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The Winding River Project

Started by mrbisonm, March 08, 2009, 03:11:05 PM

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Update 48  april 4,1965

Ok, back to the regular updates, things are changing. First we will go back to our Maintown, Access Center where a few changes have made a major impact. Mayor Bartlett is more and more appreciated by the population since he slowly advances his promissed services. Not quick enough for some of the population, but most of the votes are back on his side.

The airport's landing strip "stretching" was finally approved by the federal Government and Mr Tony Racsan is financing the project. The runway will be elongated for a few hundred yards to permit bigger planes to land, mostly Cargo. The project will cost some 250 K §. Good thing that the land already belonged to the Airport Commission. The project is supposed to start in next year's fall. Also will be added some more buildings, offices, a small hotel and a hangar or two.


At the Hydrodam things are going fantastic. Although most of Access and surroundings already get their power and water from here, only recently the whole system was declared fully done. It is also open to the public to go with a guided tour of these premisses. Some gardens and parks will come later this year or by the beginning of next year. By the way, the waterlevel has risen a little this winter, it was badly needed.


More in the downtown area of Access, a small terrain was purchased by Harry Wormwood from Sandom. He always wanted to become an independant cardealer, and now that he had the chance to buy himself this small lot for little money and he's on the way to start the first cardealership in Access one day soon. The lot is situated just about on the other side of the road that leads into the Valmore part of Access and beside a small Canteen that just opened a while ago and is already  lacking parkingspace. Wormwood has already in mind to buy this part of the terrain also one day.


During friday evening most of the counsil received a short visit from a population group that is not content with the services of the town. They want a hospital and an Arena and others. Most of the population is quite satisfied with what they have received already in the last year, talking about the church, watersupply, electricity, both schools and others, understanding that Access is growing faster than the services can follow and it must be quite hard to administrate.
The Protestors were peaceful though, mostly trying to make understood their desires and needs. By nightfall, they were gone.


If you drove by or through downtown this morning, you must have asked yourself what happened to the Olsen Pub, right? Well, most of the citizens were surprized to see nothing than rubble from the building was left. Some of them were intrigued, others disappointed to see it gone and some even were mad to have seen it destroyed, this one of the first buildings in Access still standing.
A surprize to all though is that it was planned for several weeks already.
Julie Olsen, the owner of the pub, is getting married soon and also is expecting a child. She wants to move to Sandom, where her boyfriend is already building himself a small buissness. Julie was also tired of the Pub since she never liked the idea of it. Her father is still in prison as we have seen lately and he also wants to do something different with his life once he retires from these security walls. He cannot come back to Access, where he probably will not be welcomed in a friendly way.
So, the Pub was sold a few weeks ago, emptied last week and demolished yesterday evening. It only took the demolition Company a couple of hours to tear it down completely. This morning the rest will be shipped to the garbage disposal site.
The lot was purchased by a group of buissness men from Frampton and rumours are that it was well paid for. It will be rebuild for commercial uses, but exactly what it will be has not been reveiled yet.
Mr Nethaniel Wellington knew about it, so did a few other downtown terrain prospectors, but when Wellington saw the pricetag stuck on the building and lot, he couldn't imagine how to make this not so big terrain profitable to him and he let it go into the hands of those buissness people from Frampton.


Lately in the last two weeks , several complaints of regular citizens were investigated that in some poorer areas of Access drugdealing has seen the day ....and night. A few of these spots were found and are now being partially surveyed by the police, but no positive suspects are in view yet. The Sherrif, Kyle Roberts went to get some info from the former Sherrif Paul Hubert, because he knows the population a lot better, but Paul is so convinced that it is Johnny B.Bad behind this all, no matter what Roberts was asking.
The Sherriff will keep an eye on these places in the future, but with only one agent available, he won't come up with much.


The firestation was inaugerated today. It is not bigger, but way more modern and now has 4 fulltime professional firefighters and two trucks, plus one Emergency vehicule. This was one highly costly expense for Mayor Bartlett, but fires cannot rule Access anymore. As soon as the new building was functional, the older one was demolished to make room for more commerces or houses.


Just in between the residentials of the east and the shopping mall in the west, some smaller commerces popped up. There are a small icecream hut, some specialty stores and a small diner.We need more commercial store choices people are saying.


