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Three Rivers Region

Started by dedgren, December 20, 2006, 07:57:49 PM

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The state of Google mapping as I open it up this morning.

I'll put up an "after" pic of the map in this post following the hour or so I have allotted to work on it this morning.



D. Edgren

Please call me David...

Three Rivers Region- A collaborative development of the SC4 community
The 3RR Quick Finder [linkie]

I aten't dead.  —  R.I.P. Granny Weatherwax

Skype: davidredgren


David you have been a busy bee here latly love that single track and the map hmmm I wonder about the after pic now gaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah  :D ;D ;)

Don't forget the SC4D Podcast is back and live on Saturdays @ 12 noon CST!! -- The Podcast soon to Return Here Linkie


Looking good, David! Looking good!

I can't wait to see the "After" shot!



firstly what terrain mod do you use for that last in game picure :P:P:P moving on, i am of a firm belief that at some point we should submit a real wikipedia article on 3RR as a real geopgraphical location and confuse the hell out of everyone with the maps and thorough back story... i know there is a real three rivers area but thats in a different place i believe..

EDIT: That's the "Alaska" terrain mod, my friend.  It's not released yet, but you can preview it out my back door anytime. -DE
NAM + CAM + RAM + SAM, that's how I roll....


Quote from: mightygoose on June 05, 2008, 03:04:41 PM
firstly what terrain mod do you use for that last in game picure :P:P:P moving on, i am of a firm belief that at some point we should submit a real wikipedia article on 3RR as a real geopgraphical location and confuse the hell out of everyone with the maps and thorough back story... i know there is a real three rivers area but thats in a different place i believe..

That would be pretty funny to do! As for the "real" Three Rivers--the first place that comes to mind for me is Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, built at the confluence of the Allegheny and Monongahela Rivers, where they form the Ohio River. Of course, there's also Trois-Rivières, Québec, as well...


that would be SO funny but probably get someone banned from wikipedia....


now that would be epic  :thumbsup:

naturally to attract people to the article you would need links in other articles...

something like: "TV Personality Joan Rivers was born in a log cabin near present day Pineshore, Three Rivers, on December 13, 1842"

EDIT: I had no idea Joan Rivers was that young! -DE
War Kittens !?


it certainly has a better case than Idaho

NAM + CAM + RAM + SAM, that's how I roll....


Nice there! And congrats on more than 3900 replies, David! Also congrats to SA for the 3900th reply!


Looking forward to more...


I need...

...to take a short break.  Maybe a week, maybe a little longer.  Some stuff going on- I just need to deal with it in addition to leaving for Helena, Montana on the 21st of this month to visit the boys.

I'll still be working on all of the projects I have underway.  The term all was said intentionally (hint, hint), so don't despair if you are waiting for something in particular.

In the meantime, I won't leave everyone just hanging.  One of the big projects that's been underway in the background is to figure out how to migrate 3RR-ST (at least the posts I made there, and probably selected reader comments as well) over to SC4D so that there could be tighter integration.  As a result, I have over the past few weeks reread all of 3RR-ST, and have identified a few old posts that I think you might enjoy.  Thus every day or two, I'll be posting here some 3RR-ST "Oldies but Goodies."  I probably won't be able to resist tossing in a comment or two, but things won't be near so busy as they've been over the past little bit.  I will put up at least one additional post this weekend about the new 3RR server I've set up, and what I plan to do with it (hint no. 2, Peter (petercntn), your prayers will shortly be answered).

So, here's a 3RR-ST post from March 13, 2006, the second day of 3RR's existence (before I knew about the rule about bumping your own thread, I might add- I think I had made about eight posts in the first 48 hours) I think you'll enjoy.

 03/13/2006 10:40 AM

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Trixie Winner 2007
Posts: 1461
Joined: 06/24/2004

Yesterday in my first posts on this journal, I passed on a little bit of information about myself and about the cyberspace environment in which Three Rivers Region ("3RR") exists.  I plan, as time permits, to post two entries today that mainly deal with the way that I approach creating and developing regions and cities in SC4 and the reason why I would be so bold as to think you, the dear reader, might be interested.

First though, the mail...

Since the last update, Micah wrote me back about green areas in my cities (sorry, Micah, for pulling your leg a bit- I try to keep my wise-guy tendencies in check, but...).  I'll note here further that they tend to have lots of treed areas because, when I start a city, I always do three things before I lay out the first zone.

