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Show us your Downtowns & CBD's!

Started by Masochist, November 10, 2006, 10:45:29 PM

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Backstories may be hard for some to come up with, and many simply like to take pictures and post really

I try to come up with backstories for some of my pictures when I take em(I have a good one for a picture I recently took with a gas station completely surrounded by stage 14 and 15 skyscrapers), and when I saw that, I immediately made that gas station historical.  The real reason why the gas station grew was because I didn't like the fact that I had 3 of the same buildings in a row so I bulldozed two of em and the middle lot came up the gas station while the other was a different skyscraper, but I came up with a good back story to explain it being there if I do post the picture though

I agree though, backstories can make a picture better though, which is why I try to come up with something, but for others I can see why they don't though


Quote from: mike3775 on December 03, 2011, 10:34:41 AM
I really like your mixture of the NAM, NWM, and Single track rail usage throughout the city.  Very well done

Quote from: mike3775 on December 03, 2011, 05:05:34 PM
Backstories may be hard for some to come up with, and many simply like to take pictures and post really

I try to come up with backstories for some of my pictures when I take em(I have a good one for a picture I recently took with a gas station completely surrounded by stage 14 and 15 skyscrapers), and when I saw that, I immediately made that gas station historical.  The real reason why the gas station grew was because I didn't like the fact that I had 3 of the same buildings in a row so I bulldozed two of em and the middle lot came up the gas station while the other was a different skyscraper, but I came up with a good back story to explain it being there if I do post the picture though

I agree though, backstories can make a picture better though, which is why I try to come up with something, but for others I can see why they don't though

My creating a backstory is as much for my entertainment as it is for yours. And I also do what you did for the gas station. Some of the things in my picture may seem illogical, I try to give a justification for them. Thanks for the first comment. All of the infrastructure improvements over the past couple years have made it a joy to build cities. The credit for all of our cities should go to the creators.

Quote from: Risu on December 03, 2011, 03:10:36 PM
You went and made a gritty-city look rather appealing. The backstory helps justify the photoes. It's relieving to fianlly see something other than a few caption-less pics of skyscrapers and mass transit lines.

Very well done. &apls

Thanks, The smaller downtowns are so much fun to build. I love the creativity, attention to detail and understanding of the historical history needed to really nail it. Sometimes I think they turn out right, sometimes they don't - the beauty of this program is that all I have to do, is try again.


Quote from: MCO1254 on December 04, 2011, 06:41:30 PM
Thanks, The smaller downtowns are so much fun to build. I love the creativity, attention to detail and understanding of the historical history needed to really nail it. Sometimes I think they turn out right, sometimes they don't - the beauty of this program is that all I have to do, is try again.

that and have the bulldozer on standby to destroy buildings you don't like  :)

Here is a small section of my current CBD.   The blank area's are because I recently went on a bulldozing spree and got rid of duplicate buildings(I don't like to plop buildings, rather they grow)

Theres the gas station mentioned earlier, where old man Wheeler used to own all the land way back when the town was founded and as the city grew, he became richer by selling off huge chunks of his land to developers.  The city council reluctantly allowed him to construct a gas station on his property, along with a wireless store across the street back in the year 15(simcity years), and the main reason was because he had donated some of his money he made selling land to developers to build the highway interchange that for 50 years, was the only bridge over the highway and only interchange in the city, because the city was always running in the red(mass transit kills a city budget), but over time as the CBD grew and grew, eventually the gas station was across the street from where huge corporations wanted to build skyscrapers.  He refused to sell his station and wireless store when its supplanting his income with the high gas prices.  The city has tried everything to get him to sell the 90 yr old gas station, first by limiting flammable semi traffic to the avenue only during the hours of 7am-9am Monday through Friday, other semi traffic is ok, then trying to use eminent domain to the the gas station and wireless store "for public use" in the year 30, the Starfleet Supreme Court ruled in year 31 that the city cannot take the properties because the "public use" aspect is not valid to build more skyscrappers, and in the year 99, the city started court proceedings again to use eminent domain to take those buildings because they want to widen the avenue and old man wheeler is the lone holdout on the money the city is offering the businesses who would be inconvenienced and tore down when the city widens the avenue to a 7 lane TLA.  The city council and mayor is justifying it by saying that the traffic flow is horrible in that area and the widening of the road is necessary, but old man Wheeler claims the traffic issues are caused because the city refuses to force the railroad to elevate its rail lines and to expand the sidestreets to higher capacities, like making the 3 lane one way a 5 lane one way.  The Starfleet Supreme Court is currently trying to decide the case, but so far, public opinion favors Old Man Wheeler, as they are sick of the corporations getting huge tax breaks year after year and refuse to hire anyone because their profit margins have dropped due to the economic conditions.


Downtown Terran Settlement

(Perhaps some of you may remember that place  ::))


Quote from: magee_b on October 17, 2011, 11:18:49 AM
A quick snapshot of downtown from the current region I am working on.

Some people from the east coast of Canada may be able to pick up on where I drew my inspiration for the road layout. :thumbsup:


Sexy old Serf City Saint John baby!... or Halifax, both are cousins


Yay, does this mean GTR is returning from out the archives? ;D


Something I have been working on. Originally the CBD was supposed to be built on the small island on the left, but it was rather unsuitable, so I let the med/highrises grow on the left bank instead.

Follow my SimCity 4 Let's play on YouTube


Nice looking downtown, Casper! Where it stand is great, and in my opinion it looks better there than if it was on the island. ;)
I'll take a quiet life... A handshake of carbon monoxide.

Props & Texture Catalog


I like the old time feel of the picture, and I agree, the island doesn't need the high rises, they look best where they are


It's intresting, altho' I wonder which terrain mod you're using? :)


This is the Old Downtown of Churchill. Sadly, a disaster has occurred since this picture was taken, and the city is currently being rebuilt.

Mod edit: please keep the width of your images limited to 1024px. ;)


I kinda like it! I dunno about anyone else, but to me it feels particularly stuffy.... The closeness of the buildings seem it give it that atmosphere, I suppose. Either that, or the fact that my dad is smoking beyond my closed door but it's still blowing thru the vent into my bedroom, could be making me think this. :P


@ DamienM23 - Very nice! I really enjoy the use of those seawalls as regular retaining walls. The choice of bats is also quite nice. Some transit details (wide-radius cures and TuLEPs) would make it even better. Did you know you can use the on-slope "T" light rail piece right next to the RHW? It starts with a street piece there but you can drag other networks in the street's place. That would let you avoid the big "dent" in the wall. A shame the area is lost as it's really neat.  &mmm







A lazy fox (=^ω^=)

Canidae Inu Republic League


@louistsw: Fantastic elevated railway and Downtown  :thumbsup:

-> Click on it and it gets bigger!

Please visit my MD  :)


Progress on the city I posted on page 79:

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