Wellington finally made his dream come true and found a terrain for his better and bigger Clubfoods store. He will of course keep the one on Mainstreet as he mentioned earlier that his faithful customers will not be abanodonned. This new building will be bigger and will be able to handle more versatile customers. A big project for Nethaniel again, because another 125,000 § are being invested. The new location is about opposite of the the shopping mall towards east (to Grasslake). Perfect spot he chose, because a lot of new Residents will be build nearby and also a whole Officeblock and other commercials will move in soon.
Although he never owned a car yet, Mr Wellington is seriously thinking to do so now.


Guy Racsan also announced some interesting news lately. He is building a raceway in Access at the outer point going to the west, just before the highway 15, creating again another 50 or so jobs. The land was bought and plans are in the hands of the architect Riichirou Takahaschi, our specialist in urban and other designing. Mr Racsan wants it to be attractive, clean, practical and useful, since he was talking about testing some of his Companies vehicules also one day. Will he be building cars soon also? The time of the construction has not been mentioned.


Diarmuid MacGormain is Access's new soccerhero. He was asked to join the "Access Loggers Team" as the youngest player, only 15, last fall to play in this season's tournements (1965) and when the Access Loggers played their first seasonal game in Access yesterday, they won over Sandom 3 to 0, of which 2 of the goals were obtained by Diarmuid. John Gabber wanted him so badly after seeing him with his son Charlie (also best friend) and the neighborkids playing streetsoccer on his road near his home in Bluebay. Diar was proven to be a good idea already and John promissed him to join in a fishing trip with his son Charlie next month in the wild swampy area of the east of Winding River.


Here's just a overview of today's Access Center's downtown and some plans of what's coming up soon to change the face of it.


Another big land purchased was done by Paul Donovan, which we believed to be a simple playboying fellow, but Donovan owns as suspected, a big company in Frampton already. Building and construction materials outlets is his speciality. Having come to Access for the last few months on every weekend, he was speculating of what he could invest here in this newly growing region and decided to buy some land north of Access, just outside of Valmore and near Valmore Lake. He also paid good money for the land since it was only delogged a couple of years ago and is still fresh and excellent farmland, but Paul has his way with money and seeing a good deal when it's offered or available.
Mr Donovan also went to see Slye at his sawmill and both signed an important deal already of wooden materials for the next 5 years. Something good for TS again and also very profitable for Donovan, the sawmill being so close and almost no expenses for the transport.


In Phlox, just over the bridge and on the other side of the mighty Winding River, we've seen the little worker's village before, where most of the loggers and workers come to eat, drink and sleep. This is also the junction of the Sterling Road, that road that leads into the Stoke Mountains entirely owned by Rundi Sterling. George Troy is the guardian of that gate. Now 70 years old, George retired from raising and taking care of Sterling's high-prized horses and he now lives here in Phlox on a little farm that he had built. In the beginning he thought he was going to grow vegetables, but after a few months he understood that it was physically too much for him. So, besides his little bike repair shop in the Phloxvillage, he decided to purchase the little Cantina  in the Worker's village and being very sociable, he had no problem to get the folks to like him and named as Cook Troy.
Here in Sterling's Gate, as people refer to this place, some people started to take more of a serious and permanent settlement and had their livingtrailer installed to always have their family with them.
Access School commission even has a schoolbus coming by now.


As we can see, Troy lives only a few yards away from his cantina and walks it every day to keep himself in physical shape. His cantina is open from 11 AM to 7 PM, which makes it an 8 hrs day.


Our soldier, Sgt Badger, in Phlox finally moved into his little home near the sawmill on his 4 acre lot. Still working on the military base, he also found himself a new little passion of growing vegetables in a garden. After a few month of this, harvesting gave Gregory Badger the idea to sell his products on this busy strip of road where he lives on and to make himself a few extra §'s. He built himself a little kiosk with some "scrapwood" that he obtained for little money from the sawmill. Good looking and efficient was all he needed and it wasn't long before people started to stop and at least have a look and some even bought small quantities of his quality veggies.

pic 17

On this picture we can see the different landowners of this area south of  the Phlox village. Slye owns a big chunk of the county and wishes to have fully paid his sawmill and to be able to buy more land before the prices get even higher. He and Richard Welder, the outfitter, bought the land for 4 § an acre, only 4 years ago, and today it is worth in between 9 and 12 § an acre, an increase of 100 to 150%, profitable I must say. Who knows what it will be in another 4 years.
The trainstation that Slye and the Railways are planning is about to realize itself. The construction is about to start only in a few weeks, I heard.


