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Show us your...Intersections

Started by sanantonio, January 23, 2007, 05:17:32 PM

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Quote from: Risu on November 27, 2011, 02:26:16 PM
Quote from: mike3775 on November 26, 2011, 10:15:42 PMThe tree lots are called slope park forest, which act like the small parks, and are 1x1 and fill in gaps easy and I love using them along highways and rail lines and divide farm terrain so I don't need to use as many roads.  I tried looking for the links on ST, but for some reason, the names on the folders in the plug-ins are not being found on ST at all
It's okay, I don't require the links. I only bring it up becos' the trees seem to repeat themselves. They aren't random enough, and it looks unnatural. You might try rotating them while plopping.

Altho' I use PEG's random tree lots. And Mashty's slope mod is just right for me - plus it cheapens all my draggable networks! ()stsfd()

Thanks for the suggestion on tree mod's, I never really looked for them since I started replaying the game.  Does this look better? (I grabbed Pegs)

I had to upgrade the RHW-4 to the East to a RHW-10 due to the traffic from my newest Residential city to the East along with the Residential to the North, this Commercial city is flooded with traffic via highway now.  I'm about to upgrade the RHW-4 going towards the West to an RHW -10, since traffic on that is now at 300%, but thats for another time, as it took me forever to get the other RHW-4 upgraded with going in and tearing out the bridges(trying to leave the ramps) and lined up with the other city and squeezed in before the MHW bridge over the water) 


Another new intersection from me. Made sure it was a jpg this time.

edit: and another


Nice trumpet interchange, I love how you incorporated it over the water like that.


TheAttendee, that's a really nice piece of RHW in that first picture. Nice billboard, too! I'd like to see the whole thing, actually.

This is a rarity from me - a cloverleaf. Although it's not really a classic one, since it involves express lanes for the freeway. The other route is an expressway, so speeds are slower and weaving should be less of an issue.

If you look well, you see I've used a little trick to get the main route's loop exit/entrance pieces on the slope. Standard RHW pieces would have gobbled it up (I wish they didn't).


Suddenly a lurker appears....

Hi everyone!  I'm just curious what you would call this intersection I've been working on and have mostly completed. (click for full res)


I'd call it a Spaghetti Junction.


I would actually call it a windmill-stack hybrid interchange. Nice one, epicblunder!
Lurk mode: ACTIVE


[epicblunder] Now that's one massive intersection! And question: is that a light rail or transit line I see in the middle of the freeway (the white tiles)?
Urban Studies and Planning
San Francisco State University ยท UC Berkeley


Quote from: wishfulanthony on November 30, 2011, 12:49:12 AM
[epicblunder] Now that's one massive intersection! And question: is that a light rail or transit line I see in the middle of the freeway (the white tiles)?

It looks like it to me, I am curious to see how he got the lines out of the median myself


Thanks, spaghetti-stack half-windmill it is.   ;D

Yeah that's a pair of GLR lines in the middle.  When I'm done it will be a main line with the second tile width used for offshoots, the second is just a placeholder for now.  I take the easy way out and use the SFBT GLR->subway transition piece and bury the routes into and out of that main line.  I don't really like the look of elevating the GLR up and crossing the highway to the sunken wall.


nicely done epic.  I've often thought of using the tram or a regular train line that way, but the getting it over the highway and down issues always comes into play, as I really don't want to use the sub transitions because I often like to drive my tram or trains 


Great intersection epic blunder! And a nice cloverleaf by Swordmaster as well!


me and my (clever) friend..
f: "everytime i play SC4 riots erupts, they even blow up a bridge"
m: "do you ever consider the possibility of putting around some police stations?" (joking)
f: "you're right..."


Talk about a headache for commute times  :) 

Though I would have probably had the off ramp on the Road to the North split sooner and join the other ramp to eliminate one of those exits


Seeing that intersection makes the collector lanes a bit moot. ;)
Friend of the Certified Drama Queen :)


There is a reason I hate driving in big cities...and an intersection like that is one of the reasons.  :D


I do like the blending of the Maxis and RHW though, that looks good.  I honestly never knew you could connect an RHW-4 to a maxis offramp like that


I love how you integrated the MHW into it. Hopefully enough Sims will be smart and take the HSR or commuter rail you laid out. ;D


Quote from: Risu on December 01, 2011, 11:40:57 AM
Hopefully enough Sims will be smart and take the HSR or commuter rail you laid out. ;D

Maybe thats why its designed that way, to make that faster than trying to travel through that convoluted interchange where to go from point A to point B, you have to take ramps A,B, and C then circle back to A  lol


Quote from: mike3775 on December 01, 2011, 01:12:28 PMMaybe thats why its designed that way, to make that faster than trying to travel through that convoluted interchange where to go from point A to point B, you have to take ramps A,B, and C then circle back to A  lol
Oh I get it. The highway is intended to look discouraging, in an attempt to increase mass transit ridership, thereby producing the city some revenue? That's clever. ;)