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The Winding River Project

Started by mrbisonm, March 08, 2009, 03:11:05 PM

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Yes I have been to Sudbury and Northbay, the last time when I took my winnebago to Alaska in 1995. The town probably has changed by now. I remember that the town was spred out like I have rarely seen elsewhere and trees were very short and young around the town. The forest were probably were cut down just around then or maybe one of those fires you folks had. I also remember the mines and the poor nature around it.....A lot of Native Americans there too, but they didn't speak Mohawk like I do, probably Hurons? But I can't remember that TCH went right through the town.


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KoV Liberty

Your BATs are great!  :thumbsup: :thumbsup: &apls &apls HAve you ever thought about releasing them? If you already did could you tell me where?


My new MD. Check it out if you wish.

Adrian, I miss you man.


Most of the BATS you see here (logging and roadbuilding) will be released in a prop-pack and Lotpack that I am working on and once I got the time to finetune these, but I have many others on ST, just do a search for *Nexis*.


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Ok thanks about the fallen tree  :thumbsup:


Quote from: mrbisonm on April 05, 2009, 08:31:25 PM

Yes I have been to Sudbury and Northbay, the last time when I took my winnebago to Alaska in 1995. The town probably has changed by now. I remember that the town was spred out like I have rarely seen elsewhere and trees were very short and young around the town. The forest were probably were cut down just around then or maybe one of those fires you folks had. I also remember the mines and the poor nature around it.....A lot of Native Americans there too, but they didn't speak Mohawk like I do, probably Hurons? But I can't remember that TCH went right through the town.


Yeah, around 1995 was when the other end of the bypass opened, so you passed through right at the time that the TCH was fully ringed around the city. Natives in the area I believe are either Ojibwa or Algonquin. I myself have a great grandmother from Golden Lake (which is north of Sudbury and Algonquin) which makes me Metis. The forest in the area was non-existent for nearly a 100 years, destroyed by pollution from the mines. Sudbury has since won major awards from the United Nations and other multi-national groups. Infact, its become a major environmental leader, oddly enough.
~ NAM Team Member


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Just call me Dave


Nicely done, though I think they'll have to get to work to keep up with demand. Seems like there's plenty to work with, as long as they don't cut things up too much (need to let some grow for better lumber later). Assuming this TS character is at all competent, I'm sure he'll have some opportunities just waiting for him. I like the log-based guard rails (they look a bit odd for some reason, but I'm not sure why) and your BATs again continue to impress, as do the scenes you use them in. You're using the RRP stuff to great effect. I'm surprised they haven't tried to conquer the swampiness with a log road yet. Ah well, time will tell and I'm looking forward to future developments, including the road you were showing last time.


Fred I do have to say I love the actual start of the construction of the Gabbers Cottage there wow!!! I do honestly have to say when reading you get the feeling of being in the 50's here...  I do also love those log barriers there you have made!!!

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Quote from: threestooges on April 07, 2009, 11:04:36 PM
... conquer the swampiness with a log road ....

Hm....an idea? Sounds good, will try.

Thanks Pat, glad you like the cottage. Can't wait to finish it.....lol

The Story continues...

«« Last wednesday morning, Dad flew over to our cottage again and he left me in the hands of Mike Allheimer for the whole day, while he  continued his flight to pick up a certain Slye fellow from Frampton , just outside of the city itself and then go on to the Capitol City to do some "paperwork" as he always calls it. I went fishing all day with a young guy that Mike brought along. His name was Michael Arven, I think he must be 14 or maybe even 15 years old. It is one of Mike Allheimer's neighbors. His father, a well known accountant, lives alone with his two sons ever since his wife died in an accident and has become a close friend with Mike. We had a lot of fun fishing and Michael has become somewhat of a friend during the the afternoon. Mike Allheimer brought us back home later that evening.
When we got to Grasslake, I saw that the cottage started to look like  a house now. I can't wait until it is finished, so I can go fishing everyday when we spent time here. " Wow...." Michael said to Charlie, " Can I come and see you sometimes when this is finished? I kinda like this place already, looks coool." leaving to explore the constructionsite »»

from the back view...

Indeed, the construction of the cottage has advanced and it is about to have a roof. Only 2 workers working on it, since most of the workers available are either on the access road construction or the Highway in the Sandom County.
After having dropped off his son Charlie at the Grasslake with Mike Allheimer and Michael Arven, he flew to Frampton to pick up this young TS Slye fellow who was interested in the sawmilling buissness that Mike talked about. Slye lives just beside his parents on the Bluebay river banks in one of his Dad's homes, just outside the city itself.

Together they flew to the Capitol City, a three hour flight towards the east. It was the first time that John flew this direction himself with *Rusty Rover*, usually always getting him flown there with the Company's jet. TS,  as Slye's son wanted to be called, seems to be a sociable and intelligent young fellow with quite some knowledge of logging, sawmilling and a lot of love for railing as John found out during the ride. They both talked about all kinds of things on their way through the Winding River Wilderness and the mountains in the east towards the big city.
Right in the middle of the Winding River Wilderness, TS pointed down to some steam coming from a forested area, when John explained that these were hotsprings, quite often found in the this wilderness, but access is close to impossible. No roads close by and no water big enough to land a small airplane. he also mentioned that his neighbor Mr Racsan nearby his place in Bluebay bought these lands and that they both, Mr Racsan and Gabber, are about to build a road through his lots with the access road they started a few months ago.