On the opposite of the bridge lays Phlox island and when no bridge existed yet, materials were shipped by barges and boats to the island and to construct the highway and its bridges. Now the little harbours all over this region are being abandonned and brought up for sale.
A young lady from Frampton bought the one little harbour on the westside of Phloxisland for only a few §. Alex Puto, working just above on the bridge was curious to see who would buy a lot like this and for what reason. He met Katie Panskyy down at the harbour and was stunned by her beauty instantly. Miss Panskyy did not yet mention what she has in mind doing with the abandonned harbourlot. Being close to the big bridge it is surely not for a home, I presume.


Richard Welder from Lakefield is back in the region, opening his lodge and outfitting for those who want to spend some days fishing big Bass. His lodge is just beside the sawmill in Phlox and Slye sometimes comes by and spends an evening or afternoon of relaxation, sometimes alone, sometimes with a customer, like Col Neil Myers from the armybase last fall. Welder's lodge closes from November to April every year.


Only about a few days ago the population in the Phloxvillage just beside the bridge raised over 100 citizens. They now need a Mayor and a election is planned for June this year, only 2 months from today. Phloxvillage seems to be growing also, although it has nothing much to offer yet, but then again, Access is less that 40 minutes from here, if you take highway 15.
George Troy has rented a little shop here to repair bikes, something he is doing for the last 50 years back in Lakestead. He just moved the whole shop from there. This little repairshop keeps George busy in the winter and on weekends. He makes barely enough money with it to pay the rent and electricity of the building, but he loves it and without any stress he repairs not only bikes but also other small things and motors sometimes, such as chainsaws and lawnmowers.


I hope that this update was again interesting. Coming up soon: ««Red Alert»»««Red Alert»»««Red Alert»».......unauthorized intrusion on the armybase in West River.
Also, farming has become a passion in Winding River. More and more farmers are moving in. So many that Slye has a problem to find the labour, room and time to supply the demand to cut the logs that are coming in from the landclearing of the farms. What can he do?
Plus, a new job for Johnny B.Badd, he is now selfemployed.

See ya all soon.

....Uploading the MFP 1.... (.........Finishing the MFP1)


Great work, Fred. You've certainly been doing excellent work here!  :)



Wow, big update. I'm glad the runway is going to be extended. The idea of a raceway is cool, not like I haven't done it, but still cool. Good update.


Excellent update! I like all the different things you showed and I'm glad you finally found a spot for my store!


I see Paul is making big plans.  :P $%Grinno$%


I had some free time this weekend for another update, aren't you spoiled?......lol ;)

Update 49      april 13, 1965

Geez, I can't believe these things when they happen. Full grown people, intelligent and well educated and having a professional life doing things that normally little adventurous kids without any resposabilities could only do. This is somehow proof that some of the Sims never grow up.

Sometime during the last weeks a meeting of the regular friday afternoon hero group must have been held somewhere and an invasion plan made to penetrate into the army's base on this week's friday. I'm not sure where it was held, but I suppose John Gabber's cottage is a probability, since they would never have talked about something like this at their weekly meeting at Baby's Biergarten.

Now here is what is happening at this very moment, Saturday, april the 13th, 1965 at around 8:30 AM. The whole municipality of Access, Grasslake, Phlox and even Sandom is freaking out and panicking. Some are already leaving town in a hurry. All sorts of rumours are running around, nothing solid and nothing actually official neither.
Dozens of helicopters in the air all over the valley and the river, tens and tens of army jeeps and trucks on every road and I would say some hundreds of soldiers on foot and horse near and out of the base in West River, Phlox and Valmore north including search dogs.
Reason: The security of the base was seriously tested by some intruders.

Colonel Neil Meyers will have a short pressconference with a few questions to be answered later today, explaining the situation.