   1.   Set funds to a billion dollars or so (more about this later in the "sandbox" discussion part of today's entries).

   2.  Lay out the basic transport network (freeways, main roads and rail).

   3.  Forest (used as a verb, like to "party") the entire city.

Here's a few example shots from a region called Arcadia showing the results of steps 2 and 3.

The whole region with transport and trees in place, but no development.

A shot of the end result in the city of Northeast.  You can see how development would leave lots of trees standing.

Once the transport is all down, I [CNTRL]-[ALT]-[SHIFT] to the God Mode toolbar...

...and play Johnny Appleseed to my heart's content.

Here's a few shots of another city, Southwest, in the region.

[I was really into extreme terrain those days]

I'll talk about a fourth step I've started doing, which is to detail river banks, in connection with discussing Wind River later on.

Micah, btw, thanks for letting me know cheating is okay.  Actually, I have always referred to it as "taking advantage of all available options."  Again, more about this when I discuss the "sandbox" approach.

swesim:  The availability of other colors of trees on the STEX does not surprise me- actually when I think about it, I have a pretty good range of standard tree colors available on my Mayor Mode flora toolbar (blue and purple, though?)  You raise the issue, which I noted in passing, of seasonal color change.  That's always been a hard one for me on SC4.  I absolutely adore PEG's seasonal trees (and for that matter, virtually everything else that particular STEX God has created over the years).  The problem is that the season-changing thing is not implemented across the board.  Imagine a stand of Cyclepuppy's aspen automatically turning gloriously yellow and gold in the fall game months.  It probably could be implemented for the various flavors of deciduous trees available in the game (there are what now, with the work jeronij has done, upwards of 25 or so?).  Then comes winter, though...  It sounds like a lot of work (not that I would wish someone would do it- more about that later on in this CJ, too).

Thanks too for your comment about organizing plugins.  I have downloaded Andreas Roth/SBFTs' plugin manager, but the demands of RL have kept me from implementing it yet.  I have to say that, if it does what I understand that it does, it is a great addition to the tools one has at hand for use in the game.  That said, I bet it works best when your plugins folder is well organized to begin with.

jacqulina:  I was waiting for your encouragement...people are so great in this community.  Thanks.

xmencool:  I think the point of the whole plugins folder situation is that it cries out for someone to take charge.  There could be simple protocols developed that would mean, as I found when I really started looking at mine, that you don't have seven copies of the same prop or texture file in various places in your plugins folder.

If you are really brave, scan your plugins folder (make a backup, first) with a program like doublekiller.  It's freeware, and you can get it from


You probably will be amazed what you find that you have two or three (or four or five or....) of.

If you're really brave, get rid of the extras.  I can't speak for Maxis/EA software developers, but I can speak anecdotally- there is no requirement or use for any duplicated prop or texture file in the plugins folder.  Happy deleting!

This has run long, so I'll break today's update into three posts instead of two.

[btw, can anyone tell me how to edit my "topic summary" line?  I started out yesterday thinking I would refresh it whenever I posted new updates.  If it can be modified by the owner of the CJ, I don't see how, though.  Thanks in advance for the help.]

EDIT:  (8/16/06)  Moved pics to ImageShack.

D. Edgren

So, grab a mojito [linkie]

or other beverage of choice and lets look at what we've just seen.

The first is the logo and pic.  I tried for a consistent appearance for 3RR... oh say for about two weeks.  It's a good thing if, as an MDer, you have the discipline to do it.  I didn't.

That's the original four large quad version of 3RR before I knew anything about scale.  It's still kicking around in the bowels of the 'puter.

The three things I said I always do:

Quote1.   Set funds to a billion dollars or so (more about this later in the "sandbox" discussion part of today's entries).

   2.  Lay out the basic transport network (freeways, main roads and rail).

   3.  Forest (used as a verb, like to "party") the entire city.

Not any more.  I guess these steps would be more like:

    1.  Come up with a grayscale height map.

    2.  Create the region using the SC4TerraFormer.

    3.  Hand edit the terrain (micro-terraforming or, for all you model railroaders, super-detailing) using a combination of TerraFormer and "in-game" tools.

    4.  Add all ploppable waterways and waterbodies.

    5.  Forest (still as a verb).

    6.  Create basic road and rail grid.

And then you've reached the same point.

