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Show us your...Intersections

Started by sanantonio, January 23, 2007, 05:17:32 PM

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Quote from: burgsabre87 on May 05, 2008, 05:13:05 PM

I don't understand where the MIS under the avenue-overpass at the bottom is used for.
Lurk mode: ACTIVE

Ryan B.

Emergency runaway truck ramp, my friend.  Also used for storing construction equipment and a nice hide-out for the New York State Police when they're ticketing speeders.   ;D


Ahh... now I see the whole point &idea
Lurk mode: ACTIVE


Here Justintimes futuristic traffic signals which were really intended for SimMars.

And next, in case no one thoght possible, heres the 3 avenues@one road intersection, the one problem is doing it the other way, the traffic lights are all wackey. I have tried to get this addressed in the developement thread.


Wow!  This thread has been bumped down to page two!  I think its time to revive it!

Click on the pictures to view them in FULL Resolution! (1920x1200)

A new sunken stack interchange I have been working on.  This photo was taken before development in the area began to show you it without any obstructions.

A very long diamond interchange.  Again, taken before urban development.

Entering a urban area.

An ortho/diagonal interchange in a dense part of town.

Anyways, thats it from me for now.  I hope you enjoyed them!



All very nice pictures, I especially like Haljackey's second picture, the gap between roads is unusually large (at least compared to where I live anyway). It looks cool! Where did you get them concrete sunken highway walls from Haljackey? I did have them but I lost them and now I cant remember where I got them from.

Anyway here is one of mine, I believe its called the trumpet (I'm not 100% sure). The roads at the bottom right will be a housing estate. North, Im thinking of leaving as country-side due to there being a hill just north and also there being lots of trees.



Those are some nice retaining walls Hal. Where did you get them from?


Looking really great and realistic there, jonoboo.
Haljackey, yours look really good aswell. I think the RHW with huge median could be a great place to place a High Speed Rail into (preferably ground version)
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300... 200... 100... 50... 40... 30... 20... 10

Yep, I still got it.


I went to build my first MIS Cloverleaf, but then realized my highway was to close to the edge of the map to properly do the loops  :angrymore: So, my poor sims will be stuck navagating this:

~ NAM Team Member


^^That looks pretty neat! You can go anywhere on that intersection!

Visit my Warsaw, Poland MD.


thats a half clover half turbine hybrid.
NAM + CAM + RAM + SAM, that's how I roll....


Wow, my head hurts just looking at that one, lol ;D



Wicked interchange  ;D Even better that it's fully conected
Lurk mode: ACTIVE


That is seriously cool kitsune, well done
Copperminds and Cuddleswarms


I would like to see a whole turbine interchange... or maybe a complete stack with the RHW... i've tried to do it myself but it is veeeeery difficult...


Yes, its big, and maybe complicated to navigate through, but Kitsune, thats one original way to do it. Not that I would try it. Well since this is show us your intersections, I guess I could show this. I built a different type of RHW underpass. (RHW to subway)


EL cozu, 8 hours work all for you.

certain bodges, like there is no diagonal OWR over RHW or infact any wide radius curves for OWR, thus it took abit of bodging, oh thats a medium city tile.... and you cant make it much smaller, erm, turbine sometime soonish,

psst, try clicking the image
NAM + CAM + RAM + SAM, that's how I roll....