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AC Functional, Upgradeable Airports, Support Thread

Started by RippleJet, May 17, 2008, 10:47:07 AM

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If you're even able to get UDI through it, then there shouldn't be any problems getting sims to use the avenue.
I even posted a picture once of it being used:

If you have Buggi's Extra Cheats DLL, could you use the DrawPaths cheat to see if the paths do go through the heliport?
If they do, then it should only be a question of waiting till the pathfinder finds and updates the commute paths...


Perhaps the Avenue leads to the middle of nowhere? Or there is a quicker way for sims to go to/from work.


Urbane Planner

Sims used the avenue and the train before I plopped the heliport, so I don't think that's the issue.

Urbane Planner

I did the DrawPaths thing, and it shows the paths going through the heliport both for the avenue and the train.

Could it possibly be the trafffic simulator I'm using?  I have the latest version of the NAM, and use the Z Simulator-Low plugin.


Quote from: Urbane Planner on July 29, 2009, 12:30:33 PM
I did the DrawPaths thing, and it shows the paths going through the heliport both for the avenue and the train.

If that's the case, then the immediate respons would be to just wait till the pathfinder catches up...

Quote from: Urbane Planner on July 29, 2009, 12:30:33 PM
Could it possibly be the trafffic simulator I'm using?  I have the latest version of the NAM, and use the Z Simulator-Low plugin.

It shouldn't play any significance, but I'd better not swear... $%Grinno$%


Urbane Planner (or anyone else),

Have you found the issue with the airport in your game? After reading your initial post, I realized that I have never tried the heliport. So, being the curious person that I am, I did, and I'm getting the exact situation you did. Sims just won't go through it, avenue or rail. Initially, the traffic stays for a while, but gradually, it deminishes to zero. I watch it during the game, and it seems to update itself fine, it gets workers, but the through traffic never returns (waited several months to see if the simulator would equalize).

So I was wondering if anyone else has noticed this, or if someone has some idea of what I'm not doing correctly.



Thanks, CaptCity!

Quote from: CaptCity on July 30, 2009, 02:09:57 PM
Initially, the traffic stays for a while, but gradually, it deminishes to zero.

This worries me a bit... and I think i will have to return to checking it out myself again...
Unfortunately I will be gone for the next two weeks, and will probably not be able to look into this until the end of August.

If someone else could confirm or deny the problems, I would be grateful though. :)


Thanks for checking in, Ripplejet...

Quote from: RippleJet on July 30, 2009, 02:56:36 PM
This worries me a bit... and I think i will have to return to checking it out myself again...

I just thought it was the simulator adjusting. I did try different sized cities, and it seemed that the larger the city, the more gradual the decrease. Just a thought...


Is there any way I can filter out all but the Spaceport? I'll certainly never use the others, and I'm trying to keep filesize down...


Quote from: RadicalOne on September 03, 2009, 01:37:28 PM
Is there any way I can filter out all but the Spaceport? I'll certainly never use the others, and I'm trying to keep filesize down...

After installation, remove all enablers except the one for the spaceport.
Also, you won't be needing any of the dependencies, as the spaceport is included in the in-game files.

However, you will need the main file, AC Functional Airports, Version 2.0.dat.
That cannot be trimmed down.


Quote from: RippleJet on September 03, 2009, 01:46:48 PM
After installation, remove all enablers except the one for the spaceport.
Which one is the spaceport one? None say "spaceport" - they're mostly grouped by creator. Is it "Enable AC Prefab Airport.dat"?

QuoteHowever, you will need the main file, AC Functional Airports, Version 2.0.dat.
That cannot be trimmed down.
I have that file, but it, being the largest, is one that surely must have data concerning the other airports. Is there a way to differentiate the data within?


Quote from: RadicalOne on September 03, 2009, 02:06:17 PM
Which one is the spaceport one? None say "spaceport" - they're mostly grouped by creator. Is it "Enable AC Prefab Airport.dat"?

Sorry, I never made a separate enabler for it...
It replaces the ingame reward, and is thus enabled only when the reward conditions are met.

Quote from: RadicalOne on September 03, 2009, 02:06:17 PM
I have that file, but it, being the largest, is one that surely must have data concerning the other airports. Is there a way to differentiate the data within?

I would definitely not recommend it.
Removing the wrong files would lead to irrevocable CTD's.

