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Atrubia - Update 71: A Few Progress Pics

Started by KoV Liberty, June 14, 2009, 08:10:42 PM

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Great work Alex! I've been lurking here to much... ::)

Ryan :thumbsup:
Sendona... Coming soon!


Good work as always!
It would be good if we had a war between your country and mine.
(btw... I'm Evillions from Simtropolis in case if you didn't know.)

KoV Liberty

Eh, I'm not sure. Atrubia is a peaceful country and we intend to keep it that way. There's enough going on in the middle east as is and we don't ned two more contries fighting.

My new MD. Check it out if you wish.

Adrian, I miss you man.


KoV Liberty


Update 49: Islandia Watercraft Exposition

Sumwonyuno: Thanks!

976: Thanks!

Joel (joelyboy911): Thankyou Joel!

Earth Quake: Thanks!

Glowbal: Thankyou!

Yan007: Thanks! Yor harbors are very beautiful!

Stijn (BarbarrossaS): Yes. A LOT of trouble. We share a border with Saudi Arabia and Kuwait. Most of the border is unprotected but that is being stopped.

djvandrake: Thanks!

Robin (rooker1): Hey, glad to see you here again Robin! :) And thanks, I will try that.

Luke09: Thanks! And find the answer in the post below yours. ;)

danielcote: Yes we do. See post below yours for a more detailed answer. ;)

Battlecat: Thanks! And glad your back and caught up. :)

Adrian (adroman): Thanks! Also you had a black hawk on a blank lot, could you email that to me? Thanks.

976: Thanks! And I had been waiting all day to reach 500! Lol. :D

Thomas Neto: Thanks!

Glowbal: Thankyou!

Ryan (carkid1998): Lol. Thanks! Is okay if you are a lurker, I lurk on most forums I read anyway! :D

Evillions8: Thanks! And yes I knew. But I don't think your allowed two accounts here on Sc4Devotion though; there is another Evillions here, is that your account as well?

danielcote: Thanks!

Over the week Atrubia hosted an expo for ships. It started last Wednesday and ended today (Sunday).

Day One: Leaders Arrive, Opening Ceremony, Atrubian Showcase

This is copied direcctly from the website (so some of you this may be a bit of a repeat).

This morning the League Leaders and national representatives, John Wolkenland(head of the embassy of Shienar), King Peter III (of Isporos), Judith Bayley (deputy Mayor of the Thames District), and I have still not recieved a PM back from Wood so I am assuming King Zachary will be attending, landed at Riyadh International Airport at around 8 AM this morning. Atrubian President Abijad Aljakar sent a private jet to each patron.

Day One: Leaders arrive, Opening Ceremonies, and Atrubian Showcase.

The Leaders then met with Abijad for over two hours of entertaining at the runway observaion room (privately rented for this occasion). Then they all went on privately owned Bombardier CRJ's to Islandia National airport. Where they proceded to land and were driven to the expo.

The day then proceded with the opening ceremony as the President spoke to open the ceremony, at the newest Atrubian Embassy.* The Leaders then went on a tour of each boat and ate lunch on the oldest ship in Atrubia, the H.M.S. Arthur Vandelay.**



There is an expansive marina here and on the left of the picture you can see there is a water taxi service.

There is many hotels here that seem to have sprung up over night.

There is also a seaplane flyby of the show so you can see it from the air.

This ship is one of the two surviving WWII ships in the Atrubian Navy.

And the very newest...

The biggest Cruse Liner in the world, the St. Anne, is here for the Expo.

And the Dina Caliente. A ship given to Atrubia by Mexico.

Old and new... What progress we have made!

Day Two: Shienar Showcase, Air Show, Fireworks Display

Welcome to day two of the Islandia Watercraft Exposition! Today started off as a great day for the League Leaders and Representatives (from now on I will refer to both groups as just the leaders) with a two hour plane ride over the expo and a little trip over new developments in Abid Jakartin and a more distinguished look at Riyadh International.

The Shienar Military Ships were toured today and included: an Aircraft Carrier*, an LHA Ship** (basically a smaller carrier), and a warship***.




The day then turned into night and the leaders then had dinner at the top floor of the new embassy.

Then everyone went to the nightclub to watch the fireworks.

Later that night everyone went to the conference room for a small airshow demonstration of Atrubia's new aircraft, the X-20. The show went on without a problem as the fighters easily dodged the fireworks that were part of the show.

Day Three: Isporos Showcase, Embassy's Official Opening

Today the Isporos Showcase took place and there were about 45 small personal craft they sent to the show. All were parked at the marina.

Then there was a submarine drive by by the Isporos Military. No one, however, was permitted on the vessel since it is a prototype and is still under development. The ship was escorted by two Atrubian Military Ships.

Later in the day another Atrubian navy ship arrived at the show. The AN Foster.

At around 5pm Abijad Aljakar officially opened the embassy to the public*. And later that night, another fireworks show** made in Photoshop by me (the last was made by our good friend Glowbal).



Day Four: Deep Sea Fishing Trip, Lower Columbia Showcase

Today started off fairly gloomy as a torrential downpour of rain battered the expo. With most of the morning like this, the expo really drew on into the night as stores compesated with longer open hours.

But by midday the weather cleared and the Leaders tour some of Lower Columbia's boats at the expo. All of which were built by Keller Marine Architecture.

