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Simmer's Lotting Lab.

Started by Simmer2, December 11, 2015, 07:24:45 AM

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Again loving the progress!! I especially appreciate those maxis billboards you stuck on the side of the station. They look good about everywhere, don't they?

Those parking lots seem a bit sparse, and for a relatively urban (looking) station, there seems to be quite a bit of wasted space. Those 3 tiles should at least allow you to fit an extra row in the center, adding about 8-10 spots on each side. If you want to reposition the shed with the aluminum roof in pic 1, you could maybe add some interesting-looking diagonal parking in the otherwise empty area.

I would also add some maxis random walk effects to the front of the station. IMO, the more activity in a lot, the better. One can never have too many people...  :P

Where did you locate those concrete barriers next to the parking lots? Are they LBT?


Quote from: nos.17 on June 24, 2016, 03:23:43 PM
Again loving the progress!! I especially appreciate those maxis billboards you stuck on the side of the station. They look good about everywhere, don't they?

Those parking lots seem a bit sparse, and for a relatively urban (looking) station, there seems to be quite a bit of wasted space. Those 3 tiles should at least allow you to fit an extra row in the center, adding about 8-10 spots on each side. If you want to reposition the shed with the aluminum roof in pic 1, you could maybe add some interesting-looking diagonal parking in the otherwise empty area.

I would also add some maxis random walk effects to the front of the station. IMO, the more activity in a lot, the better. One can never have too many people...  :P

Where did you locate those concrete barriers next to the parking lots? Are they LBT?

Thank you Vizoria

@nos.17 I appreciate your constructive criticism and have therefore made some changes. I will leave the outbuilding where it is because it has a function (machinery repair tools, garbage holding place etc.) and also because that area is restricted to staff only due to the vicinity of the tracks, it cannot be made into a public parking.
I did add a few more parking spaces, cars and doubled the people milling about.
Regarding the concrete barriers, they are actually mine and you can find them in my prop pack here http://sc4devotion.com/csxlex/lex_filedesc.php?lotGET=3364
Thank you for your suggestions.  :thumbsup:

Here are a few pics showing the changes.








Looks great already!  :thumbsup: Hope you won't mind another suggestion.

It's a bit strange imho the cobblestone texture extends all the way to the back. I'd imagine IRL the rails would run over less fancy surface. In addition an alternative texture on the back would add more visual interest to the lot.

That said, I really like the stairs in the front which I presume done just with textures?
time flies like a bird
fruit flies like a banana


What a nice station &apls Awesome lot as allways

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Thank you compdude787 and  Kergelen

@Erik Actually its not cobblestone, it is supposed to be pattern concrete. Unlike my Santa Paola station which was built over 100 years ago and has cobblestone, this station is modern therefore its made with cheaper materials.
However, I noticed that blunder a few days ago and needed a little push in the right direction to fix it  ;D
Sooo I changed the rail area to compact 2 inch crushed gravel and off course gave it a somewhat "dirty" feel  ()stsfd()
Thanks Erik  :thumbsup:
Oh and yes those are "fake" textured stairs  ;)
PS you will also notice a new prop I made for this occasion....hint: its got colored lights.....

I will be releasing this lot in a day or 2.

Here are the new pics.








Simmer2, you are very welcome. I never really feel like I get enough constructive criticism about my works so I try to help others out where possible.  8-)


SM2 SG Simtropolis Station is now online http://sc4devotion.com/csxlex/lex_filedesc.php?lotGET=3378

On to the next project.....DTR version perhaps?



SM2 SG SimTropolis Station DTR version is ready. Once I'm done testing it it will be released.
Lot configuration is almost the same. I only had to add and subtract a few props to accommodate the dual track layout.
The dependency requirements are the same as the STR version including some of the textures from that version. Therefore you must have the STR version in your plugin to work.
You can have both stations on the same tile with no problems.

Here are a few pics.








Thanks Frank!

SM2 SG SimTropolis Station DTR is now online.

Get it here. http://sc4devotion.com/csxlex/lex_filedesc.php?lotGET=3379



Magnificent! You're a lot of work in a short time. And texture transiton between the rail and the train station is an excellent point! Your creations are always amazing! :thumbsup: &apls


Thank you 000  :thumbsup:

Time to unveil SM2 Rail Service Yard 2.

Its a tad older than Yard 1, there is even an old abandoned steam locomotive sitting in a corner just rusting away. Also you can see the rail tracks are really old as well.
Train cars will come and go throughout the day as will workers. The base of this lot was repaved a few years ago with 3/4 inch crushed limestone when the economy had an uptick due to a local factory re-opening for business.

Both passenger and freight trains will pass through the lot and like Yard 1, it is not a freight yard but a holding place for trains and it acts as a small repair facility for minor issues.







Fabulous work.  Out of curiosity, what ever happened to your oil facility with the pipes?


Thank you dyoungyn
The Oil Depot is on hold until all the necessary props have been made.

SM2 Rail Service Yard 2 is now online here http://sc4devotion.com/csxlex/lex_filedesc.php?lotGET=3381

These are the pics of the lot in an industrial setting.
On to the next project....







Great work here!



Looking great! I would only suggest to make the pass through rail normal RRW and not old "abandoned" style. (since it's going to be used for passing trains) :)
I'll take a quiet life... A handshake of carbon monoxide.

Props & Texture Catalog


Spectacular! Every time I open your thread there seems to be some new wonder being worked  :D This brings much needed variation to STR.
Come join me on a hike to St Edmea!

Latest update: 7

"In the end, our society will be defined not only by what we create, but by what we refuse to destroy." - John Sawhill


The lord of rail and lotting returns once more! These will make fantastic additions for every player with railway and industrial ambitions.


I have to say that they rail service yard looks like it belongs right where you have it.  Another nice lot that is on my must have list.

And a question if you don't mind.  I notice you have an 8 unit tank battery in pictures 2 and 5.  And I know I don't have it.  Is this something that is available to DL and I have missed it somewhere?  And if so, where can I find it?  :)