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Show us your...Intersections

Started by sanantonio, January 23, 2007, 05:17:32 PM

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GDO29Anagram WOW thats amazing, never new the puzzle pieces are slope compatible!
Very nice figui and mrtnrln and everyone else!!!  ;D

Just wanted to show you what I've been upto in my very limited spare time

Can someone tell me what this is?

Click here for full image
From further away:

Click here for full image
Simple beauty I call this (first time I used FARR and FARRHW):

Click here for full image

Just a little something I've been working on:

Don't worry I've reduced the night light and am currently testing it  :)... and its in HD ;D ;D


Nice that you're trying to make signs, but I have a few points of critic:
- Simplicity is good. Try to make your sign as simple as possible. Lane setups is something for portal sings, not fork signs.
- The route number and the exit number have strange shields.
- Which font did you use? Probably not a sign font. Use DIN1451, Transport, Highway Gothic, Clearview or SNV.
- The alignment of the sign is ugly. With proper alignment, the sign can be a lot smaller.

As an example, here's what I would have made your sign:

More information about sign BATting can be found here

Lurk mode: ACTIVE


I don't know if you intended to recreate a German Autobahn sign, but if so, Maarten's example should give you some hints how they look like. The only thing that is different is the logo of the Autobahn number ("A 1"), this should look like the "71" on the following pic:



A cloverstack between 2 RHW-6C's, an RHW-8C (it'll be 6C after it crosses the river) and an RHW-4. This will get buried in skyscrapers eventually as its gonna be the crux of the downtown zone. I really need those wide bridges soon. :)
~ NAM Team Member


Thanks Mrtnrln and Andreas for the advice.
I was planing actually to have my signs based loosely on German Autobahn signs, however not exactly.

- Mrtnrln, thanks for that link, I've learnt a lot from that and I will remake my sign (smaller) and have nicer supports using that technique you showed.
- Andreas thanks, and the sign supports in that picture is something I'll now try and re-create.

As for my signs, the file name in the top of the GMAX window reads "StyleB--RHW8split.gmax" I am trying to bat a set of signs to match the new RHW 4.0 exits, for example the RHW-8 and RHW-6 splitters Style-B, to match mrtnrln's awesome euro textures for the RHW, hence why I chose them to be loosely based on German autobahn signs ;D

Ok so here is a comparison:



Kitsune: Actually that's more of a cloverturbine as it isn't "stcaked". It's a very economical choice like the cloverleaf, but doesn't contain weaving points.

Very well done! I like the compactness! One thing I would suggest to make it more realistic is have the on-ramps meet before they merge onto the mainline, since the on-ramps end anyway. Example below.

That junction type is in my vision for expansion of a highway in London, except the flyovers go through the loop ramps to save space:

Full drawing of vision here if interested.


Quote from: Cracks on June 13, 2010, 08:51:53 AM
Thanks Mrtnrln and Andreas for the advice.
I was planing actually to have my signs based loosely on German Autobahn signs, however not exactly.

- Mrtnrln, thanks for that link, I've learnt a lot from that and I will remake my sign (smaller) and have nicer supports using that technique you showed.
- Andreas thanks, and the sign supports in that picture is something I'll now try and re-create.

As for my signs, the file name in the top of the GMAX window reads "StyleB--RHW8split.gmax" I am trying to bat a set of signs to match the new RHW 4.0 exits, for example the RHW-8 and RHW-6 splitters Style-B, to match mrtnrln's awesome euro textures for the RHW, hence why I chose them to be loosely based on German autobahn signs ;D

Ok so here is a comparison:


But you can also do it this way:
Lurk mode: ACTIVE


Quote from: mrtnrln on June 13, 2010, 10:29:23 AM
But you can also do it this way:

I could, however I want to make a set of truely directional signs. When I have more time I'll open a BAT thread at ST, but right now I'm in the middle of my exmas (done 11, need to do 12). These are also rough signs and will definitely change. But Yes, I would the sign you sugested just prior to the split, where as mine as an advanced sign, if you know what I mean (maybe instead of at 650m rather at 1000m???). Thanks again maarten for the tips.  What you have but will be my Style C sign  ;)

Cracks (cacks on ST)


Quote from: Haljackey on June 13, 2010, 10:13:14 AM
Kitsune: Actually that's more of a cloverturbine as it isn't "stcaked". It's a very economical choice like the cloverleaf, but doesn't contain weaving points.

