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Nexis Works

Started by mrbisonm, May 12, 2009, 11:44:34 AM

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Seems like you overdid the second chamfer, you have to do it just enought to give it more smoothness but not so much as to cross vertexes. Just keep practicing. Once you have 2 chamfers (like the pic I make in the previous post), go to the polygon submenu, select all polygons and then at the bottom of the sidebar shoud be surface properties, play with the auto smooth (write a number and click on the button).

Visit my new MD: Emerita Augusta 1910 - http://sc4devotion.com/forums/index.php?topic=15184.0


Quote from: DebussyMan on July 26, 2012, 06:32:47 PM
.... play with the auto smooth (write a number and click on the button).

May I know what number you typed for the model above??? Any number in my window do not smoothen it much, as a matter of fact, hardly.



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For a cylinder with a 10m radius, 50 should be enough.

Visit my new MD: Emerita Augusta 1910 - http://sc4devotion.com/forums/index.php?topic=15184.0


Quote from: DebussyMan on July 26, 2012, 07:01:22 PM
For a cylinder with a 10m radius, 50 should be enough.

Thanks so much, it worked!!! Really appreciated. ;)


....Uploading the MFP 1.... (.........Finishing the MFP1)


I know, it's been a while, but hey, RL has been biting me heavily since spring and time became a matter of my wealth and health. I am sorry for that, I had some busy times and also some problems with customers and stupid laws. Sometimes law can be a real pain in the a**, especially when you haven't been informed properly. Anyways, after having spent a few K$'s this summers on "stupid laws" (lol) and worked hard like an idiot, I am back almost fulltime (still got to take of my family/home/farm now. At least until spring I will be steady.

I still hope that this project, the MFP (Modern Farm Project) will be ready before the new year. Let's see what I can do. If not, well, it'll be shortly after ;)

I have been working a little (on/off) this project all during the summer and fall, but I must be honest, not very much was achieved. I started a lot of things, but never finished them, so here I come, it's time to finish what I started.

The Main Farm Buildings are almost ready, some very minor adjustments and they will be off to FrankU as finals. So are the Manure Packs. Right now I am wortking on the sheds, machinery/accessories and the silos.

So to give you a Preview of what's coming up, here are two teasers (not quite finished, but looking good already.) I will be delivering you updates once or twice (or more) a week now.

FrankU, when the time comes , please tell me if themodels are to your (general) liking, but please....do not be too difficult, since I have lotsa models to finish (I think something still like 60 or so) ;)

Model 101, is an open shed, but it exists in 3 versions (models3different sizes), plus one closed version, both in 3 to 4 different texture/colour versions.


Another form of shed is the domeshaped, Model 103, again there are 2 version, short and long in 2 textured versions each. Shown here is the short version.


Hope you like them, I will be back soon with more pics. Leave comments please, no matter if positive or negative, every comment will be studied and considered. Thanks,


....Uploading the MFP 1.... (.........Finishing the MFP1)


Hope your problems are away, and you will recover a better situation.

Regarding the props, they are nice, no problems of texture tiling, details are here. Somethings maybe typical from North America but could fit in European rural scenes.

Keep going on this way  ;)
The Floraler

This is the end, hold your breath and count to ten, feel the earth move, and then...

*   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *    *   *   *   *   *    * 


Thanks Girafe, I made my models hopefully to fit both continents or even multinational. I surely don't have the time to make them with every continent in mind......lol

Anyways, I am looking for farm machinery/equipment 3ds or gmax models to insert into my buildings. I couldn't find much on the internet. Anyone knows where to get them ?

I have done some, more or less simple ones,(see models above) but again I do not have the time to start making equipments and tractors etc on top of all what I have in mind to make.

That would be greatly appreciated. Thanks


....Uploading the MFP 1.... (.........Finishing the MFP1)


Hi Fred,

Good news!
I hope all went well with or withour the laws and it's lawyers.... Hopefully the amount of k$ was spent well and will be a source of new returns.

Models both look splendid. I am just still not sure if you should make the props inside and next to the sheds as parts of the models. Especially the open shed would be fun to be filled with my own choice of props. But hey, if you deliver them like this I will certainly use them.
And the half round shed is not very common in the Netherlands, but they surely are to be found here and there, so I'll use them as well.
The color of the green is a bit too saturated to my taste.
We call them Romney sheds, named after their inventor, if I am informed corretly. They came this way from the States after World War 2.


