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RMIP-3 Large Airport Edition vol. 1

Started by Gwail, February 12, 2009, 04:06:34 AM

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Glad you like it, we're doing our best :).

Quote from: Evillions8Stop teasing me and just release the darn thing.
I'd like to, really :). But as the Pareto 80-20 rule says - 80% of the effects come from 20% of the causes. Same about this project - the remaining 20% of work consumes about 80% of total time.

Right now we're working on the taxiway centerline lights, the overhanging lights for exit taxiways and fixing minor bugs. The new lights require brand new system of laying down the in-ground lights on every exit taxiway. Just like the whole project, we want to make it as flexible, as it's possible.

SPygkeren, as KoV Liberty says, you don't need wider taxiways to handle jumbos :). Although it could be a good idea to make expansion pack with wider curves, will see :).

Some fresh photos at the end?

At last all presented lights are brand new. The old taxiway lots from RMIP-2 series will need to be relotted in the nearest future.
My misc works thread:
GWL workshop


[Delta ²k5]

Very good work! I like the green centerline lights on the taxiway :)
I've got a quesion also: Maybe I hadn't read about, but will the new lights be stationary or will they flash like in RMIP-2? I don't want that my whole airport will flash like some kind of discotheque :D I hope you understand my point ;)

But I think they remain stationary from what is showed on the pictures above &Thk/(


That's correct, all the new lights are steady-burning bulbs.

No more trying to take airport screenshots at exactly the right instant  ;)

All the RMIP-2 lots will be upgraded to use the new bulbs as well. I'll re-release the RMIP-2 lots after RMIP-3 is done.

______   F  L  Y    A  C    J  E  T  S   ______
The finest SimCity Aviation LOTs BATs and MODs


Gwail and Voltaire

I am really liking the progress and development...  :thumbsup:

not a witty response but a noted observation at any rate  ()stsfd()



Quote from: [Delta ²k5] on February 11, 2011, 08:55:40 AM
Very good work! I like the green centerline lights on the taxiway :)
I've got a quesion also: Maybe I hadn't read about, but will the new lights be stationary or will they flash like in RMIP-2? I don't want that my whole airport will flash like some kind of discotheque :D I hope you understand my point ;)

But I think they remain stationary from what is showed on the pictures above &Thk/(
yeah I agree :thumbsup:
airport is not a night club $%Grinno$%


Just a quick question.
Is there something planned for planes to turn at the end of runways? Like this: http://www.maldivesdivetravel.com/images/male-international-airport.jpg


barnahadnagy01: this piece of runway is only for small airport which dosen't have a taxiways, like in this photo :)


Not necessarily, I've also seen these kinds of pieces at Brussels Airport (which has 3 runways, so not really that small anymore :P). Generally speaking though, you are right.

RIP Adrian (adroman), you were a great friend

My LOT thread                                    

SCAG BAe146/Avro RJ Project


That airport is used by 747's as well!  ;D It's rare but existing.


So...How long more till we get this?  :)



Old answer: It will be ready when it is ready. Just hold your breath & wait for the big moment. ;)


OOoooh. Looks good. Me likes.
I'm a big fan of RMIP - 2, but I barely use it (sorry). This seems even better!
Do you mind creating an ALS on water (with transparent texture)? Right now most (like 5) of my airports are beside water and most large airports are anyways. They all have ALS on water. The only one out there right now is some red one and it's messed up (to put it simple, it's ugly); it's also 3 tiles wide, so it wont be quite compatible with RMIP - 3.

This is still awesome!
Just as exciting as waiting years for the NWM to come out!
~ Sepen77


The new ALS parts are much more water compatible. The visible models are offset far outside their 'home' lot (the orange & white shack):

The only restriction, is that home lot must be plopped on land, to set the lights' elevation. Building the entire ALS over water is done by raising a tiny island, at the runway elevation, and plopping the shack.

a couple more new features:
    - The orange/white towers will appear over water, plus whenever the land is uneven. If plopped on level terrain, only the lights will show.
    - Because of the way the ALS is split into sections now, the inner 1000 ft (330m) may be plopped as in-ground fixtures (useful on displaced thresholds & blast pads)
    - only the two 'home lots' need to be on land -- and they can fit on a 2x1 island.

______   F  L  Y    A  C    J  E  T  S   ______
The finest SimCity Aviation LOTs BATs and MODs

[Delta ²k5]

This is just incredible! I love those new light system as much as I love the whole project! Nice to see that there is much progress after a long time of nothing showable. &apls It's great to see that more people are in aviation and that they are working together on such great things for SimCity, even if it's nearly 9 years old :thumbsup:


Okay, this is very cool. I'm looking forward to the release!


hey, thats really neat!  :thumbsup:

its all progressing well and good... so-much-so that the anticipation of LEX-release raises ones expectation  :)



That's all I have to say. Just good ol'amazing.
Well done. Truely the best ever! :thumbsup:
~ Sepen77

Jack Bauer

Good Job :thumbsup:

This is just perfect. It will be a pleasure to make an airport with all these pieces. I love the possibilty to put the ALS light system on the water.
