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Mind Scape

Started by rooker1, February 27, 2007, 07:25:45 PM

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Great work on the pictures and with such nice details.

Earth quake

Really nice pictures.
The industrial aera is beautiful and the details are really impressive.

Tomas Neto

Awesome update, Robin!!! Great work!!!  :thumbsup:


I like those blurred pics Robin. Looks like we're looking through a telescope. Quite unique.

Where City and Country Flow Together


It's always nice to see different effects on many industrial pictures, Robin !
The three first pictures looks like they're quite old, particularly the second with the "backhoe loader" (Dunno if it's the correct word for that engine.. )
My favorite picture in this update is the sixth , with the appartments block and  Jernij's superb W2W residential buildings, it give all its charm to the picture with the added flora.

Take care,
-Arthur. :thumbsup:
I'll take a quiet life... A handshake of carbon monoxide.

Props & Texture Catalog


Hey Robin,

It's been a while. I am sorry about that but I was bussy too. Not delivering babies as you did, my friend, but starting in new jobs. I am glad that I am now back a bit more often than in the past 24 month. It seems that I have missed some great stuff. For one, your new born (well in june that was, so not so new anymore now in December.....).  :newbie: :newbie: :newbie: CONGRATS:newbie: :newbie: :newbie:

Hang on in there, as a dady of 3 boys I know what you're into.

Looking forward to more from you.



This MD is really nice!



Hey All,
It's been a while now, but better late than never.
I have been working on testing the CAM.  I'm going to show everyone over the next few weeks that it is possible to play the game with CAM, have a fully grown city and it can still look great.  I will show that my cities make a profit and I use absolutley no cheats.
Are you all ready?

We'll start out slow....with just two pics for now.  ;)

Thanks to everyone that has commented, it's really appreciated.
Robin  :thumbsup:
Call me Robin, please.


Nice pics!  And I'm very much looking forward to your updates on the CAM functionality.  I've been debating using CAM on a new region I'm starting and look forward to the education.  :thumbsup:


Great to see you back in the swing of things, Robin!

I can't wait to see what you have planned--you've always been pushing me to play with the CAM--maybe you'll inspire me!

Hope all is well is you and your family, my friend!

Take care,



welcome back to the fold, fantastic work as always.
NAM + CAM + RAM + SAM, that's how I roll....


Hey Robin!  Always great to see what you are up to.  I'm sure you have amazing stuff in store for us.

D. Edgren

Please call me David...

Three Rivers Region- A collaborative development of the SC4 community
The 3RR Quick Finder [linkie]

I aten't dead.  —  R.I.P. Granny Weatherwax

Skype: davidredgren


Looks great as always!  I'm looking forward to seeing what you've got in store with the new CAM. 



To tell everyone the truth, I don't think I have ever played the game without cheats.....up until I decided to test the next version of the CAM for Tage.  I never thought it was worth deleting my entire plugins and redownloading everything to be sure I had the aporpriate and proper downloads.  I also really enjoyed ploping down whatever I wanted when ever and where ever giving no thoughts to my budget.  But in the end I found it relatively easy to plop cities and have them look pretty good, at least in my mind. ;) So now where is the challenge, which is the biggest reason why I decided to test the CAM.
I bet now you are wondering if I did redo my entire plugins.....the answer is yes I did.  All of it!!
I now have my plugins so organized that I can find something in just a few seconds.  Anything you see in my pics I can easily figure out what it is, who made it and what stage it is.
This will be my fourth and last time redoing my plugins, so you can say I have experimented several times and each time I did set it up differently and this is how I have it set up now.

    001 Prop Trees
    002 Props
    003 Textures
    CAM 2.0
        Census Repository
        CAMelot Counter
                end folder
                end folder
                end folder
                end folder
                end folder
                end folder
                end folder
                end folder
                end folder
    Modd Terrain
                end folder
                end folder
            end folder
    z_Euro Road Textures

Under commercial, industrial and residential I have all the stages setup, under each of those the author and than a folder for each download.  I know doing it this makes a lot of folders but I have a monster computer.  My plugins right now is 2.76 GB (which is very small for me) with 3,963 files and 997 folders and growing weekly.  The intial setup was a little painful, but now that the structure is there it is really easy to add in new content.  It also becomes very clear what is missing in certain stages.  This thread has become my newest best friend over the past couple of months.  Just about any time you see me logged in, I can be found there.  ;)
This method of setup will also help me grow exactly what I want, but I'll be explaining this in a future update. ;)
How long did it take me to download you ask?  About two weeks, couple hours a day, no weekends until I was able to play with a good amount of properly modded custom content going up into the higher new stages. 
As some of you know I have the game installed on my work computer and often play while at work (if they only knew what I really did all day at work)  $%Grinno$% I have a copy of my plugins and my regional play info. on a memory stick which I use to keep my home computer in sinc with my work one.  Sounds like alot of work right?  Not really, especially if you consider the alternative.   This also unsures that any computer failure is no big deal anymore. ;)

