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RHW (RealHighway) - Development and Support

Started by Tarkus, April 13, 2007, 09:10:49 PM

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Quote from: Tracker on July 08, 2011, 07:58:40 PM
I remember Tarkus saying that he wouldn't release the third Secret Weapon until close to RHW5 release time...  :-\

I hope you're right.  I start school again in Aug. as well and really want this before summer's end.  However, I would rather wait until Sept; etc. and have a bug free NAM then a NAM released today full of errors.

Tarkus: Under the SPUI, will those shadows be fixed under the bridge? EX: under the RHW-4's there are shadows, but under the blank piece in-between there is not a shadow.


Thanks for all the kind words, everyone--I'm really pleased to see that the new Secret Weapon is to your liking! :)

Quote from: rhwfanatic221 on July 08, 2011, 02:25:38 PM
I've one thing to ask though... can a larger network (say RHW 10 for instance) be incorporated into tht "modular" intersection?

If you mean wider RHW networks going underneath the El-FlexSPUI, yes.

Quote from: rhwfanatic221 on July 08, 2011, 02:25:38 PM
Think the only other release tht'll rival and/or surpass this one for me is Multi Level RHW interchanges  :P

I'm really looking forward to the Multi-Height system as well--modular stack interchanges at long last. ;D

Quote from: Hutts on July 08, 2011, 03:32:51 PM
Any chance for an onslope spui piece similar to the onslope t pieces for road, ave, etc?

The way the current implementation of FlexSPUI works, it'd be very difficult to adapt it to an on-slope setup, unfortunately.  This is probably the closest you're going to get.

Quote from: jibjohn on July 08, 2011, 09:05:17 AM
As a European though, can i ask if there has been any development on the roundabout front?

Not yet, but we'll be revisiting that soon.  A lot of what I've learned with FlexSPUI will be of use there.

Quote from: Opkl on July 08, 2011, 08:58:46 PM
Tarkus: Under the SPUI, will those shadows be fixed under the bridge? EX: under the RHW-4's there are shadows, but under the blank piece in-between there is not a shadow.

I'm still in the process of tweaking the shadows (some attempts to fix them have been frustratingly in vain).  I don't expect to get around to it until one of the last builds before we actually release, though.

Speaking of the release front, things are moving forward.  As far as the full complement of what we're releasing this go-around, the NWM is being the "spoilsport" right now, and I may end up postponing some of its currently in-progress functionality until an NWM 2.x release, so there's less stuff to worry about and we can ensure a stable release sooner rather than later.  Additionally, unless something's already in the midst of development, I wouldn't anticipate any new requested functionality to make it into this release cycle.

Thank you all for your patience while we work on finishing up these eagerly anticipated projects. :thumbsup:



Tarkus, do u have anymore secret weapon video for the RHWs or are those it? The DDRHW4 is my favorite video.
Your Friend;
Mayor Of Steven's Point & Maxiston
(Proud To Be Cities Of Sim Nation!)


Quote from: Starmanw402007 on July 09, 2011, 10:41:52 AM
Tarkus, do u have anymore secret weapon video for the RHWs or are those it? The DDRHW4 is my favorite video.

I'm not certain yet as to the secret weapons.  We'll see. ;)

Tonight, I've been wrestling the RHW-3 and getting its overpass functionality in place:



I don't think it is a NRHW-4, as it doesn't have shoulders. It's more likely to be a NMAVE-4.

@Tarkus: Looks nice, I also like the ERHW-2.



I have a question for the RHW guys here... is/are there any plans for EL Smooth Curves in time? Ever since the MIS curves in the last release I've been craving some for the Elevated ones to have it. Either way I'm still going to use this stuff ;)


@ rhwfanatic221 and others - Just as important or more to me would be diagonal on-slope pieces for MIS and / or RHW-4. These would also have the advantage of being much easier to model as elevated networks require extensive 3-D detail and from my understanding are limited in their complexity (number of coordinates or polys) by the game or one's hardware. It is a major limiting factor that elevated diagonal RHW networks cannot feature wide-radius curves in any form.


