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off-set lots under elevated rail

Started by snorrelli, May 13, 2007, 08:50:02 AM

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Update time!

Today's feature presentation takes us to the city's low wealth commercial services:

Cs-§ will be all about parked cars, trash, dumpsters and poor attempts of providing recreation.

Quote from: Filasimo on July 07, 2007, 01:02:03 AM
u know im not sure how realistic or feasible this would be but it would be interesting if its possible to create dual networking elevated rail / pedmall system with this. for example in my city i have a pedmall bridge / subway system being theres a pedmall bridge on the surface with connections to the subway underneath. im all about mass transit and this would be an interesting alternative to have.

That would be a nice feature, but it's certainly out of my skill/knowledge range. If I know anything about transit modding, adding pedestrian paths (if possible) to el-rail networks would allow pedestrian traffic, but I'm pretty certain it couldn't be limited only to networks with pavement under them. Besides, there are already dual network (pedestrian/el-rail) puzzle pieces, which have served at least me well so far.



I'm not sure how many of you will find these lots particularly useful:

..But nevertheless, I made a set for blank/low-wealth and medium/high wealth, low density residential.


Great to see the progress. I do like these greenie lots  ;D  :thumbsup:
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Mallorca My Mayor Diary


Fantastic development, MIncroabl! I like the green ones, too!


Been busy today, made a set for I-r/Landfills:

I suppose not many people will have el-rail running through fields or landfills, but hey, at least no-one can blame me for not being thorough... I won't probably be adding any props to these lots, though.


NAM + CAM + RAM + SAM, that's how I roll....


IMHO the version you've used for low wealth residential might be a better fit for rural/landfill areas. Particularly rural areas.


I've been experimenting with metasmurf's idea of adding sidewalks to the intersections:

The orthogonal pieces present no problem, but I'm having difficulties with the diagonal ones. I first tried using the 16x16m props I've used for the normal pieces, but they seemed to work moderately at best. They sometimes appeared properly, under the road/street/avenue/rail part of the network model, but nearly as many times over it. As you can see in the picture, my second attempt with diagonal props failed just as miserably. If there are any prop/LOD/BAT/generic wizards out there with a simple solution, let me hear it.

In other news, the rest of this modd is approaching completion. I just need to find the time and energy to make two more sets, R§(MD/HD) and R§§/R§§§(MD/HD). And I suppose I'll add some more lots to the existing sets, just to get that extra variety.

Quote from: cammo2003 on July 25, 2007, 02:02:20 PM
IMHO the version you've used for low wealth residential might be a better fit for rural/landfill areas. Particularly rural areas.

Well, compared to that particular field in the picture I posted, I somewhat agree with you. But, you have to remember that not all of the Maxis farm fields are of that dirty green grass texture. Besides, as that dirt texture is the default for other networks adjancent to farms/landfills, I'm sticking with it for now.

EDIT: It seems that the 16x16m props appear properly on all but the closest 2 zooms.


Looks like you need to rotate the props on the one that is misaligned. They will need to be 180 compared to the other diagonal you have there. If that doesn't work, please send you files to me and I will straighten it all out. My email address is attached to the "envelope" below my avatar.

You can call me Jan, if you want to.
Pagan and Proud!


Thanks for your offer, but it seems that I've fixed my problem:

It seems that setting the 'Orient To Slope' property to true for the 16x16m props as well (I had reasoned that would be unnecessary, as intersections are always flat) causes them to appear under the network model all the time. Well, at least so far they have behaved properly. I really, really hope this solution proves to be good, as it saves me the effort of making a load of different props for different intersections and their orientations...


Wow - this small thing alone is something that people have been waiting for for a long time. It reminds me once again to humbly request the same for monorail, if you have the inclination and time in the future...
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Totuna e dac-ai murit flăcău ori moş îngârbovit;
Dar nu-i totuna leu să mori ori câine-nlănţuit.


@Mlncroabl: This is looking better and better - great work! :)

@snorelli: Well, since Mlncroabl has the T21 exemplar files with the prop layout now, it shouldn't be too hard to adapt these for monorail as well. But since I know how tedious this kind of work is, I can more than understand if Mlncroabl decides not to touch them for a while, once the el-rail mod is finished. ;)


I just realized I haven't given an update in almost two weeks... I've been busy enjoying the Finnish summer. But, I've also worked on this mod:

Here's how the street/el-rail intersections turned out. The streets have grass at their sides in low density and industrial areas and a full base next to medium/high density zones. And of course the basic dirt with rural areas and landfills.

Haven't yet finished the section with diagonal road/el-rail, but otherwise the road intersections are pretty much done.

It turned out that my previous solution to the problem with the props appearing on top of the road/street/etc. wasn't as good as I had hoped. The props started appearing randomly under and over the network model after saving. After some testing, I found a way to render them so that they always appear correctly. It's not perfect, as there will be a fine line on some sides of the prop, but IMO it's not unacceptably bad.

As Andreas pointed out, transforming this to monorail isn't all that difficult. It will just require a whole lot of changing IDs, which is quite easy but very tedious and time-consuming. But I can promise that it will be done someday.


 &apls  This is looking fantastic.

What gets me is people are committed to spending months on something like this, for a game that is over 5 years old (I think).


I'm getting more and more impressed by my fellow countryman's commitment.
These should be included as an option in the next NAM. ::)


in high density industry areas/industrial estates normally space under elevated networks is used for storage if not workshop space, maybe some small eyecandy buildings underneath would really bring the industrial bits to life.....
NAM + CAM + RAM + SAM, that's how I roll....


Mightygoose, check back a few pages. There are sheds, cargo, trailers and vehicles, among other props, under the elevated rail in industrial areas. They'll appear only when there's development (wealth > 0), though.

RippleJet and Diggis, thanks. I've always hated the way elevated rail looks next to developed areas, so making this mod is (most of the time) a pleasure. And besides, it's a better way to spend spare time than sitting around...  ;D


Awesome and much needed stuff here  :thumbsup: but what Finnish summer?  ()what() Rain and clouds..but now a nice heatwave!