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choco's attempts at BATing bridges

Started by choco, June 03, 2008, 09:18:33 AM

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Wow, that's looking great! Excellent work!  &apls

But choco, don't you know work still has to take priority over SC4? You have to have money to pay the electric and internet bills you know!  :P
NAM Team Member | 3RR Collaborater | Virgin Shores


work has more priority than SC4?  &Thk/(

i dunno man, i sit in meetings daydreaming about my next model..... :P 

thanks DTP!

i almost forgot about this.....found it on another computer when searching for .gmax files.....


Is that another monorail bridge? I'm extremely pleased with the monorail bridges your creating, they've been sorely lacking over the years. Monorail... the oft forgot about network  :D
~ NAM Team Member


Indeed, monorail was forgotten way too often - even today, there's only a handful of custom stations, which is quite surprising, considering the huge amount of modern BATs.


Choco, that's a real nice bridge. Thank yuou for making it. Do you have any clue about when it could be released?
All right, I know about the When-its-ready-its-ready.... Sorry for asking. ;D

And I know how tempting it is to dream  about the imaginary world we are creating on our computers. Especially when you are in meetings that are about the problems of urban planning and architecture in real life.
It's so easy in SC4!


Kitsune: thanks for the kind words!  yup...its another one.  there is no long-span monorail bridge, so i started this bridge.  i switched from a PC to a laptop to BAT when i traveled all last year, and forgot about the model until i stumbled upon it a couple days ago.  so, i think i may finish it now... :) 

FrankU: thank you as well... :)  sorry to say, i haven't even begun modding this new monorail bridge yet.  i have yet to experiment with suspension bridges, so this will be new modding territory for me.  i'd hate to even guess a date, cause im not even sure how much work is involved to align the cables.....   ???

im trying, at this point, to finish projects that are closer to release before starting any new stuff.  im about halfway thru fixing the bad models, and the RUL work is done (for now, at least  ;)).....

i bit off way more than i could chew at first....but im catching back up....slowly....

thanks for stopin by!  :thumbsup:


last of the modding i'll be able to do till next week.  but, thought i'd post 'em up.  obviously, the wires will be getting some work.....but i need to figure out how adjustable they are.  i may have to re-BAT this bridge at z=0 and change the height via exemplar property.  dunno, but enjoy for now!  :thumbsup:


Uhh... any particular reason it's floating? ??? I guess it would take a little more modding to add the pillars. ()what()


ummm Choco that bridge is looking good but umm a tad bit wierdness too!!!  ???

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i was just testing the model.....its a direct copy of the Medium Road suspension bridge, with the pylon height changed.  its floating because i hid the pillar base soi could render it in 20 minutes rather than 2 hours..... 

you can be sure it wont look like that for long...

but you may have noticed i tend to show more development pics than the final bridgs.....wouldn't wanna ruin the surprise!  ;D



Chocio, I saw the new NAM wit some of your bridges. Thank you for that!


you're very welcome!  :thumbsup:  lots more to come in the near future...... $%#Ninj2

so, i'll follow up the bad pic with a little something more appealing to the eye (well, slightly anyway  :P).  im just finishing up the modding on this mono bridge, and although just short of where i want it to be, its getting close.  one other bridge to finish up, and that'll be all i have for monorail-based bridges (including HSRP)....

- there's 4 bridge properties that are still "unknown", that pertain to suspension bridges.  they might contain the answer to my problem. 

- gonna need to start making custom shadows..... ;)


Well thats better looking bridge :)
Quote from: choco on March 09, 2009, 01:18:26 PM
  one other bridge to finish up, and that'll be all i have for monorail-based bridges (including HSRP)....

What will you work on next? ;)

Leoland coming Spring 2009


ah Choco &apls , yet another wonderful Bridge , is there any way you could make or convert your recent or upcoming plans for bridges for not just rails , but for roads as well as streets ()what()


LEO, thanks!  im working on a couple different projects right now.....many of which are buried in the depths of this thread; a couple that are not.  generally, i would like to finish a pack of light rail bridges for GLR/El-Rail......whilst continuing work on a couple other NAM projects that are planned for the future. 

somewhere in there i'd like to put together a few quick tutorials regarding some beginner/intermediate modeling and modding with respect to bridges.  essentially, there's just different things to look for to ensure you get the look and functionality.....LOD construction, shadowing, and track/transit textures just to name a few. 

Nexis4Jersey, and thank you as well!  :thumbsup:  i did make a street bridge (my first BAT), pictured in the first post of this thread.  other than that, i dont currently have any plans for automotive bridges.....with assisting the RHW development as an exception.  at some point, im sure i will make some various road bridges, but the game is in need of some variety in monorail/El-Rail/GLR bridges more so than any automotive network.  with the advent of the RAM team, i imagine i'll be busy for a while.    :-\   



If you could make a GLR in Avenue bridge, then you would really make me happy!
Also it would be nice to have some of the bridges available for other networks.


Choco great work on the bridges,
The monorail bridge is looking good :thumbsup:

Frank, we can't have Dual Network Bridges in SC4 sadly &mmm



Quote from: Warrior on March 10, 2009, 09:39:52 AM
Choco great work on the bridges,
The monorail bridge is looking good :thumbsup:

Frank, we can't have Dual Network Bridges in SC4 sadly &mmm


I thought the issue was they become instantly congested? The tsing ma bridge is fully pathed on both decks if you turn on the draw paths cheat...
~ NAM Team Member


FrankU, i'd be glad to provide the models if someone was willing to mod them.  it'd be a good bit of work to change over a bridge (since only the model is being used)......others won't lend very well to a change of network (ie, conrete HSR/GHSR bridges).

thanks jonathan!  gonna have a problem with the cable anchors, as they are not very configurable.  may have to contact jeronij to explain some things..... &mmm

kitsune, the Tsing Ma was the 'guinea pig' of sorts.  a dual network bridge will carry traffic just fine, but other problems arise with the simulator.  i do intend to look at this, as i have the DD Tsing Ma moving traffic in a city of 300,000+ to run some testing.  besides bridge testing, i haven't played since february last year..... :'(


here's what im going on about...

i have no idea what these 4 unknown properties are...... ()what()