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RHW (RealHighway) - Development and Support

Started by Tarkus, April 13, 2007, 09:10:49 PM

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Quote from: secretformula on August 20, 2009, 12:20:58 PM
I have a rhw issue that I hope somebody could help me with. Nobody uses my rhws unless their is no othway to go to work. I use traffic simulator Z
That's possibly because your rhw is the longest connection between your sims and theyr work? Or is this rhw amidst your sims? Can you post a picture?
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Monorail Master

I'd like to make a request. What about a 2-lane exit ramp from RHW-6C, 8, and 10? Kinda like the RHW-6S off/on ramp split into 2 RHW-4s. But instead, like RHW-6C splits into 3 lanes (RHW-6C) and a RHW-4, RHW-8 split into 3 lanes (RHW-6S) and RHW-4, also RHW-10 split into RHW-8 and RHW-4? I would like this because one of these days(in game wise) there will be a nasty bottle neck on the RHW to MIS ramps.
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Ramona Brie

I kind of have a request: RHW-6C wide curve/90°. Right now, you have to use RHW-4 to bend your RHW-6C at all (diagonals I don't expect).


How about a RHW-6C diagonals? There's enough room in the median of a diagonal RHW-4 to put two extra lanes in the middle.
Lurk mode: ACTIVE


None of my sims use the RHW, especially on neighborhood connections. I have made the loop back connection but still nothing. I use the medium traffic sim Z


Quote from: secretformula on August 22, 2009, 09:11:58 AM
None of my sims use the RHW, especially on neighborhood connections. I have made the loop back connection but still nothing. I use the medium traffic sim Z

What does your RHW setup look like?  A few pics would help me determine what the source of your issue is.



The connection on the industrial city

The interchange in the industrial city

The connection in residential city

The interchange in residential city

Thanks in advance


You have given us three identical pictures, thus, that doesn't exactly help.



That loop connector is not set up right. Check the faq and go to the link to the loop connector tutorial and follow all of the instructions.

EDIT: Here's the tutorial in this post by tarkus a few pages back

Quote from: Tarkus on March 02, 2008, 06:13:58 PM
Sorry for the double post, but I think it is worth it in this case. ;)

I'd like to reveal a different workaround for neighbor connections with the RHW-4, which will work on RHW-4s with any width of median as well, and it can currently be done with RHW v20.  This came after several conversations I had with Tropod and jplumbley, and this would not have been made possible without their input.

The reason the neighbor connections are not working on the overriden RHWs is because there needs to be a physical network loop at the connection, in order for cars to realize that they can use the RHW to reach the next city tile (and for vehicles on the other side to realize they can enter the tile), and the RHW-4 also needs to be "de-converted" to an RHW-2 somehow. 

The best way to accomplish this is to transition from RHW-4 to Road on each side of the RHW, just before the edge.  Since there isn't an RHW-4/Road transition piece, the RHW-2/Road transition piece will appear.  The RHW-2 can then be dragged out of the resulting Road stub.  Right next to the edge, on the final row/column of tiles, an RHW-2 needs to be drawn perpendicularly between the two sides of the RHW that is heading into the neighbor connection.  (While technically any network will work, all other options have lower speeds/capacities, and will greatly diminish the number of vehicles that will use the connection.)

Here is what the finished product looks like.  As you can see, there's a healthy flow of cars going into the neighbor connection.

There are a couple aesthetic issues that result, the most obvious being the deconversion and the loop connector, the other being that they way the connection ends up working, traffic in the left lanes will cross onto the wrong side of the freeway for one tile at the connection via the loop connector.  Thus far, I haven't figured out a way to prevent the "Nicole Richie on I-5" effect, and it may be unavoidable (fingers crossed that's not the case).  But, more importantly, your neighbor connections will now work.

Note that this only applies to the RHW-4 at this time.  I am planning to see if I can implement some other solution for the other RHW variants for the next version, and perhaps make this a little bit less weird-looking with some RUL action.

Hope that was useful for you all. :)

-Alex (Tarkus)
Darraghf on SC4D, Rainyday on ST, Darraghflah on Simpeg


Daraghf, the left connection is 2 way, however, if the other side is mirrored, it won't be 2 way on the other side (difficult to explain), and thus it can indeed be the problem. However, what is an aq? I assume you meant FAQ?


Edit: Daraghf fixed typing error, before I finished my post.


Both the left and right connections are meant to be 2 way according to my what alex has stated in the tutorial above.
Darraghf on SC4D, Rainyday on ST, Darraghflah on Simpeg


Ah yes, I use another way, one that I can't remember right now and I unfortunately don't have the time to start up the game and find out.



So is this correct thanks for the help.




It did thank you very much for your help


I think you could convert to avenue before the transition to make it work, couldn't you?
SimCity Aviation Group
I miss you, Adrian


I convert to maxis highway for my connections, it works fine every time.

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Of course, it'll all be a moot point when Version 4 comes out with the special neighbor connector pieces. ;)



Yes, but unfortunately, since we don't know when that is going to happen, we have to use these, non aesthetic pleasing, workarounds. What type of pieces will there actually be?


Blue Lightning


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More info will come later...... ;)

Also known as Wahrheit

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RHW Project