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AntigOne's Projects: Elsewhere.

Started by Badsim, January 17, 2007, 02:14:19 PM

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Fantastic work! &apls



Great snowy scenes! The frozen pond is absolutely perfect.
I'll take a quiet life... A handshake of carbon monoxide.

Props & Texture Catalog



The snow as I like it, it seems to have landed gently on the ground and it ended up formed a smooth layer on which nobody has yet put a foot! But the most beautiful thing in all this is the snowy road, it's nice to see a picture as beautiful! :popcorn:


Hi ,

Thanks all , I'm glad to see your interest and enthusiasm for the snow theme   :thumbsup: -   there're still so many things to develop for this theme !

Quote from: noahclem on November 13, 2017, 03:31:35 AM
...how do you give new IIDs to the new, re-resized flora?

I'm changing the third group of digits to avoid as much as possible the risk of conflict with  already existing IIDs , for example Girafe always uses 0x00030000 so I give 0x00310000 for the first clone , 0x0041000 for the second and so on , when necessary ... it has also the benefit to accelerate substantially , using copy/paste , the Moding/Re-Moding of related MMPs ...


Speaking about MMPs ... the VIP Terrain Mod being stagnant , I've had to Mod a new batch of non seasonal MMPs for all these snowy trees  (  those  available in the VIP Snow Theme Pack , plus new ones like Pines , Larches and Lilacs from Girafe  with their clones included . 15 new MMPs precisely .

Various works since the last update , at first it was necessary to implement a snowy rock texture to the VIP Terrain Mod ,  fitting with snowy landscapes . That option will be available in the final version ( in fact the Mod is now complete , I just need to take the time to write the Readme  ...  ::) )

I tested some  textures found on the Net but finally ( satisfied with none of them ) I've just transformed the original one :

( Ingame pictures clickable full sizes )


Ingame :



Let me know what you think of it . Sometimes I find it good , some others I've the feeling that snowy/non snowy parts should be inverted ...  :-\

I've also started to create textures for dirty/melting snow for the streets and sidewalks of a planned ski resort :


First test , the asphalt seems dry , the texture of parking places  is perfect , the snow on sidewalks seems too dirty ... a second version so :


Some defects yet to correct but it already looks a lot more convincing .


The benefit with that kind of textures ( considering the amount of textures to create for intersections/diags and  curves )
is that you don't need to be clean and precise , oppositely , the more they're muddled , the better it is ! I shouldn't have to spend too much time on them ...  :satisfied:


Quote from: Girafe on November 13, 2017, 02:46:42 AM

I don't recognize my river kit, did I do one?  &Thk/(  ;D

Well , not exactely a kit but two textures , a blue and a grey ... you gave up with this project because you didn't like them but I do not throw anything away from you ... once resized and MMPed ... it's like for Lilacs , you disliked them . I know you have lost your archives so I will send you back the models ( resized ) with the 3 corresponding MMPs ( seasonal/evergreen/snowy ) , so you can re-consider your opinion about uploading them , trust me , they deserve it :


... you're too self-demanding ... $%Grinno$%


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Always a pleasure to see a master at work &apls &apls





From snow to slush.  Just watch out when it refreezes overnight, though.  $%Grinno$%

Nice choice of hotels here.  Good work!  :thumbsup:
Find my power line BAT thread here.
Check out the Noro Cooperative.  What are you waiting for?  It even has electricity.
Want more? Try here.  For even more electrical goodies, look here.
Here are some rural power lines.


Beautiful work with the snow again  &apls  The rock texture turned out really nice but I understand what you mean about it sometimes seaming perfect and sometimes seeming like something is not quite right and definitely understand the difficulty of finding suitable textures on the internet--not a whole lot that's suitable for SC4 terrain textures out there, especially that's free to use and redistribute. Road and sidewalks looking about perfect. Thanks for the tip, I'll give it a try later today :)


Beautiful scenes my friend !! Those textures are perfect in that environment  &apls &apls

                                                                                     || Benelux Team || Windows on the World || My Photos on Flickr || Kelis BNL Projects ||


Looks like Val d'Isère  ;)

Winter landscapes are one of the hardest things to try to realise in this game imo, so it's quite impressive  :thumbsup:


I like the second try at the road.

