Return Here Linkie

Patricius Maximus

He will release it when our patience capitulates, which it may do soon.


Quote from: kj3400 on January 07, 2009, 01:46:16 PM
We probably need to be patient, because Tarkus probably won't release it with us worrying about it. Or will he? $%Grinno$%

Thus quoth the armadillo: more Wilco lyrics . . .

Quote from: Jeff Tweedy
Everything has its plan
Either way

Just to whet everyone's appetite beforehand . . . and so you know what's been worked on in the past few days among other things . . .

I've stabilized the OWR Roundabout/MIS Ramp Interfaces some more, such that it's now possible to do this . . . not sure how useful it is, but you can do it, not to mention the more common 2-ramp setups without any pesky "deconversions", like you may have run into with the previous version.

-Alex (Tarkus)


Sweet  :D

There is a roundabout near my sister's place where the offramp from the Pacific Mwy joins a roundabout and it looks just like the one you showed  &hlp :angrymore:


Don't forget the SC4D Podcast is back and live on Saturdays @ 12 noon CST!! -- The Podcast soon to Return Here Linkie


NAM Team Member | 3RR Collaborater | Virgin Shores


Alright, not that the El-RHW should,

but you Could go from El-RHW to the Maxis El-Highway, if you really needed to. Why pass the ability to do so otherwise? Just don't be driving on the shoulders of the El-RHW where this happens.
NOTE: That is the abrupt on-slope RHW piece not the gradual transition piece.


Well since everyone is showing pics I may as well show another.

This picture shows two very different MIS ramps.

As you can see, the versatility of the MIS has greatly expanded.  Tons of additions, from ramps to transitions to elevated sections make the MIS better than ever!  I'm sure you will all see why when RHW 3.0 comes to your PC!



Quote from: Tarkus on January 07, 2009, 04:03:43 PM

I've stabilized the OWR Roundabout/MIS Ramp Interfaces some more, such that it's now possible to do this . . . not sure how useful it is, but you can do it, not to mention the more common 2-ramp setups without any pesky "deconversions", like you may have run into with the previous version.

Well, I would certainly use them.


My citizens wait impatiently for the construction of the autobahn  :satisfied: :D:D:D

I can't wait till it is released!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11111111111111111111  $%Grinno$% $%Grinno$% $%Grinno$%


Awesome teaser pic, Haljackey! The possibilities are going to be just about endless.  ;D

Are those highway signs available somewhere or are they part of the RHW?