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Monkey Island

Started by Schulmanator, July 23, 2007, 04:52:03 PM

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A limited engagement... I am dusting off the few episodes of this mini-MD for your amusement and edification. Monkey Island will be back after the new Star Trek movie has been released. In the mean time, beam yourself aboard Beta 6!

Star Trek Outpost Beta 6

Update 1: The Prequel

Things between the Klingons and Federation have never been too cozy. Even when there is a peace treaty, the peace is very fragile. In an effort to create galactic stability and prosperity, the Federation and the Klingon High Council have been meeting at Khitomer to discuss new ways to strengthen the alliance. Since the failed attempt at joint colonization at Nimbus III, both sides have been wary. Now, it falls on the crew of the Enterprise to save the conference from disaster.

OK, it's up to us to save the galaxy... again. Anyone have any bright ideas?

Logically, we should negotiate a settlement with the Klingons. I calculate the odds of success at 1623.772 to 1.

Blast it, Spock!! I have had it with your blasted Vulcan logic!! Diplomacy's dead, Jim!

I! have! Got! To! Think! Of! An! Idea!

Perhaps, Captain, we could consider a joint colony on a more hospitable planet, such as Schulmanius Prime.

Isn't! that! Near! The! Neutral! Zone!?

Then, sir, I recommend Beta 6. It is a Class M planet and is not ruled by a rigid felinocracy, as is Schulmanius Prime.

Make it so!

The proposal was sent to the delegates, who had a lively and spirited discussion.

You dishonorable scum! You must now die at my hand!

You are most illogical, Ambassador. Please read section 8 of my proposal...

I must avenge the Empire! I shall send this proposal to Stovo'Qor!

I will now attempt a mind meld... my mind to your mind.... We are becoming one.... I now know what to do to strike a deal.... Sign now and you will get a freighter full of batleths and a case of fresh goQ.

You are a good negotiator. Not much of a warrior, but, what can you say? Can't be all things to all people.

Once the deal was struck, each side contacted home to begin preparations.

Star Base 163 to Enterprise: prepare to beam over the colonists and supplies.

Beam 'em up, Scotty!

Warriors! Today is a good day to colonize! Let's take over Beta 6 and then Beta 3 and 9. Then, on to 12 and 15 and all of the multiples of 3! For the Empire!!!!!!!!!

And, so, the colony on Beta 6 begins...

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Outpost Beta 6 Update #2

The diplomats proposed a joint Federation-Klingon colony on Beta 6. Many have their reservations on how that will turn out...

Now approaching Colony Beta 6! Slow to impulse..

Impulse buy?? Like, we are so there!!

Is that a handbag sale?

No, June, it's THE handbag sale!! 75% off new Klingon man bags! Let me at 'em!

No way, chick! Those man bags are mine!!!

Out  of my way! I'm beaming those to my condo right now!

No you're not!!

Yes I am!!

Scuffling begins and the two start hair pulling and throwing objects... security is called.

We'll stop April & June!! Our torpedoes will put a speedy end to this fighting!

The ship opens fire, unaware of the spatial vortex created by the magnetic attraction of April & June to purses and shoes. The photon torpedoes are deflected, but the shot does attract the attention of the two young ladies.

He's shooting at us?

He is? I missed it. I had a call on my cell phone.

OMG! He's trying to stop us from getting the new Klingon man bags!

He's like such a jerk! I am so gonna text my friends and tell them to vote him off the island.

You have friends?

Shut up! Oooh! Look!! Stiletto heels over there on sale!


April runs off toward the Klingon man bags, purchasing several while June is distracted. June quickly recovers from the deception, but only manages to get 37% of the purses to April's 63%. There will no doubt be some form of retaliation.

Beta 6, we are ready to start beaming down the colonists!

Beta 6 control is ready to receive the colonists. Beam them over!

Now, the adventure has begun in earnest. Will the Klingons and Federation get along? Will April & June be satisfied with the intergalactic bargains on Beta 6? Will the Romulans declare war once they get their phone bill showing 8,548 text messages from A&J?

Only time will tell!!
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Outpost Beta 6 Update #3

Shuttle Bay 1 was now ready to receive the colonists. Shuttle Simtropolis was launched from the Enterprise. The trajectory of the ship was a bit erratic. The cargo hold was so full of passengers' shoes and purses that the engines were overtaxed. Of course, the mission commander, Lieutenant Ferry van Alkohol, had also stashed several barrels of illegal Romulan ale at the rear of the cargo hold. Luckily, the pilot, Ensign Archy Angel, was able to land the small draft on the pad.