Quote from: FrankU on December 03, 2012, 03:58:21 AM
Hi Fred,

Good news!
I hope all went well with or withour the laws and it's lawyers.... Hopefully the amount of k$ was spent well and will be a source of new returns.

Models both look splendid. I am just still not sure if you should make the props inside and next to the sheds as parts of the models. Especially the open shed would be fun to be filled with my own choice of props. But hey, if you deliver them like this I will certainly use them.
And the half round shed is not very common in the Netherlands, but they surely are to be found here and there, so I'll use them as well.
The color of the green is a bit too saturated to my taste.
We call them Romney sheds, named after their inventor, if I am informed corretly. They came this way from the States after World War 2.

Hey Frank, well the lawsuit that I had came out pretty well although it has cost me little fortune to get things straight And those american lawyers... oh my, real a**h*les if you ask me. Anyway, it is the time that I spent on this that has bothered me most, almost a year. Besides, and top of all this, I had one of the busiest years in Canada and Northern Europe this year.

Concerning the models, well, here is another "problem". I realized that making the model with the instruments inside is a lot easier and faster than adjusting the freaking LODs that I have enormous troubles with. You will just have to accept it, since for me, it is impossible to make custom LODs inside a building,( unless you want to wait another year....lol).
No..... jokes by side, Making LODs right into a model is way out of my capacities, unless there's someone out there who is willing to do this for us. I could make the model, send it and have him/her make the LODs, then texture, then render.....but, I don't think anyone will have the time and the willingness to do this for all those models.
I will make some outside LODs though when absolutely needed, which are a lot easier and are more or less a lot less timeconsuming. Although I have the freetime, I don't want to spend it entirely on LODding, taking the chance to loose interest in my Modern Farm Proppack.(MFP)

I will check the green on the round shed, maybe I find something better. About the model being more north-american, true, but these models will serve for euro and northamerican as much as possible. As you said, you folks on the old continent surely have something familiar and will be able to use them also. I will try too keep the models "international" as much as I can. In the barn pack already are almost 40 to 45 % of the models European.

Lat night I made another model, more dutch or euro I hope (example from one your pictures), I will probably finish it tonight and show a picture of it later. I will also send you a model file that I want you to test. It is an empty shed (open door), you can test it for "inside" ploppables, but mostly I would like to know your opinion on the scale. Once you agreed on it, then I will have a base to make all the others the same scale. I personnally think it should be ok, but then as you know, I hate scaling for SC4 and haven't been totally satisfied yet with anything I made. ;) Please do not forget that the big red Maxis tractor is totally out of scale and don't use it as comparison.


Anyone out there knows where to find machinery models in 3DS or gmax?????? Thanks


....Uploading the MFP 1.... (.........Finishing the MFP1)


Great work so far!!!!! What kind of machinery are you thinking of?
Angels can fly because they don't take themselves too serious!


Quote from: rambuckel on December 03, 2012, 01:49:04 PM
Great work so far!!!!! What kind of machinery are you thinking of?

Anything that can be found on a farm, such as tractors, plowing, harvesting and haying implements, trailers etc.

I just want to have some stuff to put partially into my machinerysheds, because making the LOD's for the inside of a shed is too complicated for me.


....Uploading the MFP 1.... (.........Finishing the MFP1)


The Floraler

This is the end, hold your breath and count to ten, feel the earth move, and then...

*   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *    *   *   *   *   *    * 


Quote from: Girafe on December 03, 2012, 05:00:23 PM

lol...yeah, I saw that one, but like I said, it's gotta be 3ds or gmax, I don't have scetchup and these files do NOT work (transfer) in gmax.  &mmm

Here are three more models that I am about to finish.

M105 in two versions, but I will make probably 4 different in all, because this is a common model among farms all over the world.



This model below, the M107, I have started only tonight (just to give you an idea on what I am working on at the moment), every form was quite new to make for me, took me a few hrs already only to figure out how to do the halfdomes. I haven't seen this shed model before irl, but FrankU showed some pics (link below in our Co-op thread about half way down the page), so I made it. IT's supposed to be Dutch. I only did two compartments, since 4 like on the picture, I find a little too big.



I will be back tomorrow. Thanks for the help and feedback from everyone.


....Uploading the MFP 1.... (.........Finishing the MFP1)


Hi Fred,

Well, what you cannot do, you cannot do. We will work with what you can achieve. No problem.

The new sheds look great.

