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The Winding River Project

Started by mrbisonm, March 08, 2009, 03:11:05 PM

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««" I have never in my 68 years of existance seen the Bluebay river nor the Valmorelake frozen.(picture below)," Grandpa said at our Sunday breakfast table at our place in Bluebay."It never got this cold before and I have no idea why the darn dominant wind has changed its direction to the north in the last two weeks."
Pa with his mouth full of some of the best fried breakfast potatoes around, added," I have no idea neither, ever since those two workers disappeared 12 days ago, some things are turning bad as if..." swallowing his last potatopiece,"....nah, I know they've got nothing to do with that. We just have to wait, simply wait....... but the kids are having fun. I had to buy four sets of skates this week. Only John Junior doesn't want to skate, says he afraid of the ice breaking under his feet.....haha, with one foot of ice and only two feet of water below in the backyard he surely doesn't need to know how to swim, right sonny?", looking at me, Charlie.
" Junior is a smallbrained lemming, I told you so last month, when he saw that eal near the beach and almost called the coastguard and......."
Mom told me to stop, I couldn't even finish my sentence but it's true, my brother is a weekling, or is it weakling....lol.»»

This is the Valmore lake, frozen like never before. Since approximately 2 weeks cold weather has invaded the whole eastcoast, including Bluebay, Frampton and the Winding River Region. On Highway 15, everything has stopped, too cold to finish with the asphalt, too cold to pour the concrete, and only the loggers can be seen in action nowadays, saying the weather is just perfect for them, making it easy on transporting the logs on the frozen ground and sandroads.

12 days ago 2 bridgebuilding workers disappeared all of sudden and didn't report back to the job next morning. The search and rescue was called up. Most of the other workers have seen them on the northside of the bridge the evening before, twisting and tying the steelrods for the inside of the concrete bases. The river just started to get frozen and the idea that they fell into the river is out of question, since no traces nor holes in the ice were found.
Police, firefighters and volunteers from Access, Sandom and even Bluebay have looked for traces that could lead to them for several days, but without any success. The search was officially put aside after 6 days until the river melts and only two specialists of the federal Police from Bluebay will keep on studying the circumstances of their disappearance

On the Access road, in between Sandom and Access Junction, another problem has suddenly arised and it has become a serious public danger. Four cars and truckaccidents with local wildlife have made several victims. No simlife has been lost yet, but people are getting nervous about the situation.
The Mayor of Access Junction, Paul Hubert, refuses to look into this matter, telling everyone that it doesn't concern the municipality, but the government only. Citizens started to complain that the mayor doesn't concern about the people's welfare anymore.....and .....all of sudden the water and powerproblem came again into the hot discussion at the monthly meeting at the townhall.

The only thing that seems to go well these days in the Winding River Region are the rails in the north, who advance almost 4 miles a week, even with this cold weather and the airport which is about to flatten the last coat of these cementy rocks for the runway. Also the control tower got finally finished.
Already, the runway gets weekly traffic, something that the airport workers don't really like, but the population of Access fully greet.

It is december 1961, just a few days before christmas and the Vietnam War officially has begun, as the first American helicopters arrived in Saigon along with 400 U.S. personnel. Will the war influence their country?

This was the first part of three updates that I will upload this week, hope you enjoy.

Coming up:
- Garbage is out of control, Mayor blamed, Townhall threatened to be burnt down if the mayor does not give in and resign.
- Slye's sawmill started moving to Phlox.
- A new Year (1962) with a new plan for Access, New neighborhood planned by a big firm from Frampton. This is serious competition with Gabber Inc.
.........and more.

Have a nice week ;)

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Nice frozen water effect! You did that with Photoshop right? It looks great.

Nice update. I'm looking forward for the cause of the two workers disapearance.

Come and check out my BATting works at:
Just_a_Guy's attempts at BATing


moin Fred,
... the suspense continues! just great!  %BUd%

thanx a lot ...


the frozen rivers look awsome  :thumbsup:


A lot of dramatical situation over here. Hope they find the workers. Amd great frozen river too. :thumbsup:


Wow! I have been following this MD for a while, but I haven't replied.

I like the frozen water! And I wonder what happened to those workers.. maybe monsters... :P  :D
Sendona... Coming soon!

KoV Liberty

Fantastic update! I won't be around for a while (computre has major problems) so this is just a heads up. I havent stopped watching this MD just I won't be able to comment. Don't worry! I'm still here!

My new MD. Check it out if you wish.

Adrian, I miss you man.

Tomas Neto

Wooww, my friend!!! Fantastic..., very very great update!!!  &apls &apls &apls


Hi, Fred, your MD is awesome! I really love the picture with the bridge construction! I've been following your MD since its start, but I never commented... Sorry for that! In the future you'll see more comments from me ;) Keep the great work up!
Visit my MD, The region of Pirgos!
Last updated: 28 November


just_a_guy , well, I don't use photoshop that much, mostly because I don't know how yet, except for writings. This watermod is one of the pioneers from the begining of SC4. Not quite sure who did it, I think it is one of Joerg's watermods, the name on the file is *icyartic*.

b_schlurf, the suspense will continue for a few simyears yet, I think....;)

kimcar, glad to dropped in again.

carkid1998 , monsters you think? Hm, what do you call monsters? Welcome to WRP.