Twin transporter bays adjacent to the shuttle bay would beam colonists to their new homes. Well, one would beam the colonists and the other was dedicated solely to transporting April & June's purchases.

At the colony's command post, Starfleet officers discussed the plans for the new colony...

The Klingons will be bringing in 500 warriors tmorrow to live in Crew Quarters Building 2.

Sensors indicate that at least twice as many warriors would be needed if the base has a sale on shoes and April & June find out.

My! Biggest! Concern! Is! The! Ship! ... We! Are! Running! Out! Of! Fuel!

Captain, it seems that Lieutenant Ferry van Alkohol siphoned the fuel tanks and drank it. Shall I notify Starfleet Command?

That shall not be necessary. I will use my massive head to think of a solution!

Sheesh! Whoever said "bald is beautiful" must have been thinking of me... not you!

Watch it, Picard. I have major psychic powers. Beware my wrath.

Prove it!

Fine! Today's winning lottery numbers are 4-12-4-66-32.

We need a solution... fast! The Enterprise will crash into the planet if we don't act fast!

Help! Help!! We're sinking! Let's inflate the life rafts and escape to safety.

Meanwhile, on the bridge of the Enterprise, panic continues. The captain makes his way to the bridge.

Quick! Get the! jumper cables! Hook! the ship! Up! To! The USS! Hornet!

Kepten, I canna hold her together. She's gonna blow apart!

Now! Mr. Sulu! Turn! The! Key! And! Start! The! Enterprise!

It worked, kepten! But, I'll need 72 hours in spacedock to recharge the batteries and reprogram the presets in the radio. And, the wiring in the disco ball is short circuited.

Noooooooooooooooo!!! Not the disco ball!! And I was just getting ready to bust a move!

If you aren't going to par-tay, we are so out of here!

Hold it right there!

Hey, they're like pointing their thingies at us!..... That's like.... so rude!

Not at all, ladies... we need your phone to call the starbase for a tow to spacedock. And, maybe later, you two could beam over to my quarters...

Enterprise to starbase! Enterprise to starbase!

We are receiving a signal on a non-Starfleet frequency. It's a test message from a cell phone... it's the Enterprise, and they are in trouble!

We will check back to see if they survive... after this message from our sponsor...

The Simpsons, Season 452, now available on DVD and Beta and Borg Implant Video – proud sponsor of Outpost Beta 6.

And now, back to the show...

The fusion power generator has transferred power to the Enterprise. The ship is now safe.

I never doubted it!

Really? Why were you so sure we would survive?

I will have Mr. Spock pull up the data.

Hold on a minute. I am finishing an image scan of Seven of Nine...

OK, here's the data:

