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CAM - General Discussions

Started by RippleJet, May 01, 2007, 01:35:47 PM

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It would be good to clean all original lots

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Divide wouanagaine by zero and you will in fact get one...one bad-ass that is - Alek King of SC4


dont get rid of your dependencies! Those shouldn't be affected, and you will need most of them for camElots!
You can call me Grif

--Currently out of the office, will resume SC4 7/19


Welcome Apetrouser

Well I had a huge plugin folder when CAM was released and as long as you follow the relevant
readme instructions things should be ok.

You'll find a Cleanitol file in most DL's from the LEX to be used.
If you DL the Cleanitol application you will find one of the best and handiest tools created by our GOD
ALL BOW to Wouanagaine ( we are not worthy)
This will be a considerable aid in your quest.

If you decide to renew your plugins (do indeed keep a backup :thumbsup:) then at least you know
you will be up to date with the latest files.

I wish you luck in your quest and if you have any questions just ask
(think logically and post in relevant thread) - someone will help


Kettle's on. Milk? Sugars?    ps I don't like Earl Grey  $%Grinno$%
Reduce, Reuse, Recycle - If you're not part of the solution , you're part of the problem!
"Never knock on Death's door: Ring the bell and run away! Death really hates that!"
Tales at TeaTime      Now A proper NUT      TTC plays GRV II


Quote from: apetrouser on November 08, 2008, 02:12:42 PM
but what about the Stages 1-7 buildings?  I've read that they should still work, but wouldn't their occupancy/jobs values cause possible demand problems too (since CAM readjusts these)?

If they are properly modded, old stage 1-7 buildings shouldn't cause any problems.
Whether old lots are properly modded is another question though...

Quote from: apetrouser on November 08, 2008, 02:12:42 PM
And are the CAMified downloads here dependent on stuff from the original downloads from STEX/elsewhere?  Or is everything (like model files) included with the packs here?

Unfortunately we were not granted permission by certain batters to upload mega packs on the LEX.
In those cases you will still need to download the SC4Models elsewhere.
However, do not install anything else from that download. No SC4Lot files and no SC4Desc files. ;)


Hey, thanks for the quick replies!

QuoteUnfortunately we were not granted permission by certain batters to upload mega packs on the LEX.
In those cases you will still need to download the SC4Models elsewhere.
However, do not install anything else from that download. No SC4Lot files and no SC4Desc files.

You mean for those buildings and things that were created before CAM, and just updated since then to be CAMpatible?  I would assume I can find this info in the readmes for each download?

All I need now is to think up a good excuse for avoiding human contact the rest of the weekend. I like my cities' sims better than real people anyway (even if they do suck at driving to work ::)).

Thanks again, I'm giddy to start playing with this!


Quote from: apetrouser on November 08, 2008, 03:34:47 PM
You mean for those buildings and things that were created before CAM, and just updated since then to be CAMpatible?  I would assume I can find this info in the readmes for each download?

Yes, it is mentioned in the readme for each of those.
You might also get some help from the thread this quote comes from:

Quote from: RippleJet on August 14, 2007, 03:59:28 PM
If the Model File is included in a previously uploaded lot (on STEX or a Japanese site), you only need the file that contains the batted model from that upload. Normally this is a SC4Model file, but in some cases it might be a DAT file. In no cases will you need any SC4Lot files, SC4Desc files or custom queries contained in the original upload, or any dependencies mentioned for that upload.

Quote from: apetrouser on November 08, 2008, 03:34:47 PM
All I need now is to think up a good excuse for avoiding human contact the rest of the weekend. I like my cities' sims better than real people anyway (even if they do suck at driving to work ::)).

Have a nice weekend! ;D


When will CAM 1.1 be released?


When it's ready. 

EDIT:  Is that even in the pipeline? 


Quote from: bwatterud on December 03, 2008, 08:31:53 PM
EDIT:  Is that even in the pipeline? 

No, it isn't... we're jumping directly into 2.0 ::)


We're getting a 2.0??? NO WAY!!! that is sweeet!!!!  &apls :thumbsup:  ;) :D

Don't forget the SC4D Podcast is back and live on Saturdays @ 12 noon CST!! -- The Podcast soon to Return Here Linkie


eternal commuter fix? 

*looking for the crossed finger smiley?**


Quote from: choco on December 04, 2008, 12:59:54 PM
eternal commuter fix? 

