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The Neo Byzantinian Empire of Stropon

Started by Strechnitz, April 11, 2007, 12:09:54 AM

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Excellent! I love your history lessons, once again, very well written &apls


Hey strech LTNS and im sowwies ive slacked a bit in stopping in been rather running busy.... Anyways a great historcal update and very informative at that and i cant wait to catch more - pat

Don't forget the SC4D Podcast is back and live on Saturdays @ 12 noon CST!! -- The Podcast soon to Return Here Linkie


A fantastic historical update!  ;D I'm honoured for the mention of Ruritania, expect my updates soon!


The Temple for the Gods of Bliss, another nice example of what is possible with different bats and textures.
And I look forward to see what you come up with regarding the connection with Zollernmark and Ruritania.


Thank you for the response. I'll make personal replies with the next update.

I have deleted the last post of the first part of the von Fleigelreuth Dynasty update. The entire history is now in this one post (part one and two together). In this update I make a few references to the Kingdom of Zollernmark by Praiodan and the Kingdom of Ruritania by Revol. these references are made in accordance with them. please enjoy. :)

His Holy Imperial Majesty Jerome Victor IV is the last descendant of the old and noble House of Von Fleigelreuth. Their history starts together with the birth of the Stroponian Empire in 1482. Where Ludwig der Eiserne or Iron Ludwig is commander in Augustus Heracliuss Victorious Army.

The  crest of the Von Fleigelreuth family. Their Motto, Bestimmt Zum Herrschen (destined to rule) show their humble character. :)

The Iron Ludwig, also nicknamed "the Butcher of Aderlitz",  is rewarded by the dying Augustus with the title of  Duke of Fleigeln. The von Fleiglereuth built their Duchy up and promoted trade to ensure a sound tax income. The revenues were used to maintain a regiment and the building of a ducal residence. In the subsequent generations the family bonds with many important families in the Empire to ensure their chances on elevation once the ruling Imperial Dynasty is followed by a new one.

In 1578 Empress Atalanta Appolonia dies and with her the Von Brenteringen Dynasty. The Prince of Valkehallen is chosen to become the New Holy Byzantine Emperor. He ascends the Throne as Victor Otto II who will later be known as the Heretic Emperor. However the Von Fleigelreuths are more than happy with the passing of the Empress.

Through their marital and blood connections they are elevated to become the the new Prince Electors of the Principality Oraniana. Georg Otto von FLeigelreuth becomes the first Prince of Oraniana.

The Principality of Oraniana is a relatively prosperous and law abiding province of the Empire. Oranienburg the Capital city of the Principality is an old medieval city with small dark winding streets enclosed by stout city walls. As soon as the finances allow it, the von Fleigelreuths start beautifying the city. Opening up the suffocating road grid building broad avenues and some decorative squares. The old Princely fort is demolished to be substituted by  a palace with large and light rooms decorated according the fashion of that era.

However during the reign of  Hector Friedrich V the uncorrupted body of Saint Simeon is found near the Federn river running through Oraniana. This changes the political gravity point in the principality. Due to the frantic building activities of the Supreme High Prelates Simeonopole grows from a pilgrims sanctuary and the Supreme High Prelates residence into a political factor of importance defying that of the Fleigelreuths in Oraniënburg.

In 1735 His grace Prince Jerome Wilhelm von Fleiglereuth decided to leave Oraniënburg and move the princely capital to Simeonopole to counter the growing worldly influence of the Prelates in the region. To make a clear message Jerome Wilhelm attracted the most renowned architect of the Empire, Helmuth Helsing and ordered him to rebuild the city that had sprung up around the Huge Simeoneum on the Rock in the River Federn. Included in the design was a new Principal residence and a Principal senate making it obvious for the Supreme High Prelates in the Apostolian palace that they should concentrate on the souls of the Stroponians.