46 Things that never happen in Star Trek
1) The Enterprise runs into a mysterious energy field of a type that it has encountered several times before.
2) The Enterprise goes to check up on a remote outpost of scientists, who are all perfectly all right.
3) The Enterprise comes across a Garden-of-Eden-like planet called Paradise, where everyone is happy all the time. However, everything is soon revealed to be exactly as it seems.
4) The crew of the Enterprise discover a totally new lifeform, which later turns out to be a rather well-known old lifeform, wearing a silly hat.
5) The crew of the Enterprise are struck by a strange alien plague, for which the cure is found in the well-stocked sick-bay.
6) An enigmatic being composed of pure energy attempts to interface to the Enterprise's computer, only to find out that it has forgotten to bring the right leads.
7) A power surge on the Bridge is rapidly and correctly diagnosed as a faulty capacitor by the highly-trained and competent engineering staff.
8) A power surge on the Bridge is fails to electrocute the user of a computer panel, due to a highly sophisticated 24th century surge protection feature called a 'fuse'.
9) The Enterprise ferries an alien VIP from one place to another without serious incident.
10) The Enterprise is captured by a vastly superior alien intelligence which does not put them on trial.
11) The Enterprise separates as soon as there is any danger.
12) The Enterprise gets involved in an enigmatic, stange, and dangerous situation, and there are no pesky aliens they can blame it on in the end.
13) The Enterprise is captured by a vastly inferior alien intelligence which they easily pacify by offering it some sweeties.
14) The Enterprise is involved in a bizarre time-warp phenomenon, which is in some way unconnected with the 20th century.
15) Somebody takes out a shuttle and it doesn't explode or crash.
16) A major Starfleet emergency breaks out near the Enterprise, but fortunately some other ships in the area are able to deal with it to everyone's satisfaction.
17) The shields on the Enterprise stay up during a battle.
18) The Enterprise visits the Klingon Home World on a bright, sunny, day
19) An attempt at undermining the Klingon-Federation alliance is discovered without anyone noting that such an attempt, if successful, "would represent a fundamental shift of power throughout the quadrant."
20) A major character spends the entire episode in the Holodeck without a single malfunction trapping him/her there.
21) Picard hears the door chime and doesn't bother to say "Come."
22) Picard doesn't answer a suggestion with "Make it so"!
23) Picard walks up to the replicator and says, "Coke on ice."
24) Counsellor Troi states something other than the blindingly obvious.
25) Mood rings come back in style, jeopardizing Counselor Troi's position.
26) Worf and Troi finally decide to get married, only to have Kate Pulaski show up and disrupt the wedding by shouting, "Did he read you love poetty?! Did he serve you poisonous tea?! He's MINE!"
27) When Worf tells the bride officers that something is entering visual range no one says "On screen."
28) Worf actually gives another vessel more than 2 seconds to respond to one of the Enterprise's hails.
29) Worf kills Wesley by mistake in the holodeck, (pity this wasn't done in "Deja Vu" then we could have seen it 5 times without rewinding the tape).
30) Wesley Crusher gets some friends of his own age for a change.
31) Wesley saves the ship, the Federation, and the Universe as we know it, and EVERYONE is grateful (including the Net).
32) The warp engines start playing up a bit, but seem to sort themselves out after a while without any intervention from boy genius Wesley Crusher.
33) Wesley Crusher tries to upgrade the warp drive and they work better than ever.
34) Beverly Crusher manages to go through a whole episode without having a hot flush and getting breathless every time Picard is in the room.
35) Guinan forgets herself, and breaks into a stand up comedy routine.
36) Data falls in love with the replicator.
37) Kirk (or Riker) falls in love with a woman on a planet he visits, and isn't tragically separated from her at the end of the episode.
38) The Captain has to make a difficult decision about a less advanced people which is made a great deal easier by the Starfleet Prime Directive.
39) An unknown ensign beams down as part of an away team and lives to tell the tale.
40) Spock or Data is fired from his high-ranking position for not being able to understand the most basic nuances of about one in three sentences that anyone says to him.
41) Kirk's hair remaining consistent for more that 1 consecutive episode.
42) Kirk gets into a fistfight and doesn't rip his shirt. (Or even, Kirk DOESN'T get into a fistfight...)
43) Kirk doesn't end up kissing the troubled guest-female before she doesn't sacrifice herself for him.
44) Scotty doesn't mention the laws of physics
45) Spock isn't the only crew member not affected by new weapon/attack by alien race/etc!! due to his "darn green blood" or "bizarre Vulcan physiology" and thus he cannot save the day.
46) The episode ends without Bones & Kirk laughing at Spock's inability to understand the joke, and he doesn't raise his eybrow.

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Star Trek Outpost Beta 6: Mini Update
Overheard at Quark's Bar

Quark's Bar is located on the 27th floor of the Klingon Habitat Building. The Klingons make for noisy neighbors, but they sure do buy a lot of prune juice and raQ ta'Jino!


OMG! How did these sequins get sewn onto my uniform??!!

Beam me up... a case of lager.

Here's a good one: How many Klingons does it take to screw in a ODN conduit?

I have been assimilated by dark chocolate...resistance is futile!!

Was I hit by a phaser on stun or am I just loaded?


Ensign Dracula? He's undead, Jim.
Ensign Pillsbury? He's bread, Jim.

Jim Beam me up, Scotty!

He's ALIVE, Jim! Where did I go wrong?

He's dead, Jim. I'll get his tricorder and you get his wallet.

He's dead, Jim. Kick him if you don't believe me.

He's dead, Jim. Tell the Klingons that dinner is served.


Core Breach Imminent!!!
Evacuate the fusion generator!!!

Hey... chill out!!! It's just us using our hair dryers!

