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Japan Recreation(日本作成日時) - Teaser(ティーザー)

Started by ユミーちゃん, June 23, 2014, 04:37:39 PM

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Hi, I am back! Sorry for not updating for a little while.*For those who didn't get replies to their comment in the last update, I edited it, and replied to all of you. Go check it ;)*
Now, replies:
sim_link: Thanks, I'm very glad that you like it. :thumbsup:
art128: Thanks for the advice, I will definitely do it! And also, I got rid of that disgusting Maxis water. Thanks for suggesting me to get a water mod, or else I would have still been using the Maxis water.
trabman11: You are right about the low density, I'll have to do that as well. 

Anyway, this update will talk about the new areas that I have built.

This is what Hiroshima looks like now. It is a lot bigger now, I made some expansions. The new area is mainly residential, as even with all this new expansion, we still have 56,580 people, and 81,038 commercial and industrial jobs, so there will be a lot more residential zones in the future.

This right here is the entire commercial strip, which is broken up by the forested mountain.

This is the new area. It is mainly residential, with a bit of commercial.

Now some close-up shots.

Some space for a beach is here.

A shrine in Hiroshima, close to where I live. It is looks almost exactly like this. If you want to compare, look at the image I took below.

A commercial strip with scattered drug stores in the area. Many small shops.

So that was the update. Comment, like, and feel free to ask where I got the mods from!

I would also appreciate negative criticism. If there is something you don't like, or something you think that I am doing wrong, please tell.


Great work! You do an excellent job with the Japanese style  &apls


すごい! Really good looking city there!  :thumbsup: looks pretty much urbanized and large!
well just some suggestion, maybe add some mmp nearby the riverside such as rock, sands or maybe some shrubs, that would add more realism to the riverside..  ;D

cant wait to see some from Tokai Region (Aichi-Shizuoka)!


Looks really great.  Only wish to see more curves with the rails and highways.



It's great that you continue! Your city develops and again you have implemented great ideas wonderful!


Great pics! I love how the lower, and higher densities blend so flawlessly into eachother!
  (\_/)           ☻/       /  \       
\(='.'=)/        /▌        |☢|       
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*whispers* ...For what I don't know...I think they are anti-Google+ anarchists  ???


Great work, Yumi-chan.

Keep it up the good work.  :thumbsup:


Seems like I forgot to leave a comment here, I'm really sorry! The worst is that I saw the update when it was published, but totally forgot about it...  &mmm

Anyway, wonderful work. This nice dense urban area is well done. I love the small shrine on that little hill in the 5th picture. I really have to do something like this in my region.  :thumbsup:

Can't wait to see more of Hiroshima!   :)
I'll take a quiet life... A handshake of carbon monoxide.

Props & Texture Catalog


Sorry! I have been very inactive for a long while! There has been growth, around 18,000 people, as there are now 77,302 people in Hiroshima!


noahclem: Thank you!
Kisa Atsuko: あなたの "すごい"!お褒めいただきありがとうございます!Thanks for your suggeston as well! I won't be adding rocks, as that goes better with the sea (ocean), but I will probably add the shrubs and/or sands. I think it will really help the city look more beautiful!
dyougyn: Thank you for your comment.
Dantes: Thank you! Yes, of course I will continue with this as I am quite satisfied with it. And when you say, "implemented great ideas", what exactly, you mean?
trabman11: Thank you! I based it off of cities designs I see in Hiroshima.
vester: Thanks! I'm glad you think my work is good.
art128: You liked the little shrine, didn't you? Heres a question for everyone; do you want to see more places similar to that, also attached with a photo of the location like that? Please answer when you get chance.

Here comes the update! (I turned on shadows. They make the city look a lot better. And even while I'm playing the game with shadows on, my PC does not lag. Yay!)

The right side of the picture is new development. The Shinkansen runs through here.

This is an area I once showed you. (I think?) It has gone through changes. New on the right, older development (20 years) on the left.

Some high rise development, near the commercial place.

A beautiful park in the Springtime. It really helps the enviorment. The Shinkansen station is nearby.

This is one of the new residential areas. Dachi shopping mall has opened up, and you can see it off to the left. There is a parking space near it.

This area backs up into the mountain. The elevation is steep here. (In the neighborhood)

広島城(私が知っている...それは...のように見える大阪城... ()sad()

Hiroshima Castle (広島城 Hiroshima-jō?), sometimes called Carp Castle (鯉城 Rijō?) was a castle in Hiroshima, Japan which was the home of the daimyō (feudal lord) of the Hiroshima han (fief). The castle was constructed in the 1590s, but was destroyed by the atomic bombing on 6 August 1945. It was rebuilt in 1958, a replica of the original which now serves as a museum of Hiroshima's history prior to World War II.

Mōri Terumoto, one of Toyotomi Hideyoshi's council of Five Elders, established Hiroshima castle in 1589 at the delta of the Otagawa river. There was no Hiroshima city or town at the time, and the area was called Gokamura, meaning 'five villages.' Beginning in 1591, Mōri governed nine provinces from this castle, including much of what is now Shimane, Yamaguchi, Tottori, Okayama and Hiroshima Prefectures.

When construction on the castle began, Gokamura was renamed Hiroshima, as a more impressive name was called for. "Hiro" was taken from Ōe no Hiromoto, an ancestor of the Mōri family, and "Shima" was taken from Fukushima Motonaga who helped Mōri Terumoto choose the castle site. Some accounts state that the name 'Hiroshima', meaning literally 'wide island', comes from the existence of several large islands in the delta of the Otagawa, near the castle's site.