The building activities produces the largest plan built city in Stropon ever built. It consisted of uniform rectangular building blocks on several levels with squares and trees. A traveller reaching Simeonopole in 1780 would have been greeted by a strange site when he neared the holy city. He would see the vast dominating dome of the Simeoneum on the left side surrounded by a white limestone city around it's base. On the right side he would see the Senate and the Fleugelreuth Palace. In front of that he would see the Simeon Square with the four domes of the Churches of the Arch Saints of Simeonism bordered by the hand dug canal separating Simeonopole from the mainland. And the famous Archangel bridge and on the mainland side the commercial quarter. The rest of the city in between the aforementioned built parts was practically empty. Waiting to be filled up with houses and other buildings.

City growth had come to a standstill halfway the 18th century but that changed soon. In 1802 the population had quadrupled compared to 1780 and the Island Simeonopole had become through the canal filled up with buildings until there was no more room left.

In 1783 Georg Wilhelm von Fleugelreuth younger brother to the Prince Elector of Oraniana married with an Imperial Princess. This lucky connection made him a few years later the Viceroy of the Newly Acquired Nargoon Colony. The only post the family had not yet acquired was that of Holy Byzantine Emperor but they were close to the fire.

While Europe was busy with Napeleons rise to power Stropon was as usual very much busy with its own affairs. In 1798 The death of  Hector Heraclius I triggered the Stroponian War of Succession. Princess Atalanta Victoria I was crowned Holy Byzantine Empress in Simeonopole surrounded by her supporting Prince Electors. This happened while her legitimacy and thus her right to succession was disputed and contested by the other Prince Electors.

These Dissenting Electors chose his Grace the Prince of von Moselteufel as the new rightful Holy Byzantine Emperor. The situation deteriorated quickly and soon the Empire was at war with itself. The Stroponian War of succession turned into a bloody civil war. In 1800 Empress Atalanta Victoria I was poisoned by a traitor in the palace and with one of the two contestants out of the way the Civil war ended after two years. Now there were no more obstacles for von Moselteufel to go to Simeonopole to be crowned Holy Byzantine Emperor. However, the Prince got a heart attack during his triumphal parade through Strechnitz and suddenly died. He fell stonedead of his steed amidst a cheering crowd hailing him as the new Emperor of Stropon. how ironic.

This now left the Imperial Throne to the daughter of von Moselteufel. She was crowned as the first and the last member of the Von Moselteufel dynasty, to wear the imperial crown. History remembers her as Empress Alexandrine Apollonia of Stropon. Her diplomats managed to convince Napoleon that it was better to concentrate on strong foes like Russia than tire his armies in a war against Stropon weakened by civil war to be then subjugated by the fit armies of the Tzar. This scheme worked. After a few years she realised that rebuilding the Empire was more challenging than she thought. She hoped that the best way to ensure her people to forget the horrors of the civil war was to give them a mutual enemy. In a Europe ablaze with the Napoleonic wars an enemy was not very hard to find. In 1807 the Stropo-Ruritanian war of aggression broke out. Uniting the divided factions against a common enemy. Although the superior Ruritanian regiments seemed to win the Stroponian Armies managed to be victorious in the end. The Victorious Commander of the Stroponian Armies was Rudolph Jerome von Fleugelreuth Prince of Orania. He was a revered hero.

The handsome Rudolph Jerome von Fleugelreuth  was the father of Jerome Victor von Fleigelreuth who was born in the Oraniënburg Palace in 1812. He grew up in the residences of Oraniënburg and Simeonopole. drilled and educated for his future role as Prince Elector of Orania. not knowing that the Future had different plans with this young prince.

After he had succeeded his Heroic father and ruled the Oraniana Province it was high time to marry with a well connected Noble Stroponian family or a royal european family. He married her Royal Highness Marie Charlotte von Hohenzollern. Princess of Friedrichstadt, and daughter of his Absolute Majesty, King Wilhelm Alexander I of Zollernmark in 1835. She was a renowned beauty, and descendant of one of the oldest and noblest royal houses in Nothern Europe. And fertile too, for an heir to the throne was already born in ther first year of their marriage.