Whew! Another crisis averted! With all this going on, no wonder Lt. van Alkohol  has the Romulan ale stashed!
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I got to see the new Star Trek movie at a preview at the theatre today. It is probably the best ST movie yet. It ROX!!!
See the all-new National Capital Region!:http://sc4devotion.com/forums/index.php?topic=15118.0


Province of Acadia since 2020
Province of Zillerthal (2014)
Port Aux Captes (2009-2011)
Province of Trieste (2006-2010)
Since SC4D 2007-2022



Outpost Beta 6: Life In the Colony

At Federation HQ on Beta 6, things are always hectic. It's enough to drive a person crazy! Lt. Ferry van Alkohol, recently demoted from the USS Enterprise to land duty after being caught drinking the ship's fuel, was having a difficult time adjusting to his new role. He still had those two barrels of Romulan ale stashed in his quarters, so he was not too sad about his new position.

The headquarters of the Federation was in the center of the colony. The Klingons did not establish a headquarters. A true warrior does not need a central office! I guess Lt. van Alkohol was part Klingon, for he didn't feel the need to report to the office much either! 

As Ferry sat at his computer console, analyzing data from the planet Liaane III, he noticed yet another red alert. "Not again!" he muttered. He was still a bit tipsy from the evening before, so loud noises really hurt his head. He asked his supervisor, Commander Narya, what was the problem. She replied "We received a subspace transmission from the Klingon homeworld. And it looks like trouble. I'll contact the communications officer for more details."

At the communications complex

"Narya to Comm.... Narya to Comm... come in"

"comm responding– lieutenant nero here. hello my friend. im picking up klingon transmissions. i think theyre gonna attack someone lol. not sure who – something about an umbrella. lol. thank you for the hailing frequency. i will update the status report this weekend."

"Nero!! We need that information! Before a dark gloomy night of destruction surrounds us with volleys of arrows and chariots of fire, we must know what doth the enemy plan to do. I must protect this colony. Shall I prepare the dragonfire phasers and the prepare for a battle of mythic proportions – one whose glory will resound throughout the ages in song and mayor diaries?"

"lol. i have new data coming now my friend. it is of the klingon attack. on viewscreen"

"Cancel red alert! It's just Britney again. That haircut makes her look like a Klingon!"

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Hey Bruce sorry for me missing the start of Outpost Beta 6 here... Loving it so far and remember this aint your daddy's ST  ;D

Don't forget the SC4D Podcast is back and live on Saturdays @ 12 noon CST!! -- The Podcast soon to Return Here Linkie



Star Trek Colony Beta 6, Meet The Borg!

When we last left Star Trek Colony Beta 6, it was becoming a center of trade and culture for the Federation. A profitable trade with Monkey Island led to more than enough latinum to go around. Everything was going along well. It was now Star Date SC4.5 and everyone was having a good time. Starfleet Command even gave every officer a 1000 credit bonus. Life was good.

The Uhura Communications Complex, Beta 6

Hey, what plans do you have for your bonus? I was thinking about buying me a wooden phaser at Ferry's Intergalactic Outfitters.

Dammit Jim! I'm a doctor, not a marketer! I am gonna spend mine hanging out with Lt. Ferry van Alkohol.  We're going to break out some Romulan Ale and meet up with Scotty for some serious thinking. Um, I mean, serious drinking!

Aye, laddie! We'll have us a wee bit of the Aldeberan Whiskey, then off to the Romulan Ale. Sounds like a plan to me.

Your plan is logical, but my plan to whip you at Denobulan Poker is even better. Hope you are ready to lose your bonuses.

I'm in on that! I am ready to break even. I got in so much trouble after I lost that shuttlecraft to you last month at the poker tournament on Rigel VII.

HEY! You said it was hit by asteroids! That's coming out of your paycheck, Number One!



Daystrom Institute, West Campus

We are receiving a signal from our deep space probes. Looks like trouble.

Put it on the main viewer... magnify and enhance... wait... turn the viewer to channel 3... now press "monitor" on the control pad... now... there it is... fascinating... fascinating...

Sorry to butt in sir. What is it?

It appears to be some sort of cube ship... on a course of 2008 mark 01.

Sorry to butt in again sir. That puts that ship on a collision course with the outpost.

That's bad news for us, sir.

Ya think??!! Notify the captain at once.

Starbase Command Center

The transmission has been received. I am formulating recommendations...

Put the cube ship on the main screen.

After a long, dramatic pause, a communication is received from the Borg Cube...

