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BAT Showcase

Started by mattb325, February 01, 2007, 04:07:43 PM

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Nice... Another pack of yours to fool around with in LE. Really love the bridge over the pond.:)
  "It is wiser to think about your actions before doing them, but be warned One must act quickly before another takes action for you."
  "Knowledge may be Power, but it is how you use that Knowledge that makes One Powerful."
  "I am a Philosopher, Punnist, Poet, and Rambler so keep in mind I think ahead and backwards to point where communication is sometimes not completely understood, even if Enlish is my primary language, it doesn't mean I know it well N proper."
  "Always do your best to acheive your goals and Dreams one at a time."
"Patience is a virtue."


Must add my two cents, this pack is really special. I got the chance to browse through it and the quality is wonderful. So many varied subjects, all treated well. I particularly liked Ben Franklin school, although it reminded me of some of our Chesapeake Bayside Plantations. Had a ball lotting it as such. Thank you, these will keep me busy for quite awhile. Here is how the final came out.


Thankyou  for the comments - Rushman, that is a really lovely and charming creation - I hope you'll realease it. It reminds me of Knotts Landing or one of those TV shows.

At any rate, the start of the lots are being released (Commons Court being the first), and I am sending some others for scrutineering - so stay tuned over the next few weeks/months.....


Edit 8th June (Seeing how mine is the last post which was obviously riveting enough to get a flood of comments  $%Grinno$% ::) $%Grinno$%). When making the installers, I often include a custom side image of the BAT in question - Usually I just muck around with the effect settings in the GIMP to make sure each image is reasonably unique. Then, I normally toss these little images out once the installers are all done, but this time I thought I'd lump them all together as a jpeg....


absolutly amazing work mattb keep up the good work i look forward to more. &apls &apls &apls


'Matt's showcase photo collage'  an artsy presentation for all your works   :satisfied:

I like the unique photo perspectives as they show things in your work that SC4 cannot -which is a shame as on my wish list for and improved SC4-5-6-7 would include sim/street view zoom... oh well  &mmm

really like whats been coming of late; anticipating more surprises to come.  :thumbsup:

However will your 'suburban civics lots/bats' -shown earlier, be included with all these upcoming releases  ()what() I hope so, as they were well done -notably the school bat/lot...

Jack  8-)


Thankyou both - @ Jack, I have started uploading the civics and have packaged up the hospital, so expect that some time this weekend....

In the meanwhile, something a little different that grew for me in one of my test cities


Matt, that is mouth watering jaw dropping gorgeous!!
Where is it, I'll test that puppy right now!

Robin  :thumbsup:
Call me Robin, please.


My BATs or here but it is in french ;)


Thanks guys - @ Robin, once I get it to grow a few more times, I will package up and then it's all yours  :)

Like quite a number of Australians, I spent many of my young adult years living abroad, studying, learning languages and gaining work experience. I spent quite a bit of time on continental Europe (Germany mostly), but of course gravitated to London.

The old buildings that survived the air raids in Londons west are of particular intrest to me: and the areas surrounding Hyde Park each display a unique set of architectural styles - for instance Kensington differs from Bayswater which is different again from Knightsbridge which differs from Notting Hill, Mayfair from Paddington and so on. Obviously much of this was as much influenced by the period in which these buildings were built, but much was by design.

The buildings that have piqued my intrest are largely on the southwest side of the park - complicated, dutch-influenced, red-brick Victorian structures. There are thousands to choose from - from simple stores to highly complicated mansion blocks and museums. And while the higgeldy-piggedly streets of the west end are no match for the Hausmanian granduer of Paris, to me it is just as inspiring.

The first one is a W2W church and attached offices. There are actually very few W2W churches in game despite the fact that there are so many in real-life. This one is inspired by the Chapel of the Assumption on Kensington Square:

Expect more as the weeks progress..... ;)


...wonderful progressions in architectural thought and development, adding depth and charm to sim-cities everywhere...  ()stsfd()

I like that w2w church,  :thumbsup:

...the British have such unique appearance, sensibilities in their architectural history, developing function in small spaces,

Jack  8-)


Thanks Jack, your comments are greatly appreciated   :) :)

Grosvenor Mansions


Visit my MD, The region of Pirgos!
Last updated: 28 November


Wow....you are just knocking out the models.
Great stuff!  The W2W Church was a great idea and it looks fantastic.

Robin  :thumbsup:
Call me Robin, please.


My BATs or here but it is in french ;)


Looking good! I have reserved a place in Schulmania for a showcase of these!
See the all-new National Capital Region!:http://sc4devotion.com/forums/index.php?topic=15118.0


Nice work on all your latest uploads. Its good to see along side your fine batting you are taking the time to make good lots for them.A good bat plus a bad lot is always a terrible thing to happpen.


Thanks for all of the comments everyone.  :)

The weather here in South Eastern Australia has been rather chilly (lots of sub zero nights, heavy frosts and cold breezy days) for the last couple of weeks so it is perfect for batting.

It is hard to do any London buildings without being entranced by the work of Shaw. Wren may have rebuilt the city, but Shaw certainly put his whimsical mark on the West End:

His work really breaks away from the typical boxy W2W style with lots of turrets, towers, cantilevered balconies, bay projections, etc, etc....a real pain to model, but quite worth the end result.


Amazing! I love the church and the above building, I have (almost) everything you make!  :thumbsup:

P.S.  If your really cold you can always come to where I live in Las Vegas... its only 108!!!  ()flamdev()


So many wonderful buildings are being showcased here. Mouthwatering and jaw-dropping have been used every time there is a new one, and very understandably so.

Earth quake

A wonderfull buildings. I really like the church and your last bat.