«« " I don't know why exactly Mr Racsan bought the area," John explained to TS," because it is half mountains and half thick forests, no river and only partial access to Grasslake and the Winding River at one point. And as much as I know Mr Racsan as he is one of the richests fellows in the region, he has something in mind with this, 'cause nothing he bought just for the fun of it." Then John added after a few seconds: " Maybe it is an investment for his son Guy, he's about your age, still studying engineering in college. Maybe the hotsprings interest him to make a vacation resort," looking at Ts with a wide smile »»

After having flown for about 40 minutes and finally getting out of the forested wilderness, they encountered several small villages and even some towns in the foothills of the immense mountain range. One town was of special interest to John, flying low when he saw those floodlogs again on the riverbanks, this time doubled. Maybe another good idea to have on the access road near the inondation area by the Winding river.

TS added his ideas of flood-retaining walls and asked if the rails could be supported by the logs also, when he pointed out to another wall that he saw on the lakeshore of a small village, probably very old. These were made of piled up rocks, but surely not strong enough to hold the waters of the mighty Winding River, John confirmed.

Then it wasn't long and they entered the Capitol district by flying over the industrial park before landing not too far from there. This surely doesn't look like Bluebay TS thought, coming here for the first time and he couldn't resist to mention how amazed he was. Once landed they rented a car at the small airport and drove downtown while discussing why they came here.

«« " Listen TS, as we talked it over the other day and if this idea will work out with the federal office, we will have something strong and solid to build on. I will be willing to step into this sawmill buissness with you and finance the other half that you need to get started," John explained his ideas to TS again, " and you will handle it the way you want it to." TS nodded positively and asked, " So do you really think that the gouvernment will let us do all the logging in the Winding River Valley?" John smilingly answered: " Of course they will, wait 'til I explain them how much money they can make from all these natural resources, besides the forest is mature and needs to be cut, or at least cleaned out a bit. So much of it is already wasted every year. Just let me do the talking. I haven't built the access road for nothing. Listen, I will present you as my partner, ok?" That surely added a big smile on TS's face. »»

And soon they both were in the federal office talking about the massive logging in the Winding River Wilderness they had in mind. The discussion took a good 2 hours and finally they all came to an agreement. Logging it will be, but only with a well thought over plan that the Forest-management Office will provide. John and TS agreed. After a couple of official handshakes, both the new sawmill owners walked out with a big smile and headed for a good restaurant for a good meal and to talk their victory over. TS thanked John for all the help that he has given sofar and told him that he is proud to be his partner, now knowing that his future is about to change for the better.

Days have become shorter in late fall and the evenings come faster too. The Capitol was already all lit up before they headed home and a last look over downtown was quite an exceptional view. TS never saw such a big world and wondered how many people could be living down there that have a similar dream of starting something as he just did.

Meanwhile in Bluebay, Mike has dropped off Charlie and Michael Arven who were by that time completely burnt out from fishing all day. Lucky for them, tomorrow is no school. Charlie had a wonderful day explaining the details to his Mom and brother.

Since the Gabber Inc will be responsable for the highway construction as soon as it enters the Winding River district, John went to see where it is at the moment in the Sandom County. He visited the sites of the mountainous area just ouside the town and also the swampy region beyond the hills, where special foundations were prepared for a more solid and stable construction through the small unstable valley grounds. Productions were on time and by late december, the highway will enter Gabber's territory.
Now John has to plan to get the loggers down there and start clearing the lands, then the bulldozers to prepare the terrain and the architects to start planning the decend into the valley.

Now, have a nice long weekend (for most of us) and a Happy Easter. I'll be back in a couple of days with the party and the beginning of the highway construction in the Winding River Wilderness.......


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Very beautiful are you going to up,oad those some day soon?


i love it, its like a soap opera watching the stories of these people unfold, it brings back so many fond memeries of NEXIS.
NAM + CAM + RAM + SAM, that's how I roll....


Fred I am loving it wow!!! :thumbsup: The Cottage is coming along nicely and the highway is getting its foundation sweetness!!!

Don't forget the SC4D Podcast is back and live on Saturdays @ 12 noon CST!! -- The Podcast soon to Return Here Linkie


I love those Stonewalls and the Highway Construction seems to be coming along nicely!  &apls


 &apls &apls Excellent once again. I really like the house in construction . You got very great bat. I just asking myself how you did for putting those stone wall on the side road ? Have fun


Thanks again for the comments.

danielcote, it will take some time to get the props working properly and maybe retexturing some and rerendering them, because they were done quickly for private use, but seeing that many would like to have them, I will surely create 2 prop-packs and 1 Lotpack one day.
If anyone wants to have a specific prop or lot right away, just PM me and I'll send it.

mightygoose, To me also, it brings back many memories of NoG when I am writing this story. Glad you like it.

Pat, glad you enjoy yourself with the cottage. Maybe I should upload all the different lotstages also when I'm done building it.

Nexis4Jersey, Nice to see you leaving a comment. Come again.

kimcar,  the stonewall is an offset prop that is placed on a traffic enabled 1x1 roadlot, that's how I did it, not very complicated.

Have a nice weekend

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Nice city, and I'm happy for you that you're there :thumbsup:

Guillaume :thumbsup:
L'atelier d'architecture
* * * * * Longwy * * * * *


Quote from: mrbisonm on April 10, 2009, 09:37:59 PM
the stonewall is an offset prop that is placed on a traffic enabled 1x1 roadlot, that's how I did it, not very complicated.

Have a nice weekend Fred

Thanks for the tip , I didn`t know that those wall came offset.


Nice work on the continuation. Your pictures of that wonderful city are also fantastic! :thumbsup:


Id really like the props for that water plane thanks.


Quote from: danielcote on April 12, 2009, 07:04:46 AM
Id really like the props for that water plane thanks.

It should be available in the coming weeks, unless you want the MD/CJ version right now without any guarantee and just a simple parkplop with an untextured lot, then pm me with your e-mail address. I will send it later this weekend.


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