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RHW (RealHighway) - Development and Support

Started by Tarkus, April 13, 2007, 09:10:49 PM

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Hi all, great work here. These new pieces look very useful for creating more compact interchanges.
Something I would like to see added in v.4 (thats if it hasn't already, and we already have orthogonal MIS/diagonal MIS intersection) is an orthogonal MIS joining to a diagonal MIS, Like this:

/ |
Why does one park on a driveway, and drive on a parkway?


Man all these new pieces are hard to keep up on.  Not that I am complaining any, I love them

Is there a limit to how many pieces you can put in the tab trick?


Quote from: mike3775 on July 12, 2009, 04:14:34 PM
Is there a limit to how many pieces you can put in the tab trick?

There is, but it's quite high, fortunately--especially now that we've figured some stuff out.

Dexter, to answer your question--yes:

And jmvl and riiga--excellent work--thanks!  You guys are quick! :thumbsup:



Quote from: Tarkus on July 12, 2009, 04:45:37 PM
There is, but it's quite high, fortunately--especially now that we've figured some stuff out.

Dexter, to answer your question--yes:

And jmvl and riiga--excellent work--thanks!  You guys are quick! :thumbsup:


Woot I've been waiting for that for for quite a while now, just forgot to mention it :) Man I can't wait till the next release, but I guess I'll have to. Actually, don't release it right now because my motherboard just died and I'd be mad if it came out and I couldn't use it :P
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Which are the base pieces ortho and diag RHW-2 I need to look at to make a RHW-2 Roundabout texture? and how should the piece be implemented? I mean, exactly which pieces are needed?
SimCity Aviation Group
I miss you, Adrian


Actually, diag/diag MIS is already usable with v3.2.

Tarkus, that looks awesome, can't wait for v4.

Riiga, sweet! All we neeed now are American textures.


Thank god its high, because the rate this team is putting out new pieces, it sure needs the room  :)


This mod is really nice, good job guys!
I have a small question tho, I'd like to do the simplest form of highway for my rural area (that means a one tile road going both sides) as I understand this can be done simply by using the draggable RHW, instead of using a starter piece. I could that with no problems but I could not figure anyway to make wide curves? The wide curve RHW only contains pieces for RHW2 to more lanes.

Hope someone can enlighten me ;)

Omnia, my first MD. Check it out!


Wide curves for the RHW-2 (the network you are referring to) are currently still in development, but should be included in the next version (4.0).
NAM Team Member | 3RR Collaborater | Virgin Shores


Quote from: joelyboy911 on July 12, 2009, 05:39:28 PM
Which are the base pieces ortho and diag RHW-2 I need to look at to make a RHW-2 Roundabout texture? and how should the piece be implemented? I mean, exactly which pieces are needed?

Base pieces?  Well, it'll likely be implemented with 0x5e004b00 (orthogonal), 0x5e004d00 (orth-diag bottom) and 0x5e000c00 (orth-diag top) as the underlying pieces. 

And speaking of those RHW-2 curves, here's the 45-degree curve.  Still may need a little color adjustment.



Oh okay, awesome thank you :)
Really awesome work by the way

Another question, I'm not sure if this is the place to ask but I've stolen a pictures that someone posted a while back picturing an issue with the RHW euro texture mod:

I have the exact same issue, is there anyway to fix it?

Omnia, my first MD. Check it out!

KoV Liberty

As I believe was noted a bit back... No. Sorry but it will be fixed eventually I guess.

My new MD. Check it out if you wish.

Adrian, I miss you man.


As part of the RUL Override re-write, I've been adding some stuff in for some new crossings:

I've also got GLR (and Rural GLR) At-Grades in place in the various diagonal combinations with the RHW-2.  Here's the DxD (Diagonal x Diagonal):

The Monorail/RHW-4 overpasses will be going in as soon as I decide on IIDs.

More to come soon . . .



Ooh! Diagonal crossings... and more dashes on the diagonal RHW-4... Those lines always have seemed a bit sparse...
My days here are numbered. It's been great and I've had a lot of fun, but I've moved on to bigger and better things.
Glory be unto the modder and unto the fun and unto the city game!


Oh, one point: I see that you should make a little change in the FAQ section. You have question 16 two times ;D
Lurk mode: ACTIVE

KoV Liberty

Yeah I never noticed that! I cant wait for the new RHW4 textures though!

My new MD. Check it out if you wish.

Adrian, I miss you man.


Alex, your diagonal elevated rail overpasses and GLR crossings look great! :thumbsup: I know some places in my cities where these overpasses come in handy.

Anyway, I think this will come in handy too (thanks to riiga for the great looking european textures :thumbsup:):

(I used the "DrawPaths" cheat just to show you how the vechicels will drive.)


Visit my MD, The region of Pirgos!
Last updated: 28 November

Ryan B.

That'd be useful for tollbooths (EZ-Pass lanes and such).

Nice work!