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Cascadia: A Light in the Pacific (Mar. 1, 2012)

Started by canyonjumper, December 12, 2009, 02:33:35 PM

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I reconise part of that mosaic:)  Funny thing, when I saw that pic in the Picture Competion I thought that there was something really wrong with the beach, shoreline, EVERYTHING!!!.  I couldn't put my finger on it but I thought something was odd about that beach......   There I was wondering,  why is the water white by the shoreline?  The rocks and logs look like they are floating above water! NO MAXIS WAVES,  that's it!!! Stupid me, I did not have those Maxis waves there to tell me where the shoreline was :D.  I had thought the white part was the "underwater texture" and where Maxis would have their waves would be right where the grass and flowers end.  So I must ask, where did the maxis waves go?  Photoshopped? A Mod that removes it?

Sorry for the unusual comment, but it was one of those moments where I laughed at myself and said "Wow, Now i see it".  That being said, I wish I could take my vote back in the Pic Comp :(  Now that "I see it" that beach is very nice and I just love the paths going from the houses down to what I now reconise as the beach :D.


[Edit]  Accually I did manage to change my vote, no one voted after me ;)

!!!!GO HABS GO!!!!


The shoreline detailing is excellent. I like that style. The coastal road with the scattered houses look very realistic.  My only criticism is that the water color is too bright for my taste.
My name is Raphael.
Visit my MD: Empire Bay (My old MD: Santa Barbara County)


 &apls &apls Very nice beach. Which one is it . A mod from you ?


Awesome rural coastline there can't wait for more


Tomas Neto

Wow...., the color of the water is fantastic!!! Beautiful beach, really awesome, and very nice forest too!!!  &apls &apls



What a difference between the two waterfronts from your updates. The first one is as packed with buildings as is possible the next one is looking like the perfect holiday spot. I must say great work on both occasions.


Nedal (nedalezz): Thanks! I got the idea to do a beach from your MD.

djvandrake: Thanks!

Battlecat: Thank you very much!

Matt (MattyFo): Yeah, the waves were draining my CPU, so I turned them off in the Settings. Sorry for the confusion. There is a pic with waves and darker water in the Comp Thread.

Rick (RickD): Thanks Rick

kimcar: Thank you! No its not mine, it's DK Cyan from Rivits Coastal Modd. I wish it was mine, its so well done.

Will (penguin007): Thank you, Will!

Tomas (Tomas Neto): Thank you, my friend :D!

Scott (scott1964): Thanks!

Gjermund (kwakelaar): Thank you! Yes it is rather a large difference :D.

Back to Bonner City this time! Made some progress on the downtown/waterfront area, and the marina.

Oakridge Place, quite possibly my favourite BAT. You will see it alot in this MD.

The school complex. I've used SimGoober's excellent Enyati School lots here.

I'v removed the board walk, and replaced it with a small boat pontoon.

'Nother shot of downtown/waterfront.

The marina, with the immediate area filled in. The tall buildings have been demo'd, as I felt they did not fit the feel of the area.

The exit leading into Bonner City

And a collection of interchanges. I've upgraded the highway to 8 lanes. All functional.




That's all for now. Hope you enjoyed the nineteenth update of Cascadia. Also, Cascadia is also at CSGforums, so feel free to check it out.

           Your friend,
                          Jordan :thumbsup:
I'm the one who jumped across the Grand Canyon... and lived.


Tomas Neto

Cascadia is a wonderful place, amazingly beautiful!!! Awesome update my friend!!!  &apls


Lots of progress and looks good.  Can't wait to see it fill out.  Great stuff.


Great stuff, Jordan!! &apls  I really like your highways!


!!!!GO HABS GO!!!!


Great highways. And nice to see you used the Enyati schools. Those BATs are quite old but still very good.
My name is Raphael.
Visit my MD: Empire Bay (My old MD: Santa Barbara County)


 &apls &aplsExcellenmt update once again. Thanks for the link too . It`s appreciate :thumbsup:


This business district is coming together very nicely!  Great selection of buildings!



You've really put together a gorgeous CBD here, my friend. Excellent job, Jordan.

I'll be by more oftenm I promise.



Nice work again there can't wait for more



Scott (scott1964): Thank you!

Tomas (Tomas Neto): I want it to be ;D Thanks!

djvandrake: Filled out it shall be ;D Thank you!

Matt (MattyFo): Thank you!

Rick (Rick D): Thanks! Yes they are ;D

kimcar: Thank you, and your welcome!

Battlecat: Thank you! It's always great to read your comments ;D

976: Thanks!

Ethan (ecoba): Thanks Ethan! Your comments are always welcome, no matter when you post ;D

Will (penguin007): Thank you!

Sorry for the delay between updates. I've been busy with school, and Reach For The Top, plus life threw me a curveball. I've also been busy over at CSGforums. And my laptop was doing interesting things, like crashing. But I fixed my scanner this morning, so I drew some maps, scanned them, and uploaded them just for you ;D. I also wrote some history about why the boundaries are the way they are.


In 2017, the North American War, fueled by border disputes and water supplies, splits Canada and the US into several countries. Cascadia was neutral, and remained out of the fighting. The US is split into the Confederation of the Great Plains, And the United States, while joins the Maritime provinces of Canada to form Acadia. Canada is split into Quebec, Newfoundland, acadia, while ontario, the praire provinces, and the territories remain in Canada

Cascadia gave its provinces more power, in order to prevent it's own breakup. In effect, Cascadia became like the UK, in the way that each province was basically a country, tied to a central government. The former American state of Alaska joined the Confederation in 2024, in a smaller scale border skirmish with Russia. Hawai'i joined in November of that year after it felt threatened by China after it declared war on the US (the US had allegedly denied access to the Chinese leader). Baja California and Baja California Sur joined after the third Mexican Civil War (2022 - 2026).

In June of 2027, British Columbia had grown to the point where the gov't could not handle the population effectively, so it split into several different provinces (Stikine, Fraser, Cariboo, Okanagan, Vancouver Island).

The current event everybody is talking about is the impending war between Russia and China. Details have surfaced that say Russia has been in talks with the Mongolians about a possible annexation. China is furious because the Mongolians were meeting with them about the same issue.






Hope you enjoyed this installment of Cascadia!

                         -Jordan :thumbsup:
I'm the one who jumped across the Grand Canyon... and lived.


An interesting update, Jordan. I like the 'prediction of the future' you've given us, as it seems like the US and China will probably get into a war eventually. (Due to the US owing China trillions of dollars and not paying them...) One thing I must point out however, is that the UK is a Unitary government, the divisions have no real power, other than voting for the lords of parliament. Also, with the United States redrawns I must admit that I am not pleased with Florida getting larger, Georgia should get all of that land!  :D  $%Grinno$%