We are the Borg. Your life as it has been is over. You will be assimilated. Resistance is futile.

What the??!! That is so not working for me... if that's how they want it... FINE!  OK, fellow Trekkies... it's GO TIME!!

Will the colony survive the Borg?? We'll see... next time!
See the all-new National Capital Region!:http://sc4devotion.com/forums/index.php?topic=15118.0


Bruce, I am beaming on down to pay a visit to the outpost and to Monkey Island. Looks like I have arrived in time to be assimilated by the Borg. Maybe I will join Scotty and them with a drink or two while practicing my Borg quotes. Wanna join in "Schulmanator of Borg"?  :D JKB
beam me up.... please!
I am the lurker that hides in all the corners and you can't get me out. You may try, but you can't.Please call me Jon or Jonathan.



Star Trek Outpost Beta 6[/b]

New! The Exciting Conclusion!

Where we left off in the last episode...

Put the cube ship on the main screen.

After a long, dramatic pause, a communication is received from the Borg Cube...

<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/WZEJ4OJTgg8&hl=en&fs=1"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/WZEJ4OJTgg8&hl=en&fs=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>

What the??!! That is so not working for me... if that's how they want it... FINE!  OK, fellow Trekkies... it's GO TIME!!

And now, the exciting conclusion...

At the Military Command

Defenses at the ready

Mr. LaForge, have you had any success with your attempts at finding a weakness in the Borg? And Mr. Data, have you been able to access their command pathways?

LaForge is at the Daystrom Institue, hard at work

Yes, Captain. In fact, we found the answer by searching through our archives on late Twentieth-century computing technology.


Yes, Captain. I have used my warrior prowess and skill with the batleth to help devise the perfect plan.

Geordi presses a key, and a logo appears on the computer screen.

Riker watches the process from a viewscreen at Starfleet Academy

What the hell is Microsoft?

Data follows along from this workstation at Memory Beta.

Allow me to explain. We will send this program, for some reason called Windows, through the Borg command pathways. Once inside their root command unit, it will begin consuming system resources at an unstoppable rate.

But the Borg have the ability to adapt. Won't they alter their processing systems to increase their storage capacity?

Yes, Captain. But when Windows detects this, it creates a new version of itself known as an upgrade. The use of resources increases exponentially with each iteration. The Borg will not be able to adapt quickly enough. Eventually all of their processing ability will be taken over and none will be available for their normal operational functions.

Excellent work. This is even better than that unsolvable geometric shape idea.

. . . . 15 Minutes Later . . .

Captain, we have successfully installed the Windows in the Borg's command unit. As expected, it immediately consumed 85% of all available resources. However, we have not received any confirmation of the expected upgrade.

Our scanners have picked up an increase in Borg storage and CPU capacity, but we still have no indication of an upgrade to compensate for their increase.

Data, scan the history banks again and determine if there is something we have missed.

Sir, I believe there is a reason for the failure in the upgrade. Apparently the Borg have circumvented that part of the plan by not sending in their registration cards.

Captain, we have no choice. Requesting permission to begin emergency escape sequence 3F!

Wait, Captain! Their CPU capacity has suddenly dropped to 0% !

Data, what do your scanners show?

Appearently the Borg have found the internal Windows module named Solitaire, and it has used up all available CPU capacity.

Let's wait and see how long this Solitaire can reduce their functionality.

Anxiety mounts on Outpost Beta 6

. . . . Two Hours Pass . . .

Geordi, what is the status of the Borg?

As expected, the Borg are attempting to re-engineer to compensate for increased CPU and storage demands, but each time they successfully increase resources I have setup our closest deep space monitor beacon to transmit more Windows modules from something called the Microsoft Fun-Pack.

How much time will that buy us?

Current Borg solution rates allow me to predict an interest time span of 6 more hours.

Captain, another vessel has entered our sector.


It appears to have markings very similar to the Microsoft logo...

[over the speakers]
This is Admiral Bill Gates of the Microsoft flagship MONOPOLY. We have positive confirmation of unregistered software in this sector. Surrender all assets and we can avoid any trouble. You have 10 seconds to comply.

The alien ship has just opened its forward hatches and released thousands of humanoid-shaped objects.

Magnify forward viewer on the alien craft!

My God, captain! Those are human beings floating straight toward the Borg ship - with no life support suits! How can they survive the tortures of deep space?!