Story: John Gabber, Mike Allheimer, Alex Puto, Steve Gibson and TS Slye were implicated somehow in this matter that is about to turn upside down the whole region.
After they have planned to investigate the armybase from the river's side on which is less supervised and watched, they went into action this morning with a canoe and three people, which were flown in by Gibson to the white X location on Chime Lake, which is the source of the West River. It was only a quick "dump and go" landing as Gibson calls it. Once unloaded these three and the canoe, Steve Gibson flew over the eastern mountains, not to suspect the army's radar, back to Access and land on the Grasslake, where John was waiting to pick him up at his cottage.
In the canoe on Chime lake were Mike, Alex and Slye. TS Slye is too young to have experience with this, having no soldier experience whatsoever, but childish adventure needs lurred him into this stupidity with the supposed "grown-ups". Mike is a fulltime warveteran having survived WW II, just like John, knowing all the tricks and trades of being a soldier in the middle of action. Alex has 2 years of local army-experience in the reserve.
Fully equipped with camouflaged clothing, cameras, topographic maps, lights, survival kit for two days and some nonfiring weapons as knives and tools, they paddled into the outlet of Lake Chime, which gets narrower once entering the West River. They looked like that they were about to enter Vietkong at full war, knowing that fridays no army helicopter flies.
This happened this morning at about 8 AM, Friday the 12th, 1965, not too early to make the army ask themselves questions to see an aiplane close to the lake. At about 10 AM, all three arrived at the end of the second riverbend (YellowX), just about where the armybase starts. There all three landed on the westside of the river (Blue X),  and only Alex and Mike continued on foot to the green X location.

The grey line indicates the trip of Alex, Mike and Slye until the intersection of the orange line, that Slye took from there on.


Meanwhile Slye took back the canoe into the water, as he was the only one that was dressed as a angler, and followed the orange line a little upriver only to cross the land over to the same river south again. Some traveling over a small strip of land and Slye was back in the river below the army's property at noon (Orange X), looking as a regular fisherman.
Gibson picked him up at the bridge at 1 PM (pink X), and driving back to Slye's sawmill and home with Slye, the pickup and the canoe right pass the military gate, where they seem to record everyone passing on the highway's service road.


At Slye's place they stayed and waited until 4 PM talking about the adventure sofar, when John Gabber arrived with another Pickup, coming to pick up Mike and Alex later at the Red X. Slye and Steve took Steve's car and went to Grasslake where they're all are to meet later this evening. Their part was finished. Slye left a key of a big loghauler to John for later use.

Meanwhile in the dark and heavy wooded forests of West River, Alex and Mike arrived at the green X location at about noon, where they started taking pictures and Alex making plans. Like professional spies they contoured the helicopter's pads and something like a gigantic mountain of plein simple dirt and back into the forest on the northern side. From there follow the grey line to see where they went, zigzag through the woods to arrive at two places close to the base from the northside which is not heavily surveyed, taking pictures and making plans again. They arrived at Location Purple X at around 4 PM, just about the same time when Gabber arrived at the sawmill. Here Mike gave most of his package to Alex showing him the right direction with his compass to go to the pick-up place in Phlox,Red X, keeping nothing than his little survival kit, camera and knife.
Alex went to the Red X alone.
This wasn't planned and Alex did not like the idea of Mike doing it differently taking unnecessary chances of getting caught, but Mike hasn't seen enough yet, becoming more hungry of the base with each step forward.

«« "You're nuts", Alex wispered to Mike behind the bushes close to the two towers,"We got all we wanted, now let's get out of here before we both get caught".
" I want more, I have to see what's beside the towers, that enormous round thing that we barely see with all that piping surely isn't their watersupply pump nor their laundry machine. You go and make sure to be on time for John to pick you up. Tell him to continue our plan as planned and not to worry about me. I will call him at the cottage tomorrow morning. He knows of what I am capable of and he'll tell you also that I'm nuts." Mike said with a smile and turned away.
"You're still nuts. This is almost suicide adventuring yourself right under the nose of the enemy like this. I hope you are what they say you are and what I heard about you is true, otherwise you're dead as the squirrel we just saw. I'll go now, I've had enough adventures for the day. You're nuts." Alex added before leaving and turned to the right direction to the Red X, while Mike approached a little more the end of the bushes to end up with a better view of the base's more busier part and see how well their security actually is.»»