The 105B model is beautiful in grey. The 105C with whitish brick/blocks is really ugly, although the shingles are beautiful. I don't hope this kind is used in real life????;D
If you could make this shed in greenish metal walls and/or bricks like the piggeries they will be very very useful too.
As roofs you could use cladding in grey, dark grey and maybe wave shaped "asbestos" cladding. I don't know what the stuf is called in english. It's originally a material made of asbestos fibers and cement. Nowadays the asbestos is left out and you see a kind of cement and fibers mixture. The waves are about 10-15 cm wide, the material is matte grey and on older barns you see greenish moss and algae grow on them.

The M107B is getting nice. But remember: this barn is made of a brick or concrete bottom (about the first meter above ground) and the sides and roof are half transparent foil (dark grey or black). The sides are open most of the time and the front often has metal cladding (black usually) and doors (of course). So you can see the cows inside. It's not easy, but if you succeed it will be gorgeous.
And two compartments is great. I can always put two props next to each other if I want a really huge barn.

I have an idea: maybe it is possible that you make this barn out of two models: one is the half domed roofs, semi transparent, and the other model is just walls and a floor. Then it is possible to add JeStarrsor Manchou cows into them. Then in LE we put the roof on the groundmodel. No tinkering with LODs... Is that something to consider?

And yes, it's possible that this is uniquely Dutch. It is a barn that was invented here some time ago as a result of new farming ideas concerning animal health, our climate, our mineral deposit laws, our kind of feeding etc. etc.
But you certainly may copy it if you like. It's just not useful for colder climates: your cows will freeze in winter.

Good luck!


The recent models are looking great Fred  &apls  Hope all your lawyer dealings are soon put behind you  :thumbsup:


Hi Fred, I could offer you a tractor and some mowing - equipment (can be seen somewhere in Framlys MD) as well as the maize-harvester + trailers.
There also is a wooden hay waggon somewhere in my folders ....

If that would help please let me know!
Angels can fly because they don't take themselves too serious!


Quote from: rambuckel on December 04, 2012, 08:31:35 AM
Hi Fred, I could offer you a tractor and some mowing - equipment (can be seen somewhere in Framlys MD) as well as the maize-harvester + trailers.
There also is a wooden hay waggon somewhere in my folders ....

If that would help please let me know!

Wunderbar! Just great, I would be honored to include these into my models, of course, you will be fully credited once created and uploaded. Thank You.
When you find them, send them to one of my e-mails and mention the word «Nexis» in the title, so it won't be filtered out. There's no rush. I have sent you my e-mail address in PM.

Nochmals Vielen Dank. Jetzt schulde ich Dir. ;)

Quote from: noahclem on December 04, 2012, 07:25:48 AM
The recent models are looking great Fred  &apls  Hope all your lawyer dealings are soon put behind you  :thumbsup:

Thanks, the complications are over now, hopefully for ever. ;) There's only one more check to sign, not much of significence. The next home I will build in the US will be 50K more expensive.....lol


....Uploading the MFP 1.... (.........Finishing the MFP1)


New models look great Fred, keep it up!  :thumbsup:
time flies like a bird
fruit flies like a banana


Fred, it's great to see you back again. The BATs look great as always. I can't wait till Frank can use the final version in his lots.
Do you want some help by making LODs for the barns in order to be able to put other props inside? Maybe I can help you. I don't have a lot of time before Christmas, but I don't think it's that much work. If you want, you can send the 3ds max files and I'll see what I can do.
Keep up with your models. :)



Hey mave94, your offer sounds interesting. I will have to wait for FrankU to have tested one model for the scale first and then scale all the others and of course also finish and finalize them. There might be two to four models where it could be nice to have custom LODs. Thank you for your offer, I will surely get back to you. ;)

Quote from: FrankU on December 04, 2012, 01:48:00 AM

I have an idea: maybe it is possible that you make this barn out of two models: one is the half domed roofs, semi transparent, and the other model is just walls and a floor. Then it is possible to add JeStarrsor Manchou cows into them. Then in LE we put the roof on the groundmodel. No tinkering with LODs... Is that something to consider?

Well Frank, there will be still a need for custom LODs, even if the roof is transparent, it won't be easier, but I will surely try it out, who knows, maybe I can do this. ;)

Now, I had a quick look around the SC4 sites but I didn't find a tutorial on how to make things transparent. Does anyone have a link or direction?
And hey, don't laugh at me, although I am BATting for years now, I never had the chance to make something "glassy" yet.



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