In 1857 the Tragic Empress Atalanta Victoria II dies in Listerlunde and with her ends the tragic Brobdignac dynasty. As always the Prince Electors convene in the Electorial Palace in Strechnitz to sit down and choose who, with Gods help, will become the founder of a new Holy Imperial Dynasty. After six weeks of talking bargaining plotting and lying the Electors and their adjutants have chosen who of them shall be granted the tremendous honour.

The rules dictate, that the two most likely candidates are send into different rooms. Separated from the other electors so that they can not influence the vote, and separated for each other so that neither can murder the other. After 4 rounds the Electors and their Adjutants go to the nervous Prince of Oraniana to tell him he is chosen as the new Holy Byzantine Emperor.

He was subsequently crowned in his former capitol Simeonopole and installed himself on the Imperial Throne in Strechnitz. His new Imperial Capital.

His first move was to clear up the mess left by The Consul Regent Michael Drazolinsky who had ruled the Empire while Empress Atalanta Victoria II spend the last years of her life in Listerlunde. The Consular Regency lasted from 1847 to 1857.

In 1848 the revolutionary year many capital cities were ablaze with revolts and unrest. The revolutionaries were emboldened by their other European examples. Most monarchies were now Constitutional monarchies instead of Absolute ones under pressure of the revolutionary wave. But Stropon would not give a budge and the Consul Regent simply ordered the Civil Guard to quell the resistance and trial the troublemakers for high treason. This only broadened the revolutionary front and it united the people with the Aristocracy and Clergy in their disgust for the Consul Regent who seemed to have lost touch with reality. However Empress Atalanta Victoria never sacked Lord Drazolinsky so that he remained in power until she died.

Jerome Victor I, understood that the best way to muzzle the resistance and to ensure that the court and the nobility could maintain their position and power, was to grant them rights. His first decree after the festivities was to grant every Stroponian male adult, rich or poor the right to vote for their representatives in their Provincial Councils and the national House of Representatives. Until then only the nobility and men who had a certain wealth level could vote their representatives. But to be a candidate one still had to possess a certain fortune which means that the bourgeoisie and the gentry were still the only ones who could run for elections.

Furthermore, Jerome Victor I decreed the Colonial Cultivation Act. Which meant that the native people of the colonies were forced to grow crops needed in the European Motherland to ensure low food prices for the proletarians. Apart from food crops like sugar tobacco, spices, and cotton were produced on massive plantations. These were in high demand in Europe and North America. The profits made from these colonial goods filled the Stroponian treasury. Lowering the tax pressure on the Stroponians and generating filling the state coffers. These measurements diffused the tensions and the uprisings ended. Although the terms can be misleading the Colonial Cultivation system was nothing but statestructured slavery. It won't surprise you that the colonies hardly saw a penny for their hard labour.

In 1868 Jerome Victor II inherited a Wealthy and prosperous Empire. The court, the nobility and the bourgeosie partied like there was no tomorrow. Every week they found their wealth increased by the stocks rising with no end. The colonial trading companies kept making profits trading with the entire world. Apart from the colonial crops Quitaniania and Nargoon had also revealed to their Stroponian oppressors to contain gold, silver, diamonds and other gemstones. Every royal or imperial court in the world sparkled and glittered with the Stroponian made diamonds and jewels.

But while Stropon partied and built monuments to commemorate every unimportant event in history they could come up with. The unrivalled splendour and gayety was reminiscent of that of that I the last days of the Byzantine Empire. And the The Great powers? What did they do?
They also had splendorous courts paid for by exploiting their colonies. But apart from balls and parties they were busy building up their military strength in the arms race. The Imperial government however stayed well away of every entente and pact that the great powers signed to postpone the doom that lay just beyond the horizon. They did not however modernise their armies. And their armories were filled with antiquated or obsolete materials. If war broke out Stropon had no viable chance to protect or even save herself.

And in 1914 finally happened what noone in Stropon had Foreseen. WW1 broke out! In that summer the entire world spiralled into a war. A war that would change the entire European continent for good. Stroponian diplomats and ministers did what they could to avoid taking part but it was to no avail. Stropon was surrounded by the Axis powers. Namely the German Empire, the Austrian empire, and the Ottoman Empire. Siding with the Allied powers, The Russian Empire, France, Great Britain and their allies would mean that the Axis owers would waltz over Stropon from three sides.