Very well done! I like the compactness! One thing I would suggest to make it more realistic is have the on-ramps meet before they merge onto the mainline, since the on-ramps end anyway. Example below.

That junction type is in my vision for expansion of a highway in London, except the flyovers go through the loop ramps to save space:

See, I thought of that for symmetry purposes, but the extra compactness that provided was more important. Plus, once that eventually diagonal RHW4-MIS splitter comes... that spot will be prepared :) I may end up converting that to a 3 level stack if that option ever comes available (theres a couple of these along the 407 I believe... one at 427, and the other at 404).
~ NAM Team Member


Nice signs mrtnrln. I read your tutorial on ST and it was great. I hope to see your final signs, cracks.

I have some signs in the works right now. Here is one of the signs I have for my region (Not BATed yet):


I plan to put it right here:



Well it would not be hard to BAT that, its just an innocent highway sign, the sign templates should still be up on the STEX, they just need to be repositioned to overhang the RHW just like the overhanging merge signs.
See this sign, gee, doesn't that look familiar?

Click here for full resolution: http://i45.tinypic.com/2rw28w4.jpg
No, its not PhotoShopped, its fully textured map onto that sign, except the EXIT 7 bit.


Ha ha. Cool. And yah, I know it won't be hard. I've BATed signs before, I just haven't gotten a chance to do this one yet.



OK I've done more experimenting with DDIs and produced another DDI... This time on steroids...

It's crude and I'd probably expect someone to make something even better than this...

In case you can't clearly see the highways,... It's interchanging an RHW-8s with an RHW-6s, and in the center are left-hand RHW-4 entrance/exit ramps.
Simtropolis | YouTube | MLP Forums


It's not crude, GDO29Anagram. You did a great job, your intersection is quite innovative! &apls :thumbsup: I like it, and I'm inspired to build one like that myself in my cities. Good job everybody!


That looks great GDO29Anagram :thumbsup:  and innovative like citycapitalizer above me stated.  You should be proud of your work ;)  I can tell you this much, you are a lot better at this than I am.  I still haven't figured out all the new pieces yet, in fact never got a chance to familiarize myself with the 2nd version before this new update was released.  I'm still stuck on basic freeway-road/avenue intersections :P

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Old fisherman never die, they just smell that way.


here's my first apportation to this site

Uploaded with ImageShack.us

Uploaded with ImageShack.us

Uploaded with ImageShack.us


I know that it's an incomplete airport, but airport interchanges count too.


Oh wow! That's a great windmill design, el_cozu. I like how you made good use of the new cosmetic pieces. I hope to see more of your work. &apls

and Nice airport, emgmod. Seems to be coming along quite well. I just have one suggestion. I bet that if you use some smooth 45 degree curves, your airport interchange would look even better. :thumbsup:



Quote from: Nego on June 14, 2010, 07:20:45 PM
Oh wow! That's a great windmill design, el_cozu. I like how you made good use of the new cosmetic pieces. I hope to see more of your work. &apls

well i also got some roundabout turbine design (copied from someone else), it turned out pretty cool... unfortunately, i had to format my laptop, and reinstall everything... obviously, the first thing i did was installing SC4


Quote from: GDO29Anagram on June 14, 2010, 03:37:54 PM
OK I've done more experimenting with DDIs and produced another DDI... This time on steroids...

Interesting... almost looks like a diverging windmill if both routes diverged.

Quote from: el_cozu on June 14, 2010, 08:39:05 PM
well i also got some roundabout turbine design (copied from someone else)

I wonder who that was...  ::)