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RHW (RealHighway) - Development and Support

Started by Tarkus, April 13, 2007, 09:10:49 PM

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@mrtnrln: Don't forget the new textures. ;)

@Tarkus: Great job on the DDRHW-4! &apls RHW Version 4.2/5.0 will be the best one yet! :thumbsup:

Regarding the 4.2 vs. 5.0 debate, I have to side with calling it Version 5.0. Being a software developer, I have some knowledge on how the version naming process works. An update from 4.0 -> 4.0.1, for example, would be a small bug fix (e.g. a small pathing problem) and would usually be distributed via a patch file in the sticky post. An update from version 4.0.1 -> 4.1 would consist of many bug fixes (e.g. multiple path problems and/or missing textures) and would most likely be distributed via the LEX. An update from 4.1 -> 5.0 wouldn't really include many (if any) bug fixes and instead add many features, like the ones mrtnrln pointed out, and in the case of the RHW, include a new texture set*. It would also be distributed via LEX.

*Regarding new texture sets, I don't think RHW v20 included new textures, like 3.0, 4.0, and now 4.2/5.0 did, but this was the first time additional texture sets were available for the RHW mod (at least, that's what it seems like). With the new textures coming in the next version on the RHW Mod, calling it 5.0 would continue the pattern of having a new texture set with every major X.0 release.
This is all just my opinion, though. Feel free to disagree. ;D (rhyme :P)

I'm probably going to humiliate myself by asking this, but what does CP stand for? ()what() It's really been bothering me. ::)


@Tarkus:  Glad to know there is data.  I imagine there's a bitmask on the respective network in the code that only shows rail traffic for rail, car-bus-truck-ped traffic for roadways, etc.  The data is there on every tile, but it's being hidden.  Yes, it likely is hardcoded.   &mmm

The City & County of Honolulu, a Mayor Diary based on Honolulu, Hawai'i.

mark's memory address - I've created a blog!


Quote from: Nego on June 14, 2011, 10:41:03 AM
@mrtnrln: Don't forget the new textures. ;)

Good point! And they really are a great improvement--just perfect IMO  :thumbsup:

I'm probably going to humiliate myself by asking this, but what does CP stand for? ()what() It's really been bothering me. ::)

Cosmetic Pieces  ;)


@Nego: I use a lot of acronyms, as does much of the NAM Team...

NC - Neighbor Connector
OSP - On-slope Piece (probably not fully incorporated as a NAMcronym)
CP - Cosmetic Piece (Noah has answered your question, Nego)
FTC - FlexTransCurve :P

I would also side with calling v4.2 v5.0; DDRHW (something once deemed impossible), FlexSPUI (the second RHW-based FlexItem), and the new textures (They theoretically allow the creation of 12S and 10C) would probably be enough to justify renaming to v5.0.

But what could WMC #3 of 2 be...? ::)
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Thanks Noah and GDO29Anagram. And I do have to agree with Noah, I'm loving those new textures! Great Job! &apls

Ramona Brie

When it comes to three-letter acronyms, it's like the New Deal...

FDR, WPA, CCC, PWA, NRA, AAA or CAM, NAM, SAM, RHW, NWM, RRP, 3RR...for me the choice is clear.

I had an idea for Secret Weapon #3 BTW...roundabout interchanges in flex style?


Quote from: mrtnrln on June 14, 2011, 06:55:24 AM
My first RHW version was v1.2, and I didn't use it that much; I prefered MHW that time. However, I really started to use the RHW at v2.0, but still, I had a lot of MHWs. Version 3.0 extended the realm of the RHW halfway across my region Imaginia and RHW v4.0 completely banned the use of MHW. So you can see how my playing style adapted since the early RHW versions.

A NRHW-4 would only be used here for acceleration and decelleration lanes; the rest of the highway would be RHW-2.

We could name this version 5.0, since we now have:
- Lots of new FARHW pieces
- Wider Elevated networks
- FlexSPUI
- Way more CPs
- Lots of more pieces for the wider RHWs.
- Draggable RHW-6S.

That's an impressive list, enough to call it a x.0 version.

Multi-level RHWs could be included in v6.0


Your right Maarten, if not 5.0 at least a 4.5


Ryan B.

Quote from: banditp61 on June 14, 2011, 09:10:57 PM
I hate the suspense.

But the suspense is thrilling!  I hope it'll last.  *eats popcorn*

[/Willy Wonka]


Yo, NAM team, I think it's poll time  "$Deal"$
What should the next RHW release be?
RHW 5.0
RHW 4.2
Don't care

-Alex  :)


Hello Tarkus and all namites...

the new updates at just 'titillating' (word for the day ::))... it teases, it raises expectation anticipating a BIG NAM day release in the near future -my speculation is autumn :P but time will tell ... $%Grinno$%

chiming in concerning version numbering; agreeing with Nego's rationale for vr5.0 and TJ1's notion of at least a vr4.5  ;)



Thanks for all the great feedback, everyone!  And yes, I've started the version number poll . . . it's up top if you want to check it out.

On another note, a little gap fillage at long last:



Will there be (network) over Diagonal MIS now?
Pink horse, pink horse, she rides across the nation...


You'd think the end of the poll would offer some hint to the speculated release date, but I bet Tarkus did that on purpose  $%Grinno$%


No. More likely he set it up to run for one week. The end time is way to specific to be any sort of release date.


Quote from: Wiimeiser on June 16, 2011, 11:48:36 PM
Will there be (network) over Diagonal MIS now?

Eventually, yes.  It's uncertain whether or not it'll make this next release, however.  You will, however, be able to this for certain:

Quote from: crushedcar on June 17, 2011, 10:46:52 AM
No. More likely he set it up to run for one week. The end time is way to specific to be any sort of release date.

Precisely.  If anything, it gives a hint as to when we won't be releasing. :D


Ramona Brie

...*sighs* To think I was the one who brought this up...

@Tarkus The obtuse corners look slightly awkward there. Something's choppy about them.


Quote from: Tracker on June 17, 2011, 12:13:31 PM
@Tarkus The obtuse corners look slightly awkward there. Something's choppy about them.

I'd concur there . . . they didn't turn out quite as well as I'd hoped, but I figured I'd at least show the screenie as a proof-of-concept.  I'll see about fixing them up.


Ramona Brie

Also, just me: why are crosswalks needed to cross the avenue? It's not typical for people to walk alongside highway ramps. (Though avenue crosswalks across the MIS are practical.)


That will come in hand, a lot. Would there be FAR MIS intersection with a AVE?