So Stropon reluctantly sided with its former enemies and was plunged in a dreadful war. Killing millions and millions in the muddy trenches.The allied powers were winning and when the battle lines receded back on Stroponian territory the proud Stroponian cities that stood in the way were burned, plundered and razed to the ground.

Besides the innumerable deaths millions and millions more were heavily traumatised. Jerome Victor II was a broken man when the peace of Versailles was signed. He receded from the public and died just two years later. Supposedly gone mad with grief and remorse of failing his country.

The entire nation was traumatised. As was Europe. The Russians killed their Tzar and turned towards Communism. Germany  deposed his Kaiser, as did the Austrians. Many families never got a chance to bury their dead relatives. In this Climate Stropon shut itself of from the world. Severing all diplomatic ties no matter how old the bonds or alliances were. In 1920 Jerome Victor III ascended to the Imperial Throne and completed the reforms needed to comply with the new policy which is known as the Doctrine of Autocracy. His sober regime also touched the Imperial court itself. many residences and customs which had high upkeep costs were abolished or shut down. the best example is the Listerlunde Palace which has recently been restored. From now on Stropon would be it's own little world. Not bothered by what happened outside its borders.

Now that's a foolish thing to do of course. Outside Stropon Totalitarian regimes sprung up and resulted into the outbreak of WW2. Stropon managed with great difficulty to maintain neutral in this horrendous conflict. It did however in secret shelter Jews, homosexuals, Jehovah-witnesses, and others groups who were persecuted  by the Nazi's in Nazi controlled territories. Apart from that Stropon stayed low hoping that the war would end soon.

If Hitler had not broken his armies on the eastern front, like Napoleon did. He would surely have invaded Stropon that like in 1914 had no real means of defending itself. A plump rich bird ripe for the plucking and wings to fly away. That's what Stropon was. But just like in the Napoleon era Stropon was damned lucky and the allied forces defeated the Nazi regime before Stropon was harmed. However Stropon was not ready to open up to the world yet. They donated billions into the Marshallfund to rebuild the world after WW2. but apart from that one gesture the borders stayed shut.

Months after the war had ended Jerome Victor III died and was succeeded by his son and heir Jerome Victor IV. All around Stropon the Colonial Empires were dismantled and the UN got an important role. The cold war between America and Russia also emerged. Stropon slowly faded away. Her innumerate wealth slowly but surely spilled away. After all. There was no outside world to trade with. The downside of placing yourself alone in the world was that Stropon had to do everything by itself. During the nineties the Holy Emperor and his government come to the conclusion that the Doctrine of Autocracy has lost it's purpose. From protecting Stropon in during the Interbellum it has now become a harness holding Stropon back while other nations prosper in a globalizing economy. It takes a lot of time to get the ruling elite and popular opinion to shift away from autarkism and to opening up and participate with the surrounding world.

In April the 11th 2007 however the time is ripe and Jerome Victor declares the Doctrine of Autocracy null and void. That is the start of a new era where Stropon participates in the world and with her neighbour states.

Your favorite "deliciously deviant" Empire is Back after a 2 month pause

Click on the picture above to visit Stropon.


Fantastic Update!
It seems that the rulers of Stropon were very lucky.
But making a fortune by using the colonies and the people who live there is not acceptable! :P
The fortune, wich is made is supposed to stay in the Colonies, how else should Walker's Island became rich. $%Grinno$%

probably the best tropical forests Pat Riot
the jungle and the seaside resorts are looking spectacular kwakelaar
such stunning and natural tropical sceneries iamgoingtoeatyou
Walker's Island

Emperor Stormont

A most wonderful history update Hubert.

Atlantis knows exactly what it is like to have her cities destroyed through war and always sad to see a once great nation fall from grace and wealth.

However, it would seem that Stropon has recovered in glorious fashion with the opening of diplomatic relations, of which Atlantis was the first and most proud of Stropon we are. The cities are yet again glorious and beautiful and the nation herself important again.