Arcadia.  Ahh, Arcadia.  It's what I was doing the six months or so before I started 3RR.  It was completely hand-terraformed in the game.  Of course, as noted, I had no sense of scale and I was only becoming fully aware of the potential of non-Maxis tree options.  Arcadia was flat-out fun.  It's still around, as well- and you may be seeing more of it down the road.

Embedded in the Arcadia pics is a reference to using "God Mode" foresting (there's that verb again).  It's not quite that simple, so don't be misled.  More on that later, too.

Quote...thanks for letting me know cheating is okay.  Actually, I have always referred to it as "taking advantage of all available options."


The real nugget here is this:

QuoteImagine a stand of Cyclepuppy's aspen automatically turning gloriously yellow and gold in the fall game months.  It probably could be implemented for the various flavors of deciduous trees available in the game (there are what now, with the work jeronij has done, upwards of 25 or so?).  Then comes winter, though...  It sounds like a lot of work (not that I would wish someone would do it- more about that later on in this CJ, too).

I don't know what else to say.

QuoteI have downloaded Andreas Roth/SBFTs' plugin manager, but the demands of RL have kept me from implementing it yet.

Believe it or not, I have never tried the plugin manager to this day.  I know there's more developments in this area, but it leaves me wondering what I've missed.

Finally, Doublekiller.  It's a brilliant program for cleaning up your computer in general, and it's a good tool for checking out your plugins folder.  Here's that [linkie] again.

* * *

Anyway- that's that.  We'll be back later on.


D. Edgren

Please call me David...

Three Rivers Region- A collaborative development of the SC4 community
The 3RR Quick Finder [linkie]

I aten't dead.  —  R.I.P. Granny Weatherwax

Skype: davidredgren


WOOOOOOOOOOOOOO, I love it, an update (for me) at 10pm, (I didnt get to it till 11 cause i was watching a film).

What I got from that micrp-epic post:

a server...... ooooooooooooo, i like servers ()stsfd() (infact i was going to suggest/offer the creation of a website for 3RR would be a nice addition. if that makes sense...)

Trees.... LOL. Me? I aint a fan of trees in SC4... never done much with them, probably wouldnt do them justice anyway.

anoter region... mmmmmmm. one question; is it still only 4 tiles? (i know, kinda silly to think that it still would be  $%Grinno$%)

oh and BTW, I cant wait for more 3RR-ST integration, I think I might have to set aside a day sometime to re-read this thread, cant remember most of it. I know, bad aint it...

I am honoured as always to beable to read and comment on this a such magistic genious :) and only wish I had only a small percentage of the skills and patience you spend in making your cities and your posts

Copperminds and Cuddleswarms



I have finally caught up, as promised.  I believe my first comment on 3RR (or SC4D, for that matter) was on p. 179.  You know, David, a good de-stressor for you would be a long stay in 3RR.  Think about it.  No rush-rush lifestyle to raise your blood pressure, and no worries.  Additionally, I'm sure that updates would be easier since you would actually be in 3RR, posting the updates. :)
Find my power line BAT thread here.
Check out the Noro Cooperative.  What are you waiting for?  It even has electricity.
Want more? Try here.  For even more electrical goodies, look here.
Here are some rural power lines.


Enjoy your break, David. You deserve it!!

P.S. My neighbourhood in Sims 2 (my other gaming obsession) is called Arcadia. Don't know why, but I've always loved that name.  ;D


well, well, well, what have we here, i am sure it is bad form to post the same update twice, no matter how old it is :P but as you have done it, i may as well take it as written (typed)(well read)(in fact, i wonder if there are many/any other ways you could take it?)

but moving on to the content at hand, a short break is probably a great idea and i hope you and "your boys" have a great time, everyone needs a hiatus, no matter who, no matter how long, and no matter what from. it does you good, and you can come back and often regain the rampant enthusiasm that the lack of drove you to hiatus. this is not the case however and although not driven away, im sure you will still be chomping at the bit when you return. In light of this im expecting an equally long post upon your return, this time not all copied and pasted :P.

i love the fact that even in your second post of 3RR ever you are approaching the community with the same methodical excellence that you show to this day. although the subject has evolved greatly you found a winning formula in that writing style and it is great to see that it hasnt changed a dime. you say that the banner top lasted all of two weeks but the way you write the post has lasted two years, and the statement that this tale is two years old in itself is testament to your, as you put it