Driftmaster07, good luck with computer, we'll be here waiting for ya.

Tomas Neto , thanks, glad you liked it.

io_bg, glad to see one of our Bordertown specialists here. Enjoy.


*We want a new Mayor*. These words could be heard all over Access Junction. The waterproblem is getting worse and now they even have fluctuations in the powersystem and the worst is that most of the people bring their own garbage into the woods. How about a place to put the rubbish and have it dug under? Just like in other towns. That question was asked during the latest townhall meeting. ¸
It is January and the first meeting was held, the Mayor made his annual promisses which he probably couldn't meet anyways, and the people asked for better services of all trades.
Garbage is actually the biggest problem right now, not only have they several different places like this shown below in the county, but also a lot of garbage is now seen at streecorners, in backyards and in ditches alongside of some roads. Something has to be done.

Slye's sawmill is now showing that it is moving to another place. Some buildings have been demantled and moved to Phlox county where the new samill will stand. Also we can see that less and less woodpiles are visible.
John Gabber, former partner of the sawmill, came by for a chat with TS Slye and what he found out was surprising to him. Ts told John what he had in mind with the sawmill and the mainreason he moved to Phlox.

««" They don't call you Slye for no reason, right TS? J.Gabber said while looking at him with a big smile. That is very well thought of and surely the best way to jump up in affairs."
"Thanks John," Slye answered," I had this in mind as soon as I heard that the rails were passing through at exactly that place."
John:"Son of a gun, why didn't I think of that, now you got the rails and the big river to your advantages," stopping talking and thinking for a few seconds"Hey.....that makes me think of something. I have to go now, things to do.....Bye" and John left in a hurry as if he had an important meeting to attend.»»

The young man that was arrested in Lucy's case, was today released, it was proven that he didn't murder Lucy. Another well known and important person in Access was taken under the magnifying glass and it is now considered as the first suspect. The Police did not reveil his or her name yet, and probably the person himself doesn't know yet. But I'll bet we'll find out sooner or later.

Gabber Inc has serious competition. John Gabber almost freaked out when he heard about this. Since City-management is one of the Gabber's branches and speciality, John had good reasons to be somewhat mad. A big Construction Company from Frampton received the job to build new residential neighborhoods in Access. Now that the government has realized that a certain potential for a bigger future exist for Access and investing and encouraging the region surely will help its development. Therefore new neighborhoods were to be created. The reason why the Government has chosen another Company for this job is simple. They never prefer only one Company for several jobs.
Riichirou Takahaschi, a man in his early thirties, was hired by Pfalo Constructions and Managements to create these new residential neighborhoods. They said that he is one of the best. Born in Frampton, but with parents from Japan, Riichirou is a Chief Civil Engineer with a lot of experience. John Gabber did not meet him yet, he would probably make him an offer he couldn't refuse.
Not long after Riichirou made some of the plans for the western part of the county, roads were started to being build. Now Mr Takahaschi will be working on two other residential areas in Access. Mr Racsan Junior, who bought the land from Slye (sawmill) is already working on plans for his futuristic downtown. Will this become a shopping mall? Rumours say so....

So may news and so little time to tell you all of it, here are some headlines that will be discussed later:

- Mr Wellington officially announced that he will be building the first Clubfoods in Access, a store for every nutrition needs.
- Tom Kohler also announced his new and first busline from Access to Phlox, going through Valmore. Opening on May 16th 1962 with two busses.
- The gouvernment will build an official building this spring, holding several gouvernmental offices, such as revenue, environment, law and several others.

I'll be back soon again.


EDIT: Dohhh, I forgot to join the pics.....lol....sorry, it is fixed now. ;)

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KoV Liberty

Im back! Didn't take as long as I had feared. Nice update!

My new MD. Check it out if you wish.

Adrian, I miss you man.


Sorry I haven't commented on the past couple of updates, they've all been great. Although I don't know how you landed a 747 on that runway :P. Yay, there's finally going to be some bus service. Since it's 1962 it would be cool if the buses were GM Fishbowls.


Quote from: RustyXL on July 31, 2009, 09:48:26 PM
Although I don't know how you landed a 747 on that runway :P.

Well, I didn't land that thing, but someone did. ;)

Driftmaster07 , that wasn't a big problem for sure, to be fixed so quickly.  :thumbsup:


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I like the stories you write , to  fit in with your region &apls


Excellent update. Things certainly are starting to progress in Access Junction.