I await further updates and of course watching as Stropon progresses further.

The Imperial Atlantean Empire MD <-- click to view
A new Beginning
Trixie Nominated CJ
2007 & 2008


Another fantastic historical update! :thumbsup: Great work!


Quote from: Strechnitz on September 25, 2007, 03:02:28 AM

Eddie It is a pic of Mentmore Towers an Elisabethan revival country retreat. I quite like the pomposity of the building that's why I turned this pic of it into the banner for the "program."

Mentmore Towers is a beautiful building indeed. Gorgeous victorian architecture. It was also Wayne Manor.  :P


Hubert, sometimes you outdo yourself. This is one of those times.  &apls


AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRGGGHHHH :angrymore: :angrymore: :angrymore: :angrymore: :angrymore:

I have lost my airports, due to a little crash. as far as I can see everything is ak but i was working on 3 airporttiles for the history and present of Strechnitz International Aerodrome, and they are F*****g gone! :bomb: :bomb: :bomb: :bomb: :bomb:

Ok that was the anger....It is a shame of all the time I put into them. I am sad now :(

I'm sorry you will all have to wait a bit longer for them.
But I'll start them all over again.


Your favorite "deliciously deviant" Empire is Back after a 2 month pause

Click on the picture above to visit Stropon.


I am so sorry...  for you, spending all hours, and having to redo it all now....

Not for us - we will be patiently supporting you ofcourse

These flowers  ()flower() to cheer you up...
Check my MD:               

Emperor Stormont

I know exactly how that feels............i lost alot of my Imperial Quarter a few weeks back. But allowed me to build bigger and better.

Any delay is certainly worth it I'm sure.....

To make you happy I shall be emailing you with some details regarding a storyline.....long time in coming.  ;)

The Imperial Atlantean Empire MD <-- click to view
A new Beginning
Trixie Nominated CJ
2007 & 2008


 :'( very sad for you mate. But i`m sure you will be back on your feet soon. Don`t quit. ;)



Diplomatic Special

The Crowns of Stropon and Atlantis shake hands on Statevisit
By our diplomatic correspondent.

Yesterday, His Holy Imperial Majesty, Emperor Jerome Victor landed in Atlantis for the first official state visit after the thaw of the doctrine-period. His Holy Imperial majesty was greeted with all honour due on Atlantis International. Both he and His Imperial majesty Stormont III of Atlantis greeted each other amicably and left for the Atlantan Imperial Parliament in Atlantis' glorious Capitol.

The Atlantan Imperial Parliament.

There His Holy Imperial Majesty held a speech for the assembled dignitaries praising the amicable relations between the two Empires. His majesty even called the Atlantan Empire a "benchmark, to which every nation whether it is ruled by a crown or by the people, should aspire to." The full text of the speech can be read here ABC Statevisit Coverage

After which His Imperial Majesty Stormont III accepted the Imperial Order of the Golden Fur. His Holy Imperial Majesty has on his turn been graced with not one but two of the most prestigious Atlantan chivalric orders. Namely the Atlantan High Order of Merit, an award to recognise long and distinguished service to a nation. His Majesty was also ordered the High Imperial Order of King Andrew Amadeus, the most illustrious honour the Imperial Kingdom can bestow on an individual and has been reserved for the most important people in the world and is named after the last King to rule Caledon.

The Imperial Order of the Golden Fur.

In the evening there was room for some entertainment in style. At the Imperial Palace, Emperor Stormont III held a State banquet followed by a grand Ball. These occasions were reserved for the Atlantan and Stroponian Elite. However the common Atlantan was given the chance to celebrate this happy occasion too. In the Imperial Quarter The Atlantans could enjoy a performance of the Atlantan Imperial Opera society and also a performance of the Stroponian Imperial Ballet. Who performed "Sol Invictis" written by the Stroponian court composer Livio De Bauchery. They were flown over from Stropon for this particular occasion All the festivities ended with Fireworks. A truly grand multicoloured spectacle celebrating the cordial ties between the Empires.