Quote from: noahclem on July 12, 2011, 12:59:01 PM
@ rhwfanatic221 and others - Just as important or more to me would be diagonal on-slope pieces for MIS and / or RHW-4. These would also have the advantage of being much easier to model as elevated networks require extensive 3-D detail and from my understanding are limited in their complexity (number of coordinates or polys) by the game or one's hardware. It is a major limiting factor that elevated diagonal RHW networks cannot feature wide-radius curves in any form.

First off, I would point out the current Flex-Fly pieces and curved Ground <-> EMIS transitions.  Secondly, Alex (Tarkus) just said they will come eventually.

Honestly, the poly count issue isn't THAT huge a deal.  Especially since it's per tile, it's not hard to fit enough straight segments of jersey barrier into the poly limit to make a decent curve.

I think it's more likely that these E-WRCs will take longer because not only are they 3D models, I have a strong suspicion the MIS and RHW-4 curves at least will be Flex-Fly pieces, which take an insane amount of RUL2 code.
All new animated railroad crossing props for networks of all sizes! (Phase 1 complete)--> http://sc4devotion.com/forums/index.php?topic=13209

Mostly writing pony stories on FimFiction.net, but Cities: Skylines is my new best friend.  Anything and everything I made for SimCity 4 is fair game for use and distribution.


As we approach the release of RealHighway Version 5.0, there are some considerations of which current users of RealHighway Version 4.1, and anyone interested in downloading RealHighway should be aware.

For Current RealHighway Version 4.1 Users
While 99% of RealHighway Version 4.1 content will continue to function identically in Version 5.0, there are some items which had implementation changes that will affect their future operation.  Most will be supported by a Version 4.1 "Legacy Support" file, which will allow existing instances of these items to continue to function, but some cannot be supported in this manner.  Below is a list detailing these items and what will be happening with them.

1) The RHW-8S and 10 Type B Ramp Interface Puzzle Pieces
The versions of these items will be lengthened by one tile in Version 5.0 (going from 3x2 to 4x2), to conform with their draggable counterparts, and other Type B Ramp Interfaces.  Existing instances of these pieces currently built will continue to function with the Legacy Support file, but the 3x2 version will no longer be able to be built.

2) RHW-6S and 8S Diagonal and Orthogonal-Diagonal Transition (Curve) Puzzle Pieces
The puzzle piece versions of these items will be discontinued in Version 5.0.  Draggable functionality will replace them.  The Legacy Support file will enable existing instances to continue functioning, though the RHW-6S version will show Version 4.1 textures, and its footprint is different from the new draggable version (the puzzle pieces are on a dual-tile shared-tile setup, as opposed to the overhanging single-tile setup of the draggable version).  Thus, it is recommended that current RealHighway users avoid building the RHW-6S version in order to minimize the need to retrofit their highway systems upon upgrading.

3) ERHW-4-over-Avenue Single-Point Urban Interchange (SPUI) Piece
This item has been rendered obsolete by the development of FlexSPUI.  The Legacy Support file will enable existing instances of the old SPUI to continue to operate, though it will continue to display Version 4.1 textures.  Thus, it is recommended that current RealHighway users avoid building the old SPUI in order to minimize the need to retrofit their highway systems upon upgrading.

4) RHW-6C Draggable Diagonals and Curves
The existing implementation of the RHW-6C draggable diagonals and curves in Version 4.1 uses an IID scheme that can cause wealth-level glitching.  In order to fix this issue, the IID scheme had to be changed for Version 5.0.  Because of the nature of the issue and its solution, it will not be possible to continue supporting instances of RHW-6C curves and diagonals built with Version 4.1, and they will need to be rebuilt with Version 5.0.  It is strongly recommended that current RealHighway users avoid building RHW-6C draggable diagonals and curves until after they upgrade to Version 5.0 in order to minimize the need to retrofit their highway systems.

