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Show us your...Intersections

Started by sanantonio, January 23, 2007, 05:17:32 PM

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its an opposing split turbine clover hybrid.... awesome....
NAM + CAM + RAM + SAM, that's how I roll....


I'm exactly the opposite, I go more compact, because I have to. Heres something I didn't think I would make. I had to use tunnels, and had to route a u-turn tunnel for the one side to go round to the left. As you see in the drawing, its like a trumpet, except, instead of straights across, its all mostly curved based.


Single Lane Ramp Turbine (I'm sure I could get it super compact using dual lane exits)

~ NAM Team Member

Patricius Maximus

Here is a tollway I made in an industrial city with the RHW and avenue:

The reason it is a tollway is because thousands of freight trucks were going on it daily, and I thought I'd squeeze a few pennies out of them  :D


kitsune im sure it will look amazing with dual lane exits... im tempted to try and recreate some of my previous epic interchanges....

NAM + CAM + RAM + SAM, that's how I roll....


Quote from: mightygoose on June 01, 2008, 05:45:52 PM
its an opposing split turbine clover hybrid.... awesome....

Actually, it is a cloverstack.

Here is another image.

Click on the image for Full Resolution!

It is saved @ 100% quality, so it may take a while to load when clicked on.



@all: WOW! Totally awesome stuff there!
Lurk mode: ACTIVE


I remember the second picture from another thread of your mightygoose, I will definitely describe it as epic.

However, Haljackey, your full resolution link doesn't seem to be working ()what() (either here or over at ST)
Typographia - Type as Cities" border="0

Types as Cities | Now Showing: Lucida


I made a, oh what you call it, a SPUI. Its more in the top pic. However, since ther are no signals, I made the one below, with traffic lights, and turning lanes. The one on top, anyone could do, but it kinda gets tricky, you have to take control of the one way system. Sadly, the image 2nd below, you aren't (likely) going to be able to replicate, its something I haven't gone public about.


nice intersections all!

j-dub: where did you get those power lines?
Wha??? Where am I? Oh, that's right! I'm here!


Quote from: etherian on June 03, 2008, 05:45:11 AM
Haljackey, your full resolution link doesn't seem to be working ()what() (either here or over at ST)

Hmmm... It is working for me.  Try this link:

Patricius Maximus

I Present the Full Turbine Interchange

I'll have some more later, including a traffic query  ;)


Okay, the following counts as an intersection, but look closely below to the bottom right corner. This is a 1 tile quick slip lane, but redone with my personal touch. I wanted to reveal this, but keep it on the down low at the same time. I tried turning traffic on to hide it. I can tell you, its a real in game photo of mine, and leave it at that. So remember in the future these things are gonna be big. This pic remains exclussive to this thread here.



Lurk mode: ACTIVE


interesting j-dub  :thumbsup:. thats one cool switch. i wish i could have it...please???
Wha??? Where am I? Oh, that's right! I'm here!


Patricius Maximus. It's not an intersection. I think it's because it's underground lol :P. Your maze of RHW highway amazes me. It's beautiful like an artform or sumthing ::). It's like a flower... made of asphalt  ???.

To summarize that in one word: W ::) W!
300... 200... 100... 50... 40... 30... 20... 10

Yep, I still got it.

Ryan B.

Here's another one of mine:

This is part of a very compact interchange featuring a Maxis highway (complete with frontage roads) and a road.  As you can see, the local DOT office has gotten signage up.

It's like Smokey & the Bandit - they've still got a long way to go.   :P


I'd really love to share what I had pictured, but its not like I can release it right here, there may be some issues. Is Lakeyboy around anywhere? Burgsabre87, good idea with hanging signs off of overpasses. I know they do that in RL, but I never thought of doing that in Sim City. I always had used metal pylons. If I didn't usually have ramps next to my highways, leading up to overpasses, I would do that too.


burgsabre87--i was just thinking of these the other day.  are they available for DL?   

j-dub--i basically use one ways to do the same thing but they remove my turning lanes.  these would be great if u ever get them up for DL.