Diplomatic special Editorial
By the chief editor

Stropon is changing fast after opening up the borders ending the era of Doctrine. Before the opening of the new Parliamentary year on the first of November we take this opportunity to give you the respected reader, a detailed account of the changes that has occurred this year.

Stropon is back!
By our international correspondent

Only a small year has passed since the borders were reopened but our Imperial government hasn't waisted its time since then. Our Holy Emperor, Lord High Chancelor, and Lord High Minister of Foreign Affairs, have actively reached out to the world trying tomend relations that have been broken off for over ninety years. During the time Stropon had cocooned the world has changed dramatically. The horrors of the second World War and the anxiety of the Cold War has largely passed us by without bother. Stropon is heralded by our "new" neighbours as a welcome friend and through the many natural resources in Stroponian or Colonial soil a praised economic ally. Yet at the same time Stropon is regarded as an awkward relic from bygone times when European Empires controlled and exploited the vast expanse of the globe. Wether it was through direct or indirect control. In other words. Stroponian ladies may dress themselves up in the newest couture and the men may buy the newest two-seaters or SUV's, they still have a backward view on the world looking at the world with the mindset of 1900 at best.

the Dynastic banner at Dampotzen Palace.

Are we that ignorant? Sure the border were shut. But we did not live under some sordid xenophobic dictatorship. The media has always broadcasted the world's news showing the man in the street what was happening in the world he could not enter without a permit. The fact that the Stroponians are prone to preserve traditions and don't feel the immediate urge to change the way the state is run in dramatic ways does not mean that we are mere sheep in the hands of our governing elite.

I grant the foreign critics that in certain area's Stropon is very traditionalist and maybe not up to par with our brothers. We are regarded as the last Colonial Empire alive. A mastodon of old world imperialism. Our political system is indeed not as democratic as the majority of the world. But we are not a dictatorial one party state either. The taxes we pay are considerable lower than the countries surrounding us and the Imperial government does provide ample opportunity for education, medical care, and employment. 

But the world surrounding us is not filled with critics. The vast majority welcomes Stropon back onto the international political stage. In less than a year Stropon has entered diplomatic relations with several important countries. The Empire of Atlantis, The Kingdom of Osturland. The island Kingdom of Nova Vesfalo, and the Alpine Kingdom of Domena Lorella. 

Stropon also has good relations with the Empire of new Eleutheria, the divine republic of Bliss, The Kingdom of Ruritania, The Absolute Kingdom of Zollernmark, and Walker's Island where the Emperor has aquired a luscious mansion for private holidays outside the empire. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs is looking at the possibility of opening Diplomatic relations with those countries.

Furthermore Stropon has entered the SCJU as an ambassadorial state, and as His Holy Imperial Majesty told the world in his Atlantis speech, Stropon will apply for full membership of the Union. Firmly rooting Stropon in an alliance consisting of 30 countries. Stropon has also joint the OPEUM the cooperation for oil and gass producing members of the SCJU. And the government expects to win the bid for hosting the OPEUM headquarters in Strechnitz. In other words, We are Back!

I am sorry tha these replies have taken so long. I have been quite busy in RL and my efforts in SC4 have been thwarted by a glitch rendering all my hours spent on building Strechnitz international Airport useless :( but still, better late than never eh :)

Temple for the Bliss Gods
Bat thanks bat :thumbsup:

Sebes thanks. you should indeed stop there to stretch the legs when you drive from Strechnitz to Wörlitzen Badt. ;)

Urban Thanks. Karen does deserve a temple indeed. and yes public spending should keep well away of puvlic opinion :D. And you are right about the edge of the grass.it exposes the rocks in some places. I should correct that.

Russel Thank you Russel. I am very glad that you and the pantheon of living gods like my little tribute :)

Von Fleigelreuth Dynastic history
Bat Thanks, It is quite a read but I think it turned out quite entertaining.