Quote from: djvandrake on February 04, 2010, 06:59:04 PM
Nice pics!  And I'm very much looking forward to your updates on the CAM functionality.  I've been debating using CAM on a new region I'm starting and look forward to the education.  :thumbsup:
I'm glad you have stopped by, but as for teaching you anything, not too sure there.  But I will give it a go. ;)

Quote from: thundercrack83 on February 04, 2010, 07:28:10 PM
Great to see you back in the swing of things, Robin!
I can't wait to see what you have planned--you've always been pushing me to play with the CAM--maybe you'll inspire me!
Hope all is well is you and your family, my friend!
Take care,
Dustin, buddy ol' pal.  Where have you been?  I hate your new employer.  $%Grinno$%
As you will see I am having quite some fun playing with the CAM and if I can inspire a few to give it a try than I have really accomplished something.
The family is doing ver well, thank you for asking.

Quote from: mightygoose on February 04, 2010, 08:20:29 PM
welcome back to the fold, fantastic work as always.
Thanks for the warm welcome back.  It has been a while, but I have become a very good juggeler.  Kids can do that to you. ;)

Quote from: dedgren on February 04, 2010, 08:37:42 PM
Hey Robin!  Always great to see what you are up to.  I'm sure you have amazing stuff in store for us.

David, always nice to see you around, especially in my MD.  Now I think I need to rise the bar a little more if you are paying attention. ;)

Quote from: Battlecat on February 05, 2010, 08:54:07 AM
Looks great as always!  I'm looking forward to seeing what you've got in store with the new CAM. 
Thanks I hope you'll enjoy this update than.  ;)

[size=14pt]Now on to the good part.  Some ingame pics![/size]

So that is that.  Everything you have seen in the above pictures was grown except for the obvious have to plops.  Like utilities and tarin stations.  ;)
The start os the game is very true to how it is suppose to be played.  I layed out some transportation basically how I thought I would want/need it in the end and watched the city grow while paying very close attention to my budget.  As soon I was able to add in schools, police, fire, hospitals and anything else I thought the city would need, I did.  As I came close to being in the red I zoned some more areas to bring myself back into the black.  All this time I am only zoning low.  Why am I doing this you ask.  Well it's easier to create a sprawling city this way and much easier to control zones from dilapidating.  Once the entire city tile is as full as you want it to be, you can go back and rezone for medium and high to increase building heights and try to make your city more desirable and realistic.  This is exactly the piont I am at now.  I have the entire tile just about full and now I can start to force the game to grow certain things where I want them.
And that leads me to the next update.  Where I will explain how I make certain models/Lots grow where we want them to.  Sounds hard, but it just needs some patience and some organizational skills.

Tell me what you think.

It is quite interesting that all numbers can be created by using only two numerals - 4 and 8.

Chicago....what an incredible city.

Mildred Lisette Norman once said, ""Anything you cannot relinquish when it has outlived its usefulness, possesses you. And in this materialistic age, a great many of us are possessed by our possessions."

I hope you have enjoyed this update and post me your thoughts please.

Robin  :thumbsup:

Call me Robin, please.


Well I like what I see there, you've got a good eye for city development.  I'm glad to hear you had such an easy time creating this urban area, I'm looking forward to hearing what tricks you've been using to control the appearance of specific buildings. 

Nice little mind game with using 4 and 8 to create all the numerals.  I quite like that one. 


Fantastic work on the new pictures (great to see some in 2010!)!!
Looking forward to more...


It has been a long time since I posted here. Too long I guess ...  :-[

Love the atmosphere of these screenshots, that not too clean, a little bit run down, not really reach touch. Never reached that atmosphere by myself, maybe because of this I'm still so much into rural despite that I am a villager ....

Take care my friend!

Bernhard  :thumbsup:


Great shots, Robin! It'll be interesting to see what you do to get things where you want them. Interesting mind game. I didn't know that before!

I'm the one who jumped across the Grand Canyon... and lived.


Hello mate. Great to see an update  &apls very interesting what you did with the number . See u :thumbsup:


It's been a while, Robin, but it's good to see some work from you. Your industrial pictures still amaze me, and that last brain teaser was very interesting.