At about 8 Pm, John was already waiting for an hour for Mike and Alex to appear at the Red X. It was getting dark when he saw a small redlight in a ditch about 200 yards away from him. John started the pickup's motor and joined Alex. John was surprized to see only Alex. After a few minutes of explaining, John understood the situation, but surely disapproved it and both left back to the sawmill. John couldn't believe what Mike was up to. He must be nuts!. he said.

Later Alex and John prepared the loghauler, hid all the stuff they brought back through the armybase, including the camouflaged clothes and the canoe on its platform and build some logs around it to camouflage the stuff. Then the hauler was fully loaded and chained with hardwood logs and both drove off to Grasslake with it, to John's cottage as planned. It wasn't unusual to see loghaulers pass by the military gate at almost all hours of day and night, especially now where the sawmill started to work 2 shifts again, so the curious "armygaters" as they were known by the truckers, weren' surprized to see a hauler at this hour. They didn't even turn their heads it seemed.
Once arrived at the cottage, they unloaded the logs, which John will cut up to firewood later, and placed their stuff back in the boxes in the basement where they were before. Slye couldn't believe his ears when John and Alex told about Mike going right into the wolf's mouth. Now what, he asks John and John not being certain of what Mike is doing neither, draw up his shoulder and said that Mike probably pops up at his place later tonight.


Slye decided to go back to the sawmill, taking back the empty hauler. When he arrived at his home near the sawmill, TS hurried to his phone to call up Mike, who was quietly drinking a beer with Gibson and Alex, talking about the event.
««" Dammmmmn it John, Mike has serious problems" he screamed loudly into the phone and said it so quickly that John had to make him repeat to understand.
"Whoaaaa, slow down Terry, what do you mean Mike has serious problems, did you see him?" By this time everyone in John's cottage was up on their feet and beside John to hear in the conversation of both.
"No, but I just drove by the military gate and the gate is wide open, all kinds of vehicules are on the road, spotlights everywhere and it seems the towers and the base in the woods are heavily lit up. Besides that some helicopters are hovering all over the base and I could hear something like a sirene in the distance" taking a deep breath , Slye continued, "I'm sure they got Mike. I hope that the idiot didn't climb the towers or went right into them, dam it!"
After a small time of silence John answered, "Ok, let's not panic. Mike is surely ok, I know him well enough for that. I don't know why they're alarmed, maybe it's just a drill or something.....Mike will knock on your door in a couple of minutes, I'm almost certain. He never got caught doing things like this, never."
"There's always a first time, John, don't forget that he's fifty now ", Slye said in an extreme worrying voice, "and I don't like all this stirring around the base."
"Fifty or not, he's in better shape than me and you combined. We can't do anything anyways," John replied, " all we can do is wait. He said to Alex that he will get in contact with us in the morning. Tomorrow is Saturday. Alex said he will call me....Now go to bed and sleep , we'll see each other tomorrow at Barby's, ok?"
Terry nervously agreed and hang up.»»

Back to today, saturday morning, where everyone in Access thinks that the gasleak in West River is about to explode or something because of all the action in and around the army's base. All Tv and Radio stations have already informed the public that at noon Colonel Meyers will have a pressconference on this matter and they also said that it is nothing else than a simple intrusion during the night.

It is 8:30 AM at Slye's home, he's still sleeping like a baby. It must have him stressed out last night enough to knock him out.


Someone knocks heavily on the door several times.....Terry jumped up all nervous. That must be the army, they know, he thinks. That's it, we're cooked......... Taking a big breath and ready to face the resposability, he slowly opens the door of his home.
"Hi there", a voice said before the whole door opened, " Can I use your phone?" Slye almost lost his legs beneath his stressed body. There was Mike with a big smile on a dirty face, dressed in a tight jogging suit in front of him.
" I have to call John now".
*What the hell have you been doing, man?" Slye screamed at Mike who was all surprized to see him that jumpy, "We are going nuts here and you take a walk in the woods during the night. What happened? Did they catch you? Where do you come from and what......", Slye was interupted with a loud, "Stop! I wasn't caught, ok? Nothing happened. Nothing! Why are you so damn fired up at me?" Mike asked in a solid voice while he entered the house and closed the door behind him.
"Well, all the alarm and action at the military base last night were surely not a coincidence, now were they?" Slye looked at Mike seriously with both hands on his hips.
" No," Mike answered very calmly," I was the responsable for that, but don't worry....lol....you should go outside and have a look around this morning, it looks like the whole army and airforce from Lakestead just arrived", he said with a laughter," Can I make that call now and maybe take a shower?....Oh....., you got some clothes for me too? I got hose from a clothesline at the neighbor's place up the road, I think it's the soldier's place with his veggies"»»