Dark-Jedi I also have a particular fondness for alternate histories. I am glad that you love reading them because this isn't the last of them. :P

Praiodan Thank you Lars, and it is partly because of your ruling dynasty that it is a joy to read ;)

Patfirefighter no hard feelings my friend. We all have busy times in reall live. and we can't keep track of every change here and there. It was sure difficult for me the last month. The important thing is to enjoy all the new updates when you get the chance to read tem :thumbsup:

Revol I am glad that you like the update my friend. And of course Ruritania is mentioned here. Our countries histories are intertwined are they not? ;)

Kwakelaar Thanks. AH yes well as you can read Stropon and Zollernmark are connected by marriage, and Stropon and Ruritania are connected through warfare. you can expect  more tangible evidence of those bonds in the near future.

Urban The current ruling dynasty has had a fortunate history indeed. Espescially ruling Stropon during its finest hour to date. And exploiting colonies is not something to be proud of now. But it was comon practice in the 19th century. Because of its inhumane nature Imperialism has been gradually deconstructed in the 20th century giving many peoples and culturesback, their own freedom and natural resources. Although Stropon still maintains its two colonies (now as an overseas but integral part of the Empire) The cultural cultivation system was abolished in 1948 giving the indiginous people of Quitaniania and Nargoon the same rights and civil stature as Stroponians.

Belfastuniguy Thank you for your kind words michael. and yes when Stropon opened up Atlantis was there to help a hand. which is not forgotten as people can see in your state visit update :)

Eddie Oh yes indeed. I loved it that they have chosen it as the decor for Batman Returns (In my humble opinion) the best BAtman film up to date.

Russel ah thans Russel ::) you make me blush. I am glad that you like it.

Loss of airport tile
Sebes/Belfastuniguy/Kimcar: thank you all for your sympathy and support. The airport is already being built again.

Your favorite "deliciously deviant" Empire is Back after a 2 month pause

Click on the picture above to visit Stropon.


Interesting update with the state visit to Atlantis, and I had missed part two of your historical update, again nice reading.
Airports are often prone to crashes, but I see you have not given up on it yet. I look forward to see how it will look.


Fascinating country that Stropon... I indeed had the idea that the people were ignorant of what was happening in the rest of the world\, but now it turns out that they are one of the happiest, modern living and even wealthiest people in the world?

&Thk/(    I am trying now to find out if this is pure propaganda from the Holy Emperors loyalists or if my mind set was indeed too coloured by foreign critics on this...   ()what() ...
Have some serious thinking to do now....
Check my MD:               


Great new work there, Strechnitz! Looks wonderful! :thumbsup:



In this MD you may have acquainted your self with the quaint plutocratic empire of Stropon. These of course will continue. But not all is as tranquil and sweet as the jubilant updates suggest. From the lowest proles in the gutter who want to better their situation, to the high born nobility who hide their hunger for power and other unhealthy traits behind a cultivated composure. Vile emotions twist and turn all of their souls. More things happen inside the borders of this decadent arcadia and stay well hidden from prying eyes than you may want to know....

Now this story which will introduce new characters of all ranks in Stroponian Hierarchy won't bring you details of seedy bedroom activities. No! but this story will make you a partner of many plots and secrets revolving around the center of power in this old empire riddled with nepotism and corruption...so please, read and enjoy as Stropon's box of Pandora is opened to release the evil spirits that inhabit her! ;)

BTW, the pictures are art works from the renowned fotographer Erwin Olaf. I have used these parts of his "silver" port folio. they are part of the "Sisi" and "Caesar: pictures. No one got hurt during the making of the banners :P

In the Early evening the Imperial plane descended towards the landing strip of a military airport outside Strechnitz. On the Tarmac the Emperors private personal secretary and a small welcoming party awaits the arrival of their Emperor accompanied by a small detachment of the Imperial guard.

The plane gently touches the tarmac and taxies towards the welcoming party. As soon as the door opens Jerome Victor IV the 27th Emperor of Stropon appears and descends the stair to inspect the guards. Followed by the state visit delegation who walk to their designated cars in the motorcade. As soon as the Emperor entered the imperial limo the motorcade softly drives off towards the Kayserbürgen residence.

