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Show us your...Intersections

Started by sanantonio, January 23, 2007, 05:17:32 PM

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Wow, those interchanges looks good... I really like that curved one  &apls &apls &apls

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SimCity V6

Loving these McDuell...  ;D You're still showing great potential and pushing the limits of what can be done with the RHW!  :thumbsup:


McDuell!!! You're an inspiration! Love that diagonal clover.  :thumbsup:


Been having fun with this NAM lately...

I was going for a windmill but looks like a turbine, or is it a whirlpool? who knows

a Trumpet

a T-bone

A spaguetti junction? Not the most compact interchange, I guess this is what happens when you don´t plan at all


Absolutely beautiful work everyone. Some very unique, creative, good looking designs!


I've got 2 to show here. One is a parclo made using the RHW-6C to 8S transition, the other is a large sunken turbine.


I´m impressed on the small footprint of this high capacity stack, I think maybe it´s the most compact interchange I´ve made

And a full Y


my city with Intersections


nice, everybody!

Thats's some serious layout there! You've must have put quite some thought into it!  &apls
Maybe you want to look into some brand new FLEX turn lanes additions here and there and even improve the impressiveness ;)


Here is one that I recently developed around.  Pretty proud of this T-bond Interchange. 



Well, I was trying to build this but did not know Type D1 ramp is not supported for L1-L2 RHW 8S

It´s a shame I guess I´ll have to rebuild it.

I think I like it better this way, even with the 6S overhanging going through the 4S. A D2 ramp for RHW 10S would help with that bottle neck but still works just fine.

And a T-bone, I really liked this design, it´s compact and yet smooth


After more than a year of challenging RL my fist intersection with the new NAM 36 - the new possibilities are awesome!
Work still in progress on the intersection of A2 and A1 heading to the capital Könignsfurt of the region of Windwatt. Any suggestion for the curving connecter comming from the north? None of the different hights seem to work for a direct crossing of the railway... ()what()


Nice! I know it's an annoyingly large bit of work, but molding the terrain precisely to continue to support the other ramps while make is possible to put in on-slope transitions for the railway, and/or some of the RHW, could save you a lot of space with that. Using rail tunnels to go under instead of over, or even RGB's new rail-so-subway transitions lots could also accomplish something similar. and don't forget the new NAM also allows diagonal on-slope RHW transitions ;)


Quote from: Ralfger on November 26, 2017, 03:24:15 PM
Any suggestion for the curving connecter comming from the north? None of the different hights seem to work for a direct crossing of the railway... ()what()

I've just checked and wasn't able to drag the L1-MIS under the L2-ERRW, too. But there's plenty of other solutions to that since you've quite some room to work with. Here's my suggestion how to streamline it. I've tried to keep the general setup:

A) I've shifted the "shift" of the rail to the east side of the highway (red) to get more space on the northern part.
B) I've straightened the southbound lane (yellow) and used the open space from shifting the rail to build a overpass (blue)
C) I've relocated the westbound loop coming from the south next to the other loop (green). This needs some rearrangement of the ramps on the northbound lane, but gives the intersection a slightly more compact appearance.


Thanks to nohaclem´s remarks I thought things over and was able to find a more complex solution - just to read  Seaman´s suggestion while uploading- right the same one  :D
Thanks a lot for your thoughts  :thumbsup:

Some additional changes and part of the old routing to compare the footprints...


Here's a frontage network with a Tarkus-style stack. Surprised this worked out as well as it did. Thanks, NAM Team!


nice, bladeberkman. Very nice! Awesome how you sneaked in this frontage network.

Quote from: bladeberkman on December 03, 2017, 03:51:36 PM
a Tarkus-style stack.

I like that name. I've already pinned his picture and am planning to build one myself. Let's see whether this name is going to make it  :D


Its really a nice job here .. :thumbsup:

I have built some frontage systems but doubt there as good as bladeberkman


More frontage madness. Here's a frontage folded diamond.


Man , you just keep getting better and better at this  :thumbsup:

Your going to be one happy Sc 4 transit player when the first release of the REW comes out  $%Grinno$%