Slye almost collapsed to see Mike so calm and unworried about the whole matter as it was a normal thing to him to have moved the complete army of Simland. Mike called up John, explaining quickly the situation and went to take his shower and get dressed. Once finished he said " Let's go to Barby's and have a nice breakfast with the guys, I'm hungry".
All that is almost too much to Terry, looking for the carkeys.

They left Slye's home and headed toward Access Center. It is 10 AM now and Mike wasn't kidding when he said that he woke up the whole army and airforce in Lakestead. Mike drove and told Slye to shut up whatever happens. Once on the highway heading south, they got intercepted by the police and a military truck near the gate, asking for identification. Mike as uninhibited as always asked the MP (military Police) what all the fuzz is about, pointing at the helicopters over the base and river. Not getting an answer he tried again while the Sherriff's adjoint was going through the papers, "Don't tell me you lost your Colonel ?"
The soldier asked where they come from and where they are going . Mike said with a big smile that the beer was a little rough last night at his friend's place, that he slept there and now is going for a mansized breakfast in a restaurant in Access and he also asked the MP if he wanted to join them.
Shortly after, both were released to continue. Mike couldn't help asking Slye who was about to crack, " Hope you didn't wet your pants?"
Terry Slye likes some adventures once in awhile, but nothing compared like this. This simply stressed him out completely. He looked Mike right into his eyes and said " I've had enough, so don't push it"

Mike didn't need to hear more, knowing that TS was about to explode.

pic 5

Arriving at Barby's Biergarten at 11 AM, everyone said to be there was already drinking strong coffee that Barby White had made especially on the demand by John. Everyone seemed to be calm when Slye and Mike entered the room. Mike with a very big innocent looking smile sat down besides Alex and asked, " So, how was your little trip yesterday?" Alex only shook his head.


At the Tv screen, Barby openes the volume, showing the Colonel entering the pressconference room again. Everyone turned over to see this.

Again, I will not get into every detail of the Colonel's speech, but here is what's most important.
He announced that there was a leak in the army's base security system and that someone from outside penetraded the interiors of some buildings.

«« "What exactly he was looking for or was doing there is not yet known."the Colonel said," We have blocked every road and access to and from the base and it will be only a matter of hours before we find him."
Mike looked at everyone and shook his head negatively.
The Colonel continued: "The whole area around the base is under surveillance at this moment and that since late last night. An individual of about 35 years old was caught on a two different surveillance camera's near the Valve towers at midnight. He was dressed in camouflaged clothing looking like those from the army. If anyone has seen or is about to see this character, please inform either the local sherriff or the army about it. It will be highly appreciated."
Mike looked at John this time and said sacastically: " Hey, they got my picture on candid camera now, oh geeez, I forgot to clean my face and take of my balaclava" (see picture below)


The Colonel continued: " There is nothing to worry about at this moment, and please folks do not panic everytime when the base is activated in such a matter. I heard all kinds of different stories on the streets this morning, like that the base is about to blow up and poisoning the whole region. Nonsense, the valves are secured and not dangerous enough to even have my wife worried."»»

Now you Readers can ask a few questions to the Colonel again during this pressconference, you got two days to do so. Don't forget you don't know anything about what Mike and Alex have discovered yet. (open to everyone)

The Colonel continued with some more bla-bla trying to assure the population that this is a insignificent incident, while the guys looked at each other. Alex opened his mouth and worrily asked: " Haven't we gone a little too far here?"
"I'm a pure Simlander and I have the right to know the truth, even if the truth may kill me," Mike said," and that is exactly what I was doing since these bummers don't even have the heart or courage to say the truth. So I went to get it myself"[/color]

Then Mike started explaining what he saw yesterday and last night, keeping his voice down, and explaining everything in every detail possible.
Alex, John, Terry and Steve were all ears.