"How was the state visit, your holy majesty?" the PPS asked inside the imperial limo.
"You could have read that in the papers von Streifen" said Jerome Victor while flipping through the papers his PPS had given him. Then both men laugh heartily.
"Wonderful country Atlantis is. Emperor Stormont was a great host. He knows his single malts, that chap. Great character. You know Streifen, I envy that mans youth and strength. God knows I have had my share...and used it well. But those days are gone now I'm afraid."
The Emperor fell silent and resumed scanning the documents in his hands.

He gave them back to his secretary who put them in a secured case. "Hmm yes, I want that Schnuffhausen report on my desk tomorrow. And order the cabinet secretary to attend lunch tomorrow. I am pondering over a possible cabinet change. Oh and phone the kitchens not to bother with dinner. I have no appetite. Perhaps some cold quail or dove and one of those mushroom brioches. That will suffice." Baron von Streifen jotted the instructions down and phoned the palace kitchens.

Jerome Victor looked outside at the buildings they passes by. He sighed. "Oh von Streifen, Do we not all aspire to immortality?"
The Secretary looked puzzled at the Emperor. " Immortality sire? Does your holy majesty wish to commission a new portrai..."
Jerome Victor looked at his PPS with piercing eyes. "don't be so silly von Streifen, my blasted face adorns every damn public building in Stropon."
Baron von Streifen looked baffled. "Well, I am sure that heaven..." but the emperor interrupted him again.

"I was not talking in the metaphysical sense either you fool! In a few years I will be laid to rest next to my predecessors on Mausoleum hill. Which of the Prince Electors is likely to succeed me? What are they plottingin their princely palaces?"
"Well they would not do such things your holy majesty. Who would dare to do so?"
"You mean that you don't know, but I wish to know. So you better find it out!"

The motorcade reached the palace and the Emperor was brought to his private apartments where under a large silver cloche the desired light meal awaited.While cold painted eyes from the portraits on the surrounding walls stared down on Stropons supreme ruler, Jerome Victor ate his supper. He summoned von Streifen to elaborate on his request.

"I shall do the math for you. As you know not all my loyal underlings approve my decision to open the borders and declaring the doctrine null and void. If I get a 'Paw' successor my reign will be portrayed as a farce or stupidity of an old batty emperor. Or worse even, a betrayal to the Empire. Than this country will be lead back into obscurity. There are 12 electors and eleven of them are eligible to inherit the throne of thrones."
He took a sauce covered dove wing from his plate and waved it in front of his secretary's eyes. Without any heirs to the throne I am a fat plump dove amidst hungry predators. As soon as one or two of them feel certain of their victory they might be persuaded to help nature a hand."
"Oh but your majesty, the majority of the Electors are 'Claws' and besides no one could harm you if they even wanted to. Your majesty is surrounded by nothing but friends."
Jerome victor took a bite out of the piece of dove and gave a mirthless laugh. "One should espescialy fear ones friends von Streifen...don't you know that? I advise you to brush up on your history education before making such naive statements. You may go now. You have your orders."

Von Streifen bowed deeply and walked towards the door. "Oh, and von Streifen. Don't use the usual channels. I don't need the information the secret police or the military intelligence can provide. Do your work privately...silently, if you understand me...costs should not worry you. You know how to use palace funds for your private pleasures. Good night"
Von Streifen turned red with shame for being found out to embezzle, he bade the emperor good night and sped towards his private apartment.

Meanwhile in the Imperial fortress in Strechnitz lights were still on in the wing housing the Lord High Chancellors cabinet. The Chancellor von Clauwenbach was still at work. "So his majesty has arrived safely back at Kayserbürgen? Good, good. Thank you that was all."
The chancellor waited until his secretary had left the room and he took up the phone with the secured line. "hello? Is that you?"....

to be continued.
Your favorite "deliciously deviant" Empire is Back after a 2 month pause

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A very well written and intriguing story when have here. I am sure the future of Stropon will be re-written very soon.

Great work again in an already classic MD  :thumbsup: