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Bliss - Goodbye

Started by Russell, April 25, 2007, 02:54:50 PM

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Quote...after a happy citizen caught the two high priests (still in their ceremonial garments) frolicking with a group of vestal virgins – and while the high priests answer to charges of soiling the Holy Emperors name with their conduct, the happy citizens access to the temple is restricted to one day a week*...

*Comprehensible, I believe, only to Strechnitz

Nope, I got that one too, GO TEAM CLASSICISTS!
Great city/region you've got here Russel, I love the humour! Kepp up the highly amusing work.



My compliments, my dear Russel

A juicy scandal is just the thing to make a day at the courts of law interesting. and indeed This is the Stroponian way ;) abuse of power, sex and a stiff upper lip. how "delicately decadent" lol  :D

The rest of the update is also stunning. And indeed. achieving a godlike status must be dreadful indeed. "For what else is there to achieve if one has reached the summit of human life? Do it all over again just to kill time?" I can't remember who made this quote, but it is so delisciously apropriate for this update that I could not refrain from using it. I'll try to recall who said these hilarious but i a way also sad words.  &Thk/(


BTW nice new avatar. very handsome...it is you right?


Whew! Huge update, my friend! And congratulations on 200 comments! You're well on your way to the Classics!


Jeez- never a dull moment...

Amazing stuff here.  At least until you blow it up, anyway.

Hard to imagine what's next.


D. Edgren

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Great work, great story, and awesome explosions, what more could anyone ask for.

Robin   :thumbsup:
Call me Robin, please.


Patfirefghtr: Thanks, you can always count on me for some explosions.  ;)

Freedo50: Thanks, so glad you like it. I'll continue to do my best.

Strechnitz: Thank you, dear Strech, and what an appropriate quote! I for one have no idea what the Gods will do next to spend some time, but... I'm confident they'll think of something. ()meeting() I'm just hoping it won't be dull. And yes, it is me. But handsome, I think not.  &mmm

Thundercrack83: Thank you  :)

Dedgren: Thanks for stopping by and commenting, you seldom do that, but you're more than welcome. :)

Rooker1: Thank you, glad you like it.  :)


Because of vital real life-issues, there will be quite some time before I can provide you with a proper update of the nonsensical "story" of Bliss. Until then, have a look at some random pictures while I get back to my coffee.

Construction site with police helicopter.

Random snapshot with police car on the upper left street.

View over the main temple.

A field filled with glorious industries.

Area with temples and canals. And since trees are considered a fire hazard, the ruling Gods ordered this park to be thoroughly sprayed with asbestos.


Some great new pictures, Russell! Great work! :thumbsup:


That photo of the 'glorious industry' is awesome. :thumbsup:

But how do the happy and content people of bliss remember which factory they actually work in, as they all look the same  ()what()

A very nice non-update in the nonsensical story of Bliss.




I love to visit this MD and I'm glad you update it very often.  Great work!!

Robin   ()stsfd()
Call me Robin, please.


Even your little updates continue to stagger my imagination! That picture with all the industries is absolutely insane! Great work, Russell!


Quote from: thundercrack83 on July 25, 2007, 10:51:48 AM
Even your little updates continue to stagger my imagination! That picture with all the industries is absolutely insane! Great work, Russell!

Dustin hits this right on the head here Russell... What more can i say is but i cant wait till the next update
comes around - pat

Don't forget the SC4D Podcast is back and live on Saturdays @ 12 noon CST!! -- The Podcast soon to Return Here Linkie

Emperor Stormont

"And since trees are considered a fire hazard, the ruling Gods ordered this park to be thoroughly sprayed with asbestos."  :D

I just love that quote, it's so unmistakenly Bliss. Another simply fabulous update Russell and I await the full update in time, which of course will be fantastic  &apls

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When I first saw the trees I was shocked, I thought: Bloody Hell, where do this trees came from??? I'm so glad the Gods  noticed this dangerous place and made it save for everyone :thumbsup:

probably the best tropical forests Pat Riot
the jungle and the seaside resorts are looking spectacular kwakelaar
such stunning and natural tropical sceneries iamgoingtoeatyou
Walker's Island


I have a feeling that the flying war machine will eventually go the same way the urban battle ship did, hehe... It seems the government of Bliss (sorry, I meant "Gods" of course) is having some trouble with military oversight. ;D

BlackwaterEmil's inn
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Bat: Thank you, I'm doing my best - but could perhaps do better if I felt inspired.  &mmm

Tooheys: Thank you, and you ask an interesting question - I believe the Blissians use GPS-navigators...or something. How they know exactly where they work is indeed a mystery waiting to be solved.  &Thk/(

Rooker1: Thank you, and feel free to visit whenever you like - you and your comments are always welcome.  :)

Thundercrack83: Thanks, I kind of liked that picture myself. Industries can be surprisingly photogenique...especially when they're monotonous to the extreme, like those surrounding Bliss.

Patfirefghtr: Thank you, I do appreciate your visits and comments  :)

Belfastuniguy: Thank you, glad you like the humor  :D

Urban: Thanks  :) - however, the park is gone now, the ruling Gods decided the space was needed for additional habitats for the masses.

Emilin: Thanks, but the flying war machine is still in use, blowing up industries and the occasional residential building, and will continue to hover over Bliss for many, many years.


In Bliss...

...a new Olympus towers over the happy citizens, much more visible than the old grey dome, now demolished...

...whereas the Ministry of Propaganda...

...informs the happy citizens that several new and highly efficient underground crematoriums have appeared in their neighborhoods...

...while out in the industrial areas, greenhouses are emerging to use the ashes from the incinerated corpses as fertilizer...

...to help grow the fruits and vegetables necessary to feed the masses...

...who occasionally relax by the radio, listening to the latest messages from the Gods.


Tables DO cause bruises! Great stuff, my friend! Great stuff! Every update in Bliss is a pleasure!


woah so many greenhouses......
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So did you get ahold of pegs skyfarm weed oooooh errrr ummm i mean the beta version that cause that to happen lol or did you DL off the stex/plex....  but anywho great story to put behind them.... man alot of happy folks have to be cooked to support them greenhouses - pat

Don't forget the SC4D Podcast is back and live on Saturdays @ 12 noon CST!! -- The Podcast soon to Return Here Linkie


Great update!! Your use of Peg's skyfarms reminds me of Yuri's cloning factories in Red Alert :D

In fact I think that Yuri would be at home in a city like this....


Hehe... those green houses look like something out of The Matrix when you stack 'em up like that. ;D

BlackwaterEmil's inn
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