Kettle's on. Milk? Sugars?    ps I don't like Earl Grey  $%Grinno$%
Reduce, Reuse, Recycle - If you're not part of the solution , you're part of the problem!
"Never knock on Death's door: Ring the bell and run away! Death really hates that!"
Tales at TeaTime      Now A proper NUT      TTC plays GRV II


That garbage problem is on actuality, cause we see that too often. Great imagination that you have. &apls

KoV Liberty

Actually it was a few days into the problem that had a chance to tell you.

My new MD. Check it out if you wish.

Adrian, I miss you man.


I like how you made the garbage with tall grass and dead tree's around it, but you still do have to fix that problem. The towns looking good with more apartments in counting.  :thumbsup: nice.


Can't wait to see the new neighbourhoods! :D

And about the monsters, anything mystical and evil!
Sendona... Coming soon!


Thanks for all the comments.


This is the last part of this update.
We haven't been in Grasslake for some time. John Gabber had his loghome built that Michael Arven has designed. The last time we saw it was in September 1961, I think, and now it is January 1962. The home is almost finished, but because of the cold weather, some windows will have to wait to be installed until better weather has arrived. The cost of this cottage was much more than expected, but the Gabber family is quite satified the way it turned out. Even Charlie likes it, especially his own big room upstairs.

Grasslake also is frozen which is very surprizing to a lot of people. Because grasslake is close to the Mighty Winding River which brings in the cold air from the north, the lake here has thicker ice than Valmore and others. Landing on the lake with the old Rover is too dangerous or even impossible now, therefore John has to take his pickup or car to come to work, which is more than an hour's drive from Bluebay.

The government has been surveying the River Valley by air in the last few weeks, more and more often it seems. No one really knows anything about this, except seeing some military planes passing here and there at low altitudes.
Just before the bridge in Valmore North, a Highway Maintenance office was built to continuesly keep the highway under excellent condition. Another one will be built before the second crossing of the Winding River. Already some landlots have been sold for additional building here, like for a big Gazstation, a motel and a fastfood restaurant. These will be built only in a year or so though, when the highway has continued its path towards the north.

A close up of the Ministry of Transportation maintenance shows us also parts of the highway bridge construction, which has stopped for this period of colder weather.

John Gabber went away for a couple of days, visiting the Capitol City with his wife and his father and also to speculate on some land in Phlox County. He, his father Henry and his best friend and chief of Construction Staff, Mike Allheimer, have finally bought together some 1,200 acres in Phlox County. Highway 15 will pass right through this immense county, which almost covers 20% of the whole valley.
We all know the reason behind the purchase, right? Remember when they first came here for a fishing trip and found the rockskull houses from a legendary people that were to exist here? Well, that land is now sold to the Gabber's and Allheimer. Just a few steps away from the land that TS Slye bought for the sawmill.
When others were informed about the sudden land purchase of the Gabber's, many investors started buying parts of it also, thinking positively about a profitable reason that the Gabber's bought all these landlots.

«« "I have never been so poor in my life, except for when Grandpa told me to pay my own appartment when I was 17," John told his wife on the way back from Capitol City while looking at his father Henry with a smile. " But I hope that Mike was right about buying the land around the rockskulls, that they're real and not just some fakes of imagination."
Grandpa Henry: " You know son, even if it isn't true, the investment is still surely worth it. We will build the highway, then come the people to settle and they need land and more we wait to sell, more the profits will be great. I got a funny feeling about this area and believe me, it is not bad at all."
" I hope so too, because we even gathered parts of our savings for these empty acres." Mary Moondall/Gabber (John's wife) told Grandpa with a somewhat worried expression.
Grandpa with a winking eye answered, " Don't worry little Lady," as he calls his daughter in law all the time, "I told you I have a good feeling about this and for the last 40 years of investing without any losses, it makes this feeling solid enough, I think. Just wait and see."»»

True, Henry Gabber started investing when he was 20 and never had any major losses of any kind, building up an enormous and successful well known Company with three different departments.(City and Town managements, Road and Highway Constructions and Bridgebuilding.)

Back at home young Charlie started asking questions about the Phlox County acres, mainly to know if the fishing is good nearby will be as good as on Grasslake. Charlie was with his friend Diarmuid, who came over for the week. These two are now together almost all the time.

««" What the heck is this?" Grandpa Henry asked surprizingly Charlie who held a cup of tea in his hands. "Since when are you drinking tea? Don't you think you're a little too small for this?"
" It is good for you, Mom told so, besides Diarmuid made me taste it a few weeks ago and I like it." Charlie answered with a little growling voice.
" Ah, let them have their tea," Mother Mary told Grandpa, " they've doing it for weeks, besides it's a lot better than that little bottle of your "healthjuice" that you always take along wherever you go, right?"
Grandpa Henry thought it was about time to disappear urgently and told everyone that he had someone waiting at home and left.»»

That's it again until the next update. Many important changes and news will be shown, some of which are already mentioned earlier. Have a nice weekend ya all and thanks for dropping by.


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