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AC Functional, Upgradeable Airports, Support Thread

Started by RippleJet, May 17, 2008, 10:47:07 AM

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@diamonddog_74: Since you said you want your sims to use public transport, have you considered using the Euro version of the NAM traffic simulator? It can be 'created' by using the traffic simulator customizer tool that comes with the NAM*, but whose name I've sadly forgotten.

*)Near the end of the installation of the NAM, the installer should ask you if you want to install this tool, or not.



Quote from: Korot on November 16, 2010, 10:55:28 AM
@diamonddog_74: Since you said you want your sims to use public transport, have you considered using the Euro version of the NAM traffic simulator? It can be 'created' by using the traffic simulator customizer tool that comes with the NAM*, but whose name I've sadly forgotten.

*)Near the end of the installation of the NAM, the installer should ask you if you want to install this tool, or not.


Thanks, Korot. It's the Traffic Simulator Configuration Tool. I just read its manual and made a couple of changes to my Traffic Sim just to try it out. I backed up my original NAM Traffic Sim just in case. As I said before, I took out CAM's Traffic Sim altogether. I just don't like how it works.


Why when you build a functional AC airport regardless of the stage 10-15 my adviser on transport constantly asking me to build a standard airport. I do not understand why the game ignores the fact that I have working with the current airport capacity - where is the problem

- Ivaylo


Quote from: ivo_su on November 22, 2010, 02:45:21 AM
Why when you build a functional AC airport regardless of the stage 10-15 my adviser on transport constantly asking me to build a standard airport. Not doumyavam why the game ignores the fact that I have working with the current airport capacity - where is the problem

The trigger function for the advisor only checks whether you've got a landing strip.
It doesn't check whether you've got any municipal or international airports.
This is the same also for Maxis' own municipal and international airports.

Since all AC airports are modded as municipal airports, the advisor script won't consider them at all.
Thus, the only thing to do is to disregard the advisor's nagging! ;)


However, agreed that it is very annoying that you constantly adviser intrusive crap. Can not figure something out

- Ivaylo


I had read that provides a new stage of AC airports.
Does that mean that the airport will do with 2 runway and greater capacity.

- Ivaylo



Does the team of AC to make new functional airports on stage 16,17, etc. and is it possible they have two runway and biger capacity (2-3 million)


It would be possible, yes. The maximum is 255 growth stages...
Whether there's any interest in it, is something Voltaire would have to reply to.
He made all existing stages 1-15.


What hope then agreed to make another 1-2 additional LOTs and we hope that they will have more runway
remains only to wait

- Ivaylo


Hi everybody,

I would LOVE to use the AC functional Airports. But there is a but. I am a MacUser --I dont know if that has anything to do with my problem, but here it is : when I dezip the zip, it comes out like this :

apparently everything is bundled, so I can't install properly according to the readme instructions.

Its it me or filejuicer ?  :'(


I must say, this is great stuff for an aerospace junkie like myself! :)
There's just one question I have:
Do the planes fly? :P
I'm asking this because I recently downloaded the "Functional Seaports" by BSC and found out that the ships don't move. Since the seaport plugin has some sort of a connection with this one, I thought that the planes might not move in this one.



Quote from: voliminal on March 19, 2011, 03:06:19 PM
Do the planes fly? :P

Unfortunately only those which were made by Maxis.
The helicopters on SimGoober's Heliport do take off though. ;)


Quote from: RippleJet on March 20, 2011, 12:42:13 AM
Unfortunately only those which were made by Maxis.
The helicopters on SimGoober's Heliport do take off though. ;)

Are the maxis planes a part of the airport? Will building these airports mean that I won't be able to see planes flying over my city or my region?


I am using it, you can see Maxis planes taking off, landing and flying.
If you have downloaded airplane automata, you can also see them.


Automata take off and land due to an effect prop which is placed on the landing strips of Maxis airports.
Any custom airport using those effect props would have the same effect, and I'm quite sure Voltaire used them in the big AC Prefab Airport.

The planes seen in the region appear regardless of what kind of airport you use. ;)
Even the bus stops would generate airplanes in the region.


I've mulled over your comment, RippleJet, and I'm not sure which is the more queer of the two concepts: Flying buses, or bus stops producing planes...



Well, these busstops produce passengers for airplanes. So the airports needs more airplanes when there are more busstops.

It's a pity that the game has no opportunity to make a real relation between, let's say, a central airport and the passengers generated by the busstops and other stuff. It would be nice to have all air traffic centralised in one tile where there is a real demand for terminals and runways...