Following the battle of Sekigahara in 1600, Mōri was forced out of the castle, retreating to Hagi in today's Yamaguchi prefecture. Fukushima Masanori became the lord of Aki and Bingo provinces (which today comprise Hiroshima prefecture, and of Hiroshima castle). However, the new Tokugawa shogunate forbade any castle construction without permission from Edo; this was part of how the shogunate kept the daimyō from gaining power and overthrowing the shogunate. When Fukushima repaired the castle following a flood in 1619, he was dispatched to Kawanakajima in today's Nagano prefecture. Asano Nagaakira became lord of the castle.

From 1619 until the abolition of the feudal system during the Meiji Restoration (1869), the Asano family were lords of Aki and Bingo provinces.

After the Meiji Restoration, the castle came to serve as a military facility, and the Imperial General Headquarters was based there during the First Sino-Japanese War in 1894-1895. The foundations of several of the GHQ outbuildings, just a few hundred paces from the castle's main tower, remain today.

The castle was destroyed in the atomic bomb blast of August 6, 1945. For many years, it was believed the castle structure was blown away by the explosion that destroyed Hiroshima, but newly discovered evidence suggests the explosion only destroyed the lower pillars of the castle, and the rest of it collapsed as a result.[1]

The present tower, constructed largely of concrete, was completed in 1958.
(Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hiroshima_Castle)

That was the update. I hope you enjoyed that information about Hiroshima Castle. ;)

I would also appreciate negative criticism. If there is something you don't like, or something you think that I am doing wrong, please tell.


Beautiful work once more. The area around the castle (despite being Osaka's) is well done.

Quotedo you want to see more places similar to that, also attached with a photo of the location like that?

That's an excellent idea, would be great to have more places like that. :)
I'll take a quiet life... A handshake of carbon monoxide.

Props & Texture Catalog


Awesome! I like your updates, they are nice! I love your shinkansen rail way


Love your most recent update especially the Hiroshima castle.  Obviously, you made it your self.  Keep the updates coming as they are so life like.  Only one comment is to use more curves.


Great work. Yes, we would like to see more real life recreations with photos!


This is not an update.
This is about my B.A.T. work!! ;)
I got it to work quite a while ago, the Hiroshima Peace Memorial is in the game. But this is to show you my latest B.A.T.
TOTO Shopping Mall. TOTO is usually a toiletry store, but sometimes there is a shopping mall that shows up and has its name on the front and is called the TOTO Mall.

TOTO Mall Statistics:

Jobs Maximum: 56
Wealth: $$$
Land Value: High
Lot Size for version 1 and 2: 3 x 3

Here is the Mall! Enjoy.

This picture right here is kind of a teaser for the next update. The new building is located here. It is the TOTO building. I will show you it from all sides.

From the first side.

From the front.

From the second side.

From the back.

Now, here is the second version. I do not need to show you the sides, as it is the same building, just the lot is different.

I made this because there was a lack of Japanese shopping malls in Simcity 4. There was ユニー, but the website it was on got taken down :(.

Questions for the Audience:

What did you guys think? Did you you think it is good for the second time ever BATing a real building?
Do you think I should upload this? If so, which version would you like to see more?

If you have any suggestions, please say so.

The next update should come next week, or the week after next. It is going to be LARGE update! ;D


Just wandering around like a teddy bear running around the garden. :P

"The greatest things in life are those that we have deemed unexpected yet are worth it."  - Anonymous


OK, your bat is in scale, and looks good.  However, the roof is bothering me.

It appears that it is a 2D texture for the roof of rooftop parking.  The shadows end up falling the wrong way depending on the position it is viewed from.  Also, the size of the building itself makes it seem that it doesn't have room for much more than the vehicle ramps to the roof (could be an optical illusion though).

My suggestion:  change the rooftop texture to a plain asphalt roof, and go with the 2nd lot option with the large ground level parking area.

And its not just your building...I've found most of the parking lots in this game look too small to be functional.

Overall, I'd give you 4/5 on this which I would go up to a 5/5 if the roof had a different texture, and would like to have it for use in my own game.  I look forward to you releasing this in the future.  :thumbsup:


For a second creation, that's excellent. The scale is good as shark7 said, but I'm more concerned about the textures. To me it seems to be cubes/rectangles with a photo texture applied on them. I don't think that's the good approach for creating BAT in SC4.

Work on the details. Make the windows on the bat itself, same for the doors and the text signs. It'll look much better. Also, as cars are really difficult to make in 3D, I suggest you make the parking lot on the roof, but instead add the cars as props by making the LODs as tight as possible. :)

If you have any trouble, don't hesitate to ask. :)
I'll take a quiet life... A handshake of carbon monoxide.

Props & Texture Catalog


I agree that the building is really excellent for a second attempt and very nice without qualification ;)  If you render it in HD I expect that I'll make use of it. Lotting (including the parking space issue) and modding are a real hassle to do well. If you don't want to take the time to do that I hope you still release this but I hope you decide to put the same effort into modding and lotting your nice building as you put into your great MD ;)


Textures need a bit more work.

As Arthur said, the windows need to be set into the walls, around here they are about 5-10 cm into the walls:

On the textures:
Tone down the white, so its not so bright.
Add a gradient to the textures.
If you use Photoshop
- make a new layer,
- make a gradient in that layer, going from white to black, seen from the top.
- set the layers blending mode to multiply
- try different transparency settings till you find one you like.


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