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BAT Showcase

Started by mattb325, February 01, 2007, 04:07:43 PM

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keep up the good work :) You are probably one of my favorite BAT modellers. My cities tend to be small, most people like the BAT huge towers, your BATs fit in quite well. Your single family houses are amazing, my suburbs have never been the same :)


Thankyou everyone, I'm glad you like the last building. (jpj_starfleet - only 108? When I was in Vegas last July/August it was 120 with about 80% humidity  :-[  - It's a fun town though)

Moving south south west from Exhibition Rd we land at Lennox Gardens in Kensington. Some very pretty 5 floor terraces overlook the small common:

In typical Queen Anne style it blends italianate (the balustrades) with dutch and parisienne sensibilities.


hello mattb

so its cold and windy down under...? I don't miss it, as its a rainy humid moody day here in NE-WI...  $%Grinno$%

I enjoy watching the choice of subjects to add to your expanding collection...  :thumbsup:

however, I have a few questions concerning British evolution with its architecture and sensibilities -being an american some of those things elude me...  ;)

...multi level stories, steps from room to hall, the closing of all doors behind one self, all doors facing out onto a central hall are all closed all the time, the sensibility of guests in a 'waiting room parlor' before moving into a sitting room, then everything is 'mashed-up' along and around a commons, space is so small, narrow dark steep stairways, small rooms, etc

much of the questions derive from observations from viewing British TV and reading several British authors... so if you have any ideas as to whys and what fores... just some curiosity musings on my part...

...also do you guys get snow much where you are?  :sunny:

Jack  8-)


Hi Jack

I thought I'd answer your questions before the post gets too buried in the general forum...

The last decent snowfall in Sydney was 1986; you get some other isolated events each year (it snowed a couple of years ago in the Northern suburbs), but as a rule Sydney has temperatures similar to the central & north coast of California but with high rainfall all year long. Cold is relative -  for Australians it is a day where the temperature is in the 40s. This is positively tropical compared to what most of central/North Eastern US registers in winter.

As for the UK, what struck me most when I lived there was how class conscious much of London was - it often mattered just as much as to who you parents and grandparents were, which school you went to (or even which school they went to) as opposed to what you were actually doing at this moment.

Londoners, do in general occupy quite limited space: in fact the average London home occupies fewer square meters than a home in Tokyo. While I believe that these large terraces were built for wealthy families in the 1800s, and would have been very spacious back then (even with a handful of live in servants occupying the basement and attic floors) very quickly in the 20th Century these homes were carved up into multi family dwellings with one or more flat per floor, which is what they are now. All of the single family terraces in this part of London are generally confined to the lanes (or Mews) behind the main streets.

The preoccupation with closing doors, having specific rooms for a purpose, etc is completely antiquated nowdays....but the likely reason was born of necessity.

Living in terraces (even here in Sydney) the thing you notice most is how cold they can become in winter. Given that these homes only really have windows on two sides, if your terrace happens to face east-west rather than north-south it will be cold in winter. Closing doors ensures that you can retain warmth from a lit fire - and in all terraces there was a fireplace in every room.

Also, all of these large homes had servants during the Victorian era, so doors were kept closed as a general rule: Victorian era living had a plethora of rules about which parts of the house a guest may or may not enter and generally the parlour (or reception room) at the front was as far as most guests ever ventured. Even the central staircase (which was visible from the front door and ebtry hall) had an archway built in so that a curtain or damask could be drawn to ensure that a guest could not look beyond the reception room  &mmm

The one thing that is best about London are the central commons which have given rise to many graciously curved streets with grand sweeping homes - without these commons though, London would be a concrete jungle


These terraces are looking great  :thumbsup: there's still a big lack of UK W2W buildings, not much has been batted in this department since the times of gascooker...

Visit my new MD: Emerita Augusta 1910 - http://sc4devotion.com/forums/index.php?topic=15184.0


I am very excited for these! Hope you stick with these for awhile!


Thankyou Carlos and baconrocky - moving along to Cadogan Square which has some highly complex examples of this dutch revival queen anne style.

This one is a corner building:


And I am extremely thankful for these corner townhomes, not only are they one of my favourite styles, they are practical and extremely needed for the game. I can butter you up with favourable comments but I'll let you go to work. Thanks so much :)


You seem to be going through a very prolific period at the moment.  I'm very happy that it coincides with an interest in London buildings and am really looking forward to seeing these new buildings in my cities.
Call me Richard


All your creations are wonderful!  When will these new ones be released?


Thanks guys...I suppose I have been punching these out lately  :) One day I'll get back into playing the game!

Regarding release dates, I will package these up and will probably release in one hit....

While cleaning out some GMAX files (I had about 500!!!!) I stumbled across a few unfinished BATS and decided to render them before clearing them off to a back up drive.

It is certainly not your typical London BAT, but rather one of those hi-tech/suburban office things....

Will probably release as a CO$$$, but maybe an IH-T as well if people want that.


Quote from: mattb325 on July 27, 2010, 10:26:28 PM
Will probably release as a CO$$$, but maybe an IH-T as well if people want that.

That looks great!  I think this would definitely make a good IH-T.   :thumbsup:


I agree with ScottFTL, a new IT would be good
anyway the BAT itself is very nice, good things that you decided to upload former BAT which stayed on the boxes   ;D

good job, quality is always here
The Floraler

This is the end, hold your breath and count to ten, feel the earth move, and then...

*   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *    *   *   *   *   *    * 


...now thats a neat architectural departure from the usual; I like it...  :thumbsup:

Thank-you for sharing all the releases that have been coming to the LEX, as they have enriched my sim-cities a whole lot  &apls


Hey Matt - nice roof texture. Very original.
Jim Myers  (5th member of SC4 Devotion)


Thanks everyone

I have made the Nokia building an IHT as well as per your suggestions, so will test to see if it grows....

Regarding the roof texture, it was a very old one (that came with the BAT I think) I've had it for a while and use it often, but always with a few different, and judicial smudges and the like around the roof junk....I have attached the base version of the texture for anyone who wants it.

Not much to say about the next BAT...it's that modern south-western US/Californian/Adobe fusion style of architecture that's popped up everywhere....and, given that the sims are such shocking drivers, I have made it a AAA insurance office.


the nightlights on those look awesome (and day shots too, but night looks better to me)


Hey Mattb325

...now that's a neat project, I also like that fusion style,

I'd like to see a few in that fusion style as fast food/noodles/Taco Hut/eateries or even as a professional suite of overpriced dentists and doctors and or insurance places as it is now... then to make a small suburban shop center with a McD's or something in an out-lot... just something to muse over  ::)  $%Grinno$%

However, you have pending projects already, and so I wouldn't want to bog ya down with a wish list too, so... whatever you have in mind to do...  :thumbsup:

I enjoy your projects so I hope to continue seeing/plopping more  :thumbsup:



Oh dear - a small shopping centre....now you've started something  $%Grinno$%

Obviously these are test lots, but will be released seperately...as I continue to add pieces, I can make a single mega lot...I'm sort of thinking of the Del Mar district of S California as inspiration....


Nice! Quite the original design compared to the rest of the small sized mall designs available.