I don't believe that those are humans, sir. If you will look closer I believe you will see that they are carrying something recognized by twenty-first century man as doeskin leather briefcases, and wearing Armani suits.

The Starfleet CPU is housed here... it is processing what just transpired...


It can't be. All the Lawyers were rounded up and sent hurtling into the sun in 2017 during the Great Awakening.

True, but apparently some must have survived.

They have surrounded the Borg ship and are covering it with all types of papers.

I believe that is known in ancient vernacular as red tape. It often proves fatal.

They're tearing the Borg to pieces!

Turn the monitors off, Data, I can't bear to watch. Even the Borg don't deserve such a gruesome death!

Hooray! The colony has been saved!

The colony has been saved by the venerable Enterprise, her crew, and of course a little help from the Krono Lisa. Who knows what adventures await Beta 6 now...


Or, is it??!
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Eeek!  Lawyers!

Very funny, Bruce.  Very funny.  Reminds me of the facility that replaced all its lab rats with lawyers because there were things...


...wait for it...


...that even lab rats wouldn't do.

(J.D., Univ. of Richmond, 1988)
D. Edgren

Please call me David...

Three Rivers Region- A collaborative development of the SC4 community
The 3RR Quick Finder [linkie]

I aten't dead.  —  R.I.P. Granny Weatherwax

Skype: davidredgren

Ryan B.

Nice job, Bruce.  It's been a great ride.

Bet you're glad they didn't install Mac OS X on that Borg ship.


hehehehe great ending there Bruce and who would have thought that of all things Lawyers would bring down the Borg lol....

Don't forget the SC4D Podcast is back and live on Saturdays @ 12 noon CST!! -- The Podcast soon to Return Here Linkie


Star Trek Outpost Beta 6

Klingons off the port bow!

Things at Outpost Beta 6 returned to normal fairly quickly. Concerns about the Borg have abated and concerns about what's hot for spring fashions have commenced. Fashion has always been a concern, since phasers are hard to accessorize with, especially the goofy ones that look like dustbusters.

Over at Commander Riker's quarters, a big discussion about what to wear for the big Starfleet Victory Dance is underway.

Hmmm... what do I wear with my phaser which will make me look cool?

I recommend a batleth – they never fail!

This is illogical.

Blast it, Spock! You and your Vulcan logic! Everyone knows the best accessory for a Starfleet uniform is a medical tricorder with a Denobulan leather carrying case.

Is not.

Is too.

Is not.

Is too.

Gentlemen! Gentlemen! There is only one way to settle this... with honor. A death match! I'll call the Klingon High Council to get the Swords of Wrath sent over right away.

We will come right away. Sounds like fun!

Hissssss. Hissssss! Hisssssssssss!

But, the Klingon ship decloaks in  a restricted area. This causes a red alert and cancels the fight- for now.

Command HQ reports a Klingon battle cruiser decloaking right over a drive in movie theater.

Again with the Klingons... did they pay admission?

They did not, sir. And, to make matters worse, they are in violation of treaty by bringing their own refreshments and bypassing the concession stand.

Red alert!

Preparing to launch photon torpedos!


It's the Krono Lisa. She's an ally. What can I do for you, Krono Lisa?

Hold your fire. We have come to see the blood feud flight.

The request was processed at the colony's Auxiliary Command Outpost

You are cleared. Come on aboard. Stand down, Defiant.

Oh, alright. We never get to blast anyone anymore. That's why we joined Starfleet in the first place.

The Klingons beamed down here to see the blood feud.

But, by the time they got there, both Bones and Spock had been taken to Sick Bay from exhaustion and hoarseness.

In closing, let's provide the Klingon guests some humor:

Q: How many Klingons does it take to change a lightbulb?
A: None.  Klingons aren't afraid of the dark.

See the all-new National Capital Region!:http://sc4devotion.com/forums/index.php?topic=15118.0


Great work on that story! And looking forward to more from it!! :thumbsup:


Thanks, everyone. I am glad you like the Star Trek stuff. I have one final one of them to post before moving back to regular programming. It will be up shortly.
See the all-new National Capital Region!:http://sc4devotion.com/forums/index.php?topic=15118.0


LoL Bruce that is mighty sad of them kligons to bring their own refreshments geezzzs cheap skates lol

Don't forget the SC4D Podcast is back and live on Saturdays @ 12 noon CST!! -- The Podcast soon to Return Here Linkie