.....to be continued

A little teaser from next update's picture series.......Details of the base.



....Uploading the MFP 1.... (.........Finishing the MFP1)


Oh...... My..... God..... I Remember this MD from update.... like 5! I commented once then completly forgot about it! I loved it then and ill probably love all the updates inbetween then and now. I still cant belive i forgot about this! So, to show im sorry..... an elephant...  &dance


superb update.... thats a mighty big extractor fan you have going there.... considering you are meant to be leaving the Porolium underground sealed, i think the colonel has a few more questions to answer.
NAM + CAM + RAM + SAM, that's how I roll....


That is a mighty fine couple of updates. Johnny B Badd is proving too smart for the local authorities :)

Also, that teaser pic is pretty creepy. Looks like some sort of nuclear reactor.


That's quite the teaser shot!  What an odd looking building!



Quote from: mrbisonm on April 18, 2010, 09:04:23 PM
that enormous round thing that we barely see with all that piping surely isn't their watersupply pump nor their laundry machine.

Ha! Thats good stuff!

KoV Liberty

OMG. That story is by far the best so far! And Mike is right, what is in the huge tank? Poisonous gases?


My new MD. Check it out if you wish.

Adrian, I miss you man.


"Colonel, do you know how the intruder got past your security? I would have thought that as the army you would have better security?"
I'm the one who jumped across the Grand Canyon... and lived.


Quote from: canyonjumper on April 19, 2010, 07:43:15 PM
"Colonel, do you know how the intruder got past your security? I would have thought that as the army you would have better security?"

Colonel Meyers:

"At this precise moment we do not exactly know how the intruder was able to penetrate into the base without being detected before, but we will find out and correct the situation. While this base is not considered as of any particular interest to anyone, we have not yet looked totally into a 100 % security system. Also is the Porolium gas valve not of any immediate danger, only a lock is separating the valve with the exterior. However, we already have security specialists looking into the matter to improve the security on the site.
May I add that this probably is only someone that was curious to see how the military was building the new base, nothing else.  A new invention that detects mouvements is being installed at this very moment all over the base's limits."

....Uploading the MFP 1.... (.........Finishing the MFP1)


Question from the public, not at all related to Mr. Slye. If the base is solely for Porolium containment (which, as you've assured us is safe) and for troop training, why all the hubbub for one guy who you believe was just there to look around? The increased military presence has been quiet significant.

Nice update Fred. I've noticed I've fallen one or two behind here, but I'll have a look and try to leave a slightly more detailed comment. In the meantime, I just thought I'd throw my hat in the ring for Q&A time with the Col.


Quote from: threestooges on April 20, 2010, 02:11:24 AM
Question from the public, not at all related to Mr. Slye. If the base is solely for Porolium containment (which, as you've assured us is safe) and for troop training, why all the hubbub for one guy who you believe was just there to look around? The increased military presence has been quiet significant.

Col Meyers:

"Every security breech for any reason on federal land that has been marked to stay off or no trespassing, is considered by the army as breaking the law and will therefore be treated as such. Like I said before, the base was not openend in this area because of the Porolium Gas, but it seemed to be a very suitable place for a new base exactly what the army was looking for lately. The increase of the population on the base is mainly caused by the workers the base needs to construct all the buildings that we need at this moment and to get ourselves installed properly....Any more questions?"

, and the Colonel was looking around the pressconference room with a smile seeing a lot less faces than the last time.

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Nice to see that Sgt. Badger just got a new place, though I'm sure he's a little put out by all the crawling around hither and yon through the woods. Wonder how long it'll take before they realize he's no longer in the containment zone.

KoV Liberty

Question for the Colonel: "What would, in theory, happen to the person if caught?"


My new MD. Check it out if you wish.

Adrian, I miss you man.


Quote from: KoV Liberty on April 20, 2010, 01:35:16 PM
Question for the Colonel: "What would, in theory, happen to the person if caught?"


Col Meyers

"As this does not to seem to be a offensive intrusion, the individual will be hold and questioned and probably temporarily released  until we decide to press or not charges on him.  At this moment we have no idea at all what the character was doing there and what he had in mind to do. We'll find out later today when we catch him....still any questions?"

....Uploading the MFP 1.... (.........Finishing the MFP1)