Of course, I cannot stop your from experimenting...
it is possible to trim it down considerably...
These are the files you must leave in the dat file:

  • All Developer Exemplars, those having a Group ID of 0x67CD5FA1
  • The Spaceport Lotconfig Exemplar, TGI 0x6534284A, 0xA8FBD372, 0x4BB1058D
  • The Spaceport Building Exemplar, TGI 0x6534284A, 0x8A3858D8, 0x03840000


Quote from: RippleJet on September 03, 2009, 02:31:30 PM
These are the files you must leave in the dat file:

  • All Developer Exemplars, those having a Group ID of 0x67CD5FA1
  • The Spaceport Lotconfig Exemplar, TGI 0x6534284A, 0xA8FBD372, 0x4BB1058D
  • The Spaceport Building Exemplar, TGI 0x6534284A, 0x8A3858D8, 0x03840000
Thank you. Are you absolutely sure about leaving all developer exemplars in? Some are clearly unrelated to the spaceport.


Without those exemplars, the main exemplar can't find certain addresses, and thus CTD. Having all individual and the main exemplar in the same file is the safest and possibly only way to avoid airport related CTD's.



Quote from: Korot on September 04, 2009, 05:19:34 AM
Without those exemplars, the main exemplar can't find certain addresses, and thus CTD.

The main controller is pointing to the IID's of the individual controllers.
As long as all individual controllers (developer exemplars with Group ID 0x67CD5FA1) are still there,
and you have not plopped any of the seaport lots those individual controllers point to (having the same IID), you should be safe...

Quote from: Korot on September 04, 2009, 05:19:34 AM
Having all individual and the main exemplar in the same file is the safest and possibly only way to avoid airport related CTD's.

I fully agree! :thumbsup:
And if removing certain files from AC Functional Airports 2.0.dat would lead to a CTD, then no technical support can be provided... $%Grinno$%


Hi everyone!

First of all thank you for this great work with the airports. They're a must have for any simcity 4 fan.

I have a question however and I'm looking for you to help me.

I'm currently using the functional airports to a minimum. My intention is just to replace the maxis airports. I'm not interested in having heliports and other stuff right now.

I have the 2.0 dat file as well as the sounds and textures dat files. I have the three dat files to remove the Maxis stuff and I have the dat to enable the prefab airports.
However in my airports menu I have the Spaceport and the BLS Shuffle together with the airports.

Is it possible to have only the airports without the Spaceport and Shuffle?

It's a little sad that the Maxis Spaceport reward doesn't provide the IHT Cap relief it was supposed to. Perhaps someone might correct that in the future. However I belief that's a job for the "reward makers".


The space port wasn't an airport until the AC Team played with it, and gave it its cap relief, but also made it an airport. If one now gave the maxis space port the cap relief it should and released  that one, it would either be overwritten by the airport, which includes the cap relief, making the lot use less, or overwrite the airport, which will probably cause a CTD, so the current solutions is the best one. As to the BLS shuttle and the Space post having no enablers, that is probably a mistake.



Quote from: Korot on September 17, 2009, 12:16:42 PM
As to the BLS shuttle and the Space post having no enablers, that is probably a mistake.

That is indeed a mistake... looking at the enabler for the AC Prefab Airport, it is in fact an enabler for the BLS Shuttle...
In other words, the AC Prefab Airport enabler isn't needed and should be discarded.

This also means there's no way to remove the AC Prefab Airport from the menu...
I think an upgrade needs to be released not to far from now... :)

Thanks, Korot! :)


Quote from: Korot on September 17, 2009, 12:16:42 PM
If one now gave the maxis space port the cap relief it should and released  that one, it would either be overwritten by the airport, which includes the cap relief, making the lot use less, or overwrite the airport, which will probably cause a CTD, so the current solutions is the best one.

Unless the modder warns people about that incompatibility and/or make use of cleanitol files and an enabler to the airport to try to avoid those problems.

Besides, if someone wanted to have the spaceport as a reward it would be almost certain that that person wouldn't have any interest in using it as an airport as well.


Is there a way to make the functional airports take advantage of extra funding? Same with the functional ports. I can increase their funding past 100%, they display a higher capacity, yet they still cap out at where they would at 100% funding. For example, the Prefab caps out at about 1 million, rather than going to the 1.2 million it says it's capable of handing when I increase funding.

By the way, I love the Prefab. That beauty is functional eyecandy to the extreme.