For Prospective RealHighway Users
For those of you who are not yet RealHighway users, but are considering becoming one, first of all, thank you for your interest in the mod!  However, that said, because of the items mentioned above, we advise that you refrain from downloading the current RealHighway Version 4.1 release, and instead wait until we have released the Version 5.0 upgrade. 

In previous cases in which the RealHighway and the Street Addon Mod were about to be updated to a new version, we had locked the files shortly before the new release to prevent new users from downloading the old version.  As this policy had been controversial in the past, and it is not realistically feasible now given the removal of locking functionality on the STEX at Simtropolis, we are instead simply advising new users to wait to download the mod.

Does this mean we're really close to release, or you will actually be giving out a release date or timeline for release?
The "no release date" policy serves to protect both the NAM Team and the general public, and we will not be changing it.  While it may aggravate some, it is much less aggravating than announcing a release date and then overshooting that date by a long shot would be, which is a very real possibility considering that these projects are the product of an all-volunteer development group. And as with any piece of software, unexpected technical issues can arise during development and testing.

This sort of announcement, in order to provide the smoothest transition, needed to be made at a point far enough in advance of an upcoming release in order to prepare the existing user base, but close enough to the release that the information is accurate.  RealHighway Version 5.0 is currently in its 7th full developmental build, and at the point at which no new features are likely to be added.  Most NAM projects of this type go through about a dozen builds before release.


Whatever you do,
whenever you will release whatever you do,
It will be right in time, and I simply admire what you made out of this game!

&apls &apls &apls

I'm still astonished by the fact that while I'm trying to use at least 50% of what you have been developing, another 100% of new functions are added by the NAM team .. so I'm always hopless behind what is actual possible.  :P
If it's a good idea, go ahead and do it. It's much easier to apologize than it is to get permission.

Visit my BAT thread: Slow BAT steady - Rady's first BAT attemtps


I second that also just want to say that The RHW has Come a long way SPUI DDRHWs ect
yall keep it up  &apls
Live Out loud For God

Ramona Brie

Haverdale's Department of Transportation just received the word and is on its way to close a key RHW-6C highway bend. (Traffic will be detoured to surface streets.)

Ryan B.

Orleans County has work zone speed limit signs up & is ready to start work on highway improvements!

I hear that Lake Ontario State Parkway needs some serious work . . . ;)


Why don't you just put shoulders on the NMAVE-4 and turn it into an "NRHW-4"?
Another thing: Would there be Type-C and D ramps for the RHW-2 (utilizing the RHW-3 (and the NRHW-4, if the concept comes to fruition))?

(='.'=) This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into
(")_(") your signature to help him gain world domination

Bunny is a friend of weasels. So should you. GO WEASELS GO!


Quote from: gooper1 on July 13, 2011, 01:18:29 PM
Why don't you just put shoulders on the NMAVE-4 and turn it into an "NRHW-4"?
We've been over this before. Here is a concept texture I've posted several times...

Quote from: gooper1 on July 13, 2011, 01:18:29 PM
Another thing: Would there be Type-C and D ramps for the RHW-2 (utilizing the RHW-3 (and the NRHW-4, if the concept comes to fruition))?
Yes, that will probably be the case. At the moment I'm working on narrow exit lanes for RHW-2, which would be rendered obsolete if there eventually will be a NRHW-4.

(click for full resolution!)


Any chance of getting the QDRHW6-C implemented?


Quote from: marsh on July 13, 2011, 01:57:00 PM
Any chance of getting the QDRHW6-C implemented?

From now dare to say that there is absolutely  no chance  that something amazing to see the light. It's just too complicated  from the perspective of inputs and outputs to it, and I do not think  it makes sense for such a spectacular facility.

- Ivo