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Roskilde Cathedral

Started by vester, March 30, 2008, 03:19:26 AM

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Good to see you here Joan.

Well here is something from the Cathedrals homepage.
Christian 4.s Kapel, ca. 1620. Nederlandsk renæssance. Kvindefigurerne langs gavlen symboliserer de syv kristne dyder, øverst står Retfærdigheden med vægt og sværd. Ved siden af vinduerne står fire små drengebørn med hver sit dødssymbol. Det viser at bygningen er et gravkapel. De indhuggede årstal angiver tidspunkter for restaurering.

My best translation:
Christian 4's chapel is from approx 1620, Dutch renaissance.
The women figurs in the gable symbolizes the seven christianize virtues. At the top with scale and sword is Justice.
Next to the windows is four small boys with each with a different symbol of death. This shows that the building is a burial chapel.
The in carve years states years for restorations. (1734 and 1833)

Have worked a little more one it:


Wow Arne - the detail is amazing.  And that is on part of the building you CANNOT see from your window :D  What level of detail is going to occur on the bits that you can stare at from your window all day ;) :thumbsup:


Quote from: paroch on July 25, 2008, 12:57:56 PM
Wow Arne - the detail is amazing.  And that is on part of the building you CANNOT see from your window :D  What level of detail is going to occur on the bits that you can stare at from your window all day ;) :thumbsup:

Can't even get to that part due to restorations of the roof and the chapel.


 &apls &apls Great progress that you have done . It`s true that`s a pitty to not see all the detail , cause they are amazing. Keep it up


Thanks Kimcar.

Getting the framework in place for the gable:

Here is a picture of the real thing, as it look like from a kayak:

I do kayaking, but its not my picture.


Arne, it's fascinating to see how the mechanics of the different elements come together as you develop them. It is by studying the work of masters like you that beginners like me can better understand the basics of what's appropriate when and where. I'm so glad you decided to share your creation process.



Thanks Joan. Master ? Well thanks you.

Want to show you a bit different view for this update:

ahh well, here you go, a more normal view:


(='.'=) This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your
(")_(") signature to help him gain world domination


You are doing a wonderful job on this Arne! Every update you make is a pleasure for the eye  :thumbsup:


Thanks for your comments.

Still working on the gable:

... and have started playing around with the camera settings. Well this Depth of Fields takes 12 rendering, instead of just one.

Here is a close-up of the gable:


Great level of detail there Arne.  Is that the final texture on the cornices and statues etc?


Seeing the gable change from a clown-colored model into a beautifully-textured work of art is amazing! Stunning workmanship.



It's been a while. I started working a little on this.

Here is a quick update:

Have extracted the chapel into a separate model.

Here is a picture from inside the chapel:

That is just paint on a flat surface. Amazing, right ?

This is "just" a painting as well:

this includes the columns ect. as well.

Here is a picture of the cathedral last year. Well the scaffolding is finally coming down :D
... and the backside will no longer be a construction site. That means I can get some good pictures of my own of this chapel I am working on.


Hey vester it has been a wee while but hey they say good things come to those who wait right??? BTW its looking real great there!!!

Don't forget the SC4D Podcast is back and live on Saturdays @ 12 noon CST!! -- The Podcast soon to Return Here Linkie


 &apls &apls Great render for that one. Still a lot of work to do ,  hum ! Hope to see it soon. :thumbsup:


oh yes i like your chapel, but i think that the roof is not ended  :thumbsup:

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