*looking for the crossed finger smiley?**

Unfortunately, it's not fixable from outside the executable.  However, as a side effect of its work, the RTMT Team will have a type of workaround available in the form of express subways, probably early next year.


When do you think it will be availabe?



This was probably asked sometime before but would anyone have an idea as to why demand would have bottomed out here?  The city is large and contains around 10 neighborhood connections.


Quote from: andreharv on December 08, 2008, 08:42:41 PM
This was probably asked sometime before but would anyone have an idea as to why demand would have bottomed out here?  The city is large and contains around 10 neighborhood connections.

Yes, it has been asked before, every now and then ever since SimCity was released.
And as far as I know, nobody has been able to explain it yet.

I have myself at times experienced an unwarranted decline in residential demand similar to the one you have here.
At least in my case it was applicable only to one city though. Do other cities in your region have the same problem?

I'm glad you posted a Census Repository report of it, as that will at least enable us to discard some possible reasons...

  • The regional projected residential demand is still high enough, and well above the actual regional residential and workforce capacities.
  • Unemployment is not a factor.
  • The workforce demand is still maximized at 72,000. Thus, residential demand should be immensly high.

Would there be any negative desirability factors for residentials?

  • Check residential desirability in the dataview (in my problematic case this was constantly dropping for no apparent reason).
  • What are the tax rates? (if you had used Census Repository Facility V3 this would have been displayed as well)
  • I don't suppose there's any kind of radiation in the city?
  • How about garbage, air and water pollution?
  • Since the EQ seems to be close to 200, crime is certainly not out of hands...


Thanks for the insight RippleJet.  You were right about the city exclusivity.  I wanted to make a realistic sized region of 32x32 and in the two large city maps that I started, the populations are not the highest but nonetheless, the residential demand tanked.  I checked desirability and it was red as the devil.  Since my last post, I have destroyed the city and I will finish the surrounding cities so that all the network connections are established and then build it back slowly so that I can more easily pinpoint the problem.  So far, I created 3 cities: One residential and one commercial.  The residential city has a pop of almost 350,000 and the commercial, 565,000 jobs.  The cities are connected with a monorail line and an avenue.  Both receive between 25,000 to 35,000 commuters each.  Because of the logjamming traffic this causes, and the fact that virtually nobody has abandoned due to commute times yet, I know that in the city that tanked, commute time was not the issue.  I'll keep you guys posted if I figure this thing out because it is pretty annoying. ??? &mmm


First post, hope this is the correct thread.

In the manual it says you will soon find all civic facilities, etc... are too small in terms of capacity, and to try the LEX.  I've checked for some Civics buildings there, but I'm not sure which ones are CAM friendly so to speak (unlike growables labelled as CAMeLOT, I don't see any similar labelling for the civics on the LEX.  What civic ploppables are recommended, or has anyone done analysis and have some stat guidelines for altering current civic buildings?  Does anyone still use easytweaker for that sort of thing?

I don't want to end up needing hospitals and schools every block to keep up with the stage 9-15 density/population increase.  Though I don't want to blindly alter the Civic buildings and end up unbalancing the simulation either.  The reason I d/l the CAM is IMO it's the most thought out addon for balancing the game.

P.S. I'd like to download some STEX lots I had before.  Would it be safe to assume C & R lots say levels 1-5 probably wouldn't throw the balance of CAM off?  I'm thinking 6-8 may have values to close to buildings that are stage 9+ with CAM.


No, they are not marked in any special way...
These are the most obvious ones though:

JBSimio's next School Pack will also contain something bigger... ::)

Quote from: Vdub4life on December 09, 2008, 10:51:38 PM
P.S. I'd like to download some STEX lots I had before.  Would it be safe to assume C & R lots say levels 1-5 probably wouldn't throw the balance of CAM off?  I'm thinking 6-8 may have values to close to buildings that are stage 9+ with CAM.

Stages 1-5, even stages 1-6 are in general balanced enough to work with CAM. Some stage 7 and most stage 8 are not.
Just be careful, since there are even skyscrapers growing as stage 1 available on the STEX... $%Grinno$%


I have been using CAM for close to a year, and now I finally have been having some success in getting my cities to contniue grow. Right now I have a ton of CS$ demand with not real way to satisfy it. I want to edit some of my lot with a increase of jobs, can this be done without causing the sim to have growth issues in the future?