Then, everyone. went on a deep sea fishing trip on Abijad's Presidential Yacht. The boat was also built by Keller Marine Architecture.

Shown above is the boat going past the last bouy on its way out to sea.

By late that night everyone had a great day fishing. Out of everyone there, King Zachary caught the most fish. They all soon went out to dinner at one of the restaurants in this elegant building.

Day Five: Thames Showcase, Closing Ceremony

Much different from yesterday, today started off very sunny.

Early in the morning, the Classic Regatta pulled in here from The Thames District.

Later the Leaders toured a ship that carries cars all over Atrubia.

The League Leaders talked much of the day and ate one last dinner together at the Annebalin.

They talked into the night* to look at the last fireworks** to close the expo.




Then that next morning everyone went to the airport*. But this time they would fly to the newly opened Abid Jakartin International Airport. Please check back later today for pics of the new airport.

Then everyone went on their planes to go back to their home countries. The jumbo jets were offered to leaders of the countries the people were from.

There should be another update here sometime tonight.


My new MD. Check it out if you wish.

Adrian, I miss you man.


Great job on the last update. However, the sea water seems too shallow for the ships, especially for that submarine!
Visit my MD, The region of Pirgos!
Last updated: 28 November


Looks nice! &apls

And yes I'm Evillions, Somehow, I entered the right password and its not letting me log in. :(  So I ended up creating another account. &mmm  Is it possible for your nation to have a war agianst my nation?


Now, that's a watercraft explosion!  There's so much ships I've never seen before!  I've got to really dig deeper into the STEX/LEX.

The City & County of Honolulu, a Mayor Diary based on Honolulu, Hawai'i.

mark's memory address - I've created a blog!

Earth quake

Excellent update. &apls
The marina and the "atrubian embassy are really impressive and beautiful. :thumbsup:
Beside the firework is really splendid. 


OMG,that is a big update!i loved your naval ships,and my favorite pic is that with the parisian building(porkissimo stuff  ;))
Tu és
Time de tradição,raça,amor e paixão,
Ó meu mengo...
Eu,sempre te amarei,
Onde estiver estarei
Ó meu mengo

KoV Liberty


Update 50: Abid Jakartin International

io_bg: Thanks! I agree it is a bit shallow but the flora wont show up as well if it were any deeper.

Evillions8: Thanks. Hmm, tha is wierd. Well, why don't you ask Robin (rooker1) to reset your password. He/she is a moderator. And as I said before and on Simtrop, no. Atrubia is a peacful country and we will keep it that way.

Sumwonyuno: Yeah! Many ships are also availiable on Japanese sites.

Earth Quake: Thankyou!

Luke09: Thankyou! A lot of time (and photobucket space :D) went into all those.

Hey everyone! I'm back! :D Lol. Anyways, here is the new update I promised.

First off is an overview of the new airport. The old one was COMPLETELY demolished and a beautiful boardwalk replaces it. However, the boardwalk is still under construction.

Concourse one...

Concourse two...

Concourse one actually has its own airport hotel. But this is much more realistic than in Riyadh.

The new terminals serve..


CRJ's (the first in Atrubia).

737's and A320's. The 737 is on the bottom and the A320 on top.

There is some terminal overpasses over the avenues, one way roads, and roads in the terminals.

There are some "finger-like" terminals here in the airports which serve CRJ's.

Last, but not least, is a look at my newest warehouses to be released under the SCAG name. These will be of: better quality, better menu placement, and pretty much better everything.

And thats it! Hope you all enjoyed it!


My new MD. Check it out if you wish.

Adrian, I miss you man.


And congratulations on another amazing airport from Artubia. I also can't believe that you managed to fit in all that watercraft.


Nice airport you have here.I will make a request now ok?Can you show an overview of this citytile(the airport's one)?
Tu és
Time de tradição,raça,amor e paixão,
Ó meu mengo...
Eu,sempre te amarei,
Onde estiver estarei
Ó meu mengo


2010.8.4 - I get on SC4D with PSP. So cool.:D
2010.8.14 - I can get on the Internet at home.:)


Excellent updates Alex. I have a feeling, that Atrubia might be getting its own regional airline, sometime oh so soon. I expect to have a little present for you in a few days time.

Those warehouse lots are very nice as well, but I think they look a little bit too 'busy'. Maybe with about two thirds the number of truck and car props? I don't know, they're very nice anyway.
SimCity Aviation Group
I miss you, Adrian


Wow, 2 extensive updates. I love your port and the international airport, great work!  &apls &apls
One question though: how do you get to the island? I can't see a bridge or anything, is the transportation underground?



That airport is.. well.. one of the best I've ever seen, to be honest.  ;)

KoV Liberty

Quote from: BarbarossaS on November 02, 2009, 02:07:42 AM
Is the transportation underground?

Yes. It utilizes the NAM FLUPs to get from teminal to terminal. But, it is, unfortunately, non-functional.

My new MD. Check it out if you wish.

Adrian, I miss you man.


Fantastic pair of updates!  Everything looks so great, it's hard to choose something to highlight!  I'll just have to say that everything looks superb!

Congratulations on your promotion to Classics, you've certainly earned it with the high quality of work you've put into this project.   &apls

Keep up the amazing work, I'm looking forward to seeing what else you've got in the works here!


One of the most impressive airports I've ever seen. Bravo!  &apls