Spectacular work both in game while making landscapes and while texturing!
I'll take a quiet life... A handshake of carbon monoxide.

Props & Texture Catalog


Quote from: feyss on November 18, 2017, 06:22:04 AM

Looks like Val d'Isère  ;)

Val d'Isère is indeed  inspirational , alas , I've had the bad surprise to find no BAT from Val d'Isère , nor on the LEX , nor on the STEX  :thumbsdown:  $%Grinno$%  ... thus let's take our moon boots for a walk , wherever it is ! :)

Previously :


A week later :



















Is there something to add ? On Moding side , too many works have been done for trying to explain it all , I wouldn't know even where to start ... not to speak about how many times I feel completely lost or too far gone ...  I would say that I have to fight every step of the way against  what is unavailable or available but not rightly scaled or properly Moded ...  At least for the Texturing side , here 2 pictures :



White Friday finally !  $%#Ninj2


Cédric .

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This is beyond words, my friend!

Every time I think you have raised the bar, you raise it even higher! It's always a great pleasure to marvel at your creations!!!



Absolutely amazing, both with the ski resort and the textures/terrain mod.

Can't wait to see that released!
Experience is something you don't get until just after you need it.

My Mayor Diary San Diego: A Reinterpretation


Just beautiful. Your terrain mod is stunning and I really like the twisted French Offices in that setting (PS I'm still trying to find where I put that snow texture from the deodar)

Edit - I found it.

I have added some melting snow to the roof tops of the 3DSMax apartments. The sun always shines in SC4, so it is only apt to have the snow melting  :P. The Gmax apartments are a no-go I'm afraid.

I'll attach the files to this &  subsequent posts.

They have a night version - but Dark Nite only (as it appears that is what you use). It's models only, no lots/modding....feel free to do with these as you please


Beurlay Apartments (Ortho & Diag)


Great job both of you guys, can't wait to see the scenes with the new models from Matt  &apls

                                                                                     || Benelux Team || Windows on the World || My Photos on Flickr || Kelis BNL Projects ||


Quote from: kelis on November 25, 2017, 01:42:02 AM
Great job both of you guys, can't wait to see the scenes with the new models from Matt  &apls

It wasn't a long wait  ;D : it took me no more than one minute to re-adress the 3 related prop examplars ...  :P


... and voilà !

Matt , a well deserved K-point for the extra work and such kindness ...  -  you're currently a very busy BATer while summer arrives outside for you  , I feel so grateful !  &apls &apls &apls


Perfect timing to speak about something I experimented on the past week , FSH replacement for Emporio Apartments :

FSHs quickly extracted with rivit's GoFSH ,  then I worked with Photoshop CS2 with Null 45's script (STEX) to read , work and save .FSHs files ( quickly made for testing purpose , I can do better than that  ...  ::) )


FSH replacement with IliveReader ,


And ingame result :


Not that bad for a first test , but I gave up , considering the amount of work for a single FSH ( means a single view at a single zoom level ) to be multiplied by 20 FSHs for a single BAT ... then to be multiplied by the already 8 BATs used here ... but now that  the task is done for 3 BATs , I'll give that process another chance for the other models . Emporio's roofs  is a complex model with chimneys , inclined planes and related shadows ... the  other BATs should be easier to modify . For the time being , the prospect of a new playground is rather exciting ... let's see if it lasts !  $%#Ninj2
Thanks for the comments and likes . :thumbsup:


Edit  : Dustin , thank you very much for your comment ; the fact that you're able to find some time to devote to SC4 and us again is great , very great news .  :)

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