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Show us your...Intersections

Started by sanantonio, January 23, 2007, 05:17:32 PM

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Quote from: Kevin1a on March 06, 2011, 10:31:47 PM
I like it, lots of room to accelerate and decelerate, and very compact.  Fits well with the surroundings.  If I might offer a suggestion: I think that rail line would look really good on a viaduct, and it gives you a bit of an engineering challenge.  It's always fun to play with the different parts of the NAM, especially the stuff you might use less.

I agree, make it a viaduct through the whole area, both rail lines. this way it wont have to curve to go under the avenue (Rail very rarely moves out of the way for a road, road is much more flexible, and should move to accomodate the rail line.)


Nice Haljackey!

Thanks Kevin, what do you mean by viaduct though? (sorry if thats a stupid question) :P


@ Haljackey : Is that a brown box in the video thumbnail?  :P Great video as always!  :thumbsup:

Quote from: Mithokey on March 07, 2011, 08:58:23 AM
Thanks Kevin, what do you mean by viaduct though? (sorry if thats a stupid question) :P

The viaduct is found in your rail menu. It is an elevated heavy rail bridge. ;)


Not a stupid question.  Yep basically what samerton said.  It comes in really handy when you need to take a rail line through an area with a lot of cross streets, but you don't want level crossings.  In real life they often manifest themselves as a kind of really really long level bridge.  As far as stations go, I can think of two great passenger stations, but I can't think of any freight off the top of my head.  If you're interested, here is the Wikipedia article about viaducts: https://secure.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/wiki/Viaduct

The only thing that keeps me from using them even more than I already do is that it's still kind of frustrating to interface them with tram in/on road and in street routes.  I wish I had a picture of one in game for you, but I'm too busy playing to take screenshots. ;D


Thanks for the comments guys!

Quote from: samerton on March 07, 2011, 09:51:26 AM
@ Haljackey : Is that a brown box in the video thumbnail? 

Gah I hate them brown boxes. I just zone and whatever grows there grows. I try to demolish any brown boxes that grow but sometimes brown boxes will take their place.  :P


Nothing all too special here...just kinda felt like posting something  ;D


@ cubby420: Very nice! The highway walls and lights all look brilliant. :thumbsup:


@Haljackey, nice video! I can always count on - and do appreciate - great intersections from you! It's not often that you get such a good feel for someone else's city, even with plenty of pics in an MD.

What's your philosophy on switching between RHW and Maxis HW? It seems like you use them pretty interchangeably (no pun intended...)


Umm... nothing too special...?!?!?  :angrymore:

That's an amazing picture, Great work!!  &apls


Why thank you Mithokey. You should post some intersections of your own as well.


Awesome pic cubby420! The use of retaining walls and light towers at their edges really pulls of a great aesthetic appeal of the interchange. Nice work!

Quote from: aragornjdl on March 08, 2011, 01:34:28 PM
@Haljackey, nice video! I can always count on - and do appreciate - great intersections from you! It's not often that you get such a good feel for someone else's city, even with plenty of pics in an MD.

What's your philosophy on switching between RHW and Maxis HW? It seems like you use them pretty interchangeably (no pun intended...)

Thanks! Glad you liked my junctions and the video!

Regarding the use of Maxis highways, I used them there to climb hilly terrain. Since a lot of curves were involved, I felt it would be better to use Maxis Highway rather than RHW because it contains medians on both sides of the carriageway, increasing safety.
-Also, there's a shoulder running along the RHW. Converting it to a Maxis Highway would allow this to become a climbing lane for slower trucks and whatnot.

Basically, it's based on the geography and the terrain. If it's nice and flat with plenty of open space, go RHW. If its hillier and/or with less right of way, go Maxis highways. Don't set this in stone, however, as in most cases RHW looks far better than Maxis highways. It only applies in certain situations.


@Haljacky- Great video, I love how you ran cars off the road...But wonderful detail :thumbsup:

cubby420- very cool  and detailed intersection :thumbsup:
"It's not a design flaw, It's my signature"


@Cubby420: Legendary!
@Haljacky: I really like the expressway/ring road looking thing you're on at 4:15ish  RHW4 is really nice for building expressways with a mix of at grade and grade separated intersections.  Also, as usual, you're choice of music is fantastic.


With the space I had, adding this rail was a pain.


@ H20dk: that's some very nice sunken rail!  :thumbsup:


 ???   :o  Very unique setup H20dk! A very elegant design.


The evolution of an intersection:

Planning for development. Road widened to avenue to create a higher capacity intersection.

Preparing for development. TuLEPs and slip lanes added.

Partial development. Road widened to avenue, TuLEPs modified to better suit traffic conditions.

Full development.

Zoom out:

Ryan B.

Not bad at all, Hal!  I'd just suggest dual-left-turning the avenue coming south.



Great! It's fascinating to see development of your towns, Haljackey!  :)