Quoteyou have the discipline to do it

mojitos, the great summer cocktail, there is a great place that does them really well just round the corner from here, i we all know now where i'll be tomorrow afternoon, although my personal choice is a black russian, [linkie], i just prefer the creamy flavour, regardless of the gappy/claggy/gacky aftertaste.(you know when your saliva gets all viscous in the back of your mouth after eating/drinking something nondescript, everyone has a word for it but i can't seem to find the actual dictionary word for it)

it is interesting to read that you come up with a height map prior to the terraformer, can't say i have heard of many instances of that occuring in a ficticious map, although seeing those google maps is making reach for the tinfoil hat. [linkie]

i would love to see more of arcadia, even if it is not your humblest of beginnings it would be an interesting contrast to see some fresh Dedgren material that is not from 3RR of any scale. In fact bar the scant shots in this post i don't think we have seen as Dedgren shots from outside of 3RR.

Doublekiller heh, i downloaded that from your link in that post the first time round, and still use it regularly to this day.

Finally, a server, heh, now if i were to run the show at this point i would have SC4 installed on this server and the plugins on this server so rather than us flinging large files about all zipped up via third party sites that would be virtually impossible to find for free anyway considering the filesize [insert breathing here] we can all upload to the server and you can import the cities straight into the master 3RR, thus updating would also be easier and it saves you alot of file chasing. in short, if i were running it i would do it exactly how im sure your going to do it.

EDIT: Yup to all that. -DE

fantastic update here david, alot to take in, and i know my comments are often among the shortest i was in the mood for sharing so i went abit out on a limb, hey ho, on we go....


PS - you know its going to be a long one if you right click the post reply button and hit open in new window :P
NAM + CAM + RAM + SAM, that's how I roll....


Well, David! What can I say? A trip down memory lane is always a welcome surprise, and I'll be looking forward to them in the future!

Enjoy your break, my friend. We'll all be looking forward to hearing from you!



Helena, MT you will only be 3 hours from my house. Have a pleasant trip and enjoy.

p.s.- love the trip down memory lane hope you get better and get all your projects completed
Greywolf (John Michael)
If you can't run with the pack don't run at all



June 07. 2008 @ 7:24:49 CDST

EDIT: And that's a whole lotta 8s, Joan.  We're well on our way to 100K within the month. -DE


In the Chinese tradition 8 means luck. And so much "8" means a lot of luck!
New Horizons Productions
Berethor - beskhu3epnm - blade2k5 - dmscopio - dedgren - Emilin - Ennedi
jplumbley - moganite - M4346 - nichter85 - papab2000 - Shadow Assassin - Tarkus - wouanagaine


Just taking a few minutes to post these.

Here you have all of the things that I have recently "unofficially" made available for download.  They are all in different states of "finishedness," but are certainly usable in terms of the modding.  I now have set up a server as opposed to that yucky third-party advertising-ridden download site.  I do note that if you have downloaded any of them from back a few weeks ago, you have them.  They are not new or improved since then.  I also note that, if a bazillion of you start DLing them, I may exceed the server host's bandwidth limit.  So, be nice- you are welcome to them if you really intend to use them, please though, don't DL more than once for whatever reason- if there are problems, please let me know.

I continue to make the same offer to anyone who wants to take these- polish them up with nifty menu icons and readmes- and get them onto the LEX.  Take all the credit- I'd just like them out there and in use.  PM me or post here for more information on this.

Anyway, these are, again, "as is-where is."  If your Sims start running naked in the streets after you start using them, well... hey, you were warned.

Ploppable threestooges Windmill (version 2) [download linkie]

Center pivot irrigation fields [download linkie]

Fields [download linkie]

jeronij ploppable water rapids and waterfall [download linkie]

c.p./cycledogg seasonal tree lots [download linkie]

There's a bunch more where those came from.  I'm really thinking about putting the ortho wide runways up here, as those lots have been done for a year and are unreleased only because of the lack of icons and a readme.  I'm also sending a bunch of fenceline stuff Chris's (chrisadams3997) way, because he's hugely better at that sort of stuff than I am.




D. Edgren

Please call me David...

Three Rivers Region- A collaborative development of the SC4 community
The 3RR Quick Finder [linkie]

I aten't dead.  —  R.I.P. Granny Weatherwax

Skype: